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This paper presents the results of a case study analysis from the knowledge domains of vulnerability and resilience. We analyzed 20 scientific assessments to provide empirical evidence for successes and failures in collaborative knowledge production, i.e., the joint creation of assessments reports by researchers and decision makers in policy and practice. It became clear that the latter typically use insufficiently the research-based knowledge available and researchers typically produce insufficiently knowledge that is directly usable. We found a number of functional, structural, and social factors inhibiting a joint problem identification and framing of knowledge producers and potential users: divergent objectives, needs, scope, and priorities; different institutional settings and standards, as well as differing cultural values, understanding, and mistrust. Combining understanding from multiple sources and providing mechanisms for linking solutions proposed by research with articulated needs and problems of practitioners would reduce the discrepancies in activities of different actors and result in more timely and context-appropriate solutions. In the concluding section we argue for a more locally embedded and socially contingent production of actionable knowledge and make suggestions about ways to enhance effectiveness of research-based knowledge.  相似文献   
Summary To explore the feasibility of forescasting North Sea storm surges by integrating numerically a combined atmospheric-oceanographic physical model, the severe storm and the resulting water levels occurring on 3 January 1976 were simulated as a first step into this direction. For this purpose, the atmospheric model was run with a resolution of 8 levels in the vertical and a horizontal grid spacing of 1.4° in latitude and 2.8° in longitude on the hemisphere. The initial conditions are based upon observations of 2 January 1976, 12 GMT, i.e. about 24 hours before the storm reached its greatest intensity in the southern parts of the North Sea.The surface wind predicted by the atmospheric model was converted into stress values through a bulk formula which then entered the vertically integrated North Sea model, to yield the desired water elevations in a 22 km-grid. Moreover, also the observed wind, stemming from a careful re-analysis of the storm situation, was handled in the same way. The numerically obtained results were compared with gauge measurements at a number of coastal stations.
Ergebnisse einer 36stündigen Vorhersage der Nordsee-Sturmflut am 3. Januar 1976 aufgrund von numerischen Modellen
Zusammenfassung Zur Untersuchung der Möglichkeiten, Sturmfluten mit physikalischen Modellen der Atmosphäre und der Nordsee vorherzusagen, wurde als erster Schritt in dieser Richtung die schwere Sturmflut an der deutschen Nordseeküste vom 3. Januar 1976 nachgerechnet. Hierzu wurde das im Sonderforschungsbereich 94 entwickelte Atmosphärenmodell auf der Grundlage der hydro- und thermodynamischen Gleichungen mit einer Auflösung von 8 Flächen in der Vertikalen sowie 1,4° in der geographischen Breite und 2,8° in der geographischen Länge auf der gesamten Nordhalbkugel über 36 Stunden numerisch integriert. Als Eingangsdaten dienten die Beobachtungen vom 2. Januar 1976, 12 Uhr. dieser Termin liegt ca. 24 Stunden vor Eintritt des stärksten Sturmes im Bereich der Deutschen Bucht.Die auf diese Weise prognostizierte Windverteilung wurde über der Nordsee in Schubspannungswerte überführt, woraus das Nordseemodell mit den hydrodynamischen Gleichungen die Wasserstandswerte in einem 22-km-Netz berechnete. In entsprechender Weise wurde mit einem aus Beobachtungen während dieses Zeitraums gewonnenen Windfeld verfahren; diesem lag eine besonders sorgfältige, nachträglich angefertigte Analyse des Seewetteramts Hamburg zugrunde. Die so errechneten Wasserstände sind dann mit Pegelmessungen verglichen worden.

Résultats d'une prédiction d'onde de tempête de 36 heures de la mer du Nord pour le 3 janvier 1976 sur la base de modèles numériques
Résumé Afin d'étudier la possibilité de prévior les ondes de tempête en mer du Nord en intégrant numériquement un modèle physique combiné atmosphère-océan, la forte tempête du 3 janvier 1976 et des niveaux d'eau qui en ont résulté ont été simulés comme premier pas dans cette voie. Dans ce but, on a fait fonctionner le modèle atmosphérique avec une résolution de 8 niveaux dans le plan vertical et un réseau horizontal aux pas de 1,4° en latitude et de 2,8° en longitude sur l'hémisphère. Les conditions initiales sont basées sur les observations du 2 janvier 1976 à 12h GMT, c'est-à-dire environ 24 heures avant que la tempête n'atteignît sa plus forte intensité dans les parties méridionales de la mer du Nord.Le vent en surface prédit par le modèle atmosphérique était converti par l'intermédiaire d'une formule globale en valeurs de tensions qui étaient alors introduites dans le modèle de la mer du Nord intégré verticalement, pour obtenir les hauteurs d'eau désirées, dans un réseau de 22 km de côté. En outre, le vent observé, issu d'une nouvelle analyse soignée de la situation de tempête, était aussi traité de la même manière. Les résultats obtenus numériquement furent comparés aux mesures fournies par les marégraphes en un certain nombre de stations côtières.
Locations of the Eger Rift, Cheb Basin, Quaternary volcanoes, crustal earthquake swarms and exhalation centers of CO2 and 3He of mantle origin correlate with the tectonic fabric of the mantle lithosphere modelled from seismic anisotropy. We suggest that positions of the seismic and volcanic phenomena, as well as of the Cenozoic sedimentary basins, correlate with a “triple junction” of three mantle lithospheres distinguished by different orientations of their tectonic fabric consistent within each unit. The three mantle domains most probably belong to the originally separated microcontinents – the Saxothuringian, Teplá-Barrandian and Moldanubian – assembled during the Variscan orogeny. Cenozoic extension reactivated the junction and locally thinned the crust and mantle lithosphere. The rigid part of the crust, characterized by the presence of earthquake foci, decoupled near the junction from the mantle probably during the Variscan. The boundaries (transitions) of three mantle domains provided open pathways for Quaternary volcanism and the ascent of 3He- and CO2-rich fluids released from the asthenosphere. The deepest earthquakes, interpreted as an upper limit of the brittle–ductile transition in the crust, are shallower above the junction of the mantle blocks (at about 12 km) than above the more stable Saxothuringian mantle lithosphere (at about 20 km), probably due to a higher heat flow and presence of fluids.  相似文献   
The initial phase of the eruption forming Ukinrek Maars during March and April 1977 were explosions from the site of West Maar. These were mainly phreatomagmatic and initially transitional to strombolian. Activity at West Maar ceased after three days upon the initiation of the East Maar. The crater quickly grew by strong phreatomagmatic explosions. During the first phases of phreatomagmatic activity at East Maar, large exotic blocks derived from a subsurface till were ejected. Ballistic studies indicate muzzle velocities for these blocks of 80–90 m s−1.Phreatomagmatic explosions ejected both juvenile and non-juvenile material which formed a low rim of ejecta (< 26 mhigh) around the crater and a localized, coarse, wellsorted (σφ = 1−1.5) juvenile and lithic fall deposit. Other fine ash beds, interstratified with the coarse beds, are more poorly sorted (σφ = 2−3) and are interpreted as fallout of wet, cohesive ash from probably milder phases of activity in the crater. Minor base surge activity damaged trees and deposited fine ash, including layers plastered on vertical surfaces. Viscous basalt lava appeared in the center of the East Maar crater almost immediately and a lava dome gradually grew in the crater despite phreatomagmatic eruptions adjacent to it.The development of these maars appears to be mainly controlled by gradual collapse of crater and conduit walls, and blasting-out of the slumped debris by phreatomagmatic explosions when rising magma contacted groundwater beneath the regional water table and a local perched aquifer.Ballistic analysis on the ejected blocks indicates a maximum muzzle velocity of 100–150 m s-1, values similar to those obtained from other ballistic studies on maar ejecta.  相似文献   
The stable carbon isotope composition of particulate organic carbon (POC) from plankton, sediment trap material and surface sediments from the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean were determined. Despite low and constant water temperatures, large variations in the δ13C values of plankton were measured. 13C enrichments of up to 10‰ coincided with a change in the diatom assemblage and a two-fold increase in primary production. Increased CO2 consumption as a result of rapid carbon fixation may result in diffusion limitation reducing the magnitude of the isotope fractionation. The δ13C values of plankton from sea-ice cores display a relationship with the chlorophyll a content. High ‘ice-algae’ biomass, in combination with a limited exchange with the surrounding seawater, results in values of about − 18 to − 20‰. It is assumed that these values are related to a reduced CO2 availability in the sea-ice system. In comparison with plankton, sinking krill faeces sampled by traps can be enriched by 2–5‰ in 13C (e.g. central Bransfield Strait). In contrast, the transport of particles in other faeces, diatom aggregates or chains results in minor isotope changes (e.g. Drake Passage, Powell Basin, NW Weddell Sea). A comparison between the δ13C values of sinking matter and those of surface sediments reveals that 13C enrichments of up to 3–4‰ may occur at the sediment-water boundary layer. These isotopic changes are attributed to high benthic respiration rates.  相似文献   
We compare the canonical treatment of calcite’s dissolution rate from the literature in a closed system, particle batch reactor, with the alternative approach suggested by Truesdale (Aquat Geochem, 2015). We show that the decay of rate over time can be understood in terms of the evolution and distribution of reactive sites on the surface of these particles. We also emphasize that interpretation of observed rates must not exclude the fundamental role of crystal defects, whose importance is already implicitly reflected in the common form of rate laws in geochemistry. The empirical behavior of overall rate in closed systems, such as those described by Truesdale, may thus reflect relationships between defect centers and the generation of steps over the calcite surface (previously documented for silicates), such that below a critical free energy limit, there is insufficient driving force to open hollow cores and thus a loss of reaction mechanism. Dissolution in this very-near-equilibrium regime will be dependent on the distribution of extant steps and the energetics of new kink site nucleation. However, these sensitivities are complicated in the case of particle systems by grain boundaries, edges, corners, and other terminations. Such discontinuities constitute a defect class whose overall kinetic importance will be strongly tied to particle diameter and which can act independently of the internal strain field imposed by screw and edge dislocations.  相似文献   
This paper describes two custom-integrated circuits, which form the core building blocks of a versatile wideband sonar array. An analog 0.5-mum complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) chip houses a preamplifier, an antialias filter, and a high-resolution (14-16 b) data converter based on delta-sigma modulation techniques. A complementary 0.35-mum digital CMOS chip incorporates a four-stage multirate filter cascade, which provides a wideband and two narrowband outputs. The complex narrowband outputs are obtained via a subsampling mixer and span over the top 15% or the top 10%, respectively, of the original band. The system sampling clock can vary from 2 to 10 MHz to enable tuning to a specific frequency window located anywhere between 30 and 150 kHz. Both chips process four sonar channels in parallel and, when clocked at 10 MHz, dissipate a combined power of 416 mW (104 mW per channel).  相似文献   
气候变化对中国农业生产的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据1958~1997年中国310个气象站的月平均最高、最低气温,月平均降水量,日照时数等气象参数分析了中国气候的背景特征.用3个大气环流模型,即HadCM2、CGCM1、ECHAM4来模拟未来中国气候变化的情景.同时,建立未来气候变化的6种方案.最后,根据3个GCMs模拟的结果,利用国际应用系统分析研究所(IIASA)发展并改进的农业生态地带模型(AEZ)评估气候变化对中国农业生产的影响.评估主要集中于气候变化对不同区域复种指数、可耕种土地面积、潜在粮食产量及其土地生产潜力的影响.  相似文献   
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