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为解决目前我国海洋环境监测站位编码不统一、不唯一和不稳定等问题,提高监测数据应用水平和海洋信息化能力,文章参考我国渔区编码规则,基于海洋环境监测站位的地理坐标设计站位代码,并以山东省海域为例具体说明。海洋环境监测站位代码由监测区、监测小区和监测点3个部分组成8位阿拉伯数字,将海域按经、纬度各30′划分监测区并顺序编码0000~9999(第1~4位),将每个监测区按经、纬度各3′划分监测小区并顺序编码00~99(第5~6位),将每个监测小区按经、纬度各0.3′划分监测点并顺序编码00~99(第7~8位)。该代码设计规则仅与监测站位的地理坐标相关,具有统一性、唯一性和稳定性,且容量较大,可满足我国海洋环境趋势性监测和绝大部分海洋环境业务化监测的需要。  相似文献   
Underground brine is an unusual water resource that contains abundant mineral resources. It is distributed widely in the Qaidam Basin, western China, a hyperarid inland basin located in the northern Tibetan Plateau. Pores in the brine storage medium act as storage space and transmission channels of underground brine. Therefore, the porosity of brine storage medium determines its ability to store brine. In this study, Mahai Salt Lake was used as the research area as a modern saline lake located in the north area of the Qaidam Basin. A total of 100 porosity samples were collected from eight sampling points in two profiles of the research area at sampling depths of 1.30–314.78 m. The porosity distribution characteristics and influencing factors in brine storage medium were analysed according to the measured porosity data. Based on analysis of the pore structure characteristics, the brine storage medium contains intercrystalline pores, unlike conventional freshwater storage mediums. Moreover, the primary salt rock is susceptible to dissolution by lighter brine, facilitating the formation of secondary porosity. Due to the formation of secondary pores, a porosity greater than 20% remains even at buried depths greater than 100 m. Based on the geological statistical analysis, due to the geographic location, salt formation time, and depositional environment, the porosity values of Mahai Salt Lake do not exhibit a wider distribution, but also show more extreme values than a nearby salt lake. Based on the porosity characteristics by depth, due to the presence of secondary pores, flooding, stratigraphic static pressure, and other factors, porosity shows fluctuations with increasing depth.  相似文献   
We describe the microfabrication of 85Rb vapour cells using a glass-silicon anodic bonding technique and in situ chemical reaction between rubidium chloride and barium azide to produce Rb. Under controlled conditions, the pure metallic Rb drops and buffer gases were obtained in the cells with a few mm3 internal volumes during the cell sealing process. At an ambient temperature of 90 ℃ the optical absorption resonance of 85Rb D1 transition with proper broadening and the corresponding coherent population trapping (CPT) resonance, with a signal contrast of 1.5% and linewidth of about 1.7 kHz, have been detected. The sealing quality and the stability of the cells have also been demonstrated experimentally by using the helium leaking detection and the after-9-month optoelectronics measurement which shows a similar CPT signal as its original status. In addition, the physics package of chip-scale atomic clock (CSAC) based on the cell was realized. The measured frequency stability of the physics package can reach to 2.1×10-10 at one second when the cell was heated to 100 ℃ which proved that the cell has the quality to be used in portable and battery-operated devices.  相似文献   
The diurnal variation of nitric oxide (NO) emission fluxes from a Kandelia obovata and Avicennia marina mangrove wetland were studied in the Zhangjiang River Estuary Mangrove National Nature Reserve using a dynamic chamber-based technique and a chemiluminescent analyzer. Results from field experiments show that NO emission from K. obovata and A. marina sampling sites reached maximal values of 1.07 ng N m−2 s−1 and 1.23 ng N m−2 s−1, respectively after the night tide. Meanwhile NO emission maintained at a steady lower level in daytime for both wetland sites. In laboratory experiments, NO emission from the mangrove wetland soil samples treated with simulated tides in the darkness exhibited higher values than those in the light, therefore it seems that tides and darkness could increase NO emission from mangrove wetlands, while intensive light, high temperature, and dryness in the daytime decreased NO emission. Compared with K. obovata soil samples, the diurnal average NO emission rate of the A. marina site was significantly higher, which was closely related to relatively higher diurnal average CO2 emission rate, soil available nitrogen content and soil net nitrification rate of the A. marina site. Moreover, soil samples of the A. marina site were more responsive to simulated tides and the addition of nitrogen than those of the K. obovata site.  相似文献   
通过对19个观测井2年定期、连续的水位观测,以及水质主要9种离子浓度分析,阐述了辽东湾西部沿岸海水入侵的分布特征。根据海水入侵区地下水中主要离子浓度与地下水的相关关系,总结了随着海水入侵的发展地下水化学类型的变化。地下水化学类型分为5大类型:Na+-Cl-型、Cl-.HCO3-或HCO3-.Cl-型(阳离子为Ca2+.Na+)、HCO3-.Cl-.SO42-或Cl-.HCO3-.SO42-型水(阳离子为Ca2+)、SO42-.HCO3-型(阳离子为Na+.Ca2+)、HCO3-型(阳离子为Ca2+.Na+)。该区地下水水化学类型呈带状分布,类型变化规律明显,反映了海水入侵分布特征。当淡水开采时,水位降深越大,微咸水入侵强度越大。控制淡水开采是防止微咸水入侵的主要措施。  相似文献   
近年来人们往往利用GPS数据来确定大地高,但大地高不同于正常高,为此,利用多项式拟合与地球重力场模型相结合的数学方法,使GPS所测大地高通过这些数学模型直接转换为具有厘米精度的正常高,将该方法得到的正常高与单独利用多项式拟合和地球重力场模型得到的结果进行了比较,其差值的标准差为±38 cm。  相似文献   
贵州省是中国唯一没有平原支撑的山地农业省,全省稳定的粮食产区主要是分布于山间少量的相对平坦、集中连片的"坝子"上.因此,利用地理信息系统软件ARCview提取和计算贵州省47个万亩大坝区域及边界数据,生成"贵州省万亩大坝区域及边界数据图层集",对以多云天气为主的粮食产区的植被动态及关键期遥感监测的业务提供了有效的帮助.  相似文献   
试论中国城市化发展模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合城市化的新观念,提出了中国城市化发展新理论模式--中国城乡网络化发展模式.城乡网络化发展模式建立在区域综合协调发展基础之上,指的是在一定区域范围内城乡之间各种经济活动主体构成一个有序化的关联系统及其运行过程,并通过这个过程获得一种特有的网络组织功能效应.同时,还在此理论基础上针对我国东部、中部、西部地区各自的现实条件,分别对其实施城乡网络化发展进行了初步构想.  相似文献   
波浪破碎过程产生的湍流动量和能量垂向输运对于加快海洋上混合层中垂向混合具有显著效果.采用二维实验室水槽中对波浪破碎过程进行模拟.对采集的波浪振幅时间序列采用希尔伯特变换定位破碎波位置,波浪的破碎率随有效波高的增加而增大,波浪谱分析得到的波浪基本周期与有效周期结果相似.实验中采用粒子图像测速技术(particle ima...  相似文献   

The potential influence of a developing La Niña on Arctic sea-ice annual variability is investigated using both observational data and an atmospheric general circulation model. It is found that during the developing phase of an eastern Pacific (EP) La Niña event in June, July, and August (JJA) and September, October, and November (SON), the sea-ice concentration (SIC) over the Barents–Kara Seas declines more than 15%. The local atmospheric circulation pattern associated with the EP La Niña is characterized as a weak decrease in geopotential height over the Barents–Kara Seas, combined with an anticyclone in the North Atlantic. The corresponding southerly winds push warm waters northward into the key sea-ice reduction region and directly accelerate sea-ice melt. Meanwhile, the abundant moisture contained in the lower troposphere is transported into the Arctic region by winds resulting from the local barotropic structure. The humid atmosphere contributes to both net shortwave and longwave radiation and thus indirectly accelerates the decline in sea ice. Simulations by the European Centre Hamburg Model, version 5.4, are forced by observed sea surface temperature anomalies associated with EP La Niña events. The results of the simulations capture the North Atlantic anticyclone and reproduce the moisture transport, which supports the premise that an EP La Niña plays a crucial role in sea-ice reduction over the Barents–Kara sector from the perspective of atmospheric circulation and net surface heat flux.  相似文献   
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