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Remaking the Anglophilic city: Visual spectacles in suburbia   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Abstract:   In the late 1990s, the residents of the Christchurch suburb of Halswell began to extensively engage in the practice of adorning their homes with Christmas lights. While the lights attract many visitors from other parts of the city, many Christchurch people are highly critical of them on grounds of taste. An exploration of the diverse attitudes toward this cultural practice demonstrates the complex ways in which local urban identities are articulated. While the Christmas lights reproduce processes of suburban social conformity and normativity, they also constitute a more postmodern site in which the established heritage meanings of Christchurch based on notions of Englishness are disrupted.  相似文献   
The aetiology of haemic neoplasia (HN) is unknown, so far but many causative factors are suggested such as viral, pollution and genetics. The aim of this study was to determine if, under chronic exposure, two major pesticides (chlorothalonil and mancozeb) which are used in potato production could induce HN in soft-shell clams (Mya arenaria). Short-term experiments with acute exposure were also performed. Clams were collected from an epizootic site (North River, PEI) and from a site free of the disease (Magdalen Islands, Quebec). The tetraploid level of haemocytes was assessed by flow cytometry for each clam to determine the HN status. The bioaccumulation of pesticides in tissues was quantified by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) for chlorothalonil while mancozeb and manganese were quantified by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer (ICP/MS). Long term exposure to fungicide Bravo 500® did not induce high tetraploid levels on negative calm from North River and the analysis of the digestive gland and the mantle did not reveal any detectable level of chlorothalonil. In the Manzate 200 DF®, some clams revealed high level of tetraploid cells but no difference were observed between the treatments and the control. The analysis of the digestive gland and the mantle for manganese did not highlight any significant difference in tissue concentration (p = 0.05). For the acute exposure, chlorothalonil analysis showed that the active ingredient is distributed between four chlorinated compounds: 99.5% for chlorothalonil isomers, 0.4% for pentachlorothalonil and 0.1% for trichlorothalonil isomers. For a 72 h experiment, the accumulation was within 4 h; the higher tissue concentration of chlorothalonil was 59.2 μg g−1 in the mantle after 48 h, following by a decrease to an undetectable level at the end. For the manganese, the accumulation was detected after 4 h; the higher tissue concentration was 48.8 μg g−1 in the mantle after 24 h and, over the following 48 h, the accumulation decreased until the end of the trial. Based on the data, the accumulation of these fungicides seems to be transitory. Chlorothalonil and mancozeb are both oxidative-stress promoters and could have induced cell dysfunction while in the tissue. Study on the effect of these fungicides on the p53 protein system is an example of strategy that would provide information on cellular events promoting neoplasia.  相似文献   
We observed a phytoplankton bloom downstream of a large estuarine plume induced by heavy precipitation during a cruise conducted in the Pearl River estuary and the northern South China Sea in May–June 2001. The plume delivered a significant amount of nutrients into the estuary and the adjacent coastal region, and enhanced stratification stimulating a phytoplankton bloom in the region near and offshore of Hong Kong. A several fold increase (0.2–1.8 μg Chl L−1) in biomass (Chl a) was observed during the bloom. During the bloom event, the surface water phytoplankton community structure significantly shifted from a pico-phytoplankton dominated community to one dominated by micro-phytoplankton (>20 μm). In addition to increased Chl a, we observed a significant drawdown of pCO2, biological uptake of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and an associated enhancement of dissolved oxygen and pH, demonstrating enhanced photosynthesis during the bloom. During the bloom, we estimated a net DIC drawdown of 100–150 μmol kg−1 and a TAlk increase of 0–50 μmol kg−1. The mean sea–air CO2 flux at the peak of the bloom was estimated to be as high as ∼−18 mmol m−2 d−1. For an average surface water depth of 5 m, a very high apparent biological CO2 consumption rate of 70–110 mmol m−2 d−1 was estimated. This value is 2–6 times higher than the estimated air–sea exchange rate.  相似文献   
This study evaluated the toxicity of dispersant application which is, in nearshore area, a controversial response technique to oil spill. Through an experimental approach with juveniles of Liza aurata, the toxicity of five exposure conditions was evaluated: (i) a chemically dispersed oil simulating dispersant application; (ii) a single dispersant as an internal control of chemically dispersed oil; (iii) a mechanically dispersed oil simulating natural dispersion of oil; (iv) a water soluble fraction of oil simulating an undispersed and untreated oil slick and (v) uncontaminated seawater as a control exposure condition. The relative concentration of PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) biliary metabolites showed that the incorporation of these toxic compounds was increased if the oil was dispersed, whether mechanically or chemically. However, toxicity was not observed at the organism level since the aerobic metabolic scope and the critical swimming speed of exposed fish were not impaired.  相似文献   
Water is an important weathering factor on rock discontinuities and in rock mass mechanical behaviour because of its chemical features such as temperature, pH or salinity which make it a “good” candidate to rock degradation. Furthermore the increase of rainfall frequency or intensity highlights some problems on the rock slope stability analysis. This study aims to evaluate the effect of water flow on the rock slope stability and it is performed at two space scales: in situ scale and laboratory (micro scale and macro scale). It shows how water induces degradation at multi-scale (surface roughness and matrix) and thus may decrease the stability of the discontinuous rock mass. It has two main components: the effect of water-solid chemical mechanisms and the analysis of the mechanical response of the discontinuity modified by the water alteration.  相似文献   
Dolines are closed geomorphological depressions which are surface manifestations of karstic systems. Usually developed on limestones, they also typify the morphology of the New Caledonian landscape, particularly on the southern massif of the main island (known as Massif du Sud). The specificity of dolines here lies in their development on ultramafic rocks. They are evidences of subsidence, suffosion and collapse phenomena resulting from dissolution weathering of peridotites. However, extensive underground drainage systems are still not yet recognized. Semi‐automatic mapping of dolines is carried out on a 148 km2 area of the Massif du Sud from a high accuracy LiDAR digital elevation model. In this area 8601 dolines ranging from 1 m2 to 2 km2 are identified and morphologically characterized with precision. Most are small, shallow and round‐shaped, yet more complex shapes are locally observed. Size distribution analysis allows the setting of a threshold of 20 000 m2 above which surface processes rather than chemical weathering control doline evolution. Doline density analysis reveals high concentrations on flat areas where ferricrete overlies the complete weathering profile, especially in the case of elevated rainy watersheds. Dolines are aligned and elongated along a north 135° ± 5° major fracture direction, which is inherited from the obduction of the Pacific Plate upper mantle in the Late Eocene. Finally, we propose a pioneering morphometric typology of dolines that provides important clues as to pseudokarstic activity. We define collapse, bowl‐shaped and flat bottom dolines. Collapse and bowl‐shaped dolines are assumed to denote active pseudokarst. They may widen and deepen, or eventually be filled by sediments. They are distinguished from flat bottom dolines that are partially to completely filled, which suggests that they are associated with paleo‐pseudokarsts. However the groundwater flow paths associated with the genesis and evolution of dolines must be clarified, thus collapse and bowl‐shaped dolines should be hydrologically monitored. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The purpose of the present study is to investigate experimentally the development of bedforms in a configuration where the sediment supply is limited. The experimental setup is a rectangular closed duct combining an innovative system to control the rate of sediment supply Qin , and a digitizing system to measure in real time the 3D bedform topography. We carried out different sets of experiments with two sediment sizes (100 µm and 500 µm) varying both the sediment supply and the water flow rate to obtain a total of 46 different configurations. After a transient phase, steady sub‐centimeter bedforms of various shapes have been observed: barchans dunes, straight transverse dune, linguoid transverse dunes and bedload sheets. Height, spacing, migration speed, and mean bed elevation of the equilibrium bedforms were measured. For a given flow rate, two regimes were identified with fine sediment: (i) a monotonic increasing regime where the equilibrium bedform height and velocity increase with the sediment supply rate Qin and (ii) an invariant regime for which both parameters are almost independent of Qin. For coarse sediment, only the first regime is observed. We interpret the saturation of height and velocity for fine sediment bedforms as the transition from a supply‐limited regime to a transport‐limited regime in which the bedload flux has reached its maximum value under the prevailing flow conditions. We also demonstrate that all experiments can be rescaled if the migration speed and height of the bedforms are, respectively, divided and multiplied by the cube of the shear velocity. This normalization is independent of grain size and of bedform morphology. These experimental results provide a new quantification of the factors controlling equilibrium height and migration speed of bedforms in supply‐limited conditions against which theoretical and numerical models can be tested.  相似文献   
TOPEX/POSEIDON is a joint American/French ocean topography experiment. It was launched by an Ariane launch vehicle on August 10, 1992 to study and map ocean circulation. The primary functions of the navigation subsystem of the TOPEX/POSEIDON project are to establish and maintain a pre-designed reference orbit, and to measure, monitor, and predict the satellite ground track continuously. To fulfill these functions, trajectory analysis is required to design and generate all trajectory related products. This paper is concerned with the trajectory functions of TOPEX/POSEIDON navigation. It describes various activities of this support function.  相似文献   
Abstract A new titanium-bearing calcium aluminosilicate mineral has been identified in coarse-grained calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) from carbonaceous chondrites. The formula for this phase, which we have temporarily termed “UNK,” is Ca3Ti(Al, Ti)2(Si, Al)3O14, and it is present in at least 8 of the 20 coarse-grained CAIs from the Allende CV3 chondrite examined as part of this project. The phase occurs in Types A and B1 inclusions as small tabular crystals oriented along two mutually perpendicular planes in melilite. UNK crystallizes from melts in dynamic crystallization experiments conducted in air from four bulk compositions modeled after Types A, B1, B2 and C inclusions. Cooling rates resulting in crystallization of UNK ranged from 0.5 to 200 °C/h from maximum (initial) temperatures of 1375 to 1580 °C. Only below 1190 °C does UNK itself begin to crystallize. To first order, the presence or absence of UNK from individual experiments can be understood in terms of the compositions of residual melts and nucleation probabilities. Compositions of synthetic and meteoritic UNK are very similar in terms of major oxides, differing only in the small amounts of trivalent Ti (7–13% of total Ti) in meteoritic samples. UNK crystallized from the Type A analog is similar texturally to that found in CAIs, although glass, which is typically associated with synthetic UNK, is not observed in meteoritic occurrences. A low Ti end-member of UNK (“Si-UNK”) with a composition near that of Ca3Al2Si4O14 was produced in a few samples from the Type B1 analog. This phase has not been found in the meteoritic inclusions.  相似文献   
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