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Station-keeping for a translunar communication station   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A translunar communication station is to be kept close to a nominal unstable periodic ‘Halo’ orbit, visible at all times from Earth. The analytically computed nominal orbit is not perfect, requiring an average control acceleration of about 10?6 g's for tight control. An adjustable quadratic combination of position deviation and control acceleration is minimized to provide an (adjustable) control law with period feedback gains and a periodic bias. The average control acceleration can be reduced to less than 10?8 g's with an error settling time of less than 21/2 months. The resulting limiting motion provides, in turn, an improved nominal, permitting the same low control cost with much tighter control, corresponding to settling times of the order of one day.  相似文献   
The orthophragminids in lower Bartonian Reineche Limestone member, a fossiliferous shallow-marine unit exposed in Cap Bon peninsula in Tunisia, are represented by 17 species assigned to Discocyclinidae Galloway 1928 and Orbitoclypeidae Brönnimann 1946. These taxa, associated with nummulitids and alveolinids, belong to the lineages of Discocyclina Gümbel 1870, Nemkovella, 1987, Orbitoclypeus Silvestri 1907, and Asterocyclina Gümbel 1870, described for the first time from north Africa lying at the southern margin of Tethyan ocean during Paleogene. We identified Nemkovella evae, previously not recorded in upper Lutetian/lower Bartonian and younger Eocene deposits of northern Tethyan platforms, and erected a new subspecies, N. evae reinechensis n. ssp. A comparison of Reineche orthophraminids, assigned to orthophragmines zone (OZ) 12 and shallow benthic zone (SBZ 17), to the well-described coeval assemblages at northern Tethyan platforms in Italy, Hungary, Turkey, and to those in Kutch Basin in the Indian subcontinent suggests that some species are confined to certain paleogeographic domains. Orbitoclypeus haynesi, the only orbitoclypeid and the most abundant orthophragminid in lower Bartonian deposits in Kutch, appears to be the most common orbitoclypeid in Reineche Limestone. In Europe, this species is not known and is replaced by Orbitoclypeus varians, the most common orbitoclypeid in middle Eocene of central Europe. Both species occur in varying proportions in marine successions in Turkey. Asterocyclina sireli, identified so far only in Turkey, occurs in Reineche Limestone and in lower Bartonian deposits in Kutch. This species is recorded for the first time in the Indian subcontinent. Relying on present study, as well as our recent studies in Kutch Basin, we conclude that the generic and specific diversity of orthophragminids decreases eastward from the peri-Mediterranean region to Indian subcontinent and to the western Pacific.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to examine the efficiency of Advanced Space Borne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) data in the discrimination of geological formations and the generation of geological map in the northern margin of the Tunisian desert. The nine ASTER bands covering the visible (VIS), near-infrared (NIR) and short-wave infrared (SWIR) spectral regions (wavelength range of 400–2500 nm) have been treated and analyzed. As a first step of data processing, crosstalk correction, resampling, orthorectification, atmospheric correction, and radiometric normalization have been applied to the ASTER radiance data. Then, to decrease the redundancy information in highly correlated bands, the principal component analysis (PCA) has been applied on the nine ASTER bands. The results of PCA allow the validation and the rectification of the lithological boundaries already published on the geologic map, and gives a new information for identifying new lithological units corresponding to superficial formations previously undiscovered. The application of a supervised classification on the principal components image using a support vector machine (SVM) algorithm shows good correlation with the reference geologic map. The overall classification accuracy is 73 % and the kappa coefficient equals to 0.71. The processing of ASTER remote sensing data set by PCA and SVM can be employed as an effective tool for geological mapping in arid regions.  相似文献   
The construction of a third order J-S theory is presented. The Hori theory of planetary perturbations is employed. No Critical J-S terms due to the 2:5 commensurabilities and its multiples exist, when we take into account the periodic terms of order 0, 1, 2 with respect to the eccentricity- inclination. In this case the Lie series transformation degenerates and is meaningless. The J-S equations of motion for secular perturbations are solved when we neglect in our treatment, the Poisson terms of degree > 2 in the Poincaré canonical variables H u , K u , P u Q u (u = 1, 2). The Jacobi-Radau referential is adopted, and the theory is expressed in terms of the canonical variables of H. Poincaré.Now at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.  相似文献   
We present a second order secular Jupiter-Saturn planetary theory through Poincaré canonical variables, von Zeipel's method and Jacobi-Radau referential. We neglect in our expansions terms of power higher than the fourth with respect to eccentricities and sines of inclinations. We assume that the disturbing function is composed of secular and critical terms only. We shall deriveF 2si and writeF 2s in terms of Poincaré canonical variables in Part II of this problem.  相似文献   
The hydrodynamic groundwater data and stable isotopes of water have been used jointly for better understanding of upward leakage and mixing processes in the Djerid aquifer system (southwestern Tunisia). The aquifer system is composed of the upper unconfined Plio-Quaternary (PQ) aquifer, the intermediate (semi-)confined Complex Terminal (CT) aquifer and the deeper confined Continental Intercalaire (CI) aquifer. A total of 41 groundwater samples from the CT and PQ aquifers were collected during June 2001. The stable isotope composition of waters establishes that the CT deep groundwater (depleted as compared to present Nefta local rainfall) is ancient water recharged during late Quaternary time. The relatively recent water in the shallow PQ aquifer is composed of mixed water resulting from upward leakage and sporadic meteoric recharge. In order to characterize the meteoric input signal for PQ in the study area, rainfall water samples were collected during 4 years (2000–2003) at the Nefta meteorological station. Weighted mean values of isotopic contents with respect to rainfall amounts have been computed. Despite the short collection period in the study area, results agree with those found in Beni Abbes (southwestern Algerian Sahara) by Fontes on 9 years of rainfall surveillance. Stable isotopic relationships provide clear evidence of shallow PQ aquifer replenishment by deep CT groundwater. The 18O/upward leakage rate allowed the identification of distinctive PQ waters related to CT aquifer configuration (confined in the western part of the study area, semi-permeable in the eastern part). These trends were confirmed by the relation 18O/TDS. The isotope balance model indicated a contribution of up to 75% of the deep CT groundwater to the upper PQ aquifer in the western study area, between Nefta and Hazoua.  相似文献   
Urban and industrial development and the expansion of irrigated agriculture have led to a drastic increase in the exploitation of groundwater resources. The over-exploitation of coastal aquifers has caused a seawater intrusion and has seriously degraded groundwater quality. The shallow coastal aquifer of the Djeffara plain, southeastern Tunisia constitutes an example of water resource suffering an intensive and uncontrolled pumping for irrigation. Intensive exploitation of the aquifer and climate aridity caused a decrease in piezometric level and an increase in salinity. According to the hydrochemical data (Cl, SO4 2−, NO3 , HCO3 , Br, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+) and the stable isotope composition (oxygen-18 and deuterium content), groundwater salinization in the investigated system is caused by three main processes: (i) salts dissolution especially in the central part of Jerba and around Medenine plain; (ii) evaporation process; and (iii) seawater intrusion which caused the increase in salinity in the peninsula of El Jorf, in Jerba and in the North of Ben Gardane.  相似文献   
Motivated by the recent proposals of A. Abian, we investigate in this paper the second order perturbations up to the second degree in eccentricity-inclination of a new model of our solar system after the landing of Mars or Ceres on the Earth. The theory is established through the HoriLie technique and in terms of Jacobi coordinates and Poincare canonical variables.  相似文献   
We expand the planetary Hamiltonian function with its two parts, the principal and the indirect, up to the seventh order in the planetary masses. We adopt the Jacobi-Radau system of origins. The expansiion is valid for any number of planets.  相似文献   
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