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The marine magnetic data acquired from offshore Krishna-Godavari (K-G) basin, eastern continental margin of India (ECMI), brought out a prominent NE-SW trending feature, which could be explained by a buried structural high formed by volcanic activity. The magnetic anomaly feature is also associated with a distinct negative gravity anomaly similar to the one associated with 85°E Ridge. The gravity low could be attributed to a flexure at the Moho boundary, which could in turn be filled with the volcanic material. Inversion of the magnetic and gravity anomalies was also carried out to establish the similarity of anomalies of the two geological features (structural high on the margin and the 85°E Ridge) and their interpretations. In both cases, the magnetic anomalies were caused dominantly by the magnetization contrast between the volcanic material and the surrounding oceanic crust, whereas the low gravity anomalies are by the flexures of the order of 3–4 km at Moho boundary beneath them. The analysis suggests that both structural high present in offshore Krishna-Godavari basin and the 85°E Ridge have been emplaced on relatively older oceanic crust by a common volcanic process, but at discrete times, and that several of the gravity lows in the Bay of Bengal can be attributed to flexures on the Moho, each created due to the load of volcanic material.  相似文献   
The upper part of the lithosphere has been actively involved in various exogenic and endogenic processes which have left their imprint on the gravity field on the Indian Peninsula and the Himalaya. Analysis of the gravity field over the Dharwar craton shows that the greenstone belts of this craton have been formed as a result of development of deep fractures in the earth's crust during Archaean times. Precambrian mountain ranges such as the Aravallies, Vindhyans, Satpura and Eastern Ghats are located peripheral to Archaean cratons. Most of these mountain belts are characterized by gravity highs suggesting that the underlying crust is of higher than normal density. These mountain ranges with the exception of the Eastern Ghats do not appear to be locally compensated. Regional compensation seems to prevail over all these areas. Eastern Ghats ranges are also underlain by a crust of higher than normal density relative to the Dharwar and Bastar cratons and exist with a sharp contact with the cratons in the West. Isostatic compensation in the Eastern Ghats appears to have been achieved by thickening of the underlying crust. The Himalaya has attained a fairly high degree of isostatic compensation.  相似文献   
Natural Hazards - Tropical cyclones, also known as typhoons, in the north-west Pacific are important air–sea interaction process that transports massive amounts of heat and moisture. Due to...  相似文献   
The functional factors responsible for fluoride (F?)-bearing groundwater used for drinking as well as for cooking in the area of Gummanampadu Sub-basin, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, India are discussed. The study area is a part of an Archean Gneissic Complex, consisting of banded-biotite-hornblende-gneisses, over which the Proterozoic Cumbhum quartzites, shales, phyllites, and dolomitic limestones occur. The chemistry of groundwater is dominated by carbonates (HCO3 ? and CO3 2?) at a higher pH. This results in a higher total alkalinity over total hardness, causing an excess alkalinity. Sodium ion is dominated among the cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, and K+). The concentration of F? (2.1–3.7 mg/L) is higher than that of desirable national limit (1.2 mg/L) prescribed for drinking purpose. A significant positive correlation exists between F? and pH as well as that between F? and HCO3 ? + CO3 2?. This indicates that the alkaline condition is the prime conducive factor for dissolving F?-bearing minerals more effectively leading to a higher concentration of F? in the groundwater. Furthermore, a positive chloro-alkaline index reflects the ion exchange, and an oversaturation with respect to CaCO3 indicates the evaporation. In addition, a negative relation between the well depth and F? shows the effect of solubility and/or leaching of salts in different depth levels. These factors regulate the concentration of F? in the groundwater. On the other hand, a positive correlation of F? with SO4 2? as well as with K+ shows the human land use activities (namely, use of chemical fertilizers, disposal of domestic wastes, etc.), which add F? to the groundwater. A significant number of the residents of the study area suffer from the health disorders related to fluorosis, which is a consequence of higher concentration of F? in the drinking water. Thus, this study emphasizes the need for supply of safe drinking water, nutritional diet, rainwater-harvesting structures, and public education to realize “health for all” motto of World Health Organization.  相似文献   
Watershed development and management plans are more important for harnessing surface water and groundwater resources in arid and semi-arid regions. To prepare a comprehensive watershed development plan, it becomes necessary to understand the topography, erosion status and drainage patterns of the region. This study was undertaken to determine the drainage characteristics of Pageru River basin using topographical maps on a scale of 1:50,000. The total area of the Pageru River basin is 480 km2. It was divided into X sub-basins for analysis. The drainage patterns of the basin are dendritic and include a sixth order stream. The quantitative analysis of various aspects of a river basin drainage network characteristics reveals complex morphometric attributes. The streams of lower orders mostly dominate the basin. The development of stream segments in the basin area is more or less affected by rainfall. The elongated shape of the basin is mainly due to the guiding effect of thrusting and faulting. The erosional processes of fluvial origin have been predominately influenced by the subsurface lithology of the basin.  相似文献   
The passive continental margins of India have evolved as India broke and drifted away from East Antarctica, Madagascar and Seychelles at various geological times. In this study, we have attempted to collate and re-examine gravity and topographic/bathymetry data over India and the adjoining oceans to understand the structure and tectonic evolution of these margins, including processes such as crustal/lithosphere extension, subsidence due to sedimentation, magmatic underplating and so on. The Eastern Continental Margin of India (ECMI) seems to have evolved in a complex rift and shear tectonic settings in its northern and southern segments, respectively, and bears similarities with its conjugate in East Antarctica. Crustal extension rates are uniform along the stretch of the ECMI in spite of the presence or absence of crustal underplated material, variability in lithospheric strength and tectonic style of evolution ranging from rifting to shearing. The Krishna-Godavari basin is underlain by a strong ( 30 km) elastic lithosphere, while the Cauvery basin is underlain by a thin elastic lithosphere ( 3 km). The coupling between the ocean and continent lithosphere along the rifted segment of the ECMI is across a stretched continental crust, while it is direct beneath the Cauvery basin. The Western Continental Margin of India (WCMI) seems to have developed in an oblique rift setting with a strike-slip component. Unlike the ECMI, the WCMI is in striking contrast with its conjugate in the eastern margin of Madagascar in respect of sedimentation processes and alignment of magnetic lineations and fracture zones. The break up between eastern India and East Antarctica seems to have been accommodated along a Proterozoic mobile belt, while that between western India and Madagascar is along a combination of both mobile belt and cratonic blocks.  相似文献   
Geoenvironmental effects of groundwater regime in Andhra Pradesh, India   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 The Indian subcontinent has the largest semi-arid tropical (SAT) area among developing nations. The State of Andhra Pradesh falls under the SAT region in India and is mostly covered by compact and hard rocks, characterized by seasonal rainfall of a highly fluctuating nature, in both space and time. As a consequence of the green revolution and an increase in industrial activity, there has been an increase in the utilization of groundwater resources during the last two decades in Andhra Pradesh. The development has also caused a number of problems, such as water table decline, decrease in well yields and seawater intrusion. Although major irrigation projects have contributed to improved agricultural production, the associated problems of waterlogging, salinization and loss of valuable bioresources have led to the gradual degradation of the land, affecting agricultural productivity. Surface water and groundwater have also been polluted in several parts of the State because of untreated discharge of effluents from the industries into nearby streams or open lands. A brief account of the overall scenario of the hydrogeological framework and geo-environmental effects on the groundwater regime in Andhra Pradesh is presented. Possible management practices and conservation methods are suggested. Received: 9 August 1999 · Accepted: 10 July 2000  相似文献   
Sea Surface Height (SSH) variability in the Indian Ocean during 1993-1995 is studied using TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) altimetry data. Strong interannual variability is seen in the surface circulation of the western Arabian Sea, especially in the Somali eddy structure. During the Southwest (SW) monsoon, a weak monsoon year is characterized by a single eddy system off Somalia, a strong or normal monsoon year by several energetic eddies. The Laccadive High (LH) and Laccadive Low (LL) systems off southwest India are observed in the altimetric SSH record. The variability of the East India Coastal Current (EICC), the western boundary current in the Bay of Bengal, is also detected. Evidence is found for the propagation of Kelvin and Rossby waves across the northern Indian Ocean; these are examined in the context of energy transfer to the western boundary currents, and associated eddies. A simple wind-driven isopycnal model having three active layers is implemented to simulate the seasonal changes of surface and subsurface circulation in the North Indian Ocean and to examine the response to different wind forcing. The wind forcing is derived from the ERS-1 scatterometer wind stress for the same period as the T/P altimeter data, enabling the model response in different (active/weak) monsoon conditions to be tested. The model output is derived in 10-day snapshots to match the time period of the T/P altimeter cycles. Complex Principal Component Analysis (CPCA) is applied to both altimetric and model SSH data. This confirms that long Rossby waves are excited by the remotely forced Kelvin waves off the southwest coast of India and contribute substantially to the variability of the seasonal circulation in the Arabian Sea.  相似文献   
文章主要使用全球简单海洋资料同化分析系统(Simple Ocean Data Assimilation, SODA)产出的海洋再分析数据产品和美国国家环境预报中心(National Centers for Environmental Prediction, NCEP)发布的风场资料, 通过能量学方法分析了2000—2015年夏季至秋季(6—11月)孟加拉湾涡-流相互作用特征在不同印度洋偶极子(Indian Ocean Dipole, IOD)事件发生年的表现。结果表明, 在IOD负位相年更强的西南季风背景下, 涡动能和涡势能的量值均较大, 海洋不稳定过程更多地将平均流场的能量输向涡旋场, IOD正位相年反之。另外, 研究发现孟加拉湾湾口区的涡动能在个别年份会发展出一种与气候态存在显著异常的空间分布, 即在个别年份湾口中央海域异常出现涡动能极大值。通过对出现该异常现象最显著的2010年进行个例分析, 发现当年的孟加拉湾海表风场发展出一个气旋式环流异常, 显著地改变了海洋上层环流形态, 极大地影响了平均流场与涡旋场之间的相互作用。进一步对维持涡动能平衡的各做功项进行诊断后发现, 湾口异常海域涡动能年际变化的主要影响因素为海洋内部的压强做功, 其次是正压不稳定过程和平流的做功, 海表风应力做功项贡献较小。  相似文献   
Zero-velocity curves perpendicular to the orbital plane are computed for a close pair of interacting galaxies having density distribution that of a polytrope of indexn=4. An analytical formulation for computing the zero-velocity surfaces is suggested.  相似文献   
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