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采用基于扩展UNIQUAC模型的AQSOL027软件针对水盐体系Li–Na–K–Mg–Cl–SO4–H2O的六个五元子体系进行相平衡理论计算,首次报道了多个五元子体系在多个温度条件下的相图,将计算相图与已有实验相图以及基于其它热力学模型的计算相图进行了比较。结果表明:AQSOL027在相图计算中具有较好的准确性和可靠性。AQSOL027是一款基于Excel、用于计算复杂多温水-盐体系Li–Na–K–Mg–Ca–H–Cl–(HSO4/SO4)–(CO2/HCO3/CO3)–(H3BO3/B4O7/BO2)–OH–H2O的计算机软件,集成了扩展UNIQUAC模型和相平衡算法,该软件可结合SysCAD和Aspen过程模拟器,实现盐田工艺过程的计算机辅助设计。  相似文献   
We present major and trace element and Sr-Nd-Pb and U-Th-Pa-Ra isotope data for a small sample suite of primarily post-glacial, mildly alkalic volcanic rocks from the Snaefellsjökull central volcano situated off the main rift systems in western Iceland. The volcanic rocks are crystal-poor and range from olivine alkali basalt to trachyte and show tight correlations of major and trace elements that are explained by fractional crystallization involving removal of olivine, plagioclase, clinopyroxene, Fe-Ti oxide and apatite. Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes are practically invariant, consistent with derivation from the same source region. During fractionation from primitive basalt to evolved trachyte, (230Th/232Th), (230Th/238U) and (231Pa/235U) decrease progressively at broadly constant (238U/232Th). A continuous closed-system fractionation model that assumes constant initial (230Th/232Th) in the basaltic precursor melt indicates that hawaiite was derived from olivine basalt by ∼50% fractional crystallization within and trachyte by ∼80% fractionation within . An overrepresentation of evolved basalts and hawaiites with young inferred magma ages in the dataset is consistent with the parental precursor to these magmas intruded into the sub-volcanic magma plumbing system as a consequence of lithospheric rebound caused by deglaciation. Lavas affected by apatite removal have higher (231Pa/235U) than predicted for simple radioactive decay, suggesting apatite significantly fractionates U from Pa. The proposed fractionation model consistently explains our U-series data assuming and and . If applicable, these D values would indicate that the effect of apatite fractionation must be adequately considered when assessing differentiation time scales using (231Pa/235U) disequilibria data.  相似文献   
Late Cretaceous (66.2 ± 0.5 Ma amphibole and 66.7 ± 0.2 Ma phlogopite 40Ar/39Ar ages) nephelinitic volcanic rocks from Godzilla Seamount in the eastern North Atlantic (34°N latitude) have trace element and Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf-isotope compositions similar to the Enriched Mantle I (EM-I) endmember, except for their low 207Pb/204Pb relative to 206Pb/204Pb ratios (206Pb/204Pbin = 17.7, 207Pb/204Pbin = 15.34) plotting below the Northern Hemisphere Reference Line on the uranogenic Pb isotope diagram. O isotope data on amphibole separates are mantle-like (δ18O = 5.6–5.8‰). Age and location of the isolated Godzilla Seamount, however, preclude it from being derived from the Madeira or Canary hotspots, making a lower-mantle origin unlikely. Therefore we propose derivation from a shallow (lithospheric/asthenospheric) melting anomaly. As observed in mid-ocean-ridge and ocean-island basalts, there is a systematic decrease of 207Pb/204Pb ratios (and Δ7/4) in the individual EM-I endmember type localities towards northern latitudes with Godzilla lying on the extension of this trend. This trend is mirrored in ultra-potassic volcanic rocks such as lamproites and kimberlites, which reflect the composition of enriched subcontinental lithospheric mantle. Therefore, a global pattern in 207Pb/204Pb ratios and Δ7/4 is suggested. The geochemical composition of EM-I endmember type localities, including Godzilla lavas, and the enriched (DUPAL) anomaly in the southern hemisphere could reflect derivation from ancient, metasomatized subcontinental lithospheric mantle. We propose a two-stage model to explain the trace element and isotopic composition of the EM-I mantle endmember localities worldwide: 1) during the early history of the Earth, subcontinental lithosphere was metasomatized by melts from subducted slabs along convergent margins generating high μ (238U/204Pb) sources, and 2) as the Earth cooled, hydrous fluids replaced hydrous melts as the main slab component metasomatizing the subcontinental lithospheric mantle (generating EM-I sources with lower μ). In accordance with this model, the global variations in 207Pb/204Pb ratios and Δ7/4 could reflect geographic differences in μ and/or the age at which the transition from stages 1 to 2 took place in the Archaean lithosphere. The model would require a re-definition of the EM-I endmember to low 206Pb/204Pb, high 208Pb/204Pb (positive Δ8/4) but variable 207Pb/204Pb (positive and negative Δ7/4).  相似文献   
The Canary Island primitive basaltic magmas are thought to be derived from an HIMU-type upwelling mantle containing isotopically depleted (NMORB)-type component having interacted with an enriched (EM)-type component, the origin of which is still a subject of debate. We studied the relationships between Ni, Mn and Ca concentrations in olivine phenocrysts (85.6–90.0 mol.% Fo, 1,722–3,915 ppm Ni, 1,085–1,552 ppm Mn, 1,222–3,002 ppm Ca) from the most primitive subaerial and ODP Leg 157 high-silica (picritic to olivine basaltic) lavas with their bulk rock Sr–Nd–Pb isotope compositions (87Sr/86Sr = 0.70315–0.70331, 143Nd/144Nd = 0.51288–0.51292, 206Pb/204Pb = 19.55–19.93, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.60–15.63, 208Pb/204Pb = 39.31–39.69). Our data point toward the presence of both a peridotitic and a pyroxenitic component in the magma source. Using the model (Sobolev et al. in: Science 316:412–417, 2007) in which the reaction of Si-rich melts originated during partial melting of eclogite (a high pressure product of subducted oceanic crust) with ambient peridotitic mantle forms olivine-free reaction pyroxenite, we obtain an end member composition for peridotite with 87Sr/86Sr = 0.70337, 143Nd/144Nd = 0.51291, 206Pb/204Pb = 19.36, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.61 and 208Pb/204Pb = 39.07 (EM-type end member), and pyroxenite with 87Sr/86Sr = 0.70309, 143Nd/144Nd = 0.51289, 206Pb/204Pb = 20.03, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.62 and 208Pb/204Pb = 39.84 (HIMU-type end member). Mixing of melts from these end members in proportions ranging from 70% peridotite and 30% pyroxenite to 28% peridotite and 72% pyroxenite derived melt fractions can generate the compositions of the most primitive Gran Canaria shield stage lavas. Combining our results with those from the low-silica rocks from the western Canary Islands (Gurenko et al. EPSL 277:514–524, 2009), at least four distinct components are required. We propose that they are (1) HIMU-type pyroxenitic component (representing recycled ocean crust of intermediate age) from the plume center, (2) HIMU-type peridotitic component (ancient recycled ocean crust stirred into the ambient mantle) from the plume margin, (3) depleted, MORB-type pyroxenitic component (young recycled oceanic crust) in the upper mantle entrained by the plume, and (4) EM-type peridotitic component from the asthenosphere or lithosphere above the plume center.  相似文献   
Loss of water clarity is one of the consequences of coastal eutrophication. Efforts have therefore been made to reduce external nutrient loadings of coastal waters. This paper documents improvements to water clarity between 1985 and 2008–2009 at four stations in the microtidal estuary Roskilde Fjord and find significant relationships to freshwater nutrient loadings. The paper then investigates to which extent changes in phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll a (Chl a)), non-algal particulate organic matter (POM*), and residual attenuation in the water (K b), respectively, can account for this optical improvement. Vertical light attenuation (K d) declined, on average, by 34 %, accompanying a 71 % reduction of Chl a and an 80 % reduction of POM*. Residual attenuation declined by 26 % over the period in accordance with a measured 34 % decline of dissolved organic nitrogen. Analysis of simultaneous changes in light attenuation and Secchi depth also suggested a reduction of the scatter-to-absorption ratio over time. Considering the stronger reductions of particle concentrations than dissolved organic matter, the contribution of residual attenuation to vertical attenuation increased from 54 to 74 % in 1985 to 78 to 85 % in 2008–2009. Overall, efforts to reduce nutrient loading and improve water clarity appeared to have had a larger impact on POM* than on Chl a and colored dissolved organic matter concentrations in the estuary, which can account for the decrease in the scatter-to-absorption ratio. These optical changes lead to larger improvements of Secchi depth than of vertical light attenuation. The consequence of this is an overestimation (0.45–1.48 m) of the predicted increase of potential seagrass depth limits when based on Secchi depth rather than K d.  相似文献   
The recent environmental history of Lake Lappajärvi in western Finland (63°00 N, 23°30 E, area 149 km2), a humic, brown water lake with an average phosphorus content of ca. 20 g l–1, was studied from short core sediment samples taken from the two main basins of the lake. Based on the stratigraphy of diatoms and chironomids and the sediment quality it was possible to distinguish four developmental stages during the past century: (1) a pre-industrial stage covering the time up to about 1935; (2) a stage of increasing nutrient loading (ca. 1936–1960); (3) a stage of pronounced erosion from lake level regulation and extensive ditching of the catchment area (ca. 1960–1970); and (4) a meso-eutrophic stage from ca. 1970 onwards.Acidophilous Aulacoseira distans coll. and other species typical of dystrophic, nutrient-poor lakes characterized the diatom assemblages during the first stage, and the profundal zoobenthic assemblages, characterized by Heterotrissocladius subpilosus and Micropsectra, indicated good hypolimnetic oxygen conditions and a low sedimentation of organic matter (approx. less than 50 g m–2 a–1). The increased loading rapidly led to changes both in diatoms and chironomids (e.g., to an early extinction of H. subpilosus in the 1950s). The process finally led to eutrophication with a successive proliferation of diatom species such as Asterionella formosa followed by Aulacoseira ambigua, Fragilaria crotonensis, and finally Melosira varians. The relative proportion of alkaliphilous species reached a maximum in the final stage and the original profundal chironomid fauna was replaced by Chironomus anthracinus gr. and C. plumosus which are typical of profundal areas suffering from temporal oxygen deficit. It is notable that the considerable decrease in waste water loading from the point sources (80–86% ) during the past two decades has not led to a recovery in the lake. This highlights the importance of diffuse loading from agriculture, forestry and other human activities even to this comparatively large lake.  相似文献   
This study presents laser step-heating 40Ar/39Ar age determinations of basaltic lava samples from Tamu Massif, the oldest and largest edifice of the submarine Shatsky Rise in the northwest Pacific and Earth’s proposed largest volcano. The rocks were recovered during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 324, which cored 160 m into the igneous basement near the summit of Tamu Massif. The analyzed lavas cover all three major stratigraphic groups penetrated at this site and confirm a Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous age for the onset of Shatsky Rise volcanism. Lavas analyzed from the lower and middle section of the hole yield plateau ages between 144.4 ± 1.0 and 143.1 ± 3.3 Ma with overlapping analytical errors (2σ), whereas a sample from the uppermost lava group produced a significantly younger age of 133.9 ± 2.3 Ma suggesting a late or rejuvenated phase of volcanism. The new geochronological data infer minimum (average) melt production rates of 0.63–0.84 km3/a over a time interval of 3–4 million years consistent with the presence of a mantle plume.  相似文献   
细粒酒精模型冰单轴压缩强度特征试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李志军 Kaj  R 《冰川冻土》1998,20(2):167-171
介绍细粒酒精模型冰的单轴压缩强度试验研究的方法和结果.试验采用两种试样,即长方形和哑铃形.对长方形试样发生不同破坏模式发生的条件,即试样尺寸、加载速度和压头与试样接触面摩擦等效应进行了详细讨论.描述了细粒酒精模型冰单轴压缩强度的基本特征,并比较了两种试样的试验结果.  相似文献   
Compositions of melt inclusions in olivine (Fo90-64) from 11 localities in Guatemala, Nicaragua and Cost Rica along the Central American Volcanic Arc are used to constrain combined systematics of major and trace elements and volatile components (H2O, S, Cl, F) in parental melts and to estimate volcanic fluxes of volatile elements. The melt inclusions cover the entire range of compositions reported for whole rocks from Central America. They point to large heterogeneity of magma sources on local and regional scales, related to variable contributions of diverse crustal (from the subducting and overriding plates) and mantle (from the wedge and incoming plate) components involved in magma genesis. Water in parental melts correlates inversely with Ti, Y and Na and positively with Ba/La and B/La (with the exception of Irazú Volcano), which indicates mantle melting fluxed by Ba-, B- and H2O-rich, possibly, serpentinite-derived fluid beneath most parts of the arc. Different components with melt-like characteristics (high LREE, La/Nb and probably also Cl, S and F and low Ba/La) control the geochemical peculiarities of Guatemalan and Costa Rican magmas. The composition of parental magmas together with published data on volcanic volumes and total SO2 flux from satellite measurements are used to constrain fluxes of volatile components and to estimate total magmatic flux in Central America. We found that volcanic flux accounts for only 13% of total magmatic and volatile fluxes. The remaining 87% of magmas remained in the lithosphere to form cumulates (∼39%) and intrusives (∼48%). The intrusive fraction of magmatic flux may be significantly larger beneath Nicaragua compared to Costa Rica. Interestingly, total fluxes of magmas and volatiles in Central America are quite similar to the global average estimates. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
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