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The aculeate and isopteran fauna was surveyed in 1982 on the Krakatau islands, all the biota of which had been exterminated by the great eruption in 1883.The pattern of colonization of these insects (wasps, bees and termites) and the present state of their faunas are discussed based upon our 1982 survey and those made earlier. Species numbers varied only slightly between the four islands in spite of their differing sizes. This may be because the islands are situated close to each other and most of the aculeates prefer open sites rather than forests.The species/time curve for the Aculeata as a whole was still rising in 1982. However, in some groups flattening of the curve had occurred, and a comparison of species number in social wasps and bees, for example, between Java, Krakatau and Sumatra suggested the occurrence of supersaturation. Cumulative species numbers was distinctly larger than actual number in the three most recent surveys showing that several species must have become extinct in each intersurvey period. Species turnover associated with habitat changes may have occurred for the whole island group and on particular islands.Analysis of the colour pattern of the Krakatau populations of certain species with different geographical races on Java and Sumatra showed that the Javan elements have a slight preponderance over the Sumatran ones on the Krakataus.Some examples of faunal disharmony were found; the most remarkable was the almost complete lack of species of swarm-founding social wasps and bees, and of ground-nesting termites probably reflecting their poor dispersal ability across the sea barrier.  相似文献   
We estimate detailed three-dimensional seismic velocity structures in the subducting Pacific slab beneath Hokkaido, Japan, using a large number of arrival-time data from 6902 local earthquakes. A remarkable low-velocity layer with a thickness of ~ 10 km is imaged at the uppermost part of the slab and is interpreted as hydrated oceanic crust. The layer gradually disappears at depths of 70–80 km, suggesting the breakdown of hydrous minerals there. We find prominent low-velocity anomalies along the lower plane of the double seismic zone and above the aftershock area of the 1993 Kushiro-oki earthquake (M7.8). Since seismic velocities of unmetamorphosed peridotite are much higher than the observations, hydrous minerals are expected to exist in the lower plane as well as the hypocentral area of the 1993 earthquake. On the other hand, regions between the upper and lower planes, where seismic activity is not so high compared to the both planes, show relatively high velocities comparable to those of unmetamorphosed peridotite. Our observations suggest that intermediate-depth earthquakes occur mainly in regions with hydrous minerals, which support dehydration embrittlement hypothesis as a cause of earthquake in the subducting slab.  相似文献   
We present an original implementation of the free-surface boundary condition in a mesh-free finite-difference method for simulating elastic wave propagation in the frequency domain. For elastic wave modelling in the frequency domain, the treatment of free surfaces is a key issue which requires special consideration. In the present study, the free-surface boundary condition is directly implemented at node positions located on the free-surface. Flexible nature of the mesh-free method for nodal distribution enables us to introduce topography into numerical models in an efficient manner. We investigate the accuracy of the proposed implementation by comparing numerical results with an analytical solution. The results show that the proposed method can calculate surface wave propagation even for an inclined free surface with substantial accuracy. Next, we calculate surface wave propagation in a model with a topographic surface using our method, and compare the numerical result with that using the finite-element method. The comparison shows the excellent agreement with each other. Finally, we apply our method to the SEG foothill model to investigate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Since the mesh-free method has high flexibility of nodal distribution, the proposed implementation would deal with models of topographic surface with sufficient accuracy and efficiency.  相似文献   
From multi-ensembles of climate simulations using the Community Climate System Model version 3, global climate changes have been investigated focusing on long-term responses to stabilized anthropogenic forcings. In addition to the standard forcing scenarios for the current international assessment, an overshoot scenario, where radiative forcings are decreased from one stabilized level to another, is also considered. The globally-averaged annual surface air temperature increases during the twenty-first century by 2.58 and 1.56°C for increased forcings under two future scenarios denoted by A1B and B1, respectively. These changes continue but at much slower rates in later centuries under forcings stabilized at year 2100. The overshoot scenario provides a different pathway to the lower B1 level by way of the greater A1B level. This scenario results in a surface climate similar to that in the B1 scenario within 100 years after the forcing reaches the B1 level. Contrasting to the surface changes, responses in the ocean are significantly delayed. It is estimated from the linear response theory that temperature changes under stabilized forcings to a final equilibrium state in the A1B (B1) scenario are factors of 0.3–0.4, 0.9, and 17 (0.3, 0.6, and 11) to changes during the twenty-first century, respectively, for three ocean layers of the surface to 100, 100–500, and 500 m to the bottom. Although responses in the lower ocean layers imply a nonlinear behavior, the ocean temperatures in the overshoot and B1 scenarios are likely to converge in their final equilibrium states.  相似文献   
In the previous paper (Toba and Murakami, 1998) we reported on an unusual path of the Kuroshio Current System, which occurred in April 1997 (April 1997 event), using the Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) data of the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS). The April 1997 event was characterized by the flow of the Kuroshio along the western slope (northward) and the eastern slope (southward) of the Izu-Ogasawara Ridge, a very southerly turning point at about 32°N, followed by a straight northward path up to 37°N of the Kuroshio Extension along the eastern flank of the Izu-Ogasawara and the Japan Trenches. Overlaying of depth contours on ADEOS-OCTS chlorophyll-a images at the April 1997 event demonstrates the bottom topography effects on the current paths. A new finding based on TOPEX/Poseidon altimeter data is that the sea-surface gradient across the Kuroshio/Kuroshio Extension diminished greatly in the sea area southeast of the central Japan, as a very temporary phenomenon prior to this event. This temporary diminishing of the upper-ocean current velocity might have caused a stronger bottom effect along the Izu-Ogasawara Ridge, and over the Izu-Ogasawara Trench disclosed a weak background, barotropic trench-flank current pattern, which existed otherwise independently of the Kuroshio Extension. The very southerly path of the Kuroshio Extension from winter 1996 to autumn 1998 corresponded, with a time lag of about 1.5 years, to the previous La Niña tendency with weaker North Equatorial Current. The April 1997 event occurred in accordance with its extreme condition.  相似文献   
The Kii Bifurcation Current is often found along the southwest coast of the Kii Peninsula, and its frequency of occurrence reaches about 70% in the period from 1988 to 1996 (Takeuchi et al., 1998a). In order to clarify the structure and short-period variability of the Kii Bifurcation Current, detailed observations were made four times on board the R/V Seisui-maru of Mie University on October 29–31, 1996, on June 24–26, 1997, October 14–16, 1997, and December 3–4, 1997. The measured horizontal structure of the Kii Bifurcation Current indicates that the eastern portion of the Current (eastward flow near Cape Shionomisaki) consists of a part of the current zone of the Kuroshio. It is shown that the current structure, including the Kii Bifurcation Current in the vicinity of Cape Shionomisaki, is stable when the Kuroshio is flowing in a stationary straight path, but that the current structure is considerably changed when small-scale eddies pass by the cape. Such short-period variation can be monitored by using the daily variation of the sea level difference between Kushimoto and Uragami. In particular, in the case of October 29–31, 1996, when an eminent small-scale eddy passed by Cape Shionomisaki, and when the Kuroshio axis tentatively moved southwards about 50 km apart from the coast, the Kii Bifurcation Current seems to have disappeared.  相似文献   
Climate Dynamics - Despite the efforts of the modelling community to improve the representation of the sea surface temperature (SST) over the South Eastern Tropical Atlantic, warm biases still...  相似文献   
Seasonal variations in coastal debris on Awaji Island, Japan   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The subject of our study was Awaji Island, an island located in the west of Japan that is surrounded by sea and that has serious problems relating to coastal debris. We conducted a long-term investigation focusing on three beaches and evaluated the results. The study was designed to develop an understanding of the actual situation, to inform local citizens, and raise their concerns about the problem of debris with a view to taking action against it. We obtained the following results: the amount, type, and ratio of debris changed according to weather and ocean conditions; debris also differs according to geographical conditions; social and economic activities of the surrounding area influence the type of debris encountered. Following this study, we have continued our investigation, and are continuing to gather data. At the same time, it is important to spread our ideas and enlighten people so as to encourage them not to dump debris. We hope that these actions manage to raise the level of consciousness among local citizens and to expand their anti-debris activities.  相似文献   
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