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Worldwide measures to restrict tributyltin (TBT) in antifouling paints have been legislated for decades, and were upgraded to a total ban on September 2008. With a view to test the response of coastal biota to changing pollution, since 1996 we have determined the concentration of TBT and derivatives di- and mono-butyltin (DBT and MBT) in NW Spain populations of two gastropods of contrasting biology, the rock-snail Nucella lapillus (n = 18) and the mud-snail Nassarius reticulatus (n = 24). TBT pollution in the study area has decreased consistently and considerably over time. In addition, the baseline butyltin (BT) bioaccumulation patterns showed a marked but transient distortion. These field observations are consistent with BT desorption from sediments, a natural phenomenon that is now to be expected in developing countries recently subject to the global TBT ban.  相似文献   
The light-limitation hypothesis was tested to assess whether water turbidity had caused the decline of a Mediterranean Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile meadow in an area affected by a harbor. The annual growth, photosynthesis and rhizome starch concentrations of seagrass were measured and related to changes in light availability and dissolved nutrient concentration along a gradient of meadow degradation from areas close to the harbor outwards. Environmental and plant variables were measured in three stations placed along this gradient and compared with a reference station at an undisturbed meadow. The light attenuation coefficient (k) increased toward the inner harbor area, mainly due to sediment resuspension. The shoot density and leaf productivity of P. oceanica shoots were much lower in disturbed stations of the inner harbor area than in the outer, less disturbed station and the reference meadow. However, daily leaf carbon gains, calculated from the photosynthetic rates at saturating irradiance (Pmax) and the daily period in which seagrass receives light higher than its saturating irradiance (Hsat), suggested positive C-balance in all stations. This was partly explained by photo-acclimatization of seagrass to the reduced light availability at the disturbed harbor stations (inner and intermediate), as indicated by the lengthening of Hsat and the decrease in saturating irradiance (Isat) and respiratory demands. Despite photo-acclimatization, disturbed harbor stations showed less positive C-balance, seen not only in their lower leaf growth and biomass but also in a decrease in rhizome carbohydrate reserves (starch). Our results suggest that light reduction account for the reduced seagrass productivity and abundance. However, meadow decline (in terms of shoot mortality) in the harbor area is well above that predicted from similar light environments of nearby meadows or simulated in shading experiments. Thus, there are other factors than light limitation involved in seagrass mortality, most probably through more complex interactions (e.g. nutrient-epiphytes-grazers, water quality––siltation).  相似文献   
Granitic rocks from the Andes and from Japan, Kurile Islands, and Kamchatka have been investigated in their modal composition determined. Principal components analysis of the data reveals that there is three main factors influencing variation of modal composition of rocks that can be interpreted in forms of petrological processes. There is a similarity in results of the investigation of rocks from Japan, Kamchatka, and Andean regions.  相似文献   
Coastal developments in Venezuela are leading to the rapid destruction of the mangrove forests. Population pressure leads to an overcrowding of public recreational beaches and the wealthy are increasingly seeking out previously deserted coasts. A rash of summer houses built on stilts over the shallow water is now extending around the mangrove areas, causing pollution, erosion and a progressive deterioration of the coastal environment.  相似文献   
Astrophysics and Space Science - Dynamical evolution of galaxies is a complex process, especially the centers. Gravitationally coupled gas and stellar discs have been observed to coexist in the...  相似文献   

Global Climate Models (GCMs) generally exhibit significant biases in the representation of large-scale atmospheric circulation. Even after a sensible bias adjustment these errors remain and are inherited to some extent by the derived downscaling products, impairing the credibility of future regional projections. In this study we perform a process-based evaluation of state-of-the-art GCMs from CMIP5 and CMIP6, with a focus on the simulation of the synoptic climatological patterns having a most prominent effect on the European climate. To this aim, we use the Lamb Weather Type Classification (LWT, Lamb British isles weather types and a register of the daily sequence 736 of circulation patterns 1861-1971. METEOROL OFF, GEOPHYS MEM; 737 GB; DA 1972; NO 116; PP 1-85; BIBL 2P1/2, 1972), a subjective classification of circulation weather types constructed upon historical simulations of daily mean sea level pressure. Observational uncertainty has been taken into account by considering four different reanalysis products of varying characteristics. Our evaluation unveils an overall improvement of salient atmospheric circulation features consistent across observational references, although this is uneven across models and large frequency biases still remain for the main LWTs. Some CMIP6 models attain similar or even worse results than their CMIP5 counterparts, although in most cases consistent improvements have been found, demonstrating the ability of the new models to better capture key synoptic conditions. In light of the large differences found across models, we advocate for a careful selection of driving GCMs in downscaling experiments with a special focus on large-scale atmospheric circulation aspects.

Large woody material (LWM) transported by rivers may be entrapped at critical stream geometry configurations (e.g. bridges) and therefore dramatically increase the destructive power of floods. This was the case in a Spanish mountain river where a flood event with a high degree of LWM transport took place in 1997. The aim of this study was to simulate a bridge clogging process and reconstruct the wood deposit patterns, modelling individual pieces of wood moving with the water flow and interacting among them and with the bridge. A two‐dimensional numerical model was developed to simulate the transport of LWM and its effect on hydrodynamics. Different scenarios for the wood transport rate allowed us to study the influence of inlet boundary conditions on bridge clogging. For the studied event, the scenario which best reproduced the bridge clogging effect and flood characteristics was one in which 60% of the total wood entered before the peak discharge. This dropped to 30% at the peak itself, and finally fell to 10% during the recession curve. In addition, the accumulation patterns of LWM along the reach were computed and compared with post‐event field photographs, showing that the model succeeded in predicting the deposition patterns of wood and those areas prone to form wood jams. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We present whole-rock major- and trace-element and Nd–Sr–Pbradiogenic isotope data for Cretaceous igneous suites from easternCuba. These rocks are related to the Greater Antilles paleo-islandarc magmatism and have three different igneous styles. Group1 consists of tholeiitic basalts and rare basaltic andesitesthat have normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (N-MORB)-like compositionssimilar to those found in back-arc basin basalts (TiO2 = 1·2–2·9wt%; La/Yb(N) = 0·7–0·9, Th/Nb = 0·06–0·08,and initial 208Pb/ 204Pb = 37·65–37·74).Group 2 comprises basaltic and rare basaltic andesitic subvolcanicdykes with major- and trace-element and isotopic compositionssimilar to those of island arc tholeiites (TiO2 = 0·7–1·4wt%; La/Yb(N) = 0·6–0·9, Th/Nb = 0·06–0·68,and initial 208Pb/ 204Pb = 37·74–38·25).Group 3 is composed of low-Ti (TiO2 = 0·3–0·9wt%) calcalkaline igneous rocks that have an unambiguous subduction-relatedcharacter (La/Yb(N) = 1·1–5·0, Th/Nb = 0·35–1·55,and initial 208Pb/ 204Pb = 37·94–38·39).The parental magmas of the three groups formed by variable meltingdegrees (< 5–25%) of spinel lherzolite, with more depletedmantle sources for Groups 2 and 3 than Group 1. The trace-elementand radiogenic isotope compositions of primitive Group 3 samplesare strongly bimodal. One subgroup of samples is characterizedby low Ta/Yb (0·02–0·03) and Th/La (0·10–0·13),slightly subchondritic Nb/Ta (13·3–17·3),and relatively high initial 206Pb/204Pb (18·57–18·62)and Nd (7·6–9·4). The remaining primitiveGroup 3 samples have higher Ta/Yb (0·06–0·11)and Th/La (0·24–0·32), and highly subchondriticNb/Ta (7·6–9·1), coupled with lower initial206Pb/204Pb (18·24–18·29) and Nd (3·4–5·5).These signatures were induced by two distinct slab componentsthat mainly reflect the contributions of Cretaceous Atlanticmarine and North American continental sediments, respectively.Nb/Ta in the first subgroup was influenced by melting of rutile-bearingsubducted crust, whereas in the second it was inherited fromrecycled continental sediments. The involvement of Atlanticand North American sediments in Cuban Cretaceous magmatism indicatesthat the Proto-Caribbean (North American-Proto Atlantic) lithospheresubducted beneath the Greater Antilles arc during the Late Cretaceous(pre-Campanian), consistent with geotectonic models involvingonset of SW-dipping subduction beneath the Greater Antillespaleo-arc during the Aptian. The variable mantle source depletionand magnitude of the subduction component probably reflect differentsettings across the arc, from the arc front to a back-arc spreadingridge. KEY WORDS: eastern Cuba; Greater Antilles paleo-island arc; mantle source depletion; Nb/Ta fractionation; slab component  相似文献   
A new numerical model for simulating estuarine dynamics is introduced here. This model, called General Estuarine Transport Model (GETM), has been specifically designed for reproducing baroclinic, bathymetry-guided flows where the tidal range may exceed the mean water depth in large parts of the domain such that drying and flooding processes are relevant. Several physical and numerical features of the model support exact and stable results for such domains. For the physics, high-order turbulence closure schemes guarantee proper reproduction of vertical exchange processes. Among the specific numerical features, generalised vertical coordinates, orthogonal curvilinear horizontal coordinates, high-order TVD advection schemes and stable drying and flooding algorithms have been implemented into GETM. The model is applied here to simulate the dynamics of estuarine turbidity maxima (ETMs), a complex feature present in most tidal estuaries. First, idealised simulations for a two-dimensional domain in the xz space will be shown to reproduce the basic generation mechanisms for ETMs. Then, a realistic three-dimensional simulation of the Elbe estuary in Northern Germany will be carried out. It is demonstrated that for a given forcing situation the model reproduces a stable ETM at the correct location.Responsible Editor: Phil Dyke  相似文献   
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