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我国资源环境对城镇化问题的影响因素 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
城镇化问题是当代中国社会经济发展的综合性重大问题。涉及到国民经济如何协调发展,达到一个新水平 的根本问题;也涉及到我国的资源环境合理开发利用与长远保护的可持续发展问题。 我国是世界上人多地少、资源十分有限的发展中国家。人口基数达13 亿人,城镇总人口的绝对数量也是世界 最大的国家。因此,资源环境对我国城镇化的影响是巨大的,也是非常深刻的。本论文从我国的城市化概念出发,深 入论述资源环境基础对我国城镇化的影响与制约因素,并对我国的国情条件作了辩证的分析研究。按照科学发展 观的思想,对我国今后城镇化发展提出了符合我国国情健康发展的城镇化道路及其对策。 相似文献
Supplementary to the paper by K. Hinz on The crustal structure of the Balearic Sea, some results are reported from the deep-sea drilling cruise of the “Glomar Challenger”. 相似文献
F. Rojat V. Labiouse P. K. Kaiser F. Descoeudres 《Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering》2009,42(2):341-359
Summary During the crossing of brittle rock formations at the L?tschberg base tunnel, failure phenomena have been observed both at
the tunnel face and at the walls. A detailed analysis has been undertaken to explain these behaviours, based on the recent
developments of Canadian research on brittle failure mechanisms. At the tunnel walls, a very good agreement is found between
the calculated and observed damage and between two prediction methods, i.e. a semi-empirical failure criterion and elastic
calculations with the “brittle Hoek-Brown parameters.” Near the face, due to the 3D nature of the stress conditions, some
limitations of these approaches have been highlighted, and the growth of wall failure has been analysed. This research allowed
a better understanding of the brittle rock mass behaviour at the L?tschberg base tunnel and showed that brittle failure processes
dominate the behaviour of deep, highly stressed excavations in massive to moderately jointed rock. It also illustrates where
improvements to the adopted approaches are required. 相似文献
The physical stresses associated with emersion have long been considered major factors determining the vertical zonation of intertidal seaweeds.We examined Porphyra umbilicalis(Linnaeus) Kützing thalli from the vertical extremes in elevation of an intertidal population(i.e.upper and lower intertidal zones) to determine whether Porphyra thalli acclimate to different vertical elevations on the shore with different patterns of nitrate uptake and nitrate reductase(NR) and glutamine synthetase(GS) activities in response to different degrees of emersion stress.We found that the nitrate uptake and NR recovery in the emersed tissues took longer in lower intertidal sub-population than in upper intertidal sub-population;and GS activity was also significantly affected by emersion and,interestingly,such an activity was enhanced by emersion of thalli from both upper and lower intertidal zones.These results suggested that intra-population variability in post-emersion recovery of physiological functions such as nutrient uptake and NR activity enables local adaptation and contributes to the wide vertical distribution of P.umbilicalis.The high GS activity during periodic emersion stress may be a protective mechanism enabling P.umbilicalis to assimilate nitrogen quickly when it again becomes available,and may also be an evidence of photorespiration during emersion. 相似文献
IwrRODUcrlONStainlessstalhasbeenusedwidelyasbuildingrnateria1,especiallyasdecoratingrnate-rialinbuildings.Ordinarystainlesssteehasonlyonemonot0noussilverywhitCcolourwhichsomeimesdoesnotrnatchwithitSsurmundingenvironment.lnordert0improveitSdereratingperfonnaneeandexpanditsuse,muchresearchhasbeenconductedsincethe4O'st0trytoformabright,uniform,highcorrosi0nandwearresistantco1ourfilmonastainlesssteesurface.Duringtheeariystage,anirnmersionedhodwasused,i.e.inimrs-ingthestainlesssteelinahots0luti… 相似文献
Magnetotelluric investigations have been carried out in the Garhwal Himalayan corridor to delineate the electrical structure
of the crust along a profile extending from Indo-Gangetic Plain to Higher Himalayan region in Uttarakhand, India. The profile
passing through major Himalayan thrusts: Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFF), Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) and Main Central Thrust
(MCT), is nearly perpendicular to the regional geological strike. Data processing and impedance analysis indicate that out
of 44 stations MT data recorded, only 27 stations data show in general, the validity of 2D assumption. The average geoelectric
strike, N70°W, was estimated for the profile using tensor decomposition. 2D smooth geoelectrical model has been presented,
which provides the electrical image of the shallow and deeper crustal structure. The major features of the model are (i) a low resistivity (<50Ωm), shallow feature interpreted as sediments of Siwalik and Indo-Gangetic Plain, (ii) highly resistive (> 1000Ωm) zone below the sediments at a depth of 6 km, interpreted as the top surface of the Indian plate,
(iii) a low resistivity (< 10Ωm) below the depth of 6 km near MCT zone coincides with the intense micro-seismic activity in the
region. The zone is interpreted as the partial melting or fluid phase at mid crustal depth. Sensitivity test indicates that
the major features of the geoelectrical model are relevant and desired by the MT data. 相似文献
Investigation on foaming properties of some organics for oily bubble bitumen flotation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Studies have shown that using organic coated bubbles (“oily” bubbles) could increase bitumen recovery rate in flotation. One way to coat bubbles is that used in the air-assisted solvent extraction process where solvent foam is formed and injected through a capillary to release solvent coated bubbles in a controlled manner into the aqueous system. To investigate adapting this approach, the foaming properties of some organics (Hexane, Heptane, Hexadecane, Petroleum Ether, Toluene, Benzene and Kerosene and their binary mixtures) of potential interest in oily bubble bitumen flotation were investigated. Silicone oil was found to be a good foaming agent in some cases. Bubble stability and film thickness experiments were carried out to help select candidate organics. Surface tension and dynamic viscosity measurements were conducted to examine the mechanism of foaming. Attachment studies showed that droplets of the selected organics readily attached to a bitumen surface compared to air bubbles. From a combination of criteria, 25:75 Hexadecane/Heptane appears to be a promising candidate. 相似文献