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Interaction of a Masonry Dam and the Rock Foundation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Urft dam is an old German gravity dam located in the Eifel near Cologne. In order to ensure its stability and for adjustment to today??s technical standards rehabilitation works were required. Two inspection galleries were excavated below the storage level by means of smooth blasting. To reduce the porewater pressure acting on the dam??s base and thus to increase the stability of the dam also the drainage system was reconstructed and improved. Because the Urft dam is curved, its load bearing behavior reveals a certain arching effect. In order to take advantage of this arch action the stability proof was carried out by means of three-dimensional analyses according to the FEM. In these analyses the interaction of dam and the foundation rock was accounted for. Explorations, laboratory and in situ testing of the masonry and the foundation rock were carried out and a monitoring program was established. The monitoring results allowed a calibration of the three-dimensional model for stability analyses by means of back analyses. On this basis the final stability proof could be conducted.  相似文献   
Dehydration melting of a hornblende‐plagioclase mixture of amphibolitic composition was investigated at 1000°C and at 800 MPa and 1200 MPa. At 1200 MPa the reaction products are garnet, clinopyroxene, melt and relatively Ab‐rich plagioclase (An47). At 800 MPa the products are orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, magnetite, amphibole (pargasite) and An‐rich plagioclase (An75). The melts are rich in plagioclase components (especially in Ab) and, when compared to tonalites, relatively poor in silica. The grainsize of the starting materials was ≤?5 μm in the 800 MPa and ≤?10 μm in the 1200 MPa runs. All run products show unchanged plagioclase cores, which are the remnants of a very sluggish reaction assumed to be controlled by dissolution/precipitation processes at the plagioclase grain boundaries. The results indicate that only local equilibrium could have been obtained in recent investigations on dehydration melting experiments in plagioclase‐bearing systems. The results also suggest that plagioclase compositions once formed may persist for a very long time, even in hot magma chambers, if the prevailing water activity is low.  相似文献   
This study focuses on the differences between the present-day climate and the climate of the last glacial maximum (LGM) of 18 000 y BP using a zonally averaged energy balance climate model. The ocean is represented by a 2-D model with prescribed overturning pattern in which the overturning velocities can be adjusted freely. We discuss what influence the use of ice-age conditions (i.e. enhanced land-ice cover, reduced CO2-concentration and reduced oceanic overturning rate) has on the differences between ice-age and present-day climate. When compared to LGM sea-surface temperatures derived from proxy data, the model is able to simulate fairly well the important features of the meridional distribution of these temperature differences. Applying reduced ocean overturning rates during the LGM significantly decreases poleward heat transport in the oceans, thereby allowing for additional cooling of the polar regions and less cooling of the equatorial region. As a result, the agreement with CLIMAP proxy temperature differences increases, especially in the equatorial region. This mechanism can explain the slight differences in the CLIMAP proxy equatorial surface temperatures between the LGM and the present-day climate.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Tizi-n'Test-Verwerfungszone ist mit ca. 300 km Länge unter den Verwerfungen, die das rhomboidförmige Schollenmuster im Westlichen Hohen Atlas von Marokko bilden, die bedeutendste und gleichrangig mit der Südatlas-Störung. Sie trennt tektonisch ungleich deformierte Blöcke im variscischen Sockel des Atlas-Gebirges. Ergebnisse geologischer Kartierungen und Profilaufnahmen in Serien des Infra- bis Mittelkambrium bilden die Grundlage für eine Diskussion der sehr kontrovers beurteilten Versätze an dieser kompliziert gebauten »Erdnaht«.Seit dem Infrakambrium können erhebliche Vertikalversätze beobachtet und rekonstruiert werden: über syngenetische Abschiebungen ergeben sich Ansätze zur Deutung von Mächtigkeits- und Faziesgegensätzen beiderseits der Verwerfungszone in präkambrischer und kambrischer Zeit. Spätvariscische und permo-triassische Grabenbildungen in der vorgezeichneten Schwächezone folgen diesem Trend, der dann während der jungen Inversion des Gebirgskörpers besonders deutlich wird. Während ein rechtshändiger Versatz ziemlich unwahrscheinlich ist, kann eine linkshändige Verschiebung nicht völlig ausgeschlossen werden; allerdings dürfte sie nicht von globaler Bedeutung sein. Die Bilanz aller Bewegungsabläufe während der Erdgeschichte ist relativ gering.
The Tizi-n'Test fault is about 300 km long. It is the most important fault within the rhomboid block fault pattern of the hercynian basement of the Western High Atlas in Morocco. Separating blocks of different type of deformation in the »ancient massif«, the Tizi-n'Test fault is an important structural feature of high order. Results of geological mapping and profiling of Precambrian and Cambrian rock series enable us to discuss the dislocation balance along the fault which is contradictory up to now.In our opinion, vertical displacements were dominating. Syngenetic downfaulting of the southeastern block determinated thickness and facies on both fault blocks during infra- and early Cambrian times. Late hercynian and permotriassic grabens show the same vertical trend which was lateron reversed during the alpine mountain building process. Righth- and lateral displacements seem to be out of discussion as existent contrasts in thickness and facies on both sides would be highly exaggerated. Nevertheless, left hand lateral displacement cannot be excluded at all, but its extents are very small because the geological pattern is not heavily affected. Probable strike-slip movements are only of local importance and do not obtain global extent. Carefully considering the amounts of displacement since the late Precambrian the total is unexpectedly low.

Résumé L'accident du Tizi-n'Test, zone failleuse de plus de 300 Km de long, est la plus importante des failles responsables de la structure en blocs rhombiques que présente le socle hercynien dans le Haut Atlas occidental marocain. Il sépare des blocs de styles tectoniques différents et apparaÎt de ce fait comme un accident de premier ordre, de mÊme importance que l'accident sud-atlasique. Les levés cartographiques et les coupes établies dans les formations pré-cambriennes et cambriennes des blocs situés de part et d'autre de la faille servent de base à une discussion de la question très controversée du sens des déplacements le long de celleci.D'après nous, les déplacements verticaux sont prédominants. Des affaissements syngénétiques permettent de rendre compte de variations de facies et d'épaisseur de part et d'autre de la faille au cours du Pré-Cambrien et du Cambrien inférieur. La formation de grabens tardi-hercyniens et permotriasiques a accentué cette tendance. Celle-ci s'est inversée lorsque, pendant l'orogenèse alpine, la montagne s'est soulevée par le jeu de failles inverses. Des décrochements dextres nous semblent peu probables parce que ce mécanisme augmenterait encore les contrastes existant entre les deux blocs. Par contre on ne peut exclure un mouvement de décrochement sénestre dont l'importance, très locale, n'atteint cependant pas l'échelle globale. De manière assez inattendue, le bilan de tous ces mouvements, qui se sont effectuées depuis le Pré-Cambrien, montre finalement des rejets relativement faibles.

(SW-), , , — — —, — — . , , , . , . , , . , , : Renalcis Epiphyton Girvanella . , 20–50 , Hill (1972) .
Rapid mass movements such as avalanches, debris flows, and rock fall are periodic or episodic phenomena that occur in alpine regions. Recent studies have shown that debris flows generate characteristic signals in the low-frequency infrasonic spectrum (4–15 Hz). Infrasound can travel thousands of kilometers and can still be detectable. This characteristic provides a basis for the development of wide area automated monitoring systems that can operate in locations unaffected by the activity of the process. This study focuses on the infrasound vibrations produced by a debris flow at the Lattenbach torrent, Tyrol (Austria), and by two events at the Illgraben torrent, Canton of Valais (Switzerland). The Lattenbach torrent is a very active torrent, which is located in the west of Tyrol in a geologic fault zone between the Silvrettakristallin and the Northern Limestone Alps. It has a large supply of loose sediment. The Illgraben torrent, which is well known for its frequent sediment transport and debris flow activity, has been equipped with instruments for debris flow monitoring since the year 2000. This study shows that debris flow emits low-frequency infrasonic signals that can be monitored and correlated with seismic signals. During the passage of the debris flow, several surges were identified by ultrasonic gauges and detected in the time series and the running spectra of infrasonic data.  相似文献   
Concentrations and isotope compositions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were determined in natural soils of Southern Germany. In selected profiles perylene concentrations increased with soil depth when compared to the other PAH compounds present. However, its low solubility made vertical transport by seepage water unlikely. Therefore two mechanisms are discussed that could have caused the unusual distribution of perylene in these soils:
(a) Atmospheric deposition of combustion-derived (i.e. pyrogenic) perylene in the top-soil and
(b) in situ generation in the sub-soil of these specific terrestrial environments. This could have been caused by microbial activities or other catalytic processes yet unknown.
In order to distinguish between pyrogenic and natural generation compound-specific 13C/12C ratios (δ13C) were compared between perylene and other PAHs in samples from the top-soil and sub-soil. Despite successful clean-up of the extracts, low perylene concentrations and peak overlaps with benzo(e)pyrene and benzo(a)pyrene prevented determination of a unique δ13C value for perylene in the upper horizon. However, the δ13C value of perylene in the sub-soil was 5.7 permille more negative than other equal-mass PAHs (with m/z of 252) in the top-soil, which rather supports in situ generation of perylene in the sub-soil.  相似文献   
Mineralogy and Petrology - The study focuses on a subvolcanic rhyodacite dyke intruding a fine grained biotite granite and paragneisses of the South Bohemian Massif, part of the Variscan Orogenic...  相似文献   
The use of LIDAR-derived shaded relief maps led to the identification of all potential landslide areas in a hilly region in Northern Bavaria (1590 km2), Germany. Every possible structure was investigated by field investigation which resulted in a detailed database of 1002 landslides within the study area. The analysis of geological, lithological, topographical and morphological properties (spatial ratio, lithological and geological setting, length/width distribution, material properties and slope angle) revealed characteristic appearances of the landslides and possible relationships between different aspects. Strong relations between the lithological setting, spatial ratio of the mapped landslides and distribution of slope angle could be observed. This study shows the value of high-resolution shaded relief maps for detecting and mapping landslides in a large area with comparatively little work and time in comparison to the traditional approach to mapping. It reveals that many landslides were not known before. Landslides are much more common in Northern Bavaria and have a higher influence on the denudation rate of the Franconian Alb than expected before.  相似文献   
The magnetic structure of convection-driven numerical dynamos   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The generation of a magnetic field in numerical simulations of the geodynamo is an intrinsically 3-D and time-dependent phenomenon. The concept of magnetic field lines and the frozen-flux approximation can provide insight into such systems, but a suitable visualization method is required. This paper presents results obtained using the Dynamical Magnetic Field line Imaging (DMFI) technique, which is a representation of magnetic field lines accounting for their local magnetic energy, together with an algorithm for the time evolution of their anchor points. The DMFI illustrations are consistent with previously published dynamo mechanisms, and allow further investigation of spatially and temporally complex systems. We highlight three types of magnetic structures: (i) magnetic cyclones and (ii) magnetic anticyclones are expelled by, but corotate with axial flow vortices; (iii) magnetic upwellings are amplified by stretching and advection within flow upwellings, and show structural similarity with helical plumes found in rotating hydrodynamic experiments. While magnetic anticyclones are responsible for the regeneration of a stable axial dipole, here we show that excursions and reversals of the dipole axis are caused by the emergence of magnetic upwellings, which amplify and transport a generally multipolar magnetic field from the inner to the outer boundary of the models. Geomagnetic observations suggest the presence of magnetic structures similar to those found in our models; thus, we discuss how our results may pertain to Earth's core dynamo processes. In order to make DMFI a standard tool for numerical dynamo studies, a public software package is available upon request to the authors (supplementary material is available at: http://www.ipgp.jussieu.fr/~aubert/DMFI.html ).  相似文献   
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