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As a solid reservoir, a glacier can regulate regional water resources. The annual net mass balance directly reflects the fluctuation of the glacier and climate variability. Based on 51 years of mass balance observation data, the mass balance of Tianshan Mountains Urumqi Glacier No. 1 experienced a nine times positive balance fluctuation and nine times negative balance fluctuation. There were 35 and 16 negative and positive balance years, respectively. From 1996/97 to 2008/09, 12 consecutive negative balance years were observed at Tianshan Mountains Urumqi Glacier No. 1. These results demonstrate that the Urumqi Glacier No. 1 is experiencing a strong negative balance, and the strongest negative balance, -931 mm w.e. (mm water equivalent), during the observation period occurred in 2008. In addition, the cumulative mass balance reached 13,709 mm w.e. in 2008. However, in 2009, the mass balance was positive at 63 mm w.e. The equilibrium-line altitude changes with the fluctuation in the mass balance, and the effective mass balance gradient is 7.4 mm/m. In this paper, the headwaters of the Urumqi River were analyzed using meteorological data from 1958 to 2009, including the average seasonal temperature and precipitation. The results showed that the main factor associated with the mass balance variation of Glacier No. 1 is the fluctuation in the summer air temperature, followed by changes in the precipitation.  相似文献   
Particle size distribution of 12–500 nm was measured at Mt. Waliguan, China Global Atmosphere Watch Baseline Observatory, from Aug. in 2005 to May in 2007. 72-hr back-trajectories at 100-m arrival height above ground level for the same period were calculated at 6:00, 12:00, and 21:00 (Beijing Time) for each day using the Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT-4) model developed by NOAA/ARL. It was found that air mass sources significantly impact particle number concentration and size distribution at Mt. Waliguan. Cluster analysis of back-trajectories show that higher Aitken mode particle number concentration was observed when air masses came from or passed by the northeastern section of Mt. Waliguan, with short trajectory length. High number concentration of nucleation mode was associated with air masses from clean regions, with long trajectory length  相似文献   
The characteristics of long-distance dust transport from Asia to the United States over the Pacific Ocean are statistically analyzed using OMI AI (Ozone Monitoring Instrument Aerosol Index) data during 2005–2007. The results show that there is a high correlation of AI (the correlation coefficients are as high as 0.83 in March, 0.62 in April and 0.54 in May) between the Mongolia Gobi Desert and the west coast region of the United States (40°–50°N, 120°–130°W), indicating a strong source-receptor area relationship. Through calculating the lag correlation coefficient of the dust propagation time, we determined that the dust propagation time from the Mongolia Gobi Desert to the west coast of the United States is about 6–7 days at the 99% confidence level.  相似文献   
流动注射-光度法测定地质样品中痕量碘   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
利用I~-对4,4′-四甲基二氨基二苯甲烷(4,4′-TMB-DPM)与氯胺T反应的催化作用,建立了流动注射-分光光度测定地质样品中痕量碘的方法。采用不等流速合并带法,分析速度快、节省试剂、灵敏度高。与高温水解法释放I~-相结合,使样品处理简单、干扰离子少。对于含I~-10μg/L的水样,其RSD(n=19)为1.1%,检出限为0.3ng/ml。用于水系沉积物、土壤分析时,含碘1.6×10~(-6)的样品RSD(n=10)为6.1%,检出限为0.08×10~(-6)。测量速度50N/h。  相似文献   
在油、气、水井井下作业中,圆球广泛地应用于管柱试压、坐封和分段(层)压裂等施工作业。为准确计算现场施工时圆球到达设计点时间(即候球时间),通过对圆球运动过程和受力分析得出新的候球时间计算公式,并指出圆球绕流阻力系数、圆球直径、圆球密度和压井液性能等是影响候球时间的关键因素,为优化施工设计提供了依据;同时提出了一种能减少候球和反洗球时间的新型管柱试压体设计构思,为进一步优化施工作业奠定了基础。  相似文献   
土地储备出让工作是我国为改变传统的土地供应模式、规范调控土地市场、优化土地资源配置,实现土地收益的最大化而做出的重大创新。通过调查研究并结合蓬莱市土地储备出让工作运行实际,就土地储备出让过程中存在的问题作出分析并提出相应建议。  相似文献   
通过遥感解译对日照市海水入侵现状进行分析,对海水入侵程度进行评价,发现养殖池和河滩面积在大幅增加,盐田、滩涂、沙滩等均在减少。在日照沿海地区,地下水的储备与人类的用水需求之间存在矛盾,人类过量开采地下淡水是产生海水入侵的主导因素。建议采取兴建地下水库、减少地下水开采和人工回灌等措施防治海水入侵。  相似文献   
土地开发整理与新农村建设相结合,是当前社会关注的热点之一。临沂市高度重视通过土地整理促进新农村建设,自2003年以来,共实施国家和省、市、县四级土地开发整理项目1335个,累计投入11.12亿元,项目总规模14.4万hm^,新增耕地2.2万hm^2。通过实施土地开发整理,新建灌溉渠系1930km,排水沟2315km,新上泵站313个,农用井661眼,新上输变电线路287km,  相似文献   
1博兴县新农村建设中存在的问题(1)村庄建设闲置浪费土地严重。博兴县共有行政村448个,由于历史原因,大部分村布局松散,居住零乱,闲置浪费土地多。据调查,全县村庄建设用地面积7880.75hm2,村人均占有256m2,远远超出国家规定的人均最高150m2的标准。特别是县域北部地区,村庄用地粗放,闲置浪费土地现象普遍存在。随着工业化、城镇化进程加快,村民外出经商、进城创业居住的明显增多,农村中出现了较多的闲置房。(2)村庄建设违法占地逐渐增多。近年来,博兴县个体经济快速发展,用地需求也大量增加,部分村庄建设建新不拆旧、超占、多占宅基地;乱占耕地,尤其是在沿街沿路交通便利地段,违法建起了大量商住两用房。  相似文献   
平阴县土壤中重金属元素异常成因研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对平阴县周边及其西部农田区采样调查,平阴县周边元素异常具有异常衬度较高,富集系数大等特征,西部农田区异常具有各元素套合关系好,多数异常衬度不高,富集系数小的特点。结果表明,西部农田区异常是以As,Cd为主要成分的异常,元素含量与SiO2,Al2O3,Fe2O3等常量组分间具有显著的相关性,随SiO2含量的增加而降低,随Al2O3,Fe2O3含量的增加而增加,说明土壤常量组分及其所决定的土壤质地是导致异常形成的主要因素;而平阴城区异常是以S,Hg,As,Zn,Mn等元素为主的异常,是典型的人为综合因素(化工烟尘、工厂污水、生活垃圾)产生的异常。  相似文献   
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