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We compared microstructures of Late Pre-Cambrian to Early Cambrian Ara Salt diapirs from the deep subsurface (3.5–5 km) of the South Oman Salt Basin and from surface-piercing salt domes of the Ghaba Salt Basin. Laterally, these basins are approximately 500 km apart but belong to the same tectono-sedimentary system. The excellent data situation from both wells and outcrops allows a unique quantification of formation and deformation mechanisms, spanning from sedimentation to deep burial, and via re-activated diapir rise to surface piercement. Microstructures of gamma-irradiated and etched thin sections indicate dislocation creep and fluid-assisted grain boundary migration as the main deformation mechanisms operating in the deep subsurface. Microstructures from the surface are characterised by large ‘old’ subgrain-rich crystals. These ‘old’ grains are partly replaced by ‘new’ subgrain-free and subgrain-poor crystals, which show gamma irradiation-decorated growth bands and fibrous microstructures, indicative of pressure solution creep and static recrystallisation, most likely due to surface piercement and exposure. Using subgrain size piezometry, the maximum differential stresses for the subsurface salt is 1.7 MPa and those for the surface-piercing salt is 3.4 MPa, the latter value displaying the high stress conditions in the diapir ‘stem’ as the salt rises on its way to the surface.  相似文献   
Oxygen minimum zones in the eastern tropical Atlantic and Pacific oceans   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Within the eastern tropical oceans of the Atlantic and Pacific basin vast oxygen minimum zones (OMZ) exist in the depth range between 100 and 900 m. Minimum oxygen values are reached at 300–500 m depth which in the eastern Pacific become suboxic (dissolved oxygen content <4.5 μmol kg−1) with dissolved oxygen concentration of less than 1 μmol kg−1. The OMZ of the eastern Atlantic is not suboxic and has relatively high oxygen minimum values of about 17 μmol kg−1 in the South Atlantic and more than 40 μmol kg−1 in the North Atlantic. About 20 (40%) of the North Pacific volume is occupied by an OMZ when using 45 μmol kg−1 (or 90 μmol kg−1, respectively) as an upper bound for OMZ oxygen concentration for ocean densities lighter than σθ < 27.2 kg m−3. The relative volumes reduce to less than half for the South Pacific (7% and 13%, respectively). The abundance of OMZs are considerably smaller (1% and 7%) for the South Atlantic and only 0% and 5% for the North Atlantic. Thermal domes characterized by upward displacements of isotherms located in the northeastern Pacific and Atlantic and in the southeastern Atlantic are co-located with the centres of the OMZs. They seem not to be directly involved in the generation of the OMZs.OMZs are a consequence of a combination of weak ocean ventilation, which supplies oxygen, and respiration, which consumes oxygen. Oxygen consumption can be approximated by the apparent oxygen utilization (AOU). However, AOU scaled with an appropriate consumption rate (aOUR) gives a time, the oxygen age. Here we derive oxygen ages using climatological AOU data and an empirical estimate of aOUR. Averaging oxygen ages for main thermocline isopycnals of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean exhibit an exponential increase with density without an obvious signature of the OMZs. Oxygen supply originates from a surface outcrop area and can also be approximated by the turn-over time, the ratio of ocean volume to ventilating flux. The turn-over time corresponds well to the average oxygen ages for the well ventilated waters. However, in the density ranges of the suboxic OMZs the turn-over time substantially increases. This indicates that reduced ventilation in the outcrop is directly related to the existence of suboxic OMZs, but they are not obviously related to enhanced consumption indicated by the oxygen ages. The turn-over time suggests that the lower thermocline of the North Atlantic would be suboxic but at present this is compensated by the import of water from the well ventilated South Atlantic. The turn-over time approach itself is independent of details of ocean transport pathways. Instead the geographical location of the OMZ is to first order determined by: (i) the patterns of upwelling, either through Ekman or equatorial divergence, (ii) the regions of general sluggish horizontal transport at the eastern boundaries, and (iii) to a lesser extent to regions with high productivity as indicated through ocean colour data.  相似文献   
Required assimilated energy to support observed growth was reconstructed for four common bivalve species (Mya arenaria, Cerastoderma edule, Mytilus edulis and Macoma balthica) from various Northeast Atlantic coastal areas, along the species distributional range. The approach applied was based on the Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory whereby observed growth patterns in the field, in combination with prevailing temperatures, were used to reconstruct the average food intake experienced in the field scaled to the maximum possible. For all species, results suggest food limitation over the range of locations. In general, reconstructed food intake indicated better conditions for C. edule compared to the other species, while M. edulis presented the lowest food conditions in all the areas. Despite the indications for a latitudinal trend in primary production, no clear pattern or relationship between reconstructed food conditions and latitude was observed suggesting that any trend may be overruled by local conditions.  相似文献   
Rapid mass movements such as avalanches, debris flows, and rock fall are periodic or episodic phenomena that occur in alpine regions. Recent studies have shown that debris flows generate characteristic signals in the low-frequency infrasonic spectrum (4–15 Hz). Infrasound can travel thousands of kilometers and can still be detectable. This characteristic provides a basis for the development of wide area automated monitoring systems that can operate in locations unaffected by the activity of the process. This study focuses on the infrasound vibrations produced by a debris flow at the Lattenbach torrent, Tyrol (Austria), and by two events at the Illgraben torrent, Canton of Valais (Switzerland). The Lattenbach torrent is a very active torrent, which is located in the west of Tyrol in a geologic fault zone between the Silvrettakristallin and the Northern Limestone Alps. It has a large supply of loose sediment. The Illgraben torrent, which is well known for its frequent sediment transport and debris flow activity, has been equipped with instruments for debris flow monitoring since the year 2000. This study shows that debris flow emits low-frequency infrasonic signals that can be monitored and correlated with seismic signals. During the passage of the debris flow, several surges were identified by ultrasonic gauges and detected in the time series and the running spectra of infrasonic data.  相似文献   
A large amount of nutrient and chlorophyll data from the North Sea were compiled and organised in a research data base to produce annual cycles on a relatively fine spatial resolution of 1° in each horizontal direction. The data originate from many different sources and were partly provided by the ECOMOD data base of the Institut fur Meereskunde in Hamburg and partly by ICES in Copenhagen to cover the time range from 1950 to 1994. While the annual cycles of nutrients and chlorophyll derived for the continental coastal zone are representative for the decade 1984–1993 only, those for the remaining parts of the North Sea may be considered climatological annual cycles based on data from more than four decades. The composite data set of climatological annual cycles of medians and their climatological ranges is well suited to serve for validational and forcing purposes for ecosystem models of the North Sea, which have a resolution larger than or equal to 1° in both longitude and latitude. The annual cycles of the macronutrients and chlorophyll presented here for 1° × 1° squares in the North Sea show especially that sufficient observational data exist to provide initial, forcing and validational data for the simulations with the 130-box setup (ND130) of the ecosystem model ERSEM. The annual cycles presented give a clear picture for the whole of the North Sea. The highest concentrations occur at the continental coasts as a result of continued river input, which is added to the ongoing atmospheric input over the North Sea. Also, from the Atlantic Ocean water with relatively high nutrient concentrations enters the North Sea via the northern boundary. In the productive areas on and around the Dogger Bank nutrient concentrations are lower than in the other parts of the North Sea, even in winter. The areas with seasonal stratification have very different annual cycles in the upper (0–30 m) and lower layers (30 m-bottom). The shallow boxes are fully mixed and exhibit a relatively fast increase of nutrient concentrations caused by summer regeneration of nutrients.  相似文献   
We present the results of 12CO(1-0) and 12CO(2-1) observations on UGC 1347 obtained with BIMA and the IRAM 30 m telescope. UGC 1347 is a member of the Abell 262 cluster. In Abell 262, a nearby spiral rich cluster, the signs of galaxy interaction and therefore the mechanisms which play an important role in galaxy evolution within clusters can be studied with high spatial resolution. Aside from its bright central region, UGC 1347 features a second prominent source at the southern tip of the bar, which has been identified as region with recent enhanced star formation. The CO observations prove the existence of reservoirs of cold molecular gas at the positions of both bright regions.  相似文献   
An infinite array of evenly spaced groups of oscillating bodies is considered. All groups (or ‘attenuators’) are equal and they have the same directional orientation. The angle of wave incidence is arbitrary. Regular waves diffracted and radiated from the bodies interfere constructively into rays of plane waves propagating away from the array. The number of rays depends on the ratio between the wavelength and the interspacing between adjacent groups. To each ray there corresponds one term in the ‘array radiation resistance matrix’. The maximum wave power absorbed by the array is derived under the assumption of linear theory and of unconstrained amplitudes of the oscillating bodies. It is found that, apart from exceptional cases, all of the incident wave power may be absorbed by the array provided the total number of oscillating modes in each group is at least as large as the number of rays. It is then explicitly demonstrated that the condition for maximum power absorption is that all rays have a vanishing intensity. Further, some previously known general relations between scattered waves and radiated waves have been extended.  相似文献   
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