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The Huangtupo landslide is one of the largest and most destructive landslides still deforming in the Three Gorges area of China. In recent years, most studies on this landslide have been based on the data obtained from an investigation conducted in 2001. To further elucidate the geological structure and evolution of the landslide, we began building a field test site in the area of the sliding mass with the fastest deformation velocity in 2009. A group of tunnels with a total length of 1.1 km has been excavated, and nine boreholes with depths between 76.8 and 127.1 m have been drilled into the sliding body. Additionally, relative monitoring devices, such as borehole inclinometers and crack meters, have been installed. Based on the findings of the previous investigation and the latest tunneling, drilling, and monitoring data, a spatial distribution model of the sliding surfaces of the Huangtupo No. 1 riverside sliding mass has been established using the discrete smooth interpolation (DSI) method. Significant differences are revealed between the previous proposed sliding surface and the latest monitoring data. We propose that the Huangtupo No. 1 sliding mass has two sliding surfaces. Thus, the sliding mass can be further divided into two secondary sliding bodies, which are named the No. 1-1 (east) and No. 1-2 (west) sliding masses. The No. 1-1 sliding mass slid first, and the material along the western boundary slid later, producing the No. 1-2 sliding body, which has a smaller volume and shallower depth. The areas, volumes, and thicknesses of each sliding body have been calculated using a digital 3D model.  相似文献   
本文分别以非接触式测量与三维裂隙网络模拟技术对汶川县绵虒镇大溪沟沟口高陡斜坡的结构面系统进行了深入研究。以无人机、数字近景摄影测量与三维激光扫描方法建立了现场斜坡的三维DEM模型并识别与解译了斜坡的结构面系统。尤其是采用无人机与近景摄影测量技术,识别并解译了整体斜坡的长大控制性结构面与坡面上的6663条随机构造结构面。基于以上数据,本文提出了一种适用于高陡斜坡分析的超大窗口三维裂隙网络模拟方法,采用概率统计与空间几何推导的方法,建立了岩体三维结构面的直径、产状与密度计算方法。这种方法更加简便且针对性强,现场验证也表明其具有较高的模拟精度。  相似文献   
锆石是岩石中常见的副矿物,锆石晶体结构和地球化学特征的变化可以记录热液蚀变过程。东秦岭东段白草垛花岗伟晶岩中识别出三种类型锆石。类型一锆石具有明显的振荡环带,部分锆石边部有少量裂隙,微量元素含量相对较低,重稀土元素(HREE)富集,具明显Ce的正异常和Eu的负异常,指示其为岩浆锆石。类型二锆石具核-幔-边结构,边部裂隙发育,核部与类型一锆石具有相似的CL和微量元素特征,为岩浆锆石;幔部呈深色海绵状,内部结构不均匀,偶见环带锆石残留,微量元素含量较高,具有较高的U和Th含量,Ce异常不明显,具热液锆石特征,为热液沿着裂隙进入锆石内部不完全热液改造的结果。类型三锆石的结构特征和微量元素含量与类型二锆石的幔部相似,具有异常高U和Th含量以及较高的Dα值,为类型二锆石近完全热液改造的结果。花岗伟晶岩作为岩浆演化晚期的产物,经过结晶分异,残留的岩浆热液富集微量元素,岩浆热液沿着锆石的裂隙进入晶体内部对锆石经过不同程度热液改造,形成了花岗伟晶岩中不同类型的锆石。  相似文献   
梧桐庄煤矿2001年投产,年产量约150万t。目前矿井平均排水量为540m^3/h,且矿井水的矿化度超过5.0g/L。通过对梧桐庄矿水文地质条件、水质特征等因素的分析,认为梧桐庄矿开采2号煤层的矿井充水因素为奥灰水,充水通道主要为陷落柱及导水裂隙,为矿井防治水提供了参考依据。  相似文献   
攀枝花-西昌(攀西)麻粒岩一直被认为是扬子陆块西缘变质程度最高和最古老的结晶基底岩石。最近从麻粒岩中获得的单颗粒锆石U-Pb测年结果表明,攀西麻粒岩的原岩可能形成于古元古代晚期(1870±24 Ma)。17件锆石U-Pb的谐和年龄(858-778 Ma)可能是麻粒岩受新元古代地幔柱活动影响,在快速冷却和抬升过程中发生角闪岩相退变质作用的时代。这一时间正是全球Rodinia超大陆由汇聚转变为裂解地球动力学系统发生改变的重要时期。  相似文献   
为研究中国不同区域的降雨特征对径流总量控制效果的影响,利用186个气象站近30年的日降雨量资料,通过空间分析与统计计算,得到不同年径流总量控制率所对应的设计降雨量以及年均控制降雨量;结合年径流总量控制率与年均控制降雨量的关系将中国区域分为9种类型。结果表明:中国设计降雨量地域变化明显,广东、四川、广西、河北和河南等省的标准差为全国平均水平的1.5~3倍,且随年径流总量控制率的提升而增加,源头径流控制效果差异明显;南部地区径流控制效果多为"高量低率";"低量低率"区位于甘肃、宁夏等地,面积占比为9.44%,其降雨特征不适合发挥源头控制设施的效果;而最适宜发挥源头控制作用的"高量高率"区位于西南部分地区,面积占比为3.80%。  相似文献   
粤北始兴地区石英脉型钨矿成矿时代的确定及其地质意义   总被引:24,自引:7,他引:24  
粤北始兴地区钨矿的主体为石英脉型。通过对含矿石英脉中辉钼矿Re-Os同位素测定,获得等时线年龄及模式年龄的加权平均值分别为:师姑山钨铋矿(154.2±2.7)Ma(MSWD=0.29)和(154.0±2.0)Ma(MSWD=0.047);石人嶂钨矿(159.1±2.2)Ma(MSWD=3.9)和(157.6±1.6)Ma(MSWD=0.62)。结果表明它们为南岭地区中生代大规模成岩成矿作用高峰期的产物。这为进一步研究区域成矿规律,指导区域找矿提供了重要同位素年代学依据。  相似文献   
Measurement of ice velocities of the Antarctic glaciers is very important for studies on Antarctic ice and snow mass balance. The polar area environmental change and its influences on the global environment. Conventional methods may be used for measuring the ice velocities, but they suffer from severe weather conditions in the Polar areas. Use of satellite multi-spectral and muki-temporal images makes it easier to measure the velocities of the glacier movements. This paper discusses a new method for monitoring the glacial change by means of multi-temporal satellite images. Temporal remotely sensed images in the Ingrid Christensen coast were processed with respect to geometric rectification, registration and overlay, The average ice velocities of the Polar Record Glacier and the Dark Glacier were then calculated, with the changing characteristics analyzed and evaluated. The advantages of the method reported here include promise of all-weather operation and potentials of dynamic monitoring through suitabl  相似文献   
粤北梅子窝钨锡矿床地质特征及其成矿年龄研究   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
对梅子窝钨锡矿床含矿石英脉进行了Rb-Sr同位素年代学研究,获得石英Rb-Sr等时线年龄为150±5Ma,与前人在同一地区获得的师姑山钨铋矿和石人嶂钨矿含矿石英脉中共生辉钼矿物Re-Os等时线年龄(154~159Ma)在实验误差范围内一致。研究表明,南岭中段始兴地区的钨矿、钨锡矿和钨铋矿的形成时代分布在150~160Ma之间,同属南岭地区中生代大规模成岩成矿作用高峰期的产物。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONTheYanglacopperdepositishostedbybandedskarn,whichwastraditionalyconsideredtohavebeenformedbycontactmetasomaticpro...  相似文献   
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