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Summary In-situ microprobe LREE analyses of perovskite and titanite (La, Ce, Nd), and apatite (La, Ce), from SW Ugandan clinopyroxenite xenoliths and kamafugite lavas indicate that LREE distribution in these minerals is determined by a number of factors related to their different parageneses: In particular LREE content is affected by whether the LREE-bearing minerals have crystallised from metasomatic carbonate or from silicate (i.e. metasomatic or magmatic) melts in the mantle. In this situation LREE partition favours carbonate over silicate melts. Distribution of LREE in perovskite and apatite crystallised from magmatic mantle melts or mantle-derived lavas is chiefly determined by preference of LREE for perovskite > apatite > titanite. LREE zoning in perovskite is influenced by changes in melt structure: increasing melt polymerisation enhancing mineralLREE/meltLREE partition into perovskite rims in magmatic xenoliths; decreasing melt polymerisation depleting LREE in lava perovskite rims. This zoning is reinforced by perovskite competition with apatite for LREE: perovskite (cores/rims) co-crystallising with apatite is reduced in LREE. There are 37 instances of perovskitewith Ce below detection while La and Nd levels are normal. These occur in both xenoliths and lavas; in grain zones or whole grains. Likewise Ce alone of the LREE is below detection in six out of ten titanite analyses. These observations are interpreted as evidence for increased fO 2, Ce4 + being excluded from these mineral structures. Recognition of these various processes can elucidate the interpretation of bulk rock and bulk mineral LREE signatures in kamafugite volcanism.
LREE Verteilung in Perovskit, Apatit und Titanit aus Xenolithen und kamafugitischen Laven Südwest-Ugandas
Zusammenfassung In-situ LREE Analysen von Perovskit und Titanit (La, Ce, Nd) und Apatit (La, Ce) aus Klinopyroxenit-Xenolithen und kamafugitischen Laven Südwest-Ugandas zeigen, daß die LREE Verteilung in diesen Mineralen durch eine Vielzahl von Faktoren, die mit Unterschieden in den Paragenesen zusammenhängen, bestimmt wird: Der LREE-Gehalt wird im besonderen davon bestimmt, ob die LREE-führenden Minerale aus metasomatischen Karbonat- oder aus (metasomatischen oder magmatischen) Silikatschmelzen im Mantel auskristallisierten. Dabei erfolgt die LREE Fraktionierung zu Gunsten der Karbonatschmelzen. Die LREE-Verteilung von Perovskit und Apatit, die aus magmatischen Mantelschmelzen oder -laven kristallisierten, wird vorrangig durch den bevorzugten Einbau der LREE in Perovskit > Apatit > Titanit kontrolliert. Der LREE Zonarbau von Perovskit wird durch die Änderungen der Schmelzstruktur beinflußt: Verstärkte Schmelzpolymerisation führt zu verstärkter MineralLFEE/SchmelzeLREE Fraktionierung in den Perovskiträndern magmatischer Xenolithe, eine Abnahme der Schmelzpolymerisation hingegen resultiert in einer Abreicherung der LREE in den Perovskiträndern. Diese Art der Zonierung wird durch den Wettbewerb von Perovskit mit Apatit um die LREE verstärkt. Perovskit (Kerne/Ränder), der mit Apatit gemeinsam auskristallisierte, ist ärmer an LREE. 37 Fälle, in denenCe nicht nachweisbar war, La und Nd aber in normaler Konzentration auftreten, wurden sowohl in den Xenolithen als auch in den Laven gefunden; und zwar entweder in Kornbereichen oder in ganzen Körnern. Vergleichsweise liegt Ce nur in sechs von zehn Titanitproben unterhalb der Nachweisgrenze. Diese Beobachtungen werden als Hinweise auf erhöhte SauerstoffFugazitäten, bei denen Ce4– aus der Mineralstruktur ausgeschlossen wird, angesehen.Ein Verständnis dieser verschiedenen Prozesse kann zur besseren Interpretation von LREE Gesamtgesteins- und Gesamtmineral-Signaturen in Kamafugiten beitragen.

With 3 Figures  相似文献   
Models of continental crustal magmagenesis commonly invoke theinteraction of mafic mantle-derived magma and continental crustto explain geochemical and petrologic characteristics of crustalvolcanic and plutonic rocks. This interaction and the specificmechanisms of crustal contamination associated with it are poorlyunderstood. An excellent opportunity to study the progressiveeffects of crustal contamination is offered by the compositeplutons of the Alaska Range, a series of nine early Tertiary,multiply intruded, compositionally zoned (Peridotite to granite)plutons. Large initial Sr and Nd isotopic contrasts betweenthe crustal country rock and likely parental magmas allow evaluationof the mechanisms and extents of crustal contamination thataccompanied the crystallization of these ultra-mafic throughgranitic rocks. Three contamination processes are distinguishedin these plutons. The most obvious of these is assimilationof crustal country rock concurrent with magmatic fractionalcrystallization (AFC), as indicated by a general trend towardcrustal-like isotopic signatures with increasing differentiation.Second, many ultramafic and mafic rocks have late-stage phenocrystreaction and orthocumulate textures that suggest interactionwith felsic melt. These rocks also have variable and enrichedisotopic compositions that suggest that this felsic melt wasisotopically enriched and probably derived from crustal countryrock. Partial melt from the flysch country rock may have reactedwith and contaminated these partly crystalline magmas followingthe precipitation and accumulation of the cumulus phenocrystsbut before complete solidification of the magma. This suggeststhat in magmatic mush (especially of ultramafic composition)crystallizing in continental crust, a second distinct processof crustal contamination may be super imposed on AFC or magmamixing involving the main magma body. Finally, nearly all rocks,including mafic and ultramafic rocks, have (87Sr/86Sr)i thatare too high, and (T) Nd that are too low, to represent theexpected isotopic composition of typical depleted mantle. However,gabbro xenoliths with typical depicted-mantle isotopic compositionsare found in the plutons. This situation requires either anadditional enriched mantle component to provide the parentalmagma for these plutons, or some mechanism of crustal contaminationof the parent magma that did not cause significant crystallizationand differentiation of the magma to more felsic compositions.Thermodynamic modeling indicates that assimilation of alkali-andwater-rich partial melt of the metapelite country rock by fractionating,near-liquidus basaltic magma could cause significant contaminationwhile suppressing significant crystallization and differentiation. KEY WORDS: crustal contamination; Alaska Range; isotope geochemistry; zoned plutons; assimilation *Corresponding author. e-mail: preiners{at}u.washington.edu; fax: (206) 543-3836.  相似文献   
Summary The island of Samothrace, northeastern Aegean Sea, consists of five main geological units: (i) A basement unit consisting of low grade metamorphic rocks (metapelites, marbles, metavolcanic rocks, and a metaconglomerate); (ii) an ophiolitic complex with K-Ar hornblende date of 154 ± 7 and 155 ± 7 Ma; (iii) A granite intrusion with biotite K-Ar dates of 14.5 ± 0.3 and 14.5 ± 0.5 Ma, and a contact metamorphic event dated at 40.9 + 2.2 Ma; (iv) a unit of Cenozoic volcanic rocks: orogenic volcanism apparently occurred in two cycles with Upper Eocene tholeiitic to calc-alkaline volcanic rocks and post-Eocene high-K andesites to trachytes. (v) Quaternary clastic sedimentary rocks which occur around the peripheral parts of the island. The granitic intrusion is predominantly a hornblende-biotite granite, granodiorite or quartz monzonite, with porphyritic variants and mafic enclaves. The pluton is cut by granophyre, aplite and rare granodioritic veins. All lithological units of the Samothrace intrusion show smooth and continuous major element trends and similar chondrite- and Ocean Ridge Granite-normalized incompatible element profiles. ORG-normalized incompatible element contents of Hf, Zr, Sm are explained with fractionation close to the normalizing values Y and Yb contents combined with high K/Yb ratios; Rb and Th are significantly enriched relative to Nb and Ta. In Y-Nb and Rb-SiO2 space most samples of the Samothrace granite, plot in the volcanic arc and the syn-collisional granite fields. In Y + Nb-Rb space they are equally distributed within and transgress these two domains. The geochemical and regional data suggest a subduction or collision environment but biotite mineral data do not support a collisional setting for magma genesis. The Samothrace granite was probaby associated with a post-collisional domain after the closure of the Axios section of the Tethys Ocean.
Ein Einblick in das Wirken von Mikroplattentektonik in der Tethys—Die Geochemie des Samothrake Granites, Agäisches Meer
Zusammenfassung Die Insel Samothrake in der nordöstlichen Ägäis besteht aus fünf geologischen Haupteinheiten: (i) einem schwach metamorphen Basement (Metapelite, Marmore, Metavulkanite und Metakonglomerate); (ii) einem ophiolithischem Komplex, der mit K-Ar Datierungen an Hornblende ein Alter von 154 ± 7 und 155 ± 7 Ma ergab; (iii) ein granitischer Intrusionskörper mit K-Ar Altern an Biotit von 14.0 ± 0.3 und 14.5 ± 0.5 Ma und einem kontaktmetamorphen Ereignis, das mit 40.9 ± 2.2 Ma datiert ist; (iv) eine Abfolge känozoischer Vulkanite, wobei der orogene Vulkanismus offensichtlich in zwei Zyklen ablief mit tholeiitischen bis kalkalkalischen Vulkaniten im oberen Eozän und high-K Andesiten bis Trachyten im post-Eozän; (v) quartären klastischen Sedimentgesteinen, die im Randbereich der Insel auftreten. Die Granitintrusion setzt sich hauptsächlich aus Hornblende-Biotitgraniten, Granodioriten oder Quarzmonzoniten mit teilweise porphyrischen und mafischen Enklaven enthaltenden Varietäten zusammen. Der Pluton wird von Granophyren, Apliten und seltener von granodioritischen Gängen durchschlagen. Alle lithologischen Einheiten der Samothrake Intrusion zeigen kontinuierliche Hauptelementtrends und ähnliche Chondrit und ORG-normalisierte inkompatible Elementprofile. Die Gehalte an den inkompatiblen Elementen Hf, Zr, Sm sind sehr ähnlich denen von ozeanischen Graniten (ORG). Die niedrigen Y und Yb-Gehalte und die hohen K/Yb Verhältnisse werden durch Fraktionierung erklärt. Rb und Th sind signifikant angereichert im Vergleich zu Nb und Ta. In Y-Nb und Rb-SiO2 Diagrammen plotten die meisten Proben des Samothrake Granites im Feld der vulkanischen Inselbogen- und Synkollisionsgranite. Im Y + Nb-Rb Diagramm zeigt sich eine gleichmäßige und überlappende Verteilung. Die geochemischen und regionalen Daten weisen auf einen Subduktions- oder Kollisionsbereich hin, obwohl die Biotitzusammensetzungen nicht für eine Bildung der Magmen in einem Kollisionsbereich sprechen. Die Bildung des Samothrake Granites steht möglicherweise mit post-Kollisionstektonik nach dem Schließen der Axioszone in der Tethys in Zusammenhang.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   
We present here the photometric light curve analyses of the eclipsing binary star DN Aur. The CCD photometry, performed at the Behlen observatory using the 0.76 m automated telescope gave 646 individual data points inV andR bandpass filters. From this data we have determined a new epoch and an orbital period of 0.6168891 days. The published spectral classification is F3.The Wilson-Devinney model was used to derive the photometric solutions. DN Aur is a W UMa type contact binary system. The mass ratio, (q=m 2/m 10.210, where star 2 is eclipsed at the primary minimum) suggests that the system has A-type configuration. The computed light curve has a third light of about 22 percent and a total eclipse in the secondary minimum. A solution with a cool spot on the secondary component is also found. We recommend spectroscopic study of DN Aur even though the light curve analysis show it to be a single line spectroscopic system. Generally contact systems of spectral type F3 have periods ranging from 0.25 to 0.5 days. The longer period of DN Aur suggests that it is an evolved contact system with case A mass transfer.  相似文献   
Relatively new and unanalysed photometric data-sets of the contact binary system YY Eri are presented. The light curves have been analysed using information limit optimization techniques, and the Binary Maker program of Bradstreet (1992).Comparison of the results allows insight into determinacy questions affecting the W UMa type of light curve, which relates to our general understanding of contact binaries. A limiting contact configuration cannot be ruled out on the basis of empirical data-analysis alone.Very careful analysis of the photospheric flux distribution over the surface of the Sun may help establish appropriate values of the gravity brightening parameter for cool dwarf stars. At present, however, empirical photometric information on contact binaries is non-discriminatory: i.e. alternative cosmogonies can find alternative support from available evidence. The implication is then for more and better observational data to allow better real independent parameter determination.  相似文献   
Interplanetary scintillation measurements obtained inside 200 R using the Ooty Radio Telescope during August 1986–April 1991 have been analysed to study the interplanetary disturbances (or events) and their occurrence rates at various phases of the solar cycle. The disturbances are identified by the increase in the level of scintillation compared with the expected value. In total, 735 events have been identified. The results show a rate of 0.49 events per day near solar maximum and a low rate of 0.16 events per day during minimum of activity. The results are compared with coronal mass ejection (CME) rates and transients rates obtained from the Doppler scintillation measurements.  相似文献   
The solar active region (AR) 7530 was observed at 6 cm on July 3 and 4, 1993 with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope, using a multi-channel receiver with very narrow bandwidth. We compare the radio data with Yohkoh SXT observations and with the magnetic field extrapolated from the Marshall vector magnetograms in the force-free and current-free approximations. The comparison with soft X-rays shows that, although a general agreement exists between the shape of the radio intensity map and the X-ray loops, the brightness temperature, T b, obtained using the parameters derived from the SXT is much lower than that observed. The comparison with the extrapolated photospheric fields shows instead that they account very well for the observed T b above the main sunspots, if gyroresonance emission is assumed. In the observation of July 4 an inversion and strong suppression of the circular polarization was clearly present above different portions of the AR, which indicates that particular relationships exist between the electron density and the magnetic field in the region where the corresponding lines of sight cross the field quasi-perpendicularly. The extrapolated magnetic field at a much higher level ( 1010 cm), satisfies the constraints required by the wave propagation theory all over the AR. However, a rather low electron density is derived.  相似文献   
Surface renewal analysis for sensible and latent heat flux density   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
High frequency temperature measurements were recorded at five heights and surface renewal (SR) analysis was used to estimate sensible heat flux density (H) over 0.1 m tall grass. Traces of the temperature data showed ramp-like structures, and the mean amplitude and duration of these ramps were used to calculate H using structure functions. Data were compared with H values measured with a sonic anemometer. Latent heat flux density (E) was calculated using an energy balance and the results were compared with E computed from the sonic anemometer data. SR analysis provided good estimates of H for data recorded at all heights but the canopy top and at the highest measurement level, which was above the fully adjusted boundary layer.  相似文献   
A numerical model based upon fundamental principles, a standard (k, ) turbulence closure and a finite element integration technique, is applied to separated flows over hills. Predictions are compared to experimental data from a wind tunnel. Although few-equation turbulence closures have been shown to have obvious deficiencies with respect to comparable flows, the model predicts remarkably accurately, without coefficient adjustments of any kind. Even the turbulent intensity is predicted quite realistically.  相似文献   
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