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Ammonia has a short residence time in the atmosphere and rapidly neutralizes acid gases that occur near its source, requiring a rapid measurement system for ammonia and particulate ammonium concentrations to better understand their sources, temporal variation of ammonia emissions, and the formation of secondary ammonium aerosols. A semi-continuous measurement system, consisting of a diffusion scrubber, a particle growth chamber, an air-liquid separator, and a fluorescent detector, was developed to determine both gaseous ammonia (NH3) and particulate ammonium (NH 4 + ) in PM2.5 in the ambient atmosphere of Gwangju, South Korea, during the months of March, April, July, and September of 2007. During the sampling periods, the average concentrations of ammonia and ammonium were found to be 2.33?±?1.29 μg/m3 and 1.89?±?0.99 μg/m3, respectively. Although the average gaseous ammonia concentration was highest in March, the particulate ammonium concentration was higher during the warmer season, reaching 2.08?±?1.07 μg/m3 and 2.32?±?0.94 μg/m3 in April and July, respectively, while only 1.68?±?0.61 μg/m3 in March and 1.24?±?0.99 μg/m3 in September. It is proposed that the higher availability of acid species during the warmer months produced a significant amount of particulate ammonium sulfate. Diurnal fluctuation of ammonia and ammonium during the warmer months showed that their peak time occurred at approximately 10:00 am. Both ammonia and ammonium concentrations were better correlated during the warmer months than during the cooler months. Further, the data suggest that the ammonia and ammonium were measured under well dispersed conditions, and multiple sources contributed to the ammonia at the sampling site.  相似文献   
-The hydrodynamic forces on a smooth inclined circular cylinder exposed to oscillating flow were experimentally investigated at Reynolds number (Re) in the range 40000-200000 and Keulegan-Capenter number (KC) in the interval from 5-40. In the test, Re number and KC number were varied systematically. The inertia force coefficient (Cu) and the drag force coefficient (CD) in Morison equation were determined from the measured loads and the water particle kinematics. In this analysis a modified form of Morison equation was used since it uses the normal velocity and acceleration. Thus, the applicability of the Cross Flow Principle was assumed. This principle, simply stated, is as follows: the force acting in the direction normal to the axis of a cylinder placed at some oblique angle with the direction of flow is expressed in terms of the normal component of flow only, and the axial component is disregarded. Both the total in-line force coefficient (CF) and transverse force (lift) coefficient (Cf) were analyzed  相似文献   
为解决辽西地区干旱缺水问题,通过卫星遥感与地面物探相结合的工作方式,研究了水文地质信息提取方法及其应用技术,并在辽西地区开展了初步应用。结果表明,卫星遥感技术不仅可以从宏观上掌握研究区地下水赋存规律,还可探测到常规方法难以发现的水文地质信息,通过卫星遥感技术可以缩小地面物探工作区的范围,该方法有效提高了地下水探测的工作效率及其准确性。此外,通过对电测深电阻率值的定量分析表明,当探测到的九佛堂组岩组电阻率介于18~22Ω·m之间时,该处富水的可能性极大,该方法可有效降低在九佛堂组中物探找水工作的难度。  相似文献   
利用中国科学院青藏高原研究所纳木错多圈层综合观测研究站在念青唐古拉峰扎当冰川垭口(30.47°N、90.65°E,5800m)和纳木错站(30.77°N、90.99°E,4730m)的逐日平均气温、相对湿度、气压等资料,与同期NCEP/NCAR再分析资料进行了对比分析,讨论了再分析资料在纳木错流域湖泊/冰川区气候变化研究中的适用性.结果表明:扎当冰川垭口和纳木错站气压再分析资料的可信度好于气温,相对湿度稍差:扎当冰川垭口气压和相对湿度再分析值与实测值的差值在冬季偏大,夏季偏小,气温则相反.在研究期间,总体上再分析资料在冰川区的可信度好于湖泊区,再分析资料能很好地反映该地区地面气压、气温和相对湿度的日变化特征,在应用到该地区气候变化的研究时应考虑地形的影响.  相似文献   
High-resolution ice core records covering long time spans enable reconstruction of the past climatic and environmental conditions allowing the investigation of the earth system’s evolution. Preprocessing of ice cores has direct impacts on the data quality control for further analysis since the conventional ice core processing is time-consuming, produces qualitative data, leads to ice mass loss, and leads to risks of potential secondary pollution. However, over the past several decades, preprocessing of ice cores has received less attention than the improvement of ice drilling, the analytical methodology of various indices, and the researches on the climatic and environmental significance of ice core records. Therefore, this papers reviews the development of the processing for ice cores including framework, design as well as materials, analyzes the technical advantages and disadvantages of the different systems. In the past, continuous flow analysis (CFA) has been successfully applied to process the polar ice cores. However, it is not suitable for ice cores outside polar region because of high level of particles, the memory effect between samples, and the filtration before injection. Ice core processing is a subtle and professional operation due to the fragility of the nonmetallic materials and the random distribution of particles and air bubbles in ice cores, which aggravates uncertainty in the measurements. The future developments of CFA are discussed in preprocessing, memory effect, challenge for brittle ice, coupling with real-time analysis and optimization of CFA in the field. Furthermore, non-polluting cutters with many different configurations could be designed to cut and scrape in multiple directions and to separate inner and outer portions of the core. This system also needs to be coupled with streamlined operation of packaging, coding, and stacking that can be implemented at high resolution and rate, avoiding manual intervention. At the same time, information of the longitudinal sections could be scanned and identified, and then classified to obtain quantitative data. In addition, irregular ice volume and weight can also be obtained accurately. These improvements are recorded automatically via user-friendly interfaces. These innovations may be applied to other paleomedias with similar features and needs.  相似文献   
《庄子·秋水》篇中有一则庄、惠“濠梁观鱼”的故事 ,比较典型地表现了庄子的认识论思想 ,从审美的方法入手 ,在境界的意义上来看待 ,庄子哲学实质上是一种审美化的哲学 ,注重的是宇宙与人合二而一的本体论 ,即审美之“境”。  相似文献   
中国西北干旱内陆河流域分布式出山径流模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to predict the futuristic runoff under global warming, and to approach to the effects of vegetation on the ecological environment of the inland river mountainous watershed of Northwest China, the authors use the routine hydrometric data to create a distributed monthly model with some conceptual parameters, coupled with GIS and RS tools and data. The model takes sub-basin as the minimal confluent unit, divides the main soils of the basin into 3 layers, and identifies the vegetation types as forest and pasture. The data used in the model are precipitation, air temperature, runoff, soil weight water content, soil depth, soil bulk density, soil porosity, land cover,etc. The model holds that if the water amount is greater than the water content capacity, there will be surface runoff. The actual evaporation is proportional to the product of the potential evaporation and soil volume water content. The studied basin is Heihe mainstream mountainous basin, with a drainage area of 10,009 km^2. The data used in this simulation are from Jan. 1980 to Dec. 1995, and the first 10 years‘ data are used to simulate, while the last 5 years‘ data are used to calibrate. For the simulation process, the Nash-Sutcliffe Equation, Balance Error and Explained Variance is 0.8681,5.4008 and 0.8718 respectively, while for the calibration process, 0.8799, -0.5974 and 0.8800 respectively. The model results show that the futuristic runoff of Heihe river basin will increase a little. The snowmelt, glacier meltwater and the evaportranspiration will increase. The air temperature increment will make the permanent snow and glacier area diminish, and the snowline will rise. The vegetation, especially the forest in Heihe mountainous watershed, could lead to the evapoWanspimtion decrease of the watershed, adjust the runoff orocess, and increase the soil water content.  相似文献   
基于累积相似度表面的空间权重矩阵构建方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨康  李满春  刘永学  程亮  陈焱明 《测绘学报》2012,41(2):259-265,272
将地理要素相似度定义为属性相似度与空间相似度,提出累积相似度表面的概念,引入曲线演化理论和快速行进方法生成累积相似度表面,构建空间权重矩阵。通过趋势面模拟数据与ASTER GDEM数字高程模型数据的实验分析证明,相比于利用欧氏距离等距离测度方法,通过累积相似度表面构建的空间权重矩阵综合考虑了地理要素的属性相似度与空间相似度,体现了地理要素的局部空间特征,能够更为准确地描述地理要素空间特征变化趋势。  相似文献   
Although there is a substantial amount of research on households’ hurricane evacuation decision making, there is much less research on the logistical issues involved in implementing those evacuations. The limited research on household evacuation logistics has consistently shown that most evacuees stay in the homes of friends and relatives or in commercial facilities rather than in public shelters. However, evacuation logistics—which can be defined as the activities and associated resources needed to reach a safe location and remain there until it is safe to return—encompasses a much broader range of behaviors than this. The present study extends previous research by reporting data on other aspects of evacuation logistics such as departure timing, vehicle use, evacuation routes, travel distance, shelter type, evacuation duration, and evacuation cost. Hurricane Lili evacuation data at the county level are generally consistent with the data from previous hurricanes, but there is notable variation across counties studied here. There were only modest correlations of demographic and geographic variables with the evacuation logistics variables, a result that indicates further research is needed to better understand what happens between the time an evacuation decision is made and the time re-entry is begun. Moreover, research is needed to understand the logistics of evacuation by special populations such as transients and households with disabled members.  相似文献   
邢会斌  陈昇  徐康  王卫强 《海洋学报》2021,43(12):26-37
本文采用SODA3.4.2再分析数据和POP2海洋模式研究了季风转换期间(春季和秋季)热带印度洋经向热输运异常(Meridional Heat Transport Anomaly, MHTA)的年际变异特征。春季MHTA存在两个主要模态,即一致模态和辐合辐散模态:一致模态表现为热带印度洋上层一致的向北输运,受热带印度洋海温一致模相关的赤道反对称风场(赤道以北/南为东北风/西北风异常)调控;辐合辐散模态则呈现关于赤道对称的表层辐散次表层辐合特征,受控于赤道以南的热带西南印度洋和副热带东南印度洋海温偶极子。然而,秋季MHTA仅表现为辐合辐散模态,受到印度洋偶极子期间赤道东风和赤道外反气旋式风应力异常影响。此外,POP2敏感性试验也验证了印度洋海温模态影响下异常风场对MHTA的调控作用,即反对称的风引起一致向北的MHTA,赤道东风异常引起MHTA表层辐散、次表层辐合现象。因此,热带印度洋海气耦合模态年际变化对印度洋上层热量再分配有着重要的意义。  相似文献   
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