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The seismic refraction reversed profiling technique has been used to investigate the topography of the last interglacial soil (paleosol S1) within the central Chinese Loess Plateau near Xifeng. The results suggest an essentially flat-lying soil at a depth which varies by only a few meters over an area of more than 10 km2. In addition, the results indicate a high-velocity layer at 50-60 m depth which is thought to coincide with a layer of carbonate concretions at the base of paleosol S5. The results agree well with the local loess-paleosol stratigraphy for this area and indicate that the seismic refraction method is a rapid technique for investigating paleotopography.  相似文献   
Geologic features considered to influence durability of the limestone at the sphinx are depositional history, evolution of porosity, and development of joints. These strata have two orthogonal groups of vertical joints. Where these joints intersect, wedge-shaped blocks are separating, causing loss of material from the core. Major reduction of the sphinx, however, is occurring due to salt crystallization aided by the ink-bottle pore systems prevailing in these rocks.The weathering profile exhibits alternating layers, less and more highly weathered. The less weathered rock is a biomicritic grainstone with smaller quantities of halite and gypsum and a larger large-pore-to-throat ratio than the indented, predominantly micritic, layers with larger concentration of salts and a smaller large-pore-to-throat ratio. Based upon poresize distributions, pressures generated in the pores have been calculated using thermodynamic principles, and an equation has been derived that provides a quantitative measure of durability of these rocks.  相似文献   
Relative compressibilities of five silicate garnets were determined by single-crystal x-ray diffraction on crystals grouped in the same high-pressure mount. The specimens include a natural pyrope [(Mg2.84Fe0.10Ca0,06) Al2Si3O12], and four synthetic specimens with octahedrally-coordinated silicon: majorite [Mg3(MgSi)Si3O12], calcium-bearing majorite [(Ca0.49Mg2.51)(MgSi)Si3012], sodium majorite [(Na1.88Mgp0.12)(Mg0.06Si1.94)Si3O12], and an intermediate composition [(Na0.37Mg2.48)(Mg0.13Al1.07 Si080) Si3O12]. Small differences in the compressibilities of these crystals are revealed because they are subjected simultaneously to the same pressure. Bulk-moduli of the garnets range from 164.8 ± 2.3 GPa for calcium majorite to 191.5 ± 2.5 GPa for sodium majorite, assuming K′=4. Two factors, molar volume and octahedral cation valence, appear to control garnet compression.  相似文献   
In recent years, artificial establishment of Spartina alterniflora marshes has become a common method for mitigating impacts to salt marsh systems. The vegetative component of artificially established salt marshes has been examined in several studies, but relatively little is known about the other aspects of these systems. This study was undertaken to investigate the infaunal community of artificially established salt marshes. Infauna were sampled from pairs of artificially established (AE) salt marshes and nearby natural marshes at six sites along the North Carolina coast. The AE marshes ranged in age from 1 yr to 17 yr. Total infaunal density, density of dominant taxa, and community trophic structure (proportions of subsurface-deposit feeders, surface-deposit and suspension feeders, and carnivores) were compared between the two types of marsh to assess infaunal community development in AE marshes. Overall, the two marsh types had similar component organisms and proportions of trophic groups, but total density and densities within trophic groupings were lower in the AE marshes. Soil organic matter content of the natural marshes was nearly twice that of the AE marshes, and is a possible cause for the higher infaunal densities observed in the natural marshes, Using the same three criteria, comparisons of the natural and AE marshes at each of the six locations revealed varying degrees of similarity. Similarity of each AE marsh to its natural marsh control appeared to be influenced by differences in environmental factors between locations more than by AE marsh age. Functional infaunal habitat convergence of an AE marsh with a natural marsh somewhere within its biogeographical region is probable, but success in duplicating the infaunal community of a particular natural marsh is contingent upon the developmental age of the natural marsh and the presence and interaction, of site-specific factors.  相似文献   
Tibet consists of several terranes that progressively collided with the southern margin of Asia during the Mesozoic following the closure of intervening ocean basins. This Mesozoic amalgamation history, as well as the extent to which it may have contributed to crustal thickening prior to the Cenozoic Indo‐Asia collision, remains poorly constrained and strongly debated. Here, we present a metamorphic petrological and U‐Pb zircon geochronological study of the Amdo metamorphic complex, one of the few exposures of high‐grade metamorphic rocks in central Tibet, located along the Bangong suture between the Qiangtang terrane to the north and the Lhasa terrane to the south. U‐Pb ages of metamorphic zircon in gneiss constrain the timing of peak metamorphism at c. 178 Ma, prior to the Early Cretaceous collision between the two terranes. Peak P–T conditions of gneiss within the metamorphic complex are constrained by conventional as well as multi‐equilibrium (THERMOCALC v.3.21 and v.3.33) geothermobarometry of two samples of garnet‐amphibolite. Whereas THERMOCALC v.3.21 yields similar results as conventional geothermobarometry, THERMOCALC v. 3.33 yields dramatically lower pressures, mostly due to the change in the amphibole activity model used. Using THERMOCALC v.3.21, the two garnet‐amphibolite samples yield similar P–T conditions of 0.83 ± 0.06 GPa at 646 ± 33 °C and 0.97 ± 0.06 GPa at 704 ± 35 °C. Plagioclase coronas on the garnet‐amphibolite sample with lower peak P–T conditions indicate a period of isothermal decompression. Additional geothermometry on two garnet‐free amphibolites yielded similar temperatures of 700–750 °C and suggests similar P–T conditions across most of the complex. However, two exposures of garnet‐kyanite schist located along the southern edge of the metamorphic complex yielded slightly lower peak conditions of 0.75–0.85 GPa and 550–610 °C. Petrographic and field relations suggest the difference in metamorphic grade between the schist and gneiss is due to an intervening thrust fault. The existence of the thrust fault indicates that at least part of the exhumation of the complex was due to contractional deformation, possibly during the Lhasa‐Qiangtang collision. Our P–T–t results indicate the occurrence of a significant Early Jurassic tectonothermal event along the southern, active margin of the Qiangtang terrane that deeply buried the Amdo rocks. We suggest that the metamorphism is a result of arc‐related tectonism that may have been regionally extensive along the southern Qiangtang terrane; geological records of this tectonism may be rarely exposed along strike because of a lack of exhumation or subsequent depositional and structural burial.  相似文献   
西拉木伦钼铜多金属成矿带处于华北克拉通与中亚造山带的过渡区,是古生代古亚洲构造域与中生代西太平洋构造域的交汇部位。在中生代受多种构造体系的制约,如中亚造山带造山后期局部伸展、蒙古-鄂霍茨克俯冲-碰撞造山作用、古太平洋板块的向西俯冲和中国东部岩石圈减薄事件的影响等。西拉木伦成矿带成矿斑岩锆石U-Pb年龄和辉钼矿Re-Os同位素年龄资料显示,钼铜矿成岩成矿主要集中在260~220Ma、180~150Ma和140~120Ma三个时期。结合华北克拉通北缘构造演化历史,推测这三期成矿作用主要与造山后局部伸展、构造体系转折和陆内伸展(岩石圈减薄)过程有关,并相应建立了"车户沟式"、"鸡冠山式"和"敖伦花式"三类斑岩钼铜矿床成矿模式。进一步研究表明,岩石的酸碱性、岩浆来源、岩浆的氧逸度、岩浆演化方式、构造背景等因素,制约了成矿作用的专属性。  相似文献   
Upper Miocene to Holocene sediments from the Cascadia accretionary prism and its oceanic surroundings drilled during ODP Leg 146 are studied in order to reveal their alteration during the accretion. The conclusion is made that methane-bearing solutions play a leading role in the transportation of material and the formation of mineralogical-geochemical zonality within the prism. A considerable intensity and high rates of epigenetic alteration are noted. It is shown that low heat flow, absence of progressive subsidence of the accretionary prism, open character of the system relative to water circulation, and heterogeneity of the sedimentary sequence hindered the successive development of epigenesis.  相似文献   
In field and laboratory experiments the relationship of redox, electric, and total potential was studied. This was carried out by using different arrangements of Pt and Ag/AgCl electrodes. The total potential is obtained by placing a Pt and an Ag/AgCl electrode at considerable distance apart on the rock. The studies indicate that the total potential yields the sum of redox and electric potential. Deviations larger than a couple of mV are caused by extensive fluid–rock interactions. In the laboratory it is seen that the magnitude of the electric potential is generally not larger than the artificially produced difference of the redox potential. The former is most likely attributed to a diffusion or membrane potential. At field scale the electric potential is designated as self potential. Redox potential measurements in the field may supply information from remnants of pore fluid of the rock and thereby may be suitable to support the exploration of concealed metal deposits. Detectable are in particular the fast H+ ions which are released by electrochemical reactions and transported by electromigration, both of which are attributed to the presence of the so called geobattery.  相似文献   
Using single-crystal X-ray diffraction from a diamond anvil cell, the compressibility of a synthetic fluorapatite was determined up to about 7?GPa. The compression pattern was anisotropic, with greater change along a than c. Unit cell parameters varied linearly with β a =3.32(8)?10?3 and β c =2.40(5)?10?3 GPa?1, giving a ratio β a c =1.38:1. Data fitted with a third-order Birch-Murnaghan EOS yielded a bulk modulus of K 0=93(4)?GPa with K′=5.8(1.8). The evolution of the crystal structure of fluorapatite was analysed using data collected at room pressure, at 3.04 and 4.72?GPa. The bulk modulus of phosphate tetrahedron is about three times greater than the bulk modulus of calcium polyhedra. The values were 270(10), 100(4) and 86(3) GPa for P, Ca1 (nine-coordinated) and Ca2 (seven-coordinated) respectively. While the calcium polyhedra became more regular with pressure, the distortion of the phosphate tetrahedron remained unchanged. The size of the channel extending along the [001] direction represented the most compressible direction. The Ca2–Ca2 distance decreased from 3.982 to 3.897?Å on compression from 0.0001 to 4.72?GPa. The anisotropic compressional pattern may be understood in terms of the greater compressibility of the channel size over the polyhedral units. The reduction of the channel volume was measured by the evolution of the trigonal prism, having the Ca2–Ca2–Ca2 triangle as its base and the c lattice parameter as its height. This prism volume changed from 47.3?Å3 at room pressure to 44.78?Å3 at 4.72?GPa. Its relatively high bulk moduli, 86(3) GPa, indicated that the channel did not collapse with pressure and the apatite structure could remain stable at very high pressure.  相似文献   
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