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Marine Isotope Stage 11 has been proposed as an analogue for the present interglacial interval; yet, terrestrial climate records from both this region and time interval are rare. The sediments deposited at Lake El'gygytgyn (67°30′N, 172°5′E) in Far East Russia contain a 3·56 Ma record of climate variability. This study presents a high‐resolution record of sediment colour change from Marine Isotope Stage 8 to 12 (ca 275 to 475 ka) and demonstrates the link between lake catchment processes and climate variability. The hue colour parameter, calculated from data collected via colour reflectance spectroscopy in the visible spectrum (380 to 720 nm), exhibits correspondence with global climate records. Determining the source of sediment colour changes was achieved through detailed mineralogical and sedimentological methods, and linked to colour changes through a series of colour sensitivity tests. Mineralogical data, measured by X‐ray diffraction, reveal fluctuations in concentrations of clay minerals corresponding to colour changes. Further analyses of the clay mineral assemblages show no change in relative clay mineral abundances, yet demonstrate a lake catchment dominated by physical weathering processes. Using measured mineral abundances, reconstructions of sediment colour based on colour reflectance mineral standards link mineral and clay mineral content to overall sediment colour. Colour sensitivity tests demonstrate the ability of iron oxide minerals to stain sediments red. Additionally, colour sensitivity to organic matter content was tested, suggesting that organic content drives variability in the red portion of the spectrum and darkens the overall colour signal. Sediment colour is then ultimately linked to physical weathering of bedrock minerals, with small amounts of chemical weathering producing iron oxides during wet intervals. Fluctuations in the sediment colour reveal a high‐resolution record of wet/dry cycles, and provide new information about wet periods for the Russian Arctic region not yet understood from other lake proxy records.  相似文献   
We present the first measurements of vanadium (V) stable isotopes for six reference materials – USGS PCC‐1, BHVO‐2, BCR‐2, BIR‐1a, GSP‐2 and AGV‐2 – plus the widely available carbonaceous chondrite Allende. We present standard addition and matrix spiking tests to assess the robustness and reproducibility of our data. Standard addition utilised an enriched 50V solution designated VISSOX (Vanadium Isotope Standard Solution OXford). We further assessed the veracity of the method by spiking collected sample matrices with the same amount of a V standard solution, whose isotopic composition was defined as 0‰. Standard addition and matrix spiking tests recorded no appreciable artificial isotope fractionation. We estimate that the best currently attainable long‐term reproducibility of stable 51V/50V isotope measurements in complex matrices is 0.15‰, which is in the same order as the reproducibility achievable with standard solutions. Finally, a large range of ~ 1.2‰ in stable V isotopic composition was documented, with ~ 0.5‰ of that variation in high temperature igneous materials alone. The range and resolving power of V stable isotopes, with respect to igneous material, compared favourably with the magnitude of fractionation reported for other non‐traditional stable isotope systems, which bodes well for the utility of this new system.  相似文献   
This article explores the urban governmentalities that are emerging through the discursive constitution of cycling as a form of sustainable transport. It has two main aims. The first is to explore and critique the strategies and discourses used to promote cycling as a sustainable form of transport. We argue that cycling advocacy displays totalising tendencies which obscure social and cultural difference, ignore the embodied and affective dimensions of transport practices and fail in part to apprehend the heterogeneity of environmental responsibility. Our second aim is to tentatively suggest a more productive way of knowing and talking about cycling that might be constitutive of a less exclusionary affective ethical sensibility.  相似文献   
Environmental management of military activities is of growing global concern by defence forces. As one of the largest landholders in Australia, the Australian Defence Force (ADF) is increasingly concerned with sustainable environmental management. This paper focuses on how the ADF is maintaining effective environmental management, especially in environmentally sensitive marine protected areas. It uses Shoalwater Bay Training Area (SWBTA) as a research example to examine environmental management strategies conducted by the ADF. SWBTA is one of the most significant Defence training areas in Australia, with a large number of single, joint and combined military exercises conducted in the area. With its maritime component contained in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (GBRMP), the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (GBRWHA), and abutting Queensland’s State Marine Parks, it has high protection values. It is therefore vital for the ADF to adopt environmentally responsible management while they are conducting military activities. As to various tools employed to manage environmental performance, the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS) is widely used by the ADF. This paper examines military activities and marine environmental management within SWBTA, using the Talisman Saber (TS) exercise series as an example. These are extensive joint exercises conducted by the ADF and the United States defence forces. The paper outlines relevant legislative framework and environmental policies, analyses how the EMS operates in environmental management of military activities, and how military activities comply with these regulations. It discusses the implementation of the ADF EMS, including risk reduction measures, environmental awareness training, consultation and communication with stakeholders. A number of environmental management actions used in the TS exercises are presented to demonstrate the EMS application. Our investigations to this point indicate that the ADF is complying with all relevant legislation and policies. Further research is required to confirm compliance and conclude that military activities have good accord with environmental management objectives.  相似文献   
Mathematical Geosciences - The aim of this work is to demonstrate how geologically interpretative features can improve machine learning facies classification with uncertainty assessment. Manual...  相似文献   
As we move about and interact in the world, we keep track of different spaces, among them the space of navigation, the space immediately around the body, and the space of the body. We review research showing that these spaces are conceptualized differently. Knowledge of the space of navigation is systematically distorted. For example, people mentally rotate roads and land masses to greater correspondence with global reference frames, they mentally align roads and land masses, they overestimate distances near the viewpoint relative to those far from it. These and other distortions indicate that the space of navigation is schematized to elements and spatial relations relative to reference frames and perspective. The space around the body is organized into a mental framework consisting of extensions of the major axes of the body. Times to report objects around the body suggest that the relative accessibility of the axes depends on their perceptual and functional properties and the relation of the body to the world. Finally, times to verify named or depicted body parts indicate that body schemas depend on perceptual and functional significance. Thus, these spaces (and they are not the only ones important to human interaction) differ from one another and are not conceptualized as Euclidean. Rather they are schematized into elements and spatial relations that reflect perceptual and conceptual significance.  相似文献   
The eruptive plumes and large heat flow (~15 GW) observed by Cassini in the South Polar Region of Enceladus may be expressions of hydrothermal activity inside Enceladus. We hypothesize that a subsurface ocean is the heat reservoir for thermal anomalies on the surface and the source of heat and chemicals necessary for the plumes. The ocean is believed to contain dissolved gases, mostly CO2 and is found to be relatively warm (~0 °C). Regular tidal forces open cracks in the icy crust above the ocean. Ocean water fills these fissures. There, the conditions are met for the upward movement of water and the dissolved gases to exsolve and form bubbles, lowering the bulk density of the water column and making the pressure at its bottom less than that at the top of the ocean. This pressure difference drives ocean water into and up the conduits toward the surface. This transportation mechanism supports the thermal anomalies and delivers heat and chemicals to the chambers from which the plumes erupt. Water enters these chambers and there its bubbles pop and loft an aerosol mist into the ullage. The exiting plume gas entrains some of these small droplets. Thus, nonvolatile chemical species in ocean water can be present in the plume particles. A CO2 equivalent-gas molar fraction of ~4 × 10?4 for the ocean is sufficient to support the circulation. A source of heat is needed to keep the ocean warm at ~0 °C (about two degrees above its freezing point). The source of heat is unknown, but our hypothesis is not dependent on any particular mechanism for producing the heat.  相似文献   
The nature and origin of the J‐magnetic anomaly along the Iberia–Newfoundland margins are controversial and its validity for plate kinematic reconstructions questioned. At present, it is interpreted as either an oceanic isochron or an edge effect of oceanic crust corresponding to lithosphere breakup. Both interpretations result in restorations that are in conflict with the current knowledge from Pyrenean and North Atlantic geology. We combine seismic interpretations and dating of magmatic additions with magnetic data to examine the nature and formation process of this anomaly and discuss its value for plate restorations. We show that the J‐anomaly is the result of polygenic and multiple magmatic events occurring during and after the formation of the first oceanic crust. Therefore, we conclude that the J‐anomaly cannot be used for plate kinematic studies and, more generally, we question the validity of using ill‐defined magnetic anomalies outside unequivocal oceanic domains for plate reconstructions.  相似文献   
Cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning observations for the warm seasons (May-September) of 1989 and 1990 were analyzed for the Great Lakes region in order to assess the diurnal variations in the lightning characteristics. Several parameters, including flash rate, the spatial extent of lightning activity, first stroke peak current, and the percentage of positive flashes, varied markedly over the course of the day. In contrast, other parameters, such as the frequency of lightning periods and the multiplicity of both negative and positive CG flashes, displayed little diurnal variation. A large degree of intraseasonal (i.e., month-to-month) variation was observed in the diurnal patterns for several of the lightning parameters.  相似文献   
Inspired by the recent results of the Dawn mission, thermodynamic models of rock alteration and brine evaporation have been used to help understand the conditions under which water–rock interaction took place within the dwarf planet Ceres. This analysis constrains Ceres's early history and offers a framework within which future observations may be interpreted. A broad range of alteration conditions have been simulated using the Geochemist's Workbench and PHREEQC software, associated with the FREZCHEM model that constrains the consequences of freezing the liquid phase in equilibrium with the observed mineralogical assemblage. Comparison of the modeling results with observed surface mineralogy at Ceres indicates advanced alteration under a relatively high fugacity of hydrogen, a conclusion that is consistent with predictions for, and observations of, large ice‐rich bodies. The simulations suggest production of methane that could help regulate the redox environment and possibly form clathrate hydrates upon freezing of the early ocean. The detection of localized occurrences of natrite (sodium carbonate) at the surface of Ceres provides key constraints on the composition of fluids that are necessarily alkaline. In addition, the combined hydrothermal and freezing simulations suggest that hydrohalite may be abundant in Ceres's subsurface, similar to Earth's polar regions. The global homogeneity of Ceres's surface, made of material formed at depth, suggests a large‐scale formation mechanism, while local heterogeneities associated with impact craters and landslides suggest that some form of sodium carbonate and other salts are accessible in the shallow subsurface.  相似文献   
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