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The advent of new and better instruments in space has resulted in a considerable increase in the number of solar gamma-ray events (GRE) detected. In this paper, we analyze available SMM/GRS and GRANAT/PHEBUS data on the hard X-ray and gamma-ray events, and their associations with solar proton events (SPE) at the Earth's orbit, for the observation period of 1980–1995. About 58% of the GREs under study were found to be SPE-related ones. Size (frequency) distributions have been obtained, for the first time, for the events with different types of emissions (bremsstrahlung, narrow GR lines, positron annihilation line, neutron capture line, SPEs, etc.). We discuss the possible relationships between size distributions implied by the parameter correlation. The distribution for GR events turns out to be generally harder than that for X-ray bursts. The GREs involving energetic particles in space are shown to have a harder frequency distribution in comparison with that for GREs without detectable SPEs. There is also a tendency for the GREs with highest fluences to be related with SPEs. Finally, no correlation seems to exist between the GRL fluence and maximum flux of >10 MeV protons near the Earth. 相似文献
Summary On Diego de Almagro Island in Chilean Patagonia (51°30S), a convergent strike slip zone, the Seno Arcabuz shear zone, separates the Diego de Almagro Metamorphic Complex from very low grade metagreywackes in the east, which were intruded by Jurassic granitoids. The Diego de Almagro Metamorphic Complex is composed of a metapsammopelitic sequence containing blueschist intercalations in the west and (garnet) amphibolite lenses in the east. Peak metamorphic conditions (stage I) at 9.5–13.5kbar, 380–450°C in the blueschist and at 11.2–13.2, 460–565°C in the amphibolite indicate subduction and accretion at different positions within the deepest part of the accretionary wedge. A K–Ar age of 117±28Ma of amphibole approximately dates the peak of metamorphism in the amphibolite. The early retrograde stage of metamorphism occurred under static conditions and resulted in localized equilibration (stage II) at 6.3–9.6kbar, 320–385°C in the blueschist and 6.1–8.4kbar, 310–504°C in the amphibolite. Both P-T paths converge within a midcrustal level.In contrast, an orthogneiss of trondhjemitic composition occurring within the Seno Arcabuz shear zone is associated with a garnet mica-schist containing a high temperature/intermediate pressure assemblage formed at 4.9–6.5kbar, 580–690°C. A muscovite K–Ar age of 122.2±4.6Ma dates cooling after this event which is related to a concomitant magmatic arc. These rocks were overprinted by a mylonitic deformation, which is caused by convergent strike slip shearing and ends during formation of a retrograde phengite-chlorite-stilpnomelane assemblage at a minimum pressure of approximately 5.7kbar (at 300°C).Zircon fission track ages from rocks of the Seno Arcabuz shear zone are 64.9±2.7 and 64.9±2.7Ma; they record the end of shearing in the Seno Arcabuz shear zone that juxtaposed all rocks in the middle crust. Zircon fission track ages ranging from 78 to 105Ma in the South Patagonian batholith to the east indicate earlier cooling through 280°C. The rocks of the Diego de Almagro Metamorphic Complex were initially slowly exhumed and resided at a midcrustal level before being emplaced via shearing in the Seno Arcabuz shear zone. Apatite fission track ages (54±8Ma) from the Seno Arcabuz shear zone show that exhumation and cooling rates increased after this event. The incorporation of continental crust within the subduction system was a late process, which modified the Cretaceous accretionary wedge, resulting in considerable shortening of the convergent margin. 相似文献
This modelling study deals with the time‐dependent behaviour of rockfill media, which is of particular interest during the life of rockfill dams. Breakage of rock blocks and crack propagation are the main processes responsible for rockfill creep and collapse. The modelling procedure presented here is performed on two scales: on the rock block scale, where the grain is taken to be an assembly of rigid particles initially endowed with cohesive bonds, and on the rockfill scale, which is taken to involve a set of breakable grains interacting via contact and friction processes. The grain breakage process is described in term of a thermodynamically consistent damage interface model, where the damage is a gradual delayed process. This model was implemented in a non‐smooth contact dynamics code. The effects of the main parameters involved were analysed by performing numerical studies. The ability of the model to predict the creep behaviour of rockfill media is confirmed by presenting several simulations. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Ricardo P. Meireles Rui Quartau Ricardo S. Ramalho Ana C. Rebelo José Madeira Vittorio Zanon Sérgio P. Ávila 《Sedimentology》2013,60(7):1769-1785
Oceanic islands – such as the Azores in the mid‐North Atlantic – are periodically exposed to large storms that often remobilize and transport marine sediments along coastlines, and into deeper environments. Such disruptive events create deposits – denominated tempestites – whose characteristics reflect the highly dynamic environment in which they were formed. Tempestites from oceanic islands, however, are seldom described in the literature and little is known about storm‐related sediment dynamics affecting oceanic island shelves. Therefore, the geological record of tempestite deposits at oceanic islands can provide invaluable information on the processes of sediment remobilization, transport and deposition taking place on insular shelves during and after major storms. In Santa Maria Island (Azores), a sequence of Neogene tempestite deposits was incorporated in the island edifice by the ongoing volcanic activity (thus preserved) and later exposed through uplift and erosion. Because it was overlain by a contemporary coastal lava delta, the water depth at the time of deposition could be inferred, constituting an excellent case‐study to gain insight on the still enigmatic processes of insular shelf deposition. Sedimentological, palaeontological, petrographic and palaeo‐water depth information allowed the reconstruction of the depositional environment of these sediments. The sequence typifies the characteristics of a tempestite (or successive tempestites) formed at ca 50 m depth, in a steep, energetic open insular shelf, and with evidence for massive sediment remobilization from the nearshore to the middle or outer shelf. The authors claim that cross‐shelf transport induced by storm events is the main process of sediment deposition acting on steep and narrow shelves subjected to high‐energetic environments, such as the insular shelves of open‐sea volcanic islands. 相似文献
Gérard Daigne Patrick Charlot Christine Ducourant Jean-François Lestrade 《Astrophysics and Space Science》2003,286(1-2):255-260
The question of positioning the optical counterparts of the ICRF quasars is outlined in the perspective of future space astrometry
missions, which ultimately will bring a new realization of the ICRS in the optical range. Ground-based interferometry with
a dual-field observing mode (PRIMA/VLTI),together with the missions DIVA and FAME, will have a key role in building an extragalactic
reference frame in the optical/near-IR range with about the same accuracy as that of the present (VLBI) primary frame.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
G. Berg 《International Journal of Earth Sciences》1924,15(2):143-143
Ohne Zusammenfassung 相似文献
生物质燃烧颗粒物有机示踪化合物的测定和应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
使用气相色谱-质谱法对2002年7月-2003年7月的北京市大气粗、细颗粒物样品中的左旋葡聚糖等糖类化合物进行了测定。结果表明,左旋葡聚糖主要存在于细颗粒中,可以作为示踪化合物来研究生物质燃烧现象。生物质燃烧对北京市大气颗粒物有较重要的贡献。对应于12%-40%的PM2.5有机碳和10%-33%的PM10有机碳。北京市在2002年10月和11月受到明显的生物质燃烧的影响,可能由于农田秸杆焚烧和秋季落叶焚烧。2003年5月7日颗粒物样品受到直线距离约为1000km以外的内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔市大兴安岭林区森林大火烟雾的影响。生物质燃烧事件具有突发性,可以长距离传输;生物质作为农村生物燃料的使用其燃烧排放具有经常性和持久性的特征。 相似文献
Quantitative sinkhole hazard assessments in karst areas allow calculation of the potential sinkhole risk and the performance
of cost-benefit analyses. These estimations are of practical interest for planning, engineering, and insurance purposes. The
sinkhole hazard assessments should include two components: the probability of occurrence of sinkholes (sinkholes/km2 year) and the severity of the sinkholes, which mainly refers to the subsidence mechanisms (progressive passive bending or
catastrophic collapse) and the size of the sinkholes at the time of formation; a critical engineering design parameter. This
requires the compilation of an exhaustive database on recent sinkholes, including information on the: (1) location, (2) chronology
(precise date or age range), (3) size, and (4) subsidence mechanisms and rate. This work presents a hazard assessment from
an alluvial evaporite karst area (0.81 km2) located in the periphery of the city of Zaragoza (Ebro River valley, NE Spain). Five sinkholes and four locations with features
attributable to karstic subsidence where identified in an initial investigation phase providing a preliminary probability
of occurrence of 0.14 sinkholes/km2 year (11.34% in annual probability). A trenching program conducted in a subsequent investigation phase allowed us to rule
out the four probable sinkholes, reducing the probability of occurrence to 0.079 sinkholes/km2 year (6.4% in annual probability). The information on the severity indicates that collapse sinkholes 10–15 m in diameter
may occur in the area. A detailed study of the deposits and deformational structures exposed by trenching in one of the sinkholes
allowed us to infer a modern collapse sinkhole approximately 12 m in diameter and with a vertical throw of 8 m. This collapse
structure is superimposed on a subsidence sinkhole around 80 m across that records at least 1.7 m of synsedimentary subsidence.
Trenching, in combination with dating techniques, is proposed as a useful methodology to elucidate the origin of depressions
with uncertain diagnosis and to gather practical information with predictive utility about particular sinkholes in alluvial
karst settings: precise location, subsidence mechanisms and magnitude, and timing and rate of the subsidence episodes. 相似文献
A fully relativistic electron maser is proposed for the explanation of certain non-thermal solar and stellar radio bursts. This mechanism (maser synchrotron) is based on a gyroresonant interaction between waves and electrons of high energies and uses the free energy contained in an electronic distribution function that peaks for energies around 1 MeV.By a calculation of the growth rates of the three electromagnetic modes, we show that the X-mode prevails for values of
cup to 2 or 3. This result is very different from the standard cyclotron maser case where such values of
clead to quench the X-mode growth. Hence, the synchrotron maser instability appears to be a direct and efficient amplification process for considerably larger physical conditions than the cyclotron maser. In addition, the radiation, emitted over the second gyroharmonic, freely propagates without a strong reabsorbtion at the 2
clayer. All these points can constitute major advantages of this mechanism in an astrophysical context.Proceedings of the Second CESRA Workshop on Particle Acceleration and Trapping in Solar Flares, held at Aubigny-sur-Nère (France), 23–26 June, 1986. 相似文献
AGUIRRE-SALADO Carlos Arturo TREVIO-GARZA Eduardo Javier AGUIRRE-CALDERóN Oscar Alberto JIMéNEZ-PéREZ Javier GONZáLEZ-TAGLE Marco Aurelio VALDEZ-LAZALDE José René MIRANDA-ARAGóN Liliana AGUIRRE-SALADO Alejandro Iván 《地理学报(英文版)》2012,22(4):669-680
Spatially-explicit estimation of aboveground biomass(AGB) plays an important role to generate action policies focused in climate change mitigation,since carbon(C) retained in the biomass is vital for regulating Earth’s temperature.This work estimates AGB using both chlorophyll(red,near infrared) and moisture(middle infrared) based normalized vegetation indices constructed with MCD43A4 MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS) and MOD44B vegetation continuous fields(VCF) data.The study area is located in San Luis Potosí,Mexico,a region that comprises a part of the upper limit of the intertropical zone.AGB estimations were made using both individual tree data from the National Forest Inventory of Mexico and allometric equations reported in scientific literature.Linear and nonlinear(expo-nential) models were fitted to find their predictive potential when using satellite spectral data as explanatory variables.Highly-significant correlations(p = 0.01) were found between all the explaining variables tested.NDVI62,linked to chlorophyll content and moisture stress,showed the highest correlation.The best model(nonlinear) showed an index of fit(Pseudo-r2) equal to 0.77 and a root mean square error equal to 26.00 Mg/ha using NDVI62 and VCF as explanatory variables.Validation correlation coefficients were similar for both models:lin-ear(r = 0.87**) and nonlinear(r = 0.86**). 相似文献