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Sans résumé En collaboration avec les membres de la rédaction: prof. Ing. Ján Krajčí, Dr. Ing. Karel Kučera et Dr. Ing. Jan Kašpar. Adresse: Národní tř. 3, Praha 1.  相似文献   
克鲁格曼的新经济地理研究及其意义   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
克鲁格曼在借鉴经典区位理论的基础上,引入了世界贸易、新经济增长理论的最新研究成果,改造并创新了传统区位理论,在此基础上构造出一套新的空间区位理论-称之为新经济地理学。克鲁格曼以在该领域及此前在国际贸易和世界经济形势预测方面的贡献,获得了2008年度诺贝尔经济学奖。克鲁格曼新经济地理学是经济地理学在新形势下取得的新成果,解决了许多传统区位理论未能解决的难题,而且使经典区位理论获得了新的发展动力。但是,长期以来克鲁格曼新经济地理学被认为与地理界所研究的经济地理学关系不大,未引起地理学界的足够重视。本文从地理学的角度对克鲁格曼所研究的新经济地理学的内涵、研究意义及其与传统区位论的关系等方面,重新解读和审视克鲁格曼的新经济地理学,分析该理论对经济地理学发展的影响,以期对中国经济地理学的创新研究和制订区域科学发展路线图提供参考。  相似文献   
Focal mechanisms of 70 events of the January 1997 earthquake swarm were analysed using the Gephart and Forsyth method to determine the state of stress in the West Bohemia/Vogtland region and to reveal possible stress variations during the swarm activity. The method was applied to the whole set of 70 focal mechanisms and to several subsets distinguishing magnitudes of events and the spatial and temporal distribution of the swarm. The three representative stress models A ( 1 ,A: 0/45 (az/dip), 2 A: 134/35, 3 A: 243/25), B ( 1 ,B: 162/38, 2 B: 263/14, 3 B: 10/49), and C ( 1 C: 135/30, 2 C: 1/50, 3 C: 239/23) which could characterise the state of stress in the region were found. Model C can be considered to be the most probable stress model because of its consistency with the European stress field. The results of the stress analysis applied to the individual subsets of focal mechanisms indicate that the state of stress was more uniform during the first phase of the swarm. To distinguish between the fault plane and the auxiliary plane of fault plane solutions a statistical approach was used. The results showed that the fault planes striking NW-SE and dipping 45° to NE were activated during the swarm.  相似文献   
We present synthetic radii and visibilities in the IR, based on hydrostatic and dynamic model atmospheres of carbon stars. The differences between these two sets of input models and to uniform disc models are discussed and compared to the expected capabilities of the VLTI. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
ISO-SWS spectra of two Mira variables (R Cas and T Dra), taken at two different pulsational phases, are presented. We describe the reduction of the data and the encountered problems. The dust features observed by ISO at different phases and with the Low Resolution Spectrometer of IRAS are compared. We briefly discuss the results in terms of current models for the circumstellar dust shells of AGB variables. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Volume Contents

Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy  相似文献   
In order to compare two widely used piston-coring techniques, parallel cores were taken with both a Kullenberg and a Livingstone corer in the deepest part of Soppensee (25 m), a small eutrophic Swiss lake containing varved sediments. The cores were taken within a horizontal distance of 3 m and yield comparable stratigraphic records. Differences in millimetre-scale microstructure are attributed to primary sedimentation processes at the water/sediment interface. Sediment thin-sections, as well as sediment x-radiograph investigations, reveal no difference in microstructure that could unequivocally be attributed to one of the coring methods used. The differences in deposition are therefore thought to reflect the inherent variability of lacustrine sedimentation in Soppensee.Major differences in overall core recovery do occur, however, in organic-rich, highly porous sediments. These variations are primarily attributed to differential gas expansion. Actual sediment-accumulation rates can therefore only be correctly estimated if the sedimentary record can be constrained within a high-resolution temporal framework, e.g. by annual laminations.  相似文献   
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