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Many space scientists think that the chemical conditions today on planets and moons of the outer solar system are similar to conditions on Earth soon after it formed. If so, we can learn much about the chemistry that led to life on this planet. We can also speculate about exotic habitats that might have given rise to other types of life. And if we are able to discern the chemical reactions now occurring in the outer solar system, we may be able to extrapolate these rules to other solar systems, and so define the habitable zones around other stars where the potential for life is high.  相似文献   
Rapid variations of the radial velocities of absorption components of Ti II lines in CH Cyg are presented. The periods of these variations are determined to 1.89 and 41.07 days in 1982. The variations are interpreted through oscilliations in the mass transfer from the M component onto the accretion disk of the companion during periastron passage.Paper presented at the IAU Colloquium No. 93 on Cataclysmic Variables. Recent Multi-Frequency Observations and Theoretical Developments, held at Dr. Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg, F.R.G., 16–19 June, 1986.  相似文献   
Ion microprobe analysis of magnetites from the Adirondack Mountains, NY, yields oxygen isotope ratios with spatial resolution of 2–8 m and precision in the range of 1 (1 sigma). These analyses represent 11 orders of magnitude reduction in sample size compared to conventional analyses on this material and they are the first report of routinely reproducible precision in the 1 per mil range for analysis of 18O at this scale. High precision micro-analyses of this sort will permit wide-ranging new applications in stable isotope geochemistry. The analyzed magnetites form nearly spherical grains in a calcite matrix with diopside and monticellite. Textures are characteristic of granulite facies marbles and show no evidence for retrograde recrystallization of magnetite. Magnetites are near to Fe3O4 in composition, and optically and chemically homogeneous. A combination of ion probe plus conventional BrF5 analysis shows that individual grains are homogeneous with 18O=8.9±1 SMOW from the core to near the rim of 0.1–1.2 mm diameter grains. Depth profiling into crystal growth faces of magnetites shows that rims are 9 depleted in 18O. These low 18O values increase in smooth gradients across the outer 10 m of magnetite rims in contact with calcite. These are the sharpest intracrystalline gradients measured to date in geological materials. This discovery is confirmed by bulk analysis of 150–350 m diameter magnetites which average 1.2 lower in 18O than coarse magnetites due to low 18O rims. Conventional analysis of coexisting calcite yields °18O=18.19, suggesting that bulk 18O (Cc-Mt)=9.3 and yielding an apparent equilibration temperature of 525° C, over 200° C below the temperature of regional metamorphism. Consideration of experimental diffusion data and grain size distribution for magnetite and calcite suggests two contrasting cooling histories. The data for oxygen in calcite under hydrothermal conditions at high P(H2O) indicates that diffusion is faster in magnetite and modelling of the low 18O rims on magnetite would suggest that the Adirondacks experienced slow cooling after Grenville metamorphism, followed by a brief period of rapid cooling, possibly related to uplift. Conversely, the data for calcite at low P(H2O) show slower oxygen diffusion than in magnetite. Modelling based on these data is consistent with geochronology that shows slow cooling through the blocking temperature of both minerals, suggesting that the low 18O rims form by exchange with late, low temperature fluids similar to those that infiltrated the rock to serpentinize monticellite and which infiltrated adjacent anorthosite to form late calcite veinlets. In either case, the ion microprobe results indicate that two distinct events are recorded in the post-metamorphic exchange history of these magnetites. Recognition of these events is only possible through microanalysis and has important implications for geothermometry.  相似文献   
Jowett AJ 《GeoJournal》1991,23(2):135-146
Pre-1949 China was The Sick Man of Asia, The Land of Famine. In 1949 Mao brought the communists to power and in the re-ordered world, all such problems were supposedly overcome — but not so. Thirty years ago China suffered one of the world's worst famines. Over the four years 1958–61, China suffered some 25–30 million more deaths and experienced some 30–35 million fewer births than might have been expected under normal conditions. Yet for almost a quarter of a century there would be few, outside of China, who were aware of the existence let alone the dimensions of the disaster. Access to Chinese census data since the mid-1980s has permitted a preliminary analysis of the demographic impact of the famine.Abbreviations JPRS-CEA-81-128 Joint Publications Research Service, China Economic Affairs Report 128, 1981 - JPRS-CPS-85-028 Joint Publications Research Service. China Report, Political, Sociological & Military Affairs 28, 1985  相似文献   
Results of high-dispersion spectroscopy (10 Å mm–1) of the symbiotic star AX Per carried out in the years from 1979 to 1987 are reported. The emission line [FeVII] 6086 consists of a narrow and a broad component; the radial velocity of the narrow one varies according to the photometric period 681.6 days. This variation (K=30.6±1.5 km s–1) seems to be due to the orbital motion of the hot star. The radial velocity of absorption lines varies with an inverse phase dependence and a much smaller amplitude (K=5.6±2 km s–1), which may reflect the orbital motion of the red giant. The variation of the radial velocity of the emission lines of FeII, ect. (K=6.7±1.5 km s–1) might be due to the rotation of the red giant. The profile of H emission line suddenly changed around the phase of the photometric minimum, which could be explained as a result of an eclipse of the emitting region by the red giant. On the other hand, some problems remain open in the behaviour of the radial velocities of H and HeI 5876.The observed results support a binary model of AX Per consisting of a rather massive (3M ) M-type giant and a Main-Sequence star (0.6M ). AX Per seems to be in an early stage of the Case C mass transfer, and the estimated very high mass accretion rate (10–4 M yr–1) is consistent with the theoretical models. The narrow component of the emission line of [FeVII] 6086 might be emitted in radiatively driven polar jets on the hot star of which luminosity is close to the Eddington limit.A new identification as ZrII at 6106.47 Å is proposed for the emission line at 6106 Å.  相似文献   
As a result of his polar expeditions at the beginning of this century, Kristian Birkeland determined that intense ionospheric currents were associated with the aurora. Birkeland suggested that these currents originated far from the Earth and that they flowed ointo and away from the polar atmosphere along the geomagnetic field lines. The existence of such field-aligned or Birkeland currents was disputed because it was not possible to unambiguously identify current systems that are field-aligned (as suggested by Alfvén, 1939, 1940) and those which are completely contained in the ionosphere (as developed by Vestine and Chapman, 1938) with surface magnetic field observations. The presence of Birkeland currents has been absolutely confirmed with satellite-borne particle and magnetic field experiments conducted over the past two decades. These satellite observations have determined the large-scale patterns, flow directions, and intensities of Birkeland currents in the auroral and polar regions, and their relationship to the orientation and magnitude of the interplanetary magnetic field. The Birkeland currents are directly associated with visible and UV auroral forms observed with satellites. The results obtained from a variety of recently launched satellites are discussed here. These include Sweden's first satellite, VIKING, which has provided evidence for resonant Alfvén waves on the same geomagnetic field lines that guide stationary Birkeland currents. These observations demonstrate the important role that these currents play in the coupling of energy between the interplanetary medium and the lower ionosphere and atmosphere.Paper dedicated to Professor Hannes Alfvén on the occasion of his 80th birthday, 30 May 1988.  相似文献   
We have obtained velocity-resolved spectra of the 12C II 157.8 microns 2P3/2-2P1/2 fine structure line in the M42 region of Orion. Observations at 0.8 km s-1 resolution with a laser heterodyne spectrometer show multiple velocity components in some locations, with typical linewidths of 3-5 km s-1. Spectra of theta 1C and BN-KL also show weak emission from the F = 2-1 hyperfine component of the equivalent 13C II line. From the observed 12C II/13C II line intensity ratios, we deduce that the 12C II emission is optically thick with tau approximately 5 at both positions. Excitation temperatures of 128 K and 90 K, together with column densities of approximately 1 x 10(19) cm-2 and approximately 4 x 10(18) cm-2, are derived for theta 1C and BN-KL, respectively.  相似文献   
Tepev Mons is a large volcanic structure of about 250 km in diameter with an elevation of 5 km above the surroundings, located at the southwestern edge of Bell Regio. It is surrounded by a moat with a depth of about 0.5 km. If this moat is considered to be caused by bending of the lithosphere due to the load of the volcano, then elastic bending models give limits for the effective flexural rigidity FR and the effective elastic thickness of the lithosphere L: 2 x 1023 Nm FR 3 x 1024 Nm and 30 km L 100 km. High flexural rigidities are associated with small depressions and large thicknesses of the lithosphere and vice versa.Contribution No 345, Institut für Geophysik der Universität Kiel, F.R.G.  相似文献   
The microorganism model of interstellar grains is investigated by spectroscopy from the infrared (IR), visible to the ultraviolet (UV) wave regions.E. coli, yeast and spores ofBacillus subtilis exhibit absorption bands at =3.1 and 9.7 m; they also exhibit several absorptions at 68 m which are in agreement with the observed IS extinction curves.To obtain the extinction curves in the visible and UV regions, dry films of microorganism are prepared on a MgF2 plate or synthesized quartz plate and their spectra measured. In the wavelength region 190400 nm, conventional spectrophotometers are adopted for the measurement. The extinction curve of the film ofE. coli is similar to the observed IS curve.For the wave-range 100<<400 nm, a vacuum UV spectrometer is adopted to avoid absorptions due to O2 in the atmosphere. The extinction spectra by this method are in agreement with the result obtained by the conventional method where comparison is possible. The extinction curves ofE. coli and yeast are such that they incrase towards the short wavelength and exhibit a peak at -190 nm, which is different from the well-known IS peak at =220 nm. It remains to be seen whether interstellar low temperatures (1040 K) can shift the peak position in the extinction curve of biochemical materials.  相似文献   
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