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This study reports on the first investigation into the potential of luminescence dating to establish a chronological framework for the depositional sequences of the Sperchios delta plain, central Greece. A series of three borehole cores(20 m deep) and two shallow cores(4 m deep), from across the delta plain, were extracted, and samples were collected for luminescence dating. The luminescence ages of sand-sized quartz grains were obtained from small aliquots of quartz, using the Single-Aliquot Regenerative-dose(SAR) protocol.The equivalent dose determination included a series of tests and the selection of the Minimum Age Model(MAM) as the most appropriate statistical model. This made it possible to confirm the applicability of quartz Optically Stimulated Luminescence(OSL) dating to establish absolute chronology for deltaic sediments from the Sperchios delta plain.Testing age results of the five cores showed that the deltaic sediments were deposited during the Holocene.A relatively rapid deposition is implied for the top ~14 m possibly as a result of the deceleration in the rate of the sea-level rise and the transition to terrestrial conditions, while on the deeper parts, the reduced sedimentation rate may indicate a lagoonal or coastal environment.  相似文献   
Understanding the loss of the final few species of Australian megafauna is beset by a paucity of data on human arrival, well‐provenanced megafauna, human/megafauna population range and distribution (coexistence and interaction), and the range, scale and impact of environmental changes spanning the human–megafauna period. To overcome these shortcomings, the occurrence and decline of coprophilous fungal spores of Sporormiella in sediments have been used as a proxy for extinct megaherbivores. The Sporormiella evidence is presented as the key indicator of extinction timing and these reports are often from locations where there is no known archaeological record or megafauna remains. However, interpreting fungal spore occurrence is not straightforward, as demonstrated by studies investigating taphonomy, taxonomy and the types of animal dung where Sporormiella occurs. No detailed studies on these problems exist for Australia and no evidence supporting the use of Sporormiella as a valid proxy has been reported. Here we examine the occurrence of Sporormiella spores from Cuddie Springs in south‐eastern Australia. Despite a well‐preserved suite of megafauna fossils, Sporormiella occurrence is sporadic and frequencies are low. We conclude that using Sporormiella alone as an indicator for the presence of megafauna is premature for the Australian context.  相似文献   
The Teplá–Barrandian unit (TBU) has long been considered as a simply bivergent supracrustal ‘median massif’ above the Saxothuringian subduction zone in the Variscan orogenic belt. This contribution reveals a much more complex style of the Variscan tectonometamorphic overprint and resulting architecture of the Neoproterozoic basement of the TBU. For the first time, we describe the crustal-scale NE–SW-trending dextral transpressional Krakovec shear zone (KSZ) that intersects the TBU and thrusts its higher grade northwestern portion severely reworked by Variscan deformation over a southeastern very low grade portion with well-preserved Cadomian structures and only brittle Variscan deformation. The age of movements along the KSZ is inferred as Late Devonian (~380–370?Ma). On the basis of structural, microstructural, and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility data from the KSZ, we propose a new synthetic model for the deformation partitioning in the Teplá–Barrandian upper crust in response to the Late Devonian to early Carboniferous subduction and underthrusting of the Saxothuringan lithosphere. We conclude that the Saxothuringian/Teplá–Barrandian convergence was nearly frontal during ~380–346?Ma and was partitioned into pure shear dominated domains that accommodated orogen-perpendicular shortening alternating with orogen-parallel high-strain domains that accommodated dextral transpression or bilateral extrusion. The synconvergent shortening of the TBU was terminated by a rapid gravity-driven collapse of the thickened lithosphere at ~346–337?Ma followed by, or partly simultaneous with, dextral strike-slip along the Baltica margin-parallel zones, driven by the westward movement of Gondwana from approximately 345?Ma onwards.  相似文献   
The Isla Cristalina de Rivera crystalline complex in northeastern Uruguay underwent a multistage magmatic and metamorphic evolution. Based on SHRIMP U–Pb zircon, Th–U–Pb monazite (CHIME-EPMA method) and K–Ar age data from key units several events can be recognized: (1) multistage magmatism at 2,171–2,114?Ma, recorded on zircon of the granulitic orthogneisses and their 2,093–2,077?Ma overgrowths; (2) a distinct amphibolite facies metamorphism at ~1,980?Ma, recorded by monazite; (3) greenschist facies reworking and shearing at ca. 606?Ma (monazite and K–Ar on muscovite) along the Rivera Shear Zone, and finally (4) intrusion of the post-tectonic Sobresaliente and Las Flores granites at around 585?Ma. Lithological similarities, geographic proximity and coeval magmatic and metamorphic events indicate a similar tectonometamorphic evolution for the Isla Cristalina de Rivera, the Valentines Block in Uruguay and the Santa María Chico Granulitic Complex in southern Brazil, since at least 2.1?Ga.  相似文献   
This study addresses whether Raman spectra can be used to estimate the degree of accumulated radiation damage in monazite-(Ce) samples whose chemical composition was previously determined. Our results indicate that the degree of disorder in monazite–(Ce), as observed from increasing Raman band broadening, generally depends on both the structural state (i.e., radiation damage) and the chemical composition (i.e., incorporation of non-formula elements). The chemical effects were studied on synthetic orthophosphates grown using the Li-Mo flux method, and non radiation-damaged analogues of the naturally radiation-damaged monazite–(Ce) samples, produced by dry annealing. We found that the “chemical” Raman-band broadening of natural monazite–(Ce) can be predicted by the empirical formula, $$ {\hbox{FWHM}} {\hbox{[c}}{{\hbox{m}}^{ - {1}}}{]} = {3}{.95} + {26}{.66} \times {\hbox{(Th}} + {\hbox{U}} + {\hbox{Ca}} + {\hbox{Pb)}} {\hbox{[apfu]}} $$ where, FWHM = full width at half maximum of the main Raman band of monazite–(Ce) (i.e., the symmetric PO4 stretching near 970?cm?1), and (Th+U+Ca+Pb) = sum of the four elements in apfu (atoms per formula unit). Provided the chemical composition of a natural monazite–(Ce) is known, this “chemical band broadening” can be used to estimate the degree of structural radiation damage from the observed FWHM of the ν1(PO4) band of that particular sample using Raman spectroscopy. Our annealing studies on a wide range of monazite–(Ce) reference materials and other monazite–(Ce) samples confirmed that this mineral virtually never becomes highly radiation damaged. Potential advantages and the practical use of the proposed method in the Earth sciences are discussed.  相似文献   
Since the early 1900sPhragmites australis has been replacing other vegetation in Atlantic and gulf coast marshes at a rate of about 1% to 6% of the marsh surface per year. Vast areas of coastal marsh are now characterized by dense monotypic stands of this species. By virtue of its ability to build up the marsh surface,P. australis affects the landscape, hydrology, and hydroperiod of the marsh as well as drainage density, and other geomorphic features. Smoothed microtopography results in more difficult access to the marsh by nekton, and possibly reduced exchange of organic materials between the marsh and adjacent estuary. The pattern of replacement byP. australis results in fragmentation of existing stands ofSpartina alterniflora and other extant macrophytes, thereby altering landscape ecology and the ability of the marsh to support biodiversity and the production of marsh fauna.  相似文献   
We present an organic geochemical study of surface sediments of Lake Sarbsko, a shallow coastal lake on the middle Polish Baltic coast. The aim was to provide evidence concerning the origin of the organic matter (OM) and its compositional diversity in surface deposits of this very productive, highly dynamic water body. The content and composition of the OM in the bottom sediments were investigated at 11 sampling stations throughout the lake basin. OM sources were assigned on the basis of bulk indicators [total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), δ13CTOC and δ15N and extractable OM yield], biomarker composition of extractable OM and compound-specific C isotope signatures. The source characterization of autochthonous compounds was verified via phytoplankton analysis. The distribution of gaseous hydrocarbons in the sediments, as well as temporal changes in lake water pH, the concentration of DIC (dissolved inorganic carbon) and δ13CDIC were used to trace OM decomposition.The sedimentary OM is composed mainly of well preserved phytoplankton compounds and shows minor spatial variability in composition. However, the presence of CH4 and CO2 in the bottom deposits provides evidence for microbial degradation of sedimentary OM. The transformation of organic compounds in surface, bottom and pore waters via oxidative processes influences carbonate equilibrium in the lake and seasonally favours precipitation or dissolution of CaCO3.The data enhance our understanding of the relationships between the composition of sedimentary OM and environmental conditions within coastal ecosystems and shed light on the reliability of OM proxies for environmental reconstruction of coastal lakes.  相似文献   
Petrography and geochemistry (major, trace and rare earth elements) of clastic rocks from the Lower Cambrian Lalun Formation, in the Posht-e-badam block, Central Iran, have been investigated to understand their provenance. Petrographical analysis suggests that the Lalun conglomerates are dominantly with chert clasts derived from a proximal source, probably chert bearing Precambrian Formations. Similarly, purple sandstones are classified as litharenite (chertarenite) and white sandstones as quartzarenite types. The detrital modes of purple and white sandstones indicate that they were derived from recycled orogen (uplifted shoulders of rift) and stable cratonic source. Most major and trace element contents of purple sandstones are generally similar to upper continental crust (UCC) values. However, white sandstones are depleted in major and trace elements (except SiO2, Zr and Co) relative to UCC, which is mainly due to the presence of quartz and absence of other Al-bearing minerals. Shale samples have considerably lower content in most of the major and trace elements concentration than purple sandstones, which is possibly due to intense weathering and recycling. Modal composition (e.g., quartz, feldspar, lithic fragments) and geochemical indices (Th/Sc, La/Sc, Co/Th, Cr/Th, Cr/V and V/Ni ratios) of sandstones, and shales (La/Sc and La/Cr ratios) indicate that they were derived from felsic source rocks and deposited in a passive continental margin. The chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns of the studied samples are characterized by LREE enrichment, negative Eu anomaly and flat HREE similar to an old upper continental crust composed chiefly of felsic components in the source area. The study of paleoweathering conditions based on modal composition, chemical index of alteration (CIA), plagioclase index of alteration (PIA) and A–CN–K (Al2O3 − CaO + Na2O − K2O) relationships indicate that probably chemical weathering in the source area and recycling processes have been more important in shale and white sandstones relative to purple sandstones. The results of this study suggest that the main source for the Lalun Formation was likely located in uplifted shoulders of a rifted basin (probably a pull-apart basin) in its post-rift stage (Pan-African basement of the Posht-e-badam block).  相似文献   
Volcanism throughout the Luzon arc is associated with eastwardsubduction of the South China Sea floor along the Manila Trench.The southern section of the arc, the focus of this study, extendsfrom the Lingayen-Dingalan fault to the small islands just southof Luzon. Two segments appear to exist along this section ofthe arc the northern Bataan and southern Mindoro segments whichare separated by the Macolod Corridor. The volcanic rocks have typical arc phenocryst mineralogies:olivine, clinopyroxene, plagioclase, and titanomagnetite inthe most mafic rocks and clinopyroxene, plagioclase, orthopyroxene,titanomagnetite, ? amphibole in the more felsic samples. Complexzoning, sieve textures, and decoupling of incompatible traceelements suggest that processes such as assimilation have takenplace. The rocks from the study area range from basalts to rhyolitesand show typical calc-alkaline features. The rocks of the MacolodCorridor and Mindoro segment are particularly enriched in largeion lithophile elements (LILE), light rare earth elements (LREE),and radiogenic Sr compared with the Bataan segment. The datafall within the mantle array on Sr-Nd isotopic diagrams andgrade toward higher Sr and lower Nd isotopic values from northto south. A likely source for the volcanics of this study is either amid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB)-type mantle that undergoes higherdegrees of partial melting than regions involved in MORB generationor a previously depleted source. We suggest that the high fieldstrength element (HFSE) anomalies have been derived throughdifferential element partitioning during fluid transport fromthe subducted lithosphere to the mantle wedge. Continental crustal material seems to play a significant roleparticularly in the Macolod Corridor and the Mindoro segment,based on the high LILE, La/Sm ratios, radiogenic Sr isotopes,and 18O values. The Macolod Corridor and the Mindoro segmenthave undergone source contamination by crustal material fromthe North Palawan-Mindoro crustal block either during the collisionof this block with the Manila Trench or by subduction of sedimentsrich in this crustal material. A similar component has alsobeen detected in the Bataan segment but in minor amounts. Thetrace element and isotopic differences between the northernand southern sections of the arc are interpreted in terms ofvariable composition (i. e., variable amounts of a crustal componentintroduced from the Palawan-Mindoro crustal terrain) of themetasomatic fluids released into the source.  相似文献   
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