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Zusammenfassung Die vulkanischen Gesteine des Rotliegenden des Niedecker Gebietes sind untersucht worden. Die petrographische Untersuchung erlaubt uns, diese Formationen als Ignimbrite zu bezeichnen. Die Anwesenheit eines Minerals der Montmorin-Gruppe, inmitten des Gesteines, ist mit der Ignimbritbildung, die durch die paleomagnetischen Messungen bestätigt wird, vereinbar. Die chemische Entwicklung wird skizziert.  相似文献   
A new all-solid-state electronic circuit for Dobson instruments will be presented, including a self-balancing system and digital readout.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Zwischen 50° bis 85°N Breite wurde die atmosphärische CO2-Konzentration während mehrerer Messflüge registriert. Diese war oberhalb der Tropopause bis zu 7 ppm (im Mittel etwa 2 ppm) niedriger als in der oberen Troposphäre. Im Jahresmittel entspricht diese CO2-Konzentrationsdifferenz einem Fluss von etwa 10–2 g CO2/cm2 Jahr aus der nördlichen Troposphäre in die Stratosphäre. Die Bedeutung dieser CO2-Konzentrationsunterschiede für den atmosphärischen CO2-Haushalt sowie für die Strahlungsbilanz im Tropopausenniveau kann erst nach Vorlage weiterer, über das ganze Jahr verteilter Messdaten erfolgen.
Summary CO2-concentration was measured during several flights in northern latitudes (50°–85°). Above Tropopause CO2-concentration was up to 7 ppm (as a mean some 2 ppm) smaller than in upper troposphere. As a mean this difference in CO2-concentration cm2 year conforms to a CO2-flux of some 10–2 g CO2/cm2 year from northern troposphere into stratosphere. The importance of these CO2-differences for atmospheric CO2-system and for radiation balance in tropopause-height may be considered as soon as more CO2-concentration data for the whole year are available.
This paper describes the internal organisation of two diatremes (Águas Emendadas and Neuzinha) and one small breccia-filled conduit (Tigre) in the central portion of the Late Cretaceous Goiás Alkaline Province (GAP), central Brazil, and explores the criteria for facies recognition. The GAP kamafugitic diatremes are emplaced into Carboniferous sandstones of the Aquidauana Formation, at the northern margin of the Paraná Basin. They are usually elliptical structures, not longer than 900 m, filled with breccia and partially covered by thin kamafugitic to basanitic lava flows. The breccias are dominated by juvenile pyroclasts, with subordinate amounts of cognate fragments and xenoliths. In addition to variations in ash and lapilli proportions, juvenile fragment types may be used to discriminate genetic processes and the corresponding pyroclastic deposits.

An extensive field, textural and compositional dataset was analysed by multivariate statistical techniques. Combined with field observations, this allowed us to define a set of facies for kamafugitic diatremes, and, more importantly, to understand the internal structure of the studied bodies and to cross-correlate them. Seven distinct facies were recognised. The Fluidised Conduit Facies (FCF) represents high-energy, strongly fluidised but only moderately fragmented systems. It occurs in a confined environment, and is typical of deeper parts of the conduit, before the actual diatreme level is reached by the ascending fluidised magma. Large amounts of spinning droplets are formed within this region. The Fluidised Conduit–Diatreme Facies (FCDF) is characteristic of intermediate depths in the conduit, where highly fluidised and highly fragmented systems produce large amounts of ash. Spinning droplets decrease in abundance, ordinary juvenile fragments become very common, and xenoliths from the country rock in the immediate vicinity of the diatreme are present. The Fluidised Fragmented Facies (FFF) and the Magmatic Fluidised Facies (MFF) produce very heterogeneous deposits that dominate the shallower part of the system, making up most of the diatreme-filling materials. The Fluidised Fragmented Facies can be distinguished by much higher degrees of fluidisation, fragmentation and system energy. It occupies the internal part of the diatreme and is characterised by the common presence of tuff pockets, tuff fragments, and accretionary and armoured lapilli. The Magmatic Fluidised Facies typically occupies the outer portion of the diatreme and can be distinguished from the Fluidised Fragmented Facies by the dominance of lapilli over ash and by the presence of abundant wrapped fragments. The Magmatic Facies (MF) and the Coherent Magmatic Facies (CMF) are volumetrically subordinate and represent late stages, when less fluidised and less fragmented material, or even coherent magma erupts relatively passively, in the aftermath of the main explosive stage that generated the diatreme. The Border Facies is defined by the increased abundance of material from the immediate country rock. At Águas Emendadas and Neuzinha this facies is marked by the presence of fragments of peperite-like rock, formed by the interaction of the fluidised magma with friable sandstone.  相似文献   

A ground-based seeding experiment using carbon dioxide and propane sprayed from pressurized bottles was carried out under supercooled cloud conditions on a small spatial and short time scale. Water vapor deposition on the artificially generated dry ice and propane ice germs as the main ice formation process (nucleation and growth) is consistent with the experimental results. After nucleation, diffusional growth of the ice particles, partly at the expense of evaporating small droplets, was identified during the mixing of the seeding line with the ambient supercooled cloud. Within the seeding plume, ice water contents up to 80% of the total condensed water are observed, although the size of the formed ice particles did not exceed 25 μm. From the changes of the ice and supercooled liquid phase with time under mixed-phase conditions, liquid water content (LWC) evaporation, ice water content (IWC) formation, and ice crystal growth rates are estimated, which are not affected by the artificial nucleation process. Thus, these rates are assessed to be applicable for a growing ice phase of small ice particles in a young mixed-phase cloud, where other growth mechanisms, like riming or aggregation, are negligible.  相似文献   
We analyse the observed climate-driven changes in summer wildfires and their future evolution in a typical Mediterranean environment (NE Spain). By analysing observed climate and fire data from 1970 to 2007, we estimate the response of fire number (NF) and burned area (BA) to climate trends, disentangling the drivers responsible for long-term and interannual changes by means of a parsimonious Multi Linear Regression model (MLR). In the last forty years, the observed NF trend was negative. Here we show that, if improvements in fire management were not taken into account, the warming climate forcing alone would have led to a positive trend in NF. On the other hand, for BA, higher fuel flammability is counterbalanced by the indirect climate effects on fuel structure (i.e. less favourable conditions for fine-fuel availability and fuel connectivity), leading to a slightly negative trend. Driving the fire model with A1B climate change scenarios based on a set of Regional Climate Models from the ENSEMBLES project indicates that increasing temperatures promote a positive trend in NF if no further improvements in fire management are introduced.  相似文献   
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