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The Modified Gaussian Method (MGM) proposed by Sunshine et al. [Sunshine, J.M., Pieters, C.M., Pratt, S.F., 1990. Deconvolution of mineral absorption bands: an improved approach. Journal of Geophysical Research 95, 6955–6966.] is generally used to decompose spectra in the UV–Visible–NIR wavelength region into the characteristic absorption bands of minerals. Here, we compare the optimized results obtained using different curve-fitting methods for this spectrum. The result obtained using the Gaussian function for the absorption band shows a better fit than that obtained using the Lorentzian function. The background continuum of a quadratic polynomial for the wavenumber provides a better result than does the linear function for the wavenumber. We successfully decomposed the spectra of ordinary chondrites and eucrites into the absorption bands of olivine and pyroxene. The wavelength positions of these absorption bands are broadly consistent with the Fe contents of olivine and pyroxene. Although the present results are derived from a limited number of spectra, they are of use in terms of the decomposition of diffuse reflectance spectra.  相似文献   
Although the mining activity of the Idrija mine in Slovenia ceased in 1995, a large amount of mining dregs containing high concentrations of mercury remains in the area. The mining dregs were transported with river flow and deposition along the Idrija River. To estimate the dispersion and change in the chemical form of mercury, a total of 28 soil core samples were taken around the river. The individual core samples were separated into layers for the analysis of their chemical composition, carbon contents, total mercury (T-Hg) and methylmercury (MeHg) concentrations. The chemical composition measured by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry was useful to estimate the dispersion of tailings: the fluvial terrace soil had a chemical composition similar to that of the tailings and could be distinguished clearly from the forest soil. The highest T-Hg concentration, 1,100 mg kg−1, was observed in the fluvial terrace soil near the mine. Although the concentration decreased gradually along with distance from the mine, concentrations higher than 200 mg kg−1 of T-Hg were still observed in the fluvial terrace soil approximately 20 km downstream from the mine. In the vertical distribution of T-Hg in the hillslope soil, a higher value was observed in the upper layers, which suggests the recent atmospheric deposition of mercury. The concentration of MeHg was the lowest at the riverside and higher in the hillslope soil, which was the opposite of the T-Hg distribution. The total organic carbon content tracked similarly with the distribution of MeHg and a linear relation with a significantly high correlation coefficient was obtained. The distinction may be related to the different dispersion process of mercury, and the organic carbon contents may be an important factor for MeHg formation.  相似文献   
The 2005 northern Pakistan earthquake (magnitude 7.6) of 8 October 2005 occurred in the northwestern part of the Himalayas. We interpreted landslides triggered by the earthquake using black-and-white 2.5-m-resolution System Pour l’Observation de la Terre 5 (SPOT 5) stereo images. As a result, the counts of 2,424 landslides were identified in the study area of 55 by 51 km. About 79% or 1,925 of the landslides were small (less than 0.5 ha in area), whereas 207 of the landslides (about 9%) were large (1 ha and more in area). Judging from our field survey, most of the small landslides are shallow rock falls and slides. However, the resolution and whitish image in the photos prevented interpreting the movement type and geomorphologic features of the landslide sites in detail. It is known that this earthquake took place along preexisting active reverse faults. The landslide distribution was mapped and superimposed on the crustal deformation detected by the environmental satellite/synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data, active faults map, geological map, and shuttle radar topography mission data. The landslide distribution showed the following characteristics: (1) Most of the landslides occurred on the hanging-wall side of the Balakot–Garhi fault; (2) greater than one third of the landslides occurred within 1 km from the active fault; (3) the greatest number of landslides (1,147 counts), landslide density (3.2 counts/km2), and landslide area ratio (2.3 ha/km2) was found within Miocene sandstone and siltstone, Precambrian schist and quartzite, and Eocene and Paleocene limestone and shale, respectively; (4) there was a slight trend that large landslides occurred on vertically convex slopes rather than on concave slopes; furthermore, large landslides occurred on steeper (30° and more) slopes than on gentler slopes; (5) many large landslides occurred on slopes facing S and SW directions, which is consistent with SAR-detected horizontal dominant direction of crustal deformation on the hanging wall.  相似文献   
Subsurface water processes are common for planetary bodies in the solar system and are highly probable for exoplanets (planets outside the solar system). For many solar system objects, the subsurface water exists as ice. For Earth and Mars, subsurface saturated zones have occurred throughout their planetary histories. Earth is mostly clement with the recharge of most groundwater reservoirs from ample precipitation during transient ice- and hot-house conditions, as recorded through the geologic and fossilized records. On the other hand, Mars is mostly in an ice-house stage, which is interrupted by endogenic-driven activity. This activity catastrophically drives short-lived hydrological cycling and associated climatic perturbations. Regional aquifers in the Martian highlands that developed during past, more Earth-like conditions delivered water to the northern plains. Water was also cycled to the South Polar Region during changes in climate induced by endogenic activity and/or by changes in Mars orbital parameters. Venus very likely had a warm hydrosphere for hundreds of millions of years, before the development of its current extremely hot atmosphere and surface. Subsequently, Venus lost its hydrosphere as solar luminosity increased and a run-away moist greenhouse took effect. Subsurface oceans of water or ammonia-water composition, induced by tidal forces and radiogenic heating, probably occur on the larger satellites Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, Titan, and Triton. Tidal forces operating between some of the small bodies of the outer solar system could also promote the fusion of ice and the stability of inner liquid-water oceans.
Resumen Los procesos hídricos subsuperficiales son comunes en cuerpos planetarios del sistema solar y son altamente probables para exoplanetas (planetas fuera del sistema solar). Para muchos cuerpos del sistema solar, el agua subsuperficial existe como hielo. Para la Tierra y Marte han ocurrido zonas saturadas subsuperficiales a través de sus historias planetarias. La Tierra es principalmente generosa con la recarga de la mayoría de reservorios de aguas subterráneas a partir de amplia precipitación reconocida en condiciones transitorias calientes y heladas, tal y como aparece en los registros fósiles y geológicos. Por otro lado, Marte se encuentra principalmente en una etapa de cámara de hielo la cual es interrumpida por actividad de tipo endogénico. Esta actividad pone en funcionamiento catastróficamente ciclos hidrológicos de vida corta y perturbaciones climáticas asociadas. Acuíferos regionales en las montañas de Marte que se desarrollaron en el pasado en condiciones similares a la Tierra distribuyen agua a las planicies del norte. El agua ha sido transportada hacia el sur de la región polar durante cambios en el clima inducidos por actividad endogénica y/o cambios en los parámetros orbitales de Marte. Venus muy probablemente tuvo una hidrósfera caliente durante cientos de millones de años, antes de que se desarrollara su atmósfera y superficie actual extremadamente caliente. Subsecuentemente, Venus perdió su hidrósfera a medida que la luminosidad solar aumentó y un efecto de invernadero húmedo escapatorio se llevó a cabo. Océanos subsuperficiales de composición agua o amoniaco-agua, inducidos por fuerzas de marea y calentamiento radiogénico, probablemente ocurren en los satélites más grandes como Europa, Ganimeda, Callisto, Titan y Triton. Las fuerzas de marea que operan entre los cuerpos pequeños del sistema solar externo podrían también promover la fusión de hielo y la estabilidad de líquido interno-aguas de los océanos.

Résumé Les processus de subsurface impliquant leau sont communs pour les corps planétaires du système solaire et sont très probables sur les exoplanètes (planètes en dehors du système solaire). Pour plusieurs objets du systèmes solaire, leau de subsurface est présente sous forme de glace. Pour la Terre et Mars, les zones saturées de subsurface apparaissent à travers toute leur histoire planétaire. La Terre est particulièrement clémente avec la recharge des réservoirs, avec de amples précipitations, des conditions glaciaires et de fortes chaleurs, comme latteste les enregistrements géologiques et paléontologiques. Dun autre côté, Mars se trouve dans une phase essentiellement glaciaire, qui est interrompue par des activités contraintes par les phénomènes endogéniques. Cette activité conduit de manière catastrophique à des cycles hydrologiques et à des perturbations climatiques brutaux. Les aquifères régionaux dans les haute terres martiennes qui se sont formés dans des conditions similaires aux conditions terrestres, alimentent les plaines du Nord. Leau a également été déplacée vers le Pôle Sud martien durant des changements marqués par une forte activité endogénique et une modification des paramètres de lorbite de Mars. Venus possèdait vraisemblablement une hydrosphère chaude durant des millions dannée, avant le développement de son atmosphère et sa surface particulièrement chaude. Par après Venus a perdit son hydrosphère alors que la luminosité solaire augmentait et quune humidité liée à un effet de serre sinstallait. Les océans de subsurface deau ou deau ammoniacale, induits par les forces de marée et le chauffage radiogénique, apparaissent probablement sur les satellites les plus importants (Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, Titan, Triton). Les forces de marée entre les petits corps externes du système solaire peuvent également occasionner la fusion de glace et la stabilité des océans internes deau liquide.
Abstract— We obtained color images of near‐Earth asteroid 25143 Itokawa by the Hayabusa multiband imaging camera to characterize the regional color properties. Images were obtained for the whole disk from the gate position (GP) and home position (HP) at a spatial resolution of 0.8–3.7 m/pixel. Whole‐disk spectra are adjusted to the telescopic data obtained by the University of Hawai'i's 88‐inch telescope using the Eight Color Asteroid Survey (ECAS) system. The disk‐resolved measurements show large variations in the three visible channels. We present a map of an index related to the degree of space weathering, which has been newly developed based on laboratory measurements. We find large variations in the degree of space weathering on Itokawa. Fresh materials are observed in regions of steep slopes and craters, whereas mature materials are ubiquitously distributed. This result suggests that pristine ordinary chondrite‐like materials have been exposed through weathered layers by excavation. By also examining close‐up images obtained during touchdown rehearsal, we find that most rocks in Itokawa's rough terrains are weathered. Instead of a regolith blanket, the surface of this small asteroid is covered with weathered rocks and gravels.  相似文献   
Granulite grade marble layers interlayered with metapelitic granulites from Lützow Holm Bay, East Antarctica, provide insight into fluid–rock interactions during burial to and exhumation from lower crustal levels. Sub-millimeter scale strontium, oxygen and carbon isotope variations along with LA-ICPMS trace element geochemistry and mineral chemistry of texturally characterized carbonates and associated minerals helped to reconstruct the multistage metamorphic fluid history.Fluid–rock interaction dating back to prograde metamorphism are still preserved in consistently low oxygen and high strontium isotope compositions (δ18O = 12‰; 87Sr/86Sr(550Ma) = 0.7248) within a massif dolomitic marble layer that escaped significant later metasomatism. In most marbles, total re-crystallization and isotopic resetting occurred in the presence of “externally derived” hyper-saline fluids that circulated along the carbonate layers during the early stages of prograde metamorphism. This leads to a trend of increased radiogenic Sr in marbles towards the value of associated metapelitic rocks that have 87Sr/86Sr(550Ma) of 0.764.LA-ICPMS studies on trace elements in carbonate and associated silicate minerals at different textural settings, distinguished using cathodoluminescence microscopy, revealed multiple metasomatic events during retrograde metamorphism. Trace element contents of Ba, Sr, Pb and U gave compelling evidence for metasomatic alteration that postdate the exsolution of carbonate at ~ 600 ºC, which can be correlated with the fluids released from the crystallization of anatectic melts and pegmatites. Subsequently, meteoric fluid infiltration occurred at a shallower level of the crust and caused extreme oxygen isotopic heterogeneity (δ18O = 14.7 ~ ? 4.9‰) and imprinted high concentration of fluid mobile elements. Taken together our results emphasize the importance of integrating textural and chemical heterogeneities to reveal the multiple episodes of fluid–rock interaction processes in a dynamic continental crust, which has major implications on migration of fluids and material and help in formulating models on the geodynamic evolution of crust.  相似文献   
Fifty-three samples, including brines associated with oil and natural gas reservoirs and groundwater samples from deep boreholes, were collected from the Pacific and Japan Sea coastal regions in Japan. The 129I/127I and 36Cl/Cl ratios, and stable isotopes (δD and δ18O) are compared to investigate differences related to the geotectonic settings of the two regions. The δD and δ18O data indicate that brine and groundwater from the Pacific coastal region reflect mixing of meteoric water with connate seawater in the pores of sedimentary rocks. On the other hand, brine and groundwater from the Japan Sea coastal region have been hydrothermally altered. In particular, brines associated with petroleum accumulations at Niigata and Akita showed the same isotopic characteristics as fluids found in the Kuroko deposits of the Green Tuff region in northeastern Japan. There is little difference in the 36Cl/Cl ratios in brine and groundwater from the Pacific and Japan Sea coasts. Most brine and some deep groundwater, except those from the Pleistocene Kazusa Group, have already reached the average secular equilibrium ratio of 9.9 ± 2.7 × 10−15 for their mudstone and sandstone reservoirs. There was no correlation between the 36Cl/Cl ratios and differences in geotectonic setting between the Pacific and the Japan Sea coast. The molar I/Br ratio suggests that the I in all of water samples was of biogenic origin. The average 129I/127I ratio was 290 ± 130 × 10−15 to 294 ± 105 × 10−15 in both regions, showing no relationship to the different geotectonic settings. The uncontaminated brine and groundwater samples are likely to have retained the original 129I/127I ratios of marine I released from the old organic matter stored in sedimentary rock.  相似文献   
The 137°E repeat hydrographic section of the Japan Meteorological Agency across the western North Pacific was initiated in 1967 as part of the Cooperative Study of the Kuroshio and Adjacent Regions and has been continued biannually in winter and summer. The publicly available data from the section have been widely used to reveal seasonal to decadal variations and long-term changes of currents and water masses, biogeochemical and biological properties, and marine pollutants in relation to climate variability such as the El Niño-Southern Oscillation and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation. In commemoration of the 50th anniversary in 2016, this review summarizes the history and scientific achievements of the 137°E section during 1967–2016. Through the publication of more than 100 papers over this 50-year span, with the frequency and significance of the publication increasing in time, the 137°E section has demonstrated its importance for future investigations of physical–biogeochemical–biological interactions on various spatiotemporal scales, and thereby its utility in enhancing process understanding to aid projections of the impact of future climate change on ocean resources and ecosystems over the twenty-first century.  相似文献   
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