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本·拉登到底在哪里?这是我们这个时代最重要的政治问题之一。在这篇文章中,我们依据反映生物分布和灭绝规律的生物地理学理论(距离衰减理论、岛屿生物地理理论、本·拉登个人数据),结合遥感数据(陆地卫星 ETM+、航天雷达地形测图、QuickBird),从全球、区域、局部三个空间尺度分析并最终指出本·拉登当前最可能的所在地。这是第一次运用科学手段来确定本·拉登居所。该方法具有可重复性:一旦美国情报部门提供新的信息,便可通过该方法重新定位本·拉登当前最有可能的藏身场所。  相似文献   
Résumè Le batholite de San Ramon est constitue par un granite à gros grains ou porphyroïde, à biotite et parfois hornblende, de teinte rouge à grise. Il s'étend sur 90 km du Nord au Sud à la bordure est de la Cordillère Orientale du Pérou Central. Il recoupe des terrains carbonifères et on le retrouve en galets dans des conglomérats rouges sous-jacents aux calcaires triasico-liasiques. Son âge est précisé par une isochrone Rb/Sr en roches totales qui le fixe à 238±10 MA. Il s'agit donc d'un granite d'âge permien supérieur à trias inférieur en partie contemporain du volcanisme rhyolitique à andésitique qui accompagne le dépôt des molasses rouges Mitu post-léonardiennes et pré-ladiniennes. Avec d'autre granitoïdes tardi-hercyniens de la Cordillère Orientale, il témoigne de l'importance insuffisamment reconnue jusqu'alors du plutonisme associé à ce volcanisme »permo-triasique«.
The batholith of San Ramon is made of a coarse-grained to porphyritic granite that bears biotite and also hornblende at some places. It extends over 90 km from north to south along the eastern boundary of the Eastern Cordillera of Central Peru. It intrudes Carboniferous and Lower Permian strata and is included as cobbles into the red conglomerates that underlie Triassic to Liassic carbonates. A Rb/Sr whole-rock isochron gives a Late Permian to Early Triassic age of 238±10 m. y. Thus the San Ramon granite appears to be in part coeval with the andesite to rhyolitic volcanism associated to the red Mitu molasses, that as a whole were deposited after the Late Leonardian and before the Lower Ladinian. Some other radiometric ages from the Eastern Cordillera granitoïds stress the extension of this Late Variscan plutonism.

Zusammenfassung Der Batholit von San Ramon besteht aus einem grobkörnigen bis porphyrartigen Granit mit Biotiten und bisweilen Hornblenden von rötlicher bis grauer Farbe. Er erstreckt sich über 90 km in N—S-Richtung längs dem Ostrand der östlichen Cordillere von Zentralperu. Er durchschneidet Karbon- und Permablagerungen und findet sich in Gerollen des triadisch-liassische Kalke unterlagernden Konglomerats. Aus der Rb/Sr-Gesamtisochrone ergibt sich ein Alter von 238±10 M. J. Es handelt sich also um einen Granit aus dem Grenzbereich Perm—Trias, der zum Teil gleichaltrig mit dem rhyolitischen bis andesitischen Vulkanismus ist, der die Ablagerung der postleonardischen und praeladinischen roten Molasse Mitubegleitet. Im Verein mit anderen spätvariszischen Granitoïden weist er auf die bisher ungenügend erkannte Bedeutung des diesen permo-triadischen Vulkanismus begleitenden Plutonismus hin.

Resumen El batolito de San Ramón esta localizado a lo largo del limite este de la Cordillera Oriental en el Perú Central. Esta compuesto por un granito de grano grueso que puede tambien ser porfiroide, contiene biotita y tambien hornablenda y su color varia de rojo a gris. Dicho granito intruye terrenos carboniferos y eo-pérmicos y se le encuentra formando parte de los cantos en los conglomerados rojos infrayacentes a la serie carbonatada triásico-liásica. Una isocrona Rb/Sr en rocas totales le da una edad de 238±10 m. y. es decir del Permico terminal o de la base del Triásico. Por lo tanto, el granito de San Ramón es contemporáneo con parte del volcanismo riolitico a andesítico asociado a la sedimentacion de las molasas rojas del grupo Mitu, la cual ocure entre el Leonardiano superior y el Ladiniano inferior. Junto con otros granitoïdes de la Cordillera oriental, el batolito de San Ramón demuestra la importancia del plutonismo asociado a este volcanismo »permo-triásico«.

- , , . 90 - . , , . — Rb/Sr — 238± 10 , .. - . .. , - - «». , , , - .
Seventeen granitoid samples from batholiths in central Chile (33 °–34 ° S) have been analyzed for trace element content. The samples range in age from Paleozoic to Tertiary, and in rock type from quartz diorite to granite. In general, compared to andesites from central-south Chile these rocks are more siliceous with lower abundances of compatible trace elements and higher abundances of incompatible trace elements. However, Upper Tertiary granodiorites have important geochemical similarities, such as highly fractionated rare-earth element (REE) distributions relative to chondrites, to some modern andesites in this region; e.g., Marmolejo. Similar highly fractionated REE distributions are also common in the cores of zoned intrusive sequences in the Sierra Nevada of the western U.S. Based on limited sampling of central Chile Cretaceous and Tertiary plutonics, there may be a west to east increase in light REE/heavy REE ratio and in Sr content. Compared to the Upper Tertiary granodiorites, the Paleozoic granodiorites have similar REE abundances but lower Sr, Sc, Cr, Co, and Ni contents.  相似文献   
Different geoenvironmental site investigation techniques to assess contamination from a municipal solid waste disposal site in Brazil are presented here. Superficial geophysical investigation (geoelectrical survey), resistivity piezocone penetration tests (RCPTU), soil samples collected with direct-push samplers and water samples collected from monitoring wells were applied in this study. The application of the geoelectrical method was indispensable to identify the presence and flow direction of contamination plumes (leachate) as well as to indicate the most suitable locations for RCPTU tests and soil and water sampling. Chemical analyses of groundwater samples contributed to a better understanding of the flow of the contaminated plume. The piezocone presented some limitations for tropical soils, since the groundwater level is sometimes deeper than the layer which is impenetrable to the cone, and the soil genesis and unsaturated conditions affect soil behavior. The combined interpretation of geoelectrical measurements and soil and water samplings underpinned the interpretation of RCPTU tests. The interpretation of all the test results indicates that the contamination plume has already overreached the landfill’s west-northwest borders. Geoenvironmental laboratory test results suggest that contamination from the solid waste disposal site has been developing gradually, indicating the need for continuous monitoring of the groundwater.  相似文献   
Cattle grazing is an important disturbance in the Monte plain, reducing grass biomass and rates of fruit setting. Grass seeds are the most important food for granivorous birds (Emberizidae) during winter. The objective of this study was to test whether granivorous bird populations (Emberizidae), grass seed production, and vegetation structure differed at sites with different intensities of grazing. Emberizid density and species richness were higher in the ungrazed site than in the two grazed paddocks. Seed abundance was also higher in ungrazed vs. grazed sites. Woody vegetation, that serve as safe nest sites, did not differ among treatments. Granivorous bird populations seemed to be affected by cattle grazing; however, the main mechanisms of this process remain unknown.  相似文献   
Intraplate stresses in middle South America are not negligible. We report thrust-faulting mechanisms for five intraplate earthquakes, which indicate a dominant horizontal deviatoric compressional stress oriented in a NW-SE direction. We conclude that this state of stress is due to forces connected with spreading on the Mid Atlantic Ridge and resistive forces exerted by the Caribbean plate to the north and the Nazca plate to the west. The existence and nature of the resistive forces is inferred from earthquake mechanisms and geological evidence presented in other studies. All the available intraplate stress data for Nazca and South America indicate that both plates are under deviatoric compression generated at spreading centers. The absence of tensional earthquake focal mechanisms, particularly in the Nazca plate near the trench, suggests that the forces associated with the gravitational sinking of subducted lithosphere are locally compensated. We present a simple numerical calculation of a non-subducting plate to show how the compressional deviatoric stresses in middle South America can be used to estimate an upper bound of about 1021 P for the viscosity of the mantle.  相似文献   
The collision of a divergent ocean ridge may evolve into two end cases:in the continuity of ocean-floor subduction.or in the detachment of the subducted plate.The northern Patagonia active plate margin has the unique situation that in Cenozoic time it has been subjected to two divergent ridge collisions,each one representing one of the end members.The Neogene Antarctica-Nazca divergent ridge collision evolved as a continuous ocean-floor subduction system,promoting a magmatic hiatus at the arc axis,the obduction of part of the ridge ocean-floor in the fore-arc.and basaltic volcanism in the back-arc.In contrast,the Paleogene Farallon-Aluk divergent ridge collision evolved into a transform margin,with the detachment and sinking of the Aluk plate and the development of a large slab window.As in the previous case,this collision promoted a magmatic hiatus at the arc axis,but the tectono-magmatic scenario changed to postorogenic synextensional volcanism that spread to the former fore-arc(basalt,andesite,rhyolite) and former back-arc(bimodal ignimbrite flare-up,basalt).Geochemistry of this slab window synextensional volcanism shows more MORB-like basalts towards the former fore-arc,and MORB-OIB-like basalts towards the former back-arc.Instead,an isolated undeformable crustal block in the former back-arc,with an "epeirogenic" response to the slab window and extensional regime,was covered by OIB-type basalts after uplift.Major elements show that slab window basalts reach TiCh values up to 3 wt%,as compared with the top value of 1.5 wt%of arc magmas.Besides,the MgO with respect to(FeOt + Al2O3) ratio helps to distinguish slab window magma changes from the former fore-arc to the former back-arc and also with respect to the "epeirogenic" block.Higher contents of HFS elements such as Nb and Ta also help to distinguish this slab window from arc magmas and also,to distinguish slab window magma changes from the former fore-arc to the former back-arc and "epeirogenic" block settings.The isotope compositions of slab window magmatism show a disparate coeval array from MORB to crustal sources,interpreted as a consequence of the lack of protracted storage and homogenization due to the extensional setting.  相似文献   
The macrotidal Colorado River Delta at the northern end of the Gulf of California in Mexico is hydrologically complex. We review historical accounts, data, field notes and photographs to evaluate the hydrological processes active on the delta prior to the advent of upstream dams. We also employ satellite imagery as well as recent LIDAR data to illustrate the critical role played by headcut erosion in restoring the river's fluvial/tidewater connection during the 1979–1988 floods. Prior to human manipulation, the river's contribution of fresh water to the Gulf was periodically interrupted by natural overflowing, avulsing, and flooding into the sub-sea level Salton Sink on the north slope of the delta plain. River flow south towards the Gulf was also subject to occasional overflow into Laguna Salada, another sub-sea level basin. In the mid-20th century, the Delta was disconnected from its fluvial supply following installation of upstream dams and reservoirs. A tidal sediment obstruction developed in the estuary channel, forming a final barrier to fluvial connectivity. Release of Colorado River floodwaters into Mexico between 1979 and 1988 provided a natural experiment on the hydrological response of a long-disconnected macrotidal delta to restoration of fluvial supply.  相似文献   
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