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利用长乐雷达超低仰角探测资料,对比分析了台风"海棠"和"蔷薇"的超低仰角和0.5°仰角PPI回波资料的差别。结果表明,在不受或尽量少受地物影响的情况下,雷达合理选用超低仰角探测是可行的,且在低层降水回波探测方面效果较0.5°仰角好,特别在远距离探测能力方面有明显改进,一般在距离>100km后探测能力较0.5°仰角有明显优势。雷达超低仰角反映出的台风云块的分布比较清晰,雷达加入超低仰角探测对台风低层探测和预警有一定程度的改进。降低0.12°后的超低仰角探测可提前台风预警时间和提早约2~6个体扫;提高台风探测范围约1.09倍,其他几次体扫的对比情况也反映出降低仰角,0.31°仰角比0.48°仰角提高台风"蔷薇"探测范围约为2.1%~9.6%。雷达超低仰角提高探测台风云体低层结构的同时,更易受近距离海浪杂波的影响,海浪杂波有时可能干扰对台风结构的判断,应引起注意。在选取多大的超低仰角时,应兼顾二者关系。  相似文献   
利用中尺度模式WRF3.3对太行山东麓焚风典型个例进行了数值模拟。结果表明,太行山东麓焚风的发生和移动与山脉背风波密切相关。由此建立了太行山东麓焚风的概念模型:西北或偏西气流途经山西盆地、山西境内的山脉或高原,再越过太行山,在其东麓形成背风波。背风波的下沉气流气温按干绝热方式上升,同时下沉气流也会对低层大气产生压缩增温效应,使得太行山东麓产生焚风。背风波即为重力波,可以伴随着下沉气流向下游移动,正变温区同时也向东移动。变温区移动的速度和重力波的传播速度相同。背风波的产生,需要Scorer数向上足够的减小,而且不连续,即要求大气是稳定的且存在明显的风速切变。  相似文献   
浑太流域降水极值的统计分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于浑太流域1966-2006年73个雨量站的日降水资料,建立了逐站年最大日降水量(AnnualMaximum,AM)序列和汛期4-9月日降水量<1.27mm.d-1的最长持续干旱天数(Munger Index,MI)序列,并对其时空分布规律进行了分析。采用广义极值(General Extreme Value,GEV)分布、广义帕雷托(General Pareto,GP)分布、韦布尔(Weibull,WB)分布、约翰逊SB(Jonhson SB,J-SB)分布、Burr分布和对数逻辑(Log-Logistic,L-LG)分布等6种极值分布函数对AM和MI序列进行了逐站分布拟合,结果表明,广泛应用的GEV分布整体拟合程度最好,有50个测站的KS检验统计量Dn<0.09,而未曾推广使用的Burr分布的拟合效果也非常好,有36个测站Dn<0.09。用GEV分布对50年一遇的AM和MI进行了估算,发现流域中心地区极端强降水和极端干旱的程度较高,分别为>208mm.d-1和>47d。  相似文献   
利用DDA(Discrete Dipole Approximation)算法产生的旋转扁椭球水滴散射特征数据进行了多项式拟合,以3.2mm波长为例,给出了两种偏振状态下后向散射和衰减效率的快速算式。对比分析了快速算式结果和DDA数据的独立样本,结果表明,快算结果的绝对相对误差在5%以内,而耗时仅用DDA算法产生这些数据所用时间的10-6量级。所得结果可直接用于云降水区含扁椭球形水滴情况下的雷达回波模拟、雷达资料定量处理和毫米波雷达的衰减订正等,此方法还可用于其他波长、形状的水滴和冰晶。  相似文献   
于琳琳  陈海山 《高原气象》2012,31(5):1173-1182
利用1981—2002年GIMMS-NDVI资料、中国西部数据中心提供的雪深长时间序列数据集、中国753个测站降水资料及ECMWF再分析地表通量资料,通过相关和合成分析等统计方法,探讨了青藏高原(下称高原)4月植被覆盖、积雪异常与地表加热异常和与后期中国夏季降水之间的联系。结果表明,高原4月的陆面状况与同期的地表加热存在密切的联系,植被覆盖和积雪深度的变化具有较好的一致性;高原植被覆盖(积雪)主要影响地表感热(潜热)通量,从而改变高原地区的地表加热;高原地表加热和中国夏季降水存在较为密切的关系。就年际异常而言,前期高原地表加热异常与长江以南地区6月降水存在明显的负相关,与7月降水的显著负相关区域主要位于华北、东北地区,与8月降水的显著负相关区主要位于长江中上游及淮河一带。相比之下,前期高原地表加热与夏季降水的年际增幅异常之间存在更为密切的联系,即前期高原地表加热年际增幅异常与长江以南及西南部分地区6月降水年际增幅异常为负相关,而与7、8月降水年际增幅异常主要呈南正北负的分布特征。  相似文献   
乌鲁木齐夏季强降水过程GPS-PWV的演变特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨莲梅  王世杰  史玉光  赵玲 《高原气象》2012,31(5):1348-1355
利用乌鲁木齐GPS观测站数据反演得到1h间隔GPS遥测的大气可降水量(GPS-PWV)和乌鲁木齐自动气象站逐时降水资料,分析了乌鲁木齐地区夏季10次中雨以上降水过程的GPS-PWV演变特征。结果表明,乌鲁木齐地区的强降水过程中GPS-PWV呈现出明显的1~3天增湿过程和1~2次跃变过程,且降水时GPS-PWV几乎约为气候平均值的2倍,跃变过程与降水发生和结束有较好的关系,可为干旱区降水短期预报提供一个明确的水汽演变指标。  相似文献   
熊康军  张俊 《东北测绘》2012,(3):172-173,177
随着测绘技术的迅猛发展,内业处理已全面进入数字化阶段,但传统的外业调绘方式已经成为地理信息数据快速更新的“瓶颈”,不能完全满足现代测绘的需要。本文总结了数字调绘系统与传统调绘方法的各自优缺点,设计了一种数字调绘系统。该系统作为一个易操作的平台,降低了劳动强度,提高了数据精度,节约了生产成本。数字调绘为地理信息数据的快速更新提取提供了一种较好的技术手段,必将是今后航测外业的发展方向。  相似文献   
在全野外数字化测图中,高程数据质量的好坏,直接影响地形图产品的质量,文章针对利用全站仪进行全野外数字化测图工作中,高程数据容易出错的几个环节,提出对高程数据出错的解决的方法。  相似文献   
Gypsum contains liquid inclusions which fill mainly primary cavities. Analysis of inclusions may give some information about the mineral formation process. In places, diagenetic solutions have filled secondary cavities along cleavage planes or replaced initial liquid inclusions in primary cavities; the presence of such secondary inclusions must, therefore, be taken into consideration. This study presents our results on the Cl/Br ratio of liquid inclusions in gypsum. The Cl/Br ratio is practically constant in present sea water, and has been measured in many different types of waters. The Br content of halite has also been extensively studied to trace the compositional changes of a salt-depositing brine. In gypsum Br is present only in microscopic fluid inclusions. For this reason we used the neutron-activation method. We adopted the technique in order to prevent any contamination and obtain directly Cl/Br ratio within 10% accuracy. In order to ascertain that liquid inclusions reside mainly in primary cavities of gypsum, we selected our samples only after microscopic observation. Fifty-eight samples from different types of gypsum were analysed. The salinities of the inclusions, obtained through the data on freezing, and the Cl/Br ratio, obtained through activation-analysis, give us clues as to the nature of the fluids depositing the gypsum. Recent gypsum deposits from French salt-pans of Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts were sampled. The latter has apparently been diagenetically altered by meteoric water; the salinity of many inclusions having been changed while the Cl/Br ratio (315 and 350) in both remains close to the value of present sea water (#300). Liquid inclusions of Recent crystals from New Caledonia, deposited in mangrove swamps are enriched in Br (Cl/Br = 150 and 200). The enrichment might be related to the presence of abundant organic materials. Inclusions in crystals from Sebkha el Melah (Tunisia) also show high Br content (Cl/Br = 194). In this case, the brine was highly concentrated and was saturated with NaCl. The Upper Miocene gypsum from Sicily was studied to test the various models for the genesis of this important evaporite formation of the Mediterranean. Freezing data show some decrease of salinities, probably by groundwater diagenesis, but the Br content is high. The Cl/Br ratio is 175, and this value is similar to that of Sebkha el Melah. Samples from three thick Eocene and Oligocene sequences near Paris and in the South of France were studied. Freezing data and Cl/Br ratio of their inclusions indicate that those gypsum deposits have crystallized in marine environments receiving considerable influx of river-waters.  相似文献   
The Optimal Design of TMD for Offshore Structures   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
This paper presents the optimal design procedure of Tuned Mass Damper(TMD)for re-ducing vibration of an actual steel jacket offshore platform excited by random wave loading.In this study,a frequency domain is taken.The force on the structure is determined by use of the linearized Morisonequation for an input Power Spectral Density(PSD)of wave elevation.The sensitivity of optimum valuesof TMD to characteristic parameters of random wave spectrum is analyzed.An optimized TMD designfor the modeled platform is given based on design conditions and the findings of the study.  相似文献   
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