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Almost all astronomers now believe that the Hubble recession law was directly inferred from astronomical observations. It turns out that this common belief is completely false. Those models advocating the idea of an expanding universe are ill-founded on observational grounds. This means that the Hubble recession law is really a working hypothesis. One alternative to the Hubble recession law is the tired-light hypothesis originally proposed by Zwicky (Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 15:773, 1929). This hypothesis leads to a universe that is an eternal cosmos continually evolving without beginning or end. Such a universe exists in a dynamical state of virial equilibrium. Observational studies of the redshift-magnitude relation for Type Ia supernovae in distant galaxies might provide the best observational test for a tired-light cosmology. The present study shows that the model Hubble diagram for a tired-light cosmology gives good agreement with the supernovae data for redshifts in the range 0<z<2. This observational test of a static cosmology shows that the real universe is not necessarily undergoing expansion nor acceleration. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
The barrier-island systems of the Mississippi River Delta plain are currently undergoing some of the highest rates of shoreline retreat in North America (~20 m/year). Effective management of this coastal area requires an understanding of the processes involved in shoreline erosion and measures that can be enacted to reduce loss. The dominant stratigraphy of the delta plain is fluvial mud (silts and clays), delivered in suspension via a series of shallow-water delta lobes that prograded across the shelf throughout the Holocene. Abandonment of a delta lobe through avulsion leads to rapid land subsidence through compaction within the muddy framework. As the deltaic headland subsides below sea level, the marine environment transgresses the bays and wetlands, reworking the available sands into transgressive barrier shorelines. This natural process is further complicated by numerous factors: (1) global sea-level rise; (2) reduced sediment load within the Mississippi River; (3) diversion of the sediment load away from the barrier shorelines to the deep shelf; (4) storm-induced erosion; and (5) human alteration of the littoral process through the construction of hardened shorelines, canals, and other activities. This suite of factors has led to the deterioration of the barrier-island systems that protect interior wetlands and human infrastructure from normal wave activity and periodic storm impact. Interior wetland loss results in an increased tidal prism and inlet cross-sectional areas, and expanding ebb-tidal deltas, which removes sand from the littoral processes through diversion and sequestration. Shoreface erosion of the deltaic headlands does not provide sufficient sand to balance the loss, resulting in thinning and dislocation of the islands. Abatement measures include replenishing lost sediment with similar material, excavated from discrete sandy deposits within the muddy delta plain. These sand bodies were deposited by the same cyclical processes that formed the barrier islands, and understanding these processes is necessary to characterize their location, extent, and resource potential. In this paper we demonstrate the dominant fluvial and marine-transgressive depositional processes that occur on the inner shelf, and identify the preservation and resource potential of fluvio-deltaic deposits for coastal management in Louisiana.  相似文献   
The suitability of geologic frameworks for extrapolating hydraulic conductivity (K) to length scales commensurate with hydraulic data is difficult to assess. A novel method is presented for evaluating assumed relations between K and geologic interpretations for regional-scale groundwater modeling. The approach relies on simultaneous interpretation of multiple aquifer tests using alternative geologic frameworks of variable complexity, where each framework is incorporated as prior information that assumes homogeneous K within each model unit. This approach is tested at Pahute Mesa within the Nevada National Security Site (USA), where observed drawdowns from eight aquifer tests in complex, highly faulted volcanic rocks provide the necessary hydraulic constraints. The investigated volume encompasses 40 mi3 (167 km3) where drawdowns traversed major fault structures and were detected more than 2 mi (3.2 km) from pumping wells. Complexity of the five frameworks assessed ranges from an undifferentiated mass of rock with a single unit to 14 distinct geologic units. Results show that only four geologic units can be justified as hydraulically unique for this location. The approach qualitatively evaluates the consistency of hydraulic property estimates within extents of investigation and effects of geologic frameworks on extrapolation. Distributions of transmissivity are similar within the investigated extents irrespective of the geologic framework. In contrast, the extrapolation of hydraulic properties beyond the volume investigated with interfering aquifer tests is strongly affected by the complexity of a given framework. Testing at Pahute Mesa illustrates how this method can be employed to determine the appropriate level of geologic complexity for large-scale groundwater modeling.  相似文献   
Monthly variations of lightning activity over typical land and oceanic regions of India were examined using satellite data (OTD) for a 5-year period (1995–1999). It is noted that the nature of variation between surface air maximum temperature (T max), thunderstorm days (Thn), and lightning flash count over ER and WR showed remarkable correspondence and sensitivity with each other on monthly time scale. As we move out of winter season and enter the monsoon season, via pre-monsoon season, the WR undergoes cooling relative to the ER in the range 0.1–1.2°C. As a result, WR experiences reduction of thunder days and lowering in flash count. This decrease in T max, Thn, and flash count over WR may also be associated with relatively small values of T θw and CAPE in comparison with similar values over ER during the monsoon season. Our observation of associated reduction in Thn and lightning count per 1°C cooling in surface air maximum temperature suggests reduction of ∼3.5 thunderstorms per station and 73 flashes. Comparison of lightning flashes between pairs of coastal, oceanic, arid-zone, hilly, and island stations reveals distinct relationship between climate regime and intensity of lightning activity. We may conclude the results of this study by saying that the overhead lightning activity is a clear reflection of the status of the underlying ground-earth properties. A close and continuous monitoring of lightning activity may be considered as a need of present day scientific studies.  相似文献   
An analytical model of atmospheric dispersion in urban areas in both daytime and nighttime conditions is presented. The model is based on a Gaussian formulation where the horizontal and vertical diffusion coefficients are determined according to analytical theories. The model is validated with dispersion measurements from field experiments conducted in Oklahoma City, Salt Lake City, St. Louis and London, U.K. The theory is in good agreement with the data for both daytime and nighttime conditions. The data support the conclusion that the magnitude of the nighttime stratification in the urban atmosphere is weak; however, its effects on dispersion are not negligible. The predicted existence of two distinct dispersion regimes, in the near and in the far field, is also confirmed by the data. The good collapse of the data suggests that urban dispersion is governed by the characteristic length scales of atmospheric boundary-layer turbulence, rather than urban canopy length scales that are more likely to affect dispersion only in the vicinity of the source.  相似文献   

翼手目是哺乳动物纲中唯一真正会飞翔的动物。中国旧石器时代遗址中已发现较多,新石器时代遗址中鲜有发现,城市遗址考古中重庆南宋府衙遗址为首次发现。2012年重庆南宋府衙遗址H43考古发掘中,通过使用水洗法获得2件小褐菊头蝠(Rhinolophus stheno)下颌骨标本。下颌骨齿式为2·1·3·3,下齿列长度7.82~7.87mm。骨骼材料属于菊头蝠科(Rhinolophidae)小型类型。下颌骨的p3高度退化,生长位置完全退出于下齿列中轴线外侧;p2和p4齿冠直接接触。下臼齿m1~m3齿冠结构相似,齿冠底部前面-颊侧-后面,生长有明显的齿带(前高、后低);下内尖比下次尖弱小;3枚下臼齿从前向后,呈现微弱的规律性变小现象(m3不呈现特别退化现象)。小褐菊头蝠现生区域,是从赤道一带沿马来半岛(马来西亚)、中南半岛(包括越南、老挝、泰国等)向北回归线附近分布,生存区域主要为热带雨林气候区和热带季风气候区。重庆南宋府衙遗址小褐菊头蝠的发现,证实宋代中国西南峡谷低海拔区域,存在有与热带季风气候区相近似的自然环境特征。该批标本发现于宋代重庆主城区,反映当时重庆主城区阔叶林竹林等原生植被繁茂,自然水域较多并很少受到人类干扰。城市居民生活资料并非是依靠对城内资源进行开发和索取,而主要依靠城市之外的社会供给渠道向城内提供。这一认识为历史时期都市资源域特点找到了例证,也为现代“森林城市”建设理念找到了历史模板。东南亚型翼手目小褐菊头蝠发现于重庆古遗址,还反映中国西南地区古动物群与东南亚古动物群之间,具有很大共同性和密切演化关系。

The Cambrian-Vendian groundwater body plays an important role in drinking water supply of capital Tallinn and other settlements in northern Estonia. Water quality in this deep-seated confined groundwater body is influenced by the intrusion of present-day seawater and pumping-induced upward migration of deeper saline groundwater. The aim of this study is to evaluate the threshold values applying the methodology worked out within the EU 6th FP project “Background criteria for the identification of groundwater thresholds (BRIDGE)” and to compare the results with the values proposed by local authorities. A database containing 250 monitoring points was completed and used for the calculation of natural background levels (as the 90 and 97.7 percentile) in groundwater. The calculation of threshold values is based on natural background levels and reference values. In case of Cambrian-Vendian groundwater body the receptor is drinking water, thus limit values set by Estonian drinking water standard were used as reference values. The threshold values proposed by local authorities are more or less the same as calculated by BRIDGE methodology. Exceptionally different values are derived in case of chloride and ammonium.  相似文献   
Snow depth parameter inversion in the farmland using passive microwave remote sensing is of great significance to the agricultural production in Northeast China. Firstly, the Helsinki University of Technology (HUT) snow emission model was validated in the farmland based on microwave radiation imager (MWRI) onboard FengYun-3B satellite (FY-3B). The results showed that there was a big difference between the brightness temperature of HUT model simulation and MWRI for 18.7 GHz horizontal polarization (18.7 H) and 36.5 GHz horizontal polarization (36.5 H). To improve HUT model, the empirical parameter in the model was localized. Then the localized HUT (LHUT) model was built, where the extinction coefficient was calculated by the new extinction coefficient formula. Next, LHUT model was validated based on MWRI data and compared with HUT model. The results showed that LHUT underestimates slightly the brightness temperature with 0.91 and 4.19 K for 18.7 and 36.5 H respectively, and LHUT is superior to HUT model. Finally, the genetic algorithm (GA) was used to invert snow depth based on LHUT. The results showed that snow depth was underestimated with 6.79 cm based on LHUT. The inverted snow depth based on LHUT model is in better agreement with the measured snow depth.  相似文献   
A Hamiltonian model is constructed for the spin axis of a planet perturbed by a nearby planet with both planets in orbit about a star. We expand the planet–planet gravitational potential perturbation to first order in orbital inclinations and eccentricities, finding terms describing spin resonances involving the spin precession rate and the two planetary mean motions. Convergent planetary migration allows the spinning planet to be captured into spin resonance. With initial obliquity near zero, the spin resonance can lift the planet’s obliquity to near 90\(^\circ \) or 180\(^\circ \) depending upon whether the spin resonance is first or zeroth order in inclination. Past capture of Uranus into such a spin resonance could give an alternative non-collisional scenario accounting for Uranus’s high obliquity. However, we find that the time spent in spin resonance must be so long that this scenario cannot be responsible for Uranus’s high obliquity. Our model can be used to study spin resonance in satellite systems. Our Hamiltonian model explains how Styx and Nix can be tilted to high obliquity via outward migration of Charon, a phenomenon previously seen in numerical simulations.  相似文献   
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