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A mathematical model has been developed in which carbon isotope fractionation during thermal cracking of n-paraffins can be simulated. The model has been calibrated based on data from laboratory cracking experiments carried out on n-octadecane. Relative rate constants for cleavage of C12-C12, C12-C13 and C13-C13 bonds agree with the experimental values obtained by other workers.Application of this model to the process of petroleum formation gives good agreement with some existing experimental data, but suggests that a review of our understanding of isotope fractionation during thermal cracking may be necessary. The relative importance of the degree to which the organic material has been cracked and of the type of the organic material in influencing δC13 values is discussed.The present model predicts that cracking of n-paraffin distributions having initial odd or even carbon number predominances can induce isotopic inhomogeneity among the homologs of the resulting distribution. The model exhibits some deficiencies in explaining or predicting the δC13 values of ethane and propane in relation to methane in gases and of oils and associated methane. Explanations for these discrepancies may lie in the simplicity of our mathematical model, in our assumption of initial isotopic homogeneity within molecules and in our use of only n-paraffins as the source molecules for the cracking reactions.  相似文献   
It is suggested that Bouvet Island is the surface manifestation of a mantle plume which has resulted in the creation of a chain of seamounts in the South Atlantic and a general shoaling of the region.The strike of two newly defined large fracture zones borth and south of the Bouvet Island pedestal have been utilized to determine a pole of rotation at 12.5°S, 12.5°W for the Africa-Antarctica motion. A pole at 75°S, 13°E has been calculated for the South America-Antarctica motion. At the triple junction the South America-Africa relative motion is 3.3 cm yr-1 (whole rate) at 075°. The Africa-Antarctica motion is 1.7 cm yr-1 at 065° and the South America-Antarctica motion is 1.6 cm yr-1 at 085.  相似文献   
The discipline of geography needs a more clearly defined academic purpose if it is to retain and enhance its position as an essential university subject. The discipline lacks the intellectual coherence it once achieved on the basis of environmental determinism. Geographers could re-establish a coherent intellectual foundation for geography by adopting a historical-intellectual mode of enquiry focusing on human thought and ideas and re-emphasizing the central importance of the human-environment relationship as the foundation of the discipline. An understanding of human activity in the environment in relation to ideas could provide a clearer focus for the discipline of geography and give it a stronger intellectual identity.  相似文献   
The present study examined the influence of climate change on the spread of West Nile virus (WNV) in Canada among American crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) by first identifying the significant climatic and environmental determinants of positive WNV cases in American crow specimens from 2009 to 2013. Using this information, we projected climate change scenarios on the potential spread of WNV in American crow species in Canada for three time periods: 2015–2039, 2040–2069, and 2070–2099. Using bird specimen, meteorological and land-use data, the statistical association between positive WNV cases in American crows and the environment was assessed by means of a general linear mixed model. Statistical results revealed that temperature and precipitation were significantly related to positive cases of WNV in American crows. Thus, climate change projections of summer mean temperature averages were projected for the three time periods. Climate change scenarios were created and imported into Quantum Geographic Information System (QGIS) and an algorithm was applied using the raster calculator to spatially delineate current and future areas of risk. Spatial analyses revealed that increased warming in the near future may increase the latitudinal extension of WNV in American crows in Canada.  相似文献   
At The Rustad Quarry Site (32RI775), in southeastern North Dakota, Early Archaic artifacts, bison bone, and hearth features were found in the lowest of three Boroll-like buried soils formed in alluvial fan sediments. Alluvial fan sediments were deposited from 8000 to 4925 B.P., and were then buried by eolian sand. The alluvial fan sediments (mudflows) bury lacustrine sediments (Sherack Formation deposited from 9900 to 9500 B.P. in Glacial Lake Agassiz II), both of which overlie a Moorhead Phase fluvial terrace deposited from 10,900 to 9,900 B.P. Cultural remains were associated with five radiocarbon ages, three on archaeological charcoal (7180 B.P., 7240 B.P., and 7550 B.P.) and two on organic carbon from two welded A-horizons containing the cultural remains (7370 B.P. and 7675 B.P.). A well-developed Aquoll-like soil formed in the lacustrine sediments from 9500 to 8000 B.P. Soil morphology and chemistry of the Boroll-like fan soils, the Aquoll-like lacustrine soil, and other Boroll-like soils formed in eolian and deltaic sediments nearby suggest a subhumid, cool continental climate with riparian woodland and mixed prairie vegetation at the site and surrounding area from 11,400 B.P. to the present. This partially contradicts paleoenvironmental reconstruction from pollen sites nearby that suggest the area was covered by a closed canopy spruce forest from terminal late-Pleistocene to 10,000 B.P. Alluvial fan formation and eolian activity on the adjacent Sheyenne Delta occurred from 8000 to 5000 B.P., which indicates greater landscape instability and drier conditions during the mid-Holocene (Altithermal).  相似文献   
Summary An instrumental system for securing aerosol samples in the stratosphere by electrostatic precipitation has been developed. The system is designed to be balloon borne to altitudes between 30 km and 45 km and to collect with high efficiency the aerosol content of the stratosphere at these altitudes. Volumetric sampling rates of one meter3 sec–1 ambient air are obtained with the sampling configuration with collection efficiency in excess of 95 percent for particles between .01 microns (mmd) and 2 microns (mmd).Specially developed associated instrumentation for altitude and air flow measurement points to an important versatility in the application of gas discharges for low-pressure (or high altitude) altimetry and anemometry over a very wide range of air densities and tempertures.The theory, operation, and performance of the aerosol sampling system and associated subsytems are described. Certain new observations of low-density corona physics phenomena are reported and potential applications to other areas of research and technology are indicated.
Zusammenfassung Es wurde ein Instrument entwickelt, mit dem man Aerosolproben aus der Stratosphäre durch elektrostatischen Niederschlag erhalten kann. Das System wird von einem Ballon in Höhen zwischen 30 und 45 km getragen und sammelt mit hoher Wirksamkeit Proben des Aerosolgehalts in diesen Höhen. Mit dem Instrument wird eine Sammelgeschwindigkeit von 1 m3/sek erreicht bei einer Sammelwirksamkeit von mehr als 95% für Partikel von Größen zwischen 0,01 und 2 Mikron.Besonders entwickelte angeschlossene Instrumente zur Messung der Höhe und der Luftströmungen zeigen die wesentliche Vielseitigkeit der Anwendung von Gasentladungen für die Höhenmessung und Windmessung bei niedrigem Druck (oder in großen Höhen) in einem großen Bereich der Luftdichte und der Temperatur.Es werden die Theorie, die Arbeitsweise und die Ausführung des Aerosolprobeninstrumentes und der angeschlossenen Hilfssysteme beschrieben. Es wird über einige neue Beobachtungen aus dem Bereich der Phänomene der Gasentladungen bei niedriger Dichte berichtet und neue mögliche Anwendungen in anderen Zweigen der Forschung und Technologie werden angegeben.

Résumé On a construit un instrument au moyen duquel on peut obtenir des échantillons d'aérosole stratosphérique par précipitation électrostatique. Le système est emporté par un ballon à des altitudes de 30 à 45 km et rassemble avec efficacité des echantillons du contenu de l'aérosole à ces altitudes. Avec cet appareil, on obtient une vitesse de prise de 1 m3/sec avec une efficacité de plus de 95% pour les particules comprises entre 0,01 et 2 microns.Des appareils spéciaux annexes permettent de mesurer la hauteur et les courants d'air. Ils démontrent les possibilités multiples de l'utilisation de la décharge dans un gaz pour la mesure de l'altitude et des vents par pression très faible (ou à très haute altitude) dans un domaine étendu tant de la densité de l'air que de la température.On décrit dans ce mémoire la théorie, le mode de travail et l'exécution de cet instrument de prise d'échantillons d'aérosoles ainsi que des systèmes auxiliaires annexes. On rapporte sur quelques nouvelles observations faites dans le domaine des phénomènes connexes à la décharge dans un gaz par faible densité. On indique en outre de nouvelles possibilités d'utilisation du système dans d'autres branches de la recherche ou de la technologie.

With 16 Figures

This work has been supported by the Division of Biology and Medicine, U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, under contract at (30-1)-2363 with Del Electronics.  相似文献   
This work examines the use of an annually updated metropolitan data system as a tool for evaluating benign racial location policies during the first year of the Section 8 Existing Rent Supplement program. Case-study evidence shows that the rent supplement program (with benign locational policies) is ineffective in reducing the isolation faced by minority groups, and that the information used to monitor compliance of the program with benign locational policies lags badly behind the true state of affairs. As a result, new areas of racial concentration have been encouraged and augmented.  相似文献   
Copper isotopes may prove to be a useful tool for investigating bacteria-metal interactions recorded in natural waters, soils, and rocks. However, experimental data which attempt to constrain Cu isotope fractionation in biologic systems are limited and unclear. In this study, we utilized Cu isotopes (δ65Cu) to investigate Cu-bacteria interactions, including surface adsorption and intracellular incorporation. Experiments were conducted with individual representative species of Gram-positive (Bacillus subtilis) and Gram-negative (Escherichia coli) bacteria, as well as with wild-type consortia of microorganisms from several natural environments. Ph-dependent adsorption experiments were conducted with live and dead cells over the pH range 2.5-6. Surface adsorption experiments of Cu onto live bacterial cells resulted in apparent separation factors (Δ65Cusolution-solid = δ65Cusolution − δ65Cusolid) ranging from +0.3‰ to +1.4‰ for B. subtilis and +0.2‰ to +2.6‰ for E. coli. However, because heat-killed bacterial cells did not exhibit this behavior, the preference of the lighter Cu isotope by the cells is probably not related to reversible surface adsorption, but instead is a metabolically-driven phenomenon. Adsorption experiments with heat-killed cells yielded apparent separation factors ranging from +0.3‰ to −0.69‰ which likely reflects fractionation from complexation with organic acid surface functional group sites. For intracellular incorporation experiments the lab strains and natural consortia preferentially incorporated the lighter Cu isotope with an apparent Δ65Cusolution-solid ranging from ∼+1.0‰ to +4.4‰. Our results indicate that live bacterial cells preferentially sequester the lighter Cu isotope regardless of the experimental conditions. The fractionation mechanisms involved are likely related to active cellular transport and regulation, including the reduction of Cu(II) to Cu(I). Because similar intracellular Cu machinery is shared by fungi, plants, and higher organisms, the influence of biological processes on the δ65Cu of natural waters and soils is probably considerable.  相似文献   
Over recent years, the prevalence of the West Nile virus (WNV) in Canada has greatly increased due to various factors including changes in feeding behavior among WNV vectors. To understand whether changes in climate are a significant factor, the association between the environment and cases of WNV-infected bird specimens from 2009 to 2012 in Ontario, Canada, was examined using SAS and Quantum Geographic Information Systems (QGIS). Through a generalized linear mixed analysis, monthly totals of cooling degree days (CDD) and a two-way interaction between maximum temperature (Tmax) and precipitation were significantly positively associated to past incidences of WNV; while Tmax, precipitation, and a two-way interaction between CDD and precipitation were significantly negatively associated to past incidences of WNV. With the effects of increased warming, locations at higher latitudes in Canada may soon be at risk to WNV, as a positive case of WNV in a bird specimen was found close to the near north of Ontario in 2012.  相似文献   
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