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Ultra‐high pressure metamorphic rocks have been found worldwide. The volume and areal extent of an exhumed UHPM domain are important for understanding the geodynamic mechanisms responsible for the high pressure and relatively medium temperature conditions needed for their creation. We report here Raman microspectroscopical data that prove the existence of microdiamonds at the Svartberget Fe‐Ti type peridotite locality in the Western Gneiss Region of Norway. Raman microscopy of two carbon microinclusions belonging to polyphase inclusion assemblages included in garnets from a garnet‐phlogopite websterite vein yielded a sharp, narrow, intense peak at 1332 cm?1, characteristic of diamond. The diamond is associated with polyphase solid inclusions possibly originating from supercritical, dense, H‐C‐N‐O‐F‐P‐S‐Cl fluids. Lithological, textural and geochronological evidence points towards a Caledonian origin of the trapped fluid and subsequent diamond formation.  相似文献   
In 2007, the US Geological Survey initiated a low-density (1 site per 1600 km2, c. 4800 sites) geochemical and mineralogical survey of soils of the conterminous USA. The ideal sampling protocol at each site includes a sample from 0–5 cm depth, a composite of the soil A horizon, and a sample from the soil C horizon. The <2-mm fraction of each sample is analyzed for Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, S, Ti, Ag, Ba, Be, Bi, Cd, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Ga, In, La, Li, Mn, Mo, Nb, Ni, P, Pb, Rb, Sb, Sc, Sn, Sr, Te, Th, Tl, U, V, W, Y and Zn by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry following a near-total digestion in a mixture of HCl, HNO3, HClO4 and HF. Separate methods are used for As, Hg, Se and total C on this same size fraction. The major mineralogical components are determined by a quantitative X-ray diffraction method. Sampling was completed in 2010 with chemical and mineralogical analysis currently underway. Preliminary results for a swath from the central USA to Florida clearly show the effects of soil parent material and climate on the chemical and mineralogical composition of soils. A sample archive will be established and made available for future investigations.  相似文献   
The monoaromatic and total aromatic hydrocarbon fractions of two pairs of undegraded and moderately biodegraded crude oils from the Santa Maria basin (California) and the Vienna basin (Austria), all dominated by unresolved complex mixtures, were studied regarding their composition and toxicity towards the feeding rate of the marine mussel Mytilus edulis. Total aromatic and monoaromatic hydrocarbon fractions from sulphur-rich Monterey Formation crude oils were slightly more toxic than the fractions isolated from sulphur-lean Vienna basin oils. The ecotoxicity tests did not show any significant differences in toxicity of aromatic compounds from undegraded or in-reservoir biodegraded crude oils from the same oilfield although some differences in composition were observed. Organic sulphur compounds are suspected to cause the slightly higher toxicity of the aromatic hydrocarbon fractions from the Monterey oils.  相似文献   
Nitrous oxide evolution may contribute to partial destruction of the ozone layer in the stratosphere. A two year study of the release of N2O from adjoining salt, brackish, and fresh marsh sediment indicates that the annual emission was 31, 48, and 55 mg N m?2 respectively. Emission from open water area was less than the corresponding emission from the marsh sediment. In vitro experiments indicate that the N2O emission was increased when the sediment was drained for extended periods of time. The addition of NO3? significantly increased the rate of N2O evolution, indicating that a large potential for denitrification exists in the anoxic sediment. Appreciable losses of N2O would only be expected when the marshes receive an extraneous source of nitrate such as sewage and/or wastewater.The contribution of the Gulf Coast wetlands to the atmospheric N2O balance is estimated to be 3.3 × 109 g N2O. The maximum average daily emission was equivalent to 1.5 g N2O-N ha?1, which is less than the measured emission from uncultivated soils (Mosieret al., 1981) but greater than the estimates from noncropped land (CAST, 1976).  相似文献   
 The order-disorder phase transitions in NaNO3 and CaCO3 are simulated by molecular dynamics. The simulations are based on the potentials calculated from the Gordon–Kim modified electron gas formalism extended to molecular ions. We successfully reproduced the transition temperature T c and the abnormally large c axis thermal expansion observed in experiment. The phase transitions in NaNO3 and CaCO3 were found to be initiated by ±60 and ±180° reorientation of the NO3 and CO3 ions about the c axis. The orientations of NO3 and CO3 ions are continuous with six preferred calcite-type orientations above the phase-transition temperature. Received: 30 January 2001 / Accepted: 11 May 2001  相似文献   
Besshi-type volcanogenic Cu-Zn deposits in the Scandinavian Caledonides are hosted by Ordovician metabasalts and clastic sediments of the Storen, Fundsjo and Sulitjelma groups. The basalts are transitional between T-MORB and marginal basin tholeiites in composition and are characterised by Nd and Pb isotopic compositions which overlap the more radiogenic values of Lower Palaeozoic MORB. These features, along with the intercalation of the basalts with tuffs and continentally derived sediments, indicate an epicontinental rift or marginal basin origin, possibly analogous to the present Red Sea and Gulf of Aden rifts. This implies the development of a restricted ocean basin in the north of Iapetus between the Laurentian and Baltoscandian microcontinents during the Cambrian and Early Ordovician.  相似文献   
All dunes within a dunefield usually show a similar response to the wind regime. However, in the late‐Holocene coastal dunefield in NW Poland the surface topography suggests that slipface orientation may vary significantly with distance from the coast, which is rarely reported in the literature. The dunefield was stabilized with forest in the mid‐19th century, preserving a unique record of atmospheric circulation in the South Baltic region at the end of the Little Ice Age. To elucidate the Holocene processes occurring along the study site a pseudo‐3D GPR data set was collected. Six grids of parallel GPR lines combined with 400 m of GPR profiles (2D) were collected across the dunefield and displayed using GOCAD for interpretation and geostatistical analysis. The geophysical data revealed that the larger dunes almost entirely consist of steeply laminated facies. Most importantly the pseudo‐3D data, supported by geostatistical estimates of strata dip directions, revealed the existence of three zones parallel to the coastline with the mean dip direction almost perpendicular to the coast in the northern coastal strip and almost parallel to it in the southern part. Spreads of the dip directions in pseudo‐3D GPR data sets recorded on the stoss slopes of dunes and crests suggested initial deposition on transverse dunes, which later were transformed into barchanoid dunes. This can probably be linked to changes in the wind regime, i.e. reduction in velocity of the northern and northwestern winds leading to reduced sediment supply from the coast. While the data provide a new interpretation of Holocene dunefield dynamics at this site, they also suggest that the minimum number of pseudo‐3D GPR grids required to establish general trends using geostatistical analysis should be at least 10, with even more data needed at larger, or more complex dunefields.  相似文献   
Recognizing that climate influences both annual tree-ring growth and glacier mass balance, changes in the mass balance of Place Glacier, British Columbia, were documented from increment core records. Annually resolved ring-width (RW), maximum (MXD), and mean density (MD) chronologies were developed from Engelmann spruce and Douglas-fir trees sampled at sites within the surrounding region. A snowpack record dating to AD 1730 was reconstructed using a multivariate regression of spruce MD and fir RW chronologies. Spruce MXD and RW chronologies were used to reconstruct winter mass balance (Bw) for Place Glacier to AD 1585. Summer mass balance (Bs) was reconstructed using the RW chronology from spruce, and net balance was calculated from Bw and Bs. The reconstructions provide insight into the changes that snowpack and mass balance have undergone in the last 400 years, as well as identifying relationships to air temperature and circulation indices in southern British Columbia. These changes are consistent with other regional mass-balance reconstructions and indicate that the persistent weather systems characterizing large scale climate-forcing mechanisms play a significant glaciological role in this region. A comparison to dated moraine surfaces in the surrounding region substantiates that the mass-balance shifts recorded in the proxy data are evident in the response of glaciers throughout the region.  相似文献   
The ~183 Ma Karoo Continental Flood Basalt (CFB), southern Africa, formed during a period of major crustal extension prior to Gondwana breakup. To explain the ‘lithospheric contamination’ observed in its whole-rock chemical and isotopic data various models have been proposed, such as different subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) sources or interaction between a mantle plume and SCLM or subducted material. A re-assessment of data in the literature from the Northern Karoo Province, combined with new petrographic, whole-rock chemical and Sr-Nd isotopic data of basaltic and dacite/trachydacite samples from the southern Lebombo suggest that chemical diffusion between low-Ti basaltic/picritic magmas and high-SiO2 rhyolite parent melt may have caused this ‘lithospheric contamination’. Such slow chemical diffusion, which is posited to have developed during formation of this CFB, can explain the bimodal Karoo basalt-rhyolite association, the wide variation in SiO2 content (~62–78 wt%) in the dacite/rhyolites, and variable 87Sr/86Sr (183 Ma) and ɛNd (183 Ma) isotope ratios of the Karoo picrites and basalts (0.7037 to 0.7102; 3.58 to −33.52, respectively) and dacites/rhyolites (0.7032 to 0.7152; 0.44 to −17.19). The intermediate incompatible trace element and isotopic compositions of the Karoo high-Ti basalt/picrite suggest that these rocks could have evolved by magma mixing through chemical diffusion. Our geochemical model for the northern Karoo CFB province involves existence of a voluminous hot (>1,000°C) low-Ti basaltic magma chamber with remnant picritic melts at shallow crustal depth (~4 km) during major crustal extension. Magma storage was relatively protracted, resulting in significant volumes of partial melt of the surrounding granitoids of the Kaapvaal Craton under relatively anhydrous condition, leading to generation of A-type high-SiO2 rhyolite parent magma at pressure of ~1.5 kbar and temperature of ~930°C. This was followed by chemical diffusion of selected elements [LREE, HFSE, and some LILE (K, Rb, Ba, Pb)] and self-diffusion of Sr and Nd isotopes in these two melts, which generated the observed litho-type variations in Karoo CFB.  相似文献   
Twenty five elements in twenty six geochemical reference standards analyzed by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry yield major and trace element concentrations close to consensus values. Ninety percent of our analyses agree with consensus values for standards to within pm 0.5 to 1.5 relative percent for major elements and pm 3 to 5 relative percent or pm 1-3 ppm, whichever is higher, for trace elements. Consistent divergences from consensus values of trace elements are noted.  相似文献   
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