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在 1:2 50 0 0 0地图数据库生僻汉字统计的基础上 ,通过生僻汉字的编码、字模的制作、代码的编制、输入法的生成以及矢量汉字的使用等 ,提出了在GBK的基础上进行再扩展的技术和方法 ,从而解决了数字制图中生僻汉字处理的问题。  相似文献   
为快速评估地震与滑坡灾害对输电杆塔的损毁作用,辅助风险防控措施制定与应急指挥人员决策,研究输电杆塔在地震与滑坡灾害中的损失概率模型。使用蒙特卡洛方法模拟地震震级与震源点坐标,结合峰值地面加速度与脆弱性曲线构建输电杆塔震损概率模型。基于Newmark理论与材料力学原理,构建地震诱发滑坡概率模型及杆塔滑坡冲击损毁概率模型。对我国西南部某区域输电杆塔进行地震与滑坡灾损分析,得到研究区域内各输电杆塔震损概率及滑坡冲击损毁概率。研究结果表明,输电杆塔损毁概率随震级的增大而增大,震级相同时输电杆塔损毁概率主要取决于震中距。滑坡体高度及杆塔与坡脚距离是影响杆塔损毁概率的主要因素,较高处的滑坡体下落时将重力势能转化为动能,进而冲击作用于杆塔,而较小的杆塔与坡脚距离将导致摩擦损耗较小。对于损毁概率较高的杆塔,应采取避让、迁移等措施,降低滑坡灾害的影响。  相似文献   
用近震尾波估算昆明及其周围地区的Q值和地震矩   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
本文应用推广了的Aki尾波理论模式,忽略震源频谱含量的影响,考虑到仪器系统和地球Q-滤波器对尾波频散的影响,计算了fp-t*和k-t*独立的两套尾波响应理论量板。在假定Q与频率有Q(f)=Q0(f/f0n关系的基础上,用云南区域台网短周期地震仪器记录的小震尾波资料,估算了昆明周围地区频率约1.0Hz的短周期波的地壳Q0值。结果表明,该区的Q0值在150-220之间,平均为191;频率相关值η不是常数,多数为0.2-0.3。这些结果与用尾波估算川滇交界地区的结果接近,表明云南地区的地壳Q0值与美国西部地区类似,是属于低Q0值地区。 此外,用尾波与地震矩建立的关系,提出用尾波估算地震矩的一种可能方法,讨论了该区震级与地震矩的经验关系。  相似文献   
乾隆年间天山北麓东段人口迁移研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
阚耀平 《干旱区地理》2003,26(4):379-384
清朝乾隆年间,清政府对新疆实行移民实地政策,人口大量迁移到新疆。天山北麓东段是新疆主要的人口迁入地区,其人口迁移分为民户迁移、商户迁移、遣户迁移、兵眷迁移和安插户迁移等几种类型,以民户迁移为主。移民的来源地以甘肃、陕西等邻近省份为主,人口迁移的方式以官府有组织的迁移为主、以民间自流的方式为辅。民户人口迁移的高峰在乾隆三十年代,乾隆四十五以后人口迁移规模变小,整个乾隆年间天山北麓东段人口迁移的规模为16.4万人左右,迁移人口主要分布在以乌鲁木齐和巴里坤为中心的两个地区。  相似文献   
High-biomass red tides occur frequently in some semi-enclosed bays of Hong Kong where ambient nutrients are not high enough to support such a high phytoplankton biomass. These high-biomass red tides release massive inorganic nutrients into local waters during their collapse. We hypothesized that the massive inorganic nutrients released from the collapse of red tides would fuel growth of other phytoplankton species. This could influence phytoplankton species composition. We tested the hypothesis using a red tide event caused by Mesodinium rubrum(M. rubrum) in a semi-enclosed bay, Port Shelter. The red tide patch had a cell density as high as 5.0×10~5 cells L~(-1), and high chlorophyll a(63.71 μg L~(-1)). Ambient inorganic nutrients(nitrate:NO_3~-, ammonium: NH_4~+, phosphate: PO_4~(3-), silicate: SiO_4~(3-)) were low both in the red tide patch and the non-red-tide patch(clear waters outside the red tide patch). Nutrient addition experiments were conducted by adding all the inorganic nutrients to water samples from the two patches followed by incubation for 9 days. The results showed that the addition of inorganic nutrients did not sustain high M. rubrum cell density, which collapsed after day 1, and did not drive M. rubrum in the non-red-tide patch sample to the same high-cell density in the red tide patch sample. This confirmed that nutrients were not the driving factor for the formation of this red tide event, or for its collapse. The death of M. rubrum after day 1 released high concentrations of NO_3~-,PO_4~(3-), SiO_4~(3-), NH_4~+, and urea. Bacterial abundance and heterotrophic activity increased, reaching the highest on day 3 or 4, and decreased as cell density of M. rubrum declined. The released nutrients stimulated growth of diatoms, such as Chaetoceros affinis var. circinalis, Thalassiothrix frauenfeldii, and Nitzschia sp., particularly with additions of SiO_4~(3-) treatments, and other species. These results demonstrated that initiation of M. rubrum red tides in the bay was not directly driven by nutrients.However, the massive inorganic nutrients released from the collapse of the red tide could induce a second bloom in low-ambient nutrient water, influencing phytoplankton species composition.  相似文献   
针对海底声学探测仪器采集数据量大而存储容量有限、数据传输带宽不足的实际问题,基于Lempel-Ziv-Welch(LZW)无损压缩算法,研究海底声学探测数据的实时压缩方法,提高数据压缩效果、节省传输带宽。并在LZW无损压缩算法的基础上结合数据存储的特点对压缩结果进行内存重新分配,极大提高压缩比(压缩数据大小/原始数据大小)。利用海底地震仪(OBS)采集的原始声学探测数据进行测试验证,结果表明该方法对于OBS声学探测数据有很好的压缩比,可用于对OBS采集的声学探测数据进行压缩处理,对于海底探测仪器的研发有很好的指导意义。  相似文献   
The Yithi submarine canyons,composed of four canyons less than 60 km in length,are located on the narrowest part of the East China Sea(ECS) slope.They extend from the shelf break at 160 m down to water depth of 1 500 m with an average gradient(along the canyon axis) of 3°(<1 000 m) and 0.7°(>1000 m).The sinuosity of the canyons ranges form 1.02 to 1.14 and their pathways extend radially from the shelf break to the axis of the Okinawa Trough.Structural and evolution pattern of the Yithi canyons are mainly controlled by sediment mass-movements and turbidity current and similar with that of the canyons in Ebro continental slope.The whole canyon system consists of three parts:the canyon,the channel and the fan.Slumps and slides often develop in the upper part of canyon where the water depth is less than 1000 m,and the turbidities usually developed on the fan.The scale of turbidites becomes smaller and their inner structures become more regular towards the ends of the canyons.Canyon-fans are often associated with small angle progradational reflection.Most canyon-fans and levees were transversely cut by active normal faults with NEE-SWW trending that are coupled to the modern extension of the Okinawa Trough.According to the age of formation of canyon-fans and sediments incised by canyons,we can infer that the Yithi canyons were formed since the middle the Medio-Pleistocene.  相似文献   
光照模型是地貌晕渲图能够在2维平面获得地貌3维立体形态的主要原因。在计算机图形学的基础上,推导了基于数字高程模型的晕渲光照模型计算公式;通过对相关文献公式的分析,指出了数字地貌晕渲采用的光照模型与传统地貌晕渲几何光学原理的关系;并对该模型下地表灰度值的计算与变化进行了分析研究。  相似文献   
具有裂纹损伤桩腿的海洋石油平台有限元分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用有限元分析方法和断裂力学方法,将含裂纹构件的裂纹以线弹簧处理,建立了带有裂纹损伤桩腿的等效梁和管单元的单元刚度矩阵的计算方法。对检验方法的正确性,使用该方法对几种损伤构件进行了强度计算,并与有限元细化网格计算结果和实验结果进行比较,最后将等效单元计算程序接入大型有限元程序SuperSAP,对受损后的平台整体结构进行了应力计算和强度分析。  相似文献   
针对多变量时间序列(MTS)的异常点的探测问题,提出了采用由粗到细的二次探测方案.基于滑动窗口数据的置信区间,构造了变化趋势值特征和相对变化趋势值特征分别用于二次探测,同时研究了特征的快速提取算法.通过对OPEN3000数据监测系统采集的事故发生前后某市城南变电站各设备表的数据集进行异常点探测,结果表明提出的算法能够快速准确地探测出异常点的位置.  相似文献   
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