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低围压水平下砂的排水行为(英文)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用干样沉降法制备样品 ,选用静三轴仪对松砂和密砂样在 10 k Pa至 10 0 k Pa的低围压下的排水行为进行了实验研究 ,并对实验结果作了橡皮膜校正 ,在围压为 10 k Pa的密砂实验中 ,轴向应力的校正值可达到 12 %。实验研究表明低围压下松砂的剪胀性非常明显 ,且存在剪应力极值 ;围压越低 ,松砂和密砂的剪应力极值越小 ,达到最大剪应力所对应的剪应变越小。同时还表明低围压范围内相对密度不同 ,砂的应力应变特性不同 ;此外 ,低围压下砂的内摩擦角高于高围压下的值 ,从而在工程上应重视低围压水平下砂土工程参数的合理选取  相似文献   
I\rnooUcrIoxThe drpdric fish species cor-npositlon is an imPOrtant element 1n the study of fish ecologyand plays an important guiding role ln fishery preduction and roouLrces rnanagement. Lin(l988) and Zhang (1994 and l995) have studied the simi1drities of mpulation COtwsition ofame s1ngle species of different yea-rs including hairtail Trichuras haumee and yellDw cndertwinena cmi. But no rePOrt is available on the discridrination of the sidrildrities amongmuLlt1ple sPecies composition of…  相似文献   
Quantity, timing, duration, and fluctuation of freshwater inflow are important factors affecting the development and health of aquatic and adjacent wetland ecosystems in coastal estuaries. This study assessed six decades of freshwater inflow from the Amite River, Tickfaw River, and Tangipahoa River watersheds to Lake Pontchartrain, a large oligohaline estuary in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, whose flood waters caused recent damage to the city of New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. By utilizing the long-term (1940–2002) river discharge and climatic data from the three major tributary watersheds, monthly and annual freshwater inflows have been quantified and their spatial and temporal variations have been analyzed. On average, the three rivers discharged (±standard error) 0.27 ± 0.04 km3 freshwater monthly and 3.29 ± 0.15 km3 freshwater annually into the lake estuarine system, with the highest inflow from the Amite River (0.16 ± 0.03 m3 mon−1, and 1.91 ± 0.09 km3 yr−1) and the lowest inflow from the Tickfaw River (0.03 ± 0.00 km3 mon−1, and 0.34 ± 0.02 km3 yr−1). A distinct seasonality was evident with over 69% of the total annual inflow occurring during December and May (wet months) and with a low flow period from August to November (dry months). The monthly inflow during the wet months was positively correlated with the monthly precipitation (r2 = 0.64), while the monthly inflow during the dry months was subject to evapotranspiration. Furthermore, the study found a 20-year low flow period from 1954–1973 (2.76 ± 0.24 km3 yr−1) and a 24-year high flow period from 1975–1998 (3.84 ± 0.24 km3 yr−1), coinciding with both the climate variation and population growth in the watersheds.  相似文献   
生物制氢研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前, 世界上利用的能源90%以上都是“化石能源”(如石油、煤炭和天然气等)。随着人类不断利用这些不可再生的“化石能源”, 它将会逐渐枯竭, 且其燃烧形成的产物(如CO2和SO2等)造成的严重环境污染(如温室效应和酸雨), 也有害于人类健康。因此, 人类正面临着能源紧缺和环境污染的双重压力。为满足能源需求量日益增长和环境保护的需要, 我们必须寻找环保型的可再生能源来替代“化石能源” 以满足人类对能源的需求。 在各种可再生能源中氢能将有可能替代“化石能源”,成为未来能源利用的主要形式。氢能具有许多优点:①氢能燃烧时只生成水, 不产生任何污染物, 甚至连CO2也不会产生, 实现真正的“零污染” 和“零排放”;②氢能的能量密度高, 放热高达122 kJ/g, 是焦炭放热的4.5倍, 汽油的2.68倍;③氢能可经济有效的输送和储存, 可以利用已有的天然气管道输送, 输送成本低, 甚至优于输电, 因为输送氢能不会产生如电能输送过程中所产生的能量损耗;氢能的存储也比较简便, 其中储氢合金材料就是一种非常理想的储氢方法, 该方法储氢能力强、运输方便、操作容易, 且安全可靠。在利用储氢合金进行储氢时, 还可用以进行制冷或采暖(Kulkova et al., 2006), 因为储氢材料在吸氢时放热, 在放氢时吸热。正因为氢能具有如此多的优点, 许多大的跨国公司开始对制氢技术高度关注, 如主要汽车制造商(通用、福特、戴姆勒-克莱斯勒等)对开发以氢能作为燃料的汽车投入大量的人力和物力;宝马公司从20世纪70年代就开始研制以氢能为能源的汽车, 宝马公司现在已拥有了时速达240km的氢能汽车(Munro,2003)。同时, 一些发达国家的科研院所的科学家们对氢能的制备方法、制氢机制以及提高产氢量等进行了大量的研究。  相似文献   
简要阐述地震小区划在现代城市建设中的重要性以及在实施地震小区划的研究中浅层地震探测的重要作用及其方法原理,并给出应用浅层地震探测在城市地震小区划中的实例。  相似文献   
本文介绍一种声遥测海底平面层系声阻抗分布的模拟实验结果。实验在油漆厂冷却水池中进行,采用取样平均迭代的反演方法,对三介质层系的遥测结果与实测值较好地接近。  相似文献   
对类比路段进行连续模拟试验,进行现场调查,给出汽车尾气主要污染物的排污强度,预测了汽车尾气中CO、C_nH_m和NO_x的扩散范围。  相似文献   
关于东海浮游植物,虽然国内、外都有人进行过一些调査研究,取得一些成果,但因调查时间较短或调查范围較小所获资料不全,都未能代表东海浮游植物的全貌。中国科学院海洋研究所继全国海洋综合调査之后,自1976年夏季又在东海陆架区进行了综合调查。这次调查,分析了东海浮游植物的个体数量和种数的分布状况,讨论了其主要种类的生态性质、群落组成和它们与水文环境的关系,对东海浮游植物的生态状况有了进一步了解。 1976年夏季在东海陆架区进行了两次(6月25日至7月23日和8月27日至9月21日)调查,调查范围南到北纬26°30′,东到东经127°,在沿纬度安排的6个断面共44个测站上(第一航次还在黄海南部增加一斜断面),分別进行了水文观测,并用网目为64平方微米的小型浮游生物网(Juday phytoplankton net),从水底到表面垂直拖网进行浮游植物采样,以个体计数法计数分析。  相似文献   
Recently, multi-layered targets have become commonplace in both military and civilian applications, such as marine hulls, armored vehicle bodies, outside structures of bulletproof cars, and aerospace vessels. This paper studies the resistant performance of perforation in multi-layered targets. An estimation procedure is established based on the concepts of the conservation of momentum, impulse-momentum law, and conservation of energy. Experimental results of the test of Almohandes et al. are adopted to check the residual velocity of multi-layered targets. The results of the verification are good in terms of agreement for impact velocities ranging from 700 to 800 m/s, when the ratio of the projectile length to the projectile diameter (i.e. L/D) is 4.2, and the average residual velocity error of single, double- or triple-layered targets range approximately from 4.42 to 8.40%. The ballistic performance is best for the double target when the ratio of the first layer thickness to the total thickness (i.e. t1/(t1+t2)) is about 0.75, and the worse performance occurs when the ratio t1/(t1+t2) is 0.5. An air gap slightly influences the resistant performance of perforation in multi-layered targets. These results may serve as a useful reference for designers.  相似文献   
本文通过计算和对比分析,得到1991年春、夏江淮地区特大暴雨形成的五个基本特征:西北太平洋上副高显著偏西、偏北;较弱的西南季风与东南气流汇合成强西南气流伸向江淮地区;偏东风与强西南风形成的辐合带在江淮地区维持;江淮地区对流层中下部为强上升运动、上部为辐散;130°E附近南半球向北半球的较强越赤道气流持续。  相似文献   
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