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关中地区的新石器古文化发展与古环境变化的关系   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
吕厚远  张健平 《第四纪研究》2008,28(6):1050-1060
气候环境变化作为影响或制约古文化发展、演化的重要因素,虽然经常受到质疑,但依然被越来越多的考古工作者,包括一些古气候学者所接受。关中地区是我国古代文明重要的发源地之一,为探讨气候环境变化与古文化演化之间可能存在的联系提供了条件。本文对已有很好研究基础的渭南全新世黄土剖面的孢粉、植硅体、蜗牛化石及磁化率和粒度记录进行综合分析,研究得出该区全新世以来有3次突出的气候温暖湿润期(9000~7300aB.P.,6800~5500aB.P.和4500~4300aB.P.)和3次明显而短暂的寒冷干旱期(7300~6800aB.P.,5500~5000aB.P.和约4000aB.P.)。温暖湿润气候期与关中地区的老官台(8000~7000aB.P.)、仰韶(7000~5000aB.P.)、龙山(5000~4000aB.P.)等文化繁盛期几乎是同步的,而发生在7300~6800aB.P.,5500~5000aB.P.及4000aB.P.前后的寒冷干旱气候环境,不是简单的气候冷暖变化,而是影响了生物、水、大气等表生地球系统的气候变化事件,改变了该区的植被类型和生物群落的变迁,这3次气候变化事件时间上大致对应了老官台-仰韶-龙山-夏商文化交替的时间。然而,根据目前的气候记录及时间分辨率还难以判断更次一级的气候环境变化与各文化期不同文化类型变化之间的关系。对关中地区泉护遗址植硅体的分析显示,4500aB.P.以来水稻含量的增加与气候变干的趋势并不一致,推测可能与古人利用渭河水资源种植水稻有关。研究认为关中地区气候环境变化与文化发展之间的关系,有一定的规律可寻,但是由于目前对古气候-古环境变化的幅度、详细的考古文化性质的认识不足,以及时间分辨率和年代学的限制,还无法确切说明什么程度的气候环境变化对哪些文化类型通过什么机制产生了何种程度的影响。  相似文献   
The longitudinal profile of a river channel can be described in function of mathematical expressions. The logarithmic fit is the most used method to describe the relative equilibrium of a channel elevation profile. Rivers showing zones of high channel gradient and convex-upward profiles can be evaluated in function of the offset distance with respect to the logarithmic curve. The Jama River profile has been constructed using differential GPS data for the downstream reach and 4-m-grid DEM data base for the remaining headward profile. The resulting longitudinal profile shows a prominent knickpoint of about 80 m in elevation characterized by sharp local convexity. The offset distance in vertical direction from the logarithmic plot is interpreted as the successive accumulation of multiple uplift episodes associated with the Jama Fault System activity. The horizontal offset is suggested to represent the remaining retreated distance for the upstream propagation of the Jama knickpoint. The highly resistant Cretaceous rocks outcropping along the Jama knickpoint reach acts as an inflection point between two subprofiles that show well-fitted logarithmic curves, thereby representing a temporary partitioned equilibrium along the Jama River profile.  相似文献   
The purpose of this article is to examine how the geography of Brazil’s financial centers changed since 2000 in terms of financial center hierarchy, specialization, and spatial concentration. To address these questions, we use data on employment and mergers and acquisitions in financial and business services, complemented with data on remuneration and bank assets. Our results show that São Paulo has consolidated its dominance as Brazil’s primary financial center, with market for corporate control as an important channel of this process. Rio’s decline as a financial center, which started more than fifty years ago, has continued into this century. At the same time, Brasília has emerged as the third most important financial center of Brazil. We document the recent dynamic of this territorial division of labor, with Rio’s specialization in insurance and Brasília’s dependence on government-owned banks. Finally, we show signs that Brazil’s financial center activities might be following an inverse U-shaped pattern whereby increasing geographical concentration is followed by its slow decline. Key Words: Brazil, concentration, financial centers, São Paulo, territorial division of labor.  相似文献   
Geochemical records of bivalve shells have been increasingly studied in the last decade to obtain information on climate conditions. In this paper we present stable isotope compositions of living and prehistoric shells of freshwater mussels (Unionidae) and their relationships with climate conditions in a shallow lake environment of Lake Balaton, West-Central Hungary. Physical conditions and stable oxygen isotope compositions of lake water samples were monitored where living bivalves were collected. Comparisons between seasonal variations in ambient temperature, water composition and within-shell isotopic variations indicate that the shells of Unio pictorum do reflect local changes at high resolution and thus can be used to study past conditions. Additionally, shells covering the last two decades were gathered at several locations along the lake in order to determine spatial and temporal variations in the shells’ isotopic compositions as a function of weather conditions. As an application, prehistoric shells collected in archaeological excavations were analysed in order to study past environmental variations. Climate variations during the Late Copper Age (5460–4870 cal. yr BP) have been assumed on the basis of geomorphological and archaeozoological observations at the site Balatonkeresztúr-Réti-dűlő (south of Lake Balaton), that suggested increasing humidity as a cause of changes in settlement location and domestic livestock husbandry. Stable carbon and oxygen isotope compositions of prehistoric bivalve shells were analyzed from excavations representing five archaeological subphases (Boleráz subphase, 5460–5310 cal. yr BP; two transitional subphases around 5310 cal. yr BP; Early Classic subphase, 5310–5060 cal. yr BP; Late Classic subphase, 5040–4870 cal. yr BP). The analyses revealed significant negative C and O isotope shifts in the transitional subphases relative to the earlier and later subphases. The isotopic variations indicate that the local climate became relatively wet and possibly cold around 5310 cal. yr BP, then it returned to drier (and likely warmer) conditions during the Classic subphases. This interpretation is in agreement with previous studies on climate changes related to the “5.3 ky event” in the European continental area and the North Atlantic Region, indicating an Atlantic influence in the Carpathian Basin.  相似文献   
Arnaud  M.  Aubourg  E.  Bareyre  P.  Br';ehin  S.  Caridroit  R.  de Kat  J.  Dispau  G.  Djidi  K.  Gros  M.  Lachièze-Rey  M.  Laigneau  Y.  Laurent  B.  Lesquoy  E.  Lavocat  Ph.  Magneville  C.  Mazeau  B.  Milsztajn  A.  Moscoso  L.  Pasquaud  J.  Paul  B.  Perrin  P.  Petibon  J.  Piret  Y.  Queinnec  F.  Rich  J.  Spiro  M.  de Trogoff  J.  Vigroux  L.  Zylberajch  S.  Ansari  R.  Cavalier  F.  Moniez  M.  Beaulieu  J. P.  Ferlet  R.  Grison  Ph.  Vidal-Madjar  A.  Adrianzyk  G.  Berger  J. P.  Burnage  R.  Delclite  J. C.  Kohler  D.  Magnan  R.  Richaud  A.  Guibert  J.  Moreau  O.  Tajahmady  F.  Baranne  A.  Maurice  E.  Prévôt  L.  Gry  C. 《Experimental Astronomy》1994,4(3-4):265-278
A 20cm 2 CCD mosaic camera has been especially built to search for dark galactic halo objects by the gravitational microlensing effect. The sensitive area is made of 16 edge-buttable CCDs developped by Thomson-CTS, with 23×23 µm 2 pixels. The 35 kg camera housing and mechanical equipment is presented. The associated electronics and data acquisition system are described in a separate paper. The camera resides at the focal plane of a 40 cm, f/10, Ferson reflector. The instrument has been in operation since December 1991 at the La Silla Observatory (ESO).  相似文献   
Recent measurements by Hipparcos present observational evidence supporting the existence of some white dwarf (WD) stars with iron-rich core composition. In connection with this, the present paper is aimed at exploring the structure and evolution of iron-core WDs by means of a detailed and updated evolutionary code. In particular, we examined the evolution of the central conditions, neutrino luminosity, surface gravity, crystallization, internal luminosity profile and ages. We find that the evolution of iron-rich WDs is markedly different from that of their carbon–oxygen counterparts. In particular, cooling is strongly accelerated (up to a factor of 5 for models with pure iron composition) as compared with the standard case. Thus, if iron WDs were very numerous, some of them would have had time enough to evolve at lower luminosities than that corresponding to the fall-off in the observed WD luminosity function.  相似文献   
It is proposed that the solar flare phenomenon can be understood as a manifestation of the electrodynamic coupling process of the photosphere-chromosphere-corona system as a whole. The system is coupled by electric currents, flowing along (both upward and downward) and across the magnetic field lines, powered by the dynamo process driven by the neutral wind in the photosphere and the lower chromosphere. A self-consistent formulation of the proposed coupling system is given. It is shown in particular that the coupling system can generate and dissipate the power of 1029 erg s#X2212;1 and the total energy of 1032 erg during a typical life time (103 s) of solar flares. The energy consumptions include Joule heat production, acceleration of current-carrying particles along field lines, magnetic energy storage and kinetic energy of plasma convection. The particle acceleration arises from the development of field-aligned potential drops of 10–150 kV due to the loss-cone constriction effect along the upward field-aligned currents, causing optical, X-ray and radio emissions. The total number of precipitating electrons during a flare is shown to be of order 1037–1038.  相似文献   
Summary. An assessment is made of the bias of fitting constrained layered-earth models to transient electromagnetic data obtained over 3-D structures. In this assessment we use the central-loop configuration and show that accurate estimates of the depth of burial of 3-D structures can be obtained with layered-earth model fitting. However, layered-earth interpretations are not reliable for estimating depth extents and resistivities of 3-D structures. When layered earths are used for interpretation, it is advantageous in some cases to use data based on the magnetic field instead of the voltage. A magnetic-field definition of apparent resistivity, in contrast to a definition based on the voltage, eliminates apparent-resistivity overshoots and undershoots in the data. A resistivity undershoot in the data can produce an extraneous and misleading layer in an interpretation of a 3-D resistive structure. Due to 3-D effects, apparent-resistivity soundings (magnetic field and voltage) may rise so steeply at late times that it may not be possible to fit a sounding to a reasonable layered-earth model. Truncating such a sounding, over a buried conductor, allows for a reasonable layered-earth fit and an accurate estimate of the depth to the conductor. However, the resistivity of the conductor is overestimated.
Measurements of the horizontal field in the central-loop configuration can map 3-D structures, provided the sensor is located accurately at the centre of the transmitting loop. Horizontal-field calculations show that the transients peak on the flanks of a 3-D structure, but are depressed over the structure's centre. Weak transient responses flanked by two large transient responses, which are opposite in sign, locate the structure. The sign reversal is caused by a corresponding reversal in the currents that are channelled through or deflected away from conductive or resistive structures, respectively.  相似文献   
We study tidal synchronization and orbit circularization in a minimal model that takes into account only the essential ingredients of tidal deformation and dissipation in the secondary body. In previous work we introduced the model (Escribano et al. in Phys. Rev. E, 78:036216, 2008); here we investigate in depth the complex dynamics that can arise from this simplest model of tidal synchronization and orbit circularization. We model an extended secondary body of mass m by two point masses of mass m/2 connected with a damped spring. This composite body moves in the gravitational field of a primary of mass Mm located at the origin. In this simplest case oscillation and rotation of the secondary are assumed to take place in the plane of the Keplerian orbit. The gravitational interactions of both point masses with the primary are taken into account, but that between the point masses is neglected. We perform a Taylor expansion on the exact equations of motion to isolate and identify the different effects of tidal interactions. We compare both sets of equations and study the applicability of the approximations, in the presence of chaos. We introduce the resonance function as a resource to identify resonant states. The approximate equations of motion can account for both synchronization into the 1:1 spin-orbit resonance and the circularization of the orbit as the only true asymptotic attractors, together with the existence of relatively long-lived metastable orbits with the secondary in p:q (p and q being co-prime integers) synchronous rotation.  相似文献   
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