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CONT08 was a 15 days campaign of continuous Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) sessions during the second half of August 2008 carried out by the International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry (IVS). In this study, VLBI estimates of troposphere zenith total delays (ZTD) and gradients during CONT08 were compared with those derived from observations with the Global Positioning System (GPS), Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite (DORIS), and water vapor radiometers (WVR) co-located with the VLBI radio telescopes. Similar geophysical models were used for the analysis of the space geodetic data, whereas the parameterization for the least-squares adjustment of the space geodetic techniques was optimized for each technique. In addition to space geodetic techniques and WVR, ZTD and gradients from numerical weather models (NWM) were used from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) (all sites), the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) and Cloud Resolving Storm Simulator (CReSS) (Tsukuba), and the High Resolution Limited Area Model (HIRLAM) (European sites). Biases, standard deviations, and correlation coefficients were computed between the troposphere estimates of the various techniques for all eleven CONT08 co-located sites. ZTD from space geodetic techniques generally agree at the sub-centimetre level during CONT08, and??as expected??the best agreement is found for intra-technique comparisons: between the Vienna VLBI Software and the combined IVS solutions as well as between the Center for Orbit Determination (CODE) solution and an IGS PPP time series; both intra-technique comparisons are with standard deviations of about 3?C6?mm. The best inter space geodetic technique agreement of ZTD during CONT08 is found between the combined IVS and the IGS solutions with a mean standard deviation of about 6?mm over all sites, whereas the agreement with numerical weather models is between 6 and 20?mm. The standard deviations are generally larger at low latitude sites because of higher humidity, and the latter is also the reason why the standard deviations are larger at northern hemisphere stations during CONT08 in comparison to CONT02 which was observed in October 2002. The assessment of the troposphere gradients from the different techniques is not as clear because of different time intervals, different estimation properties, or different observables. However, the best inter-technique agreement is found between the IVS combined gradients and the GPS solutions with standard deviations between 0.2 and 0.7?mm.  相似文献   
In earthquake prediction studies geodetic surveys play a very significant role. For this purpose, in Turkey, three micro geodetic networks have been established across the North Anatolian Fault. Of these, the Ismetpa§a Network is the subject of this paper. From the observations in combined triangulation—trilateration mode in 1972 and 1982 the horizontal movements and strain components were determined. Afterwards the parameters of the best fitting deformation model were computed and analyzed. The results show that the Anatolian plate has about a 1 cm/year westward motion, and there exists considerable strain accumulation in the area.  相似文献   
We obtained estimates of the Johnson V absolute magnitudes (H) and slope parameters (G) for 583 main-belt and near-Earth asteroids observed at Ond?ejov and Table Mountain Observatory from 1978 to 2011. Uncertainties of the absolute magnitudes in our sample are <0.21 mag, with a median value of 0.10 mag. We compared the H data with absolute magnitude values given in the MPCORB, Pisa AstDyS and JPL Horizons orbit catalogs. We found that while the catalog absolute magnitudes for large asteroids are relatively good on average, showing only little biases smaller than 0.1 mag, there is a systematic offset of the catalog values for smaller asteroids that becomes prominent in a range of H greater than ~10 and is particularly big above H  12. The mean (Hcatalog ? H) value is negative, i.e., the catalog H values are systematically too bright. This systematic negative offset of the catalog values reaches a maximum around H = 14 where the mean (Hcatalog ? H) is ?0.4 to ?0.5. We found also smaller correlations of the offset of the catalog H values with taxonomic types and with lightcurve amplitude, up to ~0.1 mag or less. We discuss a few possible observational causes for the observed correlations, but the reason for the large bias of the catalog absolute magnitudes peaking around H = 14 is unknown; we suspect that the problem lies in the magnitude estimates reported by asteroid surveys. With our photometric H and G data, we revised the preliminary WISE albedo estimates made by Masiero et al. (Masired, J.R. et al. [2011]. Astrophys. J. 741, 68–89) and Mainzer et al. (Mainzer, A. et al. [2011b]. Astrophys. J. 743, 156–172) for asteroids in our sample. We found that the mean geometric albedo of Tholen/Bus/DeMeo C/G/B/F/P/D types with sizes of 25–300 km is pV = 0.057 with the standard deviation (dispersion) of the sample of 0.013 and the mean albedo of S/A/L types with sizes 0.6–200 km is 0.197 with the standard deviation of the sample of 0.051. The standard errors of the mean albedos are 0.002 and 0.006, respectively; systematic observational or modeling errors can predominate over the quoted formal errors. There is apparent only a small, marginally significant difference of 0.031 ± 0.011 between the mean albedos of sub-samples of large and small (divided at diameter 25 km) S/A/L asteroids, with the smaller ones having a higher albedo. The difference will have to be confirmed and explained; we speculate that it may be either a real size dependence of surface properties of S type asteroids or a small size-dependent bias in the data (e.g., a bias towards higher albedos in the optically-selected sample of asteroids). A trend of the mean of the preliminary WISE albedo estimates increasing with asteroid size decreasing from D  30 down to ~5 km (for S types) showed in Mainzer et al. (Mainzer, A. et al. [2011a]. Astrophys. J. 741, 90–114) appears to be mainly due to the systematic bias in the MPCORB absolute magnitudes that progressively increases with H in the corresponding range H = 10–14.  相似文献   
The southern end of the Upper Rhine Graben (URG) is formed by a major continental transfer zone, which was localised by the reactivation of ENE-oriented basement faults of Late Palaeozoic origin. A combination of subcrop data (derived from exploration wells and reflection seismic lines) and palaeostress analysis provided new constraints on the timing and kinematics of interacting basement faults. Rifting in the southern URG began in the Upper Priabonian under regional WNW–ESE-directed extension, oriented roughly perpendicular to the graben axis. In the study area, this led to the formation of NNE-trending half-grabens. Simultaneously, ENE-trending basement faults, situated in the area of the future Rhine-Bresse Transfer Zone (RBTZ), were reactivated in a sinistrally transtensive mode. In the sedimentary cover the strike-slip component was accommodated by the development of en-échelon aligned extensional flexures. Flexuring and interference between the differently oriented basement faults imposed additional, but locally confined extension in the sedimentary cover, which deviated by as much as 90° from the regional WNW–ESE extension. The interference of regional and local stresses led to a regime approaching radial extension at the intersection between the URG and RBTZ.  相似文献   
Various proofs of the Legendre Addition Theorem, as they appear in the mathematical literature, are outlined. The proof of the mentioned theorem, based on the induction method, is analyzed in detail.  相似文献   
The current solid waste disposal site in the Mamak district of Ankara is being engulfed by the growing city. All varieties of solid wastes, including medical wastes, are stored at the present site in an irregular manner. Topographical and geological conditions at Mamak waste site are favorable for constructing a sanitary landfill. Located at the edge of a topographical depression, the site is underlain by the natural hydraulic barriers such as clay and metagreywacke. The terrestrial clay has a permeability of 10−7 to 10−8 cm/s and low to moderate values of CEC. The proposed sanitary landfill to replace the present solid waste site has a capacity of storing solid waste over 50 years. The details of base liner, final cover, toe embankment, and drainage of leachate and gas are presented in the paper.  相似文献   
The three-dimensional non-linear earthquake behaviour of unreinforced masonry buildings is studied by using a constitutive model established experimentally for burned-clay brick masonry wall panels. The parameter functions appearing in the constitutive model are modified so that they accommodate a wall panel made of a general masonry material. In the study it is assumed that the floors of the masonry building are reinforced concrete slabs which are infinitely rigid in their own planes and that the wall panels possess only in-plane rigidities. Some examples involving earthquake analyses of two different masonry structures are presented. It is found that the predictions of the model used in the study are in harmony with the experimental data available in the literature.  相似文献   

中国台湾中央山脉东部出露的玉里变质带作为板块构造的缝合带,拼接了欧亚大陆板块、俯冲的南海板块、未俯冲的弧前基底和菲律宾海板块(吕宋岛弧),是认识台湾造山运动地球动力学重建的关键。玉里变质带出露含蓝片岩相的铁镁质—超铁镁质变质火成岩块体,这些块体在构造上被以绿片岩相为主的多期变形的云母石英片岩所包围。而玉里带东南侧发育了以云母石英片岩、千枚岩为主的初来组地层,初来组地层是否属于玉里带近年来仍然存在争议。为了解决这一问题,本文对台湾玉里带及其周缘地区的构造演化重新研究,针对中央山脉东部玉里带和初来组地层分别采样,利用碳质物质拉曼光谱温度计(RSCM)计算出变质片岩峰值变质温度的均值。结果表明:玉里带的峰值变质温度范围在400 ℃~550 ℃之间,比台湾地区的其它次级构造单元温度高;玉里带内,峰值变质温度高于500 ℃的地区毗邻玉里带的3个最大的高压变质火成岩块体,说明高压变质块体可能存在与围岩之间的交代变质作用;初来组地层的峰值变质温度约为360 ℃,与玉里带的温差达100 ℃以上,说明初来组地层与玉里带是两个不同的次级单元,在中央山脉东南缘二者之间很可能是断层接触,在台湾造山带向东的反冲褶皱逆冲带变形之后,这两个单元可能经历了相同的形变历史。本次更新的峰值变质温度集合了台湾地区的所有已发表的RSCM数据,显示出横跨台湾东部中央山脉热演化的系统性空间展布,重新修正了台湾中央山脉东部地质图。

The Denizli region of the Western Anatolia Extensional Province (WAEP) includes a typical example of intra-plate potassic magmatism. Lamproite-like K-rich to shoshonitic alkaline rocks erupted in the Upper Miocene-Pliocene in a tensional tectonic setting. The absence of Nb and Ta depletion, low Th/Zr and high Nb/Zr ratios and distinct isotopic values (i.e. low 87Sr/86Sr, 0.703523–0.703757; high 143Nd/144Nd, 0.512708–0.512784; high 206Pb/204Pb, 19.079–19.227, 207Pb/204Pb, 15.635–15.682, 208Pb/204Pb, 39.144–39.302) mark an anorogenic geochemical signature of the Denizli volcanics. All of the lavas are strongly enriched in large-ion-lithophile elements (e.g. Ba 1,100–2,200 ppm; Sr 1,900–3,100 ppm; Rb 91–295 ppm) and light rare-earth elements (e.g. LaN?=?319–464), with a geochemical affinity to ocean-island basalts and lack of a recognizable subduction signature or any evidence for crustal contamination. The restricted range of isotopic (Sr, Nd, Pb) ratios in both near-primitive (Mg# 66.7–77.2) and more evolved (Mg# 64.6–68.7) members of the Denizli volcanics signify their evolution from an isotopically equilibrated parental mantle source. Their high Dy/Yb and Rb/Sr values also suggest that garnet and phlogopite were present in the mantle source. Their strong EM-II signature, very low Nd model ages (0.44–049 Ga) and isotopic (Sr-Nd-Pb) values analogous to those of the Nyiragongo potassic basanites and kimberlites from the African stable continental settings, suggest that the parental melts that produced the Denizli volcanics are associated with very young and enriched mantle sources, which include both sublithospheric and enriched subcontinental lithospheric mantle melts. Mantle-lithosphere delamination probably played a significant role in the generation of these melts, and could be related to roll-back of the Aegean arc, lithospheric extension and asthenospheric mantle upwelling.  相似文献   
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