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Various ocean reanalysis data reveal that the subarctic Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST) has been cooling during the twentieth century. A similar cooling pattern is found in the doubling CO2 experiment obtained from the CMIP3 (coupled model intercomparison project third phase) compared to the pre-industrial experiment. Here, in order to investigate the main driver of this cooling, we perform the heat budget analysis on the subarctic Atlantic upper ocean temperature. The net surface heat flux associated with the increased concentration of greenhouse gases heats the subarctic ocean surface. In the most of models, the longwave radiation, latent heat flux, and sensible heat flux exert a warming effect, and the shortwave radiation exerts a cooling effect. On the other hand, the thermal advection by the meridional current reduces the subarctic upper ocean temperature in all models. This cold advection is attributed to the weakening of the meridional overturning circulation, which is related to the reduction in the ocean surface density. In particular, greater warming of the surface air than of the sea surface results in the reduction of surface evaporation and thereby enhanced freshening of the ocean surface water, while precipitation change was smaller than evaporation change. The thermal advections by both the wind-driven Ekman current and the density-driven geostrophic current contribute to cooling in most of the models, where the heat transport by the geostrophic current tends to be larger than that by the Ekman current.  相似文献   
在新近纪初期(约23 Ma)的时候,在当时中国大陆周边板块构造环境没有发生重大变化的情况下,华北克拉通东部构造活动性质仍发生了明显的变化.比如,华北克拉通东部的岩石圈增厚了,唐山-邢台断裂开始活动的同时太行山山前断裂却变得不活跃了,华北局部构造变形性质发生了变化等.虽然在古近纪和8 Ma以后,有证据显示印度-欧亚大陆的...  相似文献   
We herein present a new seismic refraction/wide-angle reflection profile that crosses the Songpan–Ganzi terrane, the Animaqing suture zone and the eastern Kunlun mountains (comprised of the South Kunlun and Middle Kunlun blocks separated by the Middle Kunlun fault). The profile is 380 km long and extends from Moba to Guide in eastern Tibet. The crustal thickness is about 62 km under the Songpan–Ganzi terrane, 62–64 km under the South Kunlun, and 60 km under the Middle Kunlun block. The Songpan–Ganzi flysch seems to be present up to a depth of 15 km south of the Animaqing suture zone, and up to a depth of 10 km in the Middle Kunlun block, with thicknesses elsewhere that depend on assumptions about the likely lithologies. The profile exhibits clear lateral variations both in the upper and lower crust, which are indicative of different crustal blocks juxtaposed by the Kunlun fault system. Whether or not the Songpan–Ganzi flysch was originally deposited on oceanic crust, at the longitude of our profile (100°E) it is now underlain by continental crust, and the presence of continental crust beneath the Songpan–Ganzi terrane and of a continental arc under the South Kunlun block suggest Paleozoic continent–continent arc collision in the eastern Kunlun Mountains. Comparison of crustal velocity columns from all wide-angle seismic profiles across the eastern Kunlun mountains indicates a remarkable west-to-east change in the Moho topography across the Kunlun fault system (15–20 km Moho step at 95°E, but only 2–5 km along our profile at 100°E). Lower-crustal thickness of the Kunlun terranes is rather uniform, about 35 km, from 80°–95°E, which suggests that similar thrust-thickening processes have played a role where the Qaidam Basin abuts the Kunlun fault, but thins to 20–25 km at 100°E, east of the Qaidam Basin. The increased crustal thickness from 93° to 98°E compared to that at 100°E may be due to the differences in the thickness of the crust of the two plates before their collision, and/or largely achieved by thickening of the lower crust, perhaps indicating a crustal flow mechanism operating more strongly in the western region.  相似文献   
河南省资源环境数据库建设是国家空间数据基础设施(NSDI)在河南省的具体实现,属于省级空间数据基础设施的一部分,也是以3S技术为基础的资源环境数据的生产和成果存档、管理、分发服务系统在信息时代的具体表现形式。对国内各省份资源环境数据库建设现状进行研究,提出河南省建立资源环境数据库的必要性及意义。采用地理空间数据库建库技术,对河南省资源环境数据库架构、数据库标准、数据库结构及数据库功能进行了详细的设计和论述,并对数据库的应用前景进行了分析,为资源环境数据库建设及其应用提供了技术上的支持。  相似文献   
From stable carbon isotope analysis of tree-rings of Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis) from Mt. Helan, China, we found that high-δ13C values were related to high mean temperatures from June to August (T 68), and Iow-δ13C values corresponded to low T 68. From these data, a transfer function has been used to reconstruct summer temperatures (T 68) for the Mt. Helan region. The explained variance of reconstruction is 34.9% (F=15.01, p<0.001). The time period containing the highest summer temperatures in northern China (late 1920-1930s) was confirmed by our reconstruction. The data indicate that there is a tele-connection between summer temperatures in Mt. Helan area and sea-surface-temperatures in the tropical Pacific. The extreme low temperature periods around the years of 1920 and 1947 for Mt. Helan region correspond well to the cold climate in the tropical Pacific. Along with other analyses, this suggests that climate variations in the Mt. Helan region are driven not only by local events, but also by the global climate. Significant periodicities appearing in the reconstruction are 2.56 and 2.63 years.  相似文献   
Tsunamis are one of the most destructive disasters in the ocean.Large tsunamis are mostly generated by earthquakes,and they can propagate across the ocean without significantly losing energy.During the shoaling process in coastal areas,the wave amplitude increases dramatically,causing severe life loss and property damage.There have been frequent tsunamis since the 21 st century,drawing the attention of many countries on the study of tsunami mechanism and warning.Tsunami records also play an essential role in deriving earthquake rupture models in subduction zones.This paper reviews the recent progress and limitations of tsunami research,from the aspects of tsunami generation,propagation,inversion and warning.Potential tsunami warning strategies are discussed and future prospects on tsunami research are provided.  相似文献   
周长艳  肖安  高文良 《冰川冻土》2015,37(6):1524-1533
利用2004-2013年逐小时降水自动观测数据分析了"雨城"雅安降水的日变化特征.结果表明:近10 a来雅安降水主要表现出单峰型分布特征, 峰值出现在北京时间24:00, 谷值出现在15:00, 夜间降水占年总降水量的74.5%; 降水出现频次也呈现单峰型分布, 峰值出现在01:00, 谷值出现在14:00, 夜间降水次数占全年总次数的66%; 23:00-02:00是雅安最易发生降水的时段, 14:00-16:00 则是最不易出现降水时段. 降水量和降水出现频次日变化形势均表明, 雅安一年四季都具有显著的夜雨特征. 近10 a来, 雅安6 h以上的长持续时间降水事件主要发生在17:00-04:00, 产生的过程降水量占总降水量的80.4%, 对雅安降水总量的贡献占有绝对优势; 持续时间≥24 h的降水事件10 a 累计次数达到74次, 累积降水量达到2 166.8 mm, 占总降水量的14%, 是长持续时间降水事件中对总降水量贡献最大的, 该类事件的影响值得关注.  相似文献   
介绍了云南省前兆模拟观测数据库系统。该系统由前兆模拟观测数据库和数据库管理软件两部分组成。针对云南省前兆模拟观测手段多、时段长、覆盖面广等特点,选用Microsoft SQ LServer 2000为数据库平台设计建立了云南省前兆模拟观测数据库;针对前兆观测方法及台站观测手段分类管理的特点,选用Delphi为开发工具编制了前兆数据库管理软件。该系统的实现解决了分析预报和研究人员对长期积累的前兆观测数据的科研需要。  相似文献   
通过岩心的详细观察,结合测井、录井资料综合分析,在环县地区上三叠统延长组长63砂层组中,识别出了三角洲前缘、前三角洲和深湖3种亚相,和水下分流河道、支流间湾、河口砂坝、远砂坝、前三角洲泥、砂质碎屑流沉积、浊流沉积、液化流沉积、滑塌沉积和深湖泥10种微相。编绘了一系列沉积微相连井剖面图和长63砂层组的沉积微相平面展布图,表明研究区西部、北部及东北部发育三角洲前缘亚相,研究区中部和东南部发育深湖亚相。在深湖亚相中除了深湖泥外,发育大量的砂质碎屑流和浊流等重力流沉积。作者首次提出了源于浅水区的砂级沉积物是通过前三角洲上的一系列水道搬运至深湖区形成重力流沉积的。综合以上研究成果,建立起了该区的沉积模式。论文最后分析了研究区的油气潜力,指出水下分流河道和砂质碎屑流沉积两种微相的储集性能最好。由于本区砂体横向尖灭现象普遍,可形成一些规模较大的岩性圈闭,是岩性油气藏勘探的有利目标区。  相似文献   
安少乐 《地质与勘探》2020,56(4):774-782
位场场源边界识别是位场数据分析解释中的重点内容之一。相邻异常源由于场的叠加而难以区分,尤其是对于叠加异常中不同深度的场源边界的识别。倾斜角法是位场数据处理中常用的边界增强方法之一,能有效突出低振幅、短波长的异常特征。本文基于倾斜角法定义了新的位场边界探测方法,该方法利用倾斜角方程中位场二阶垂直导数与垂向导数水平导数之比进行计算,能有效区分相邻异常源产生的叠加异常,突出叠加异常中不同深度场源的边界特征。通过综合模型和实测数据,并与现有的基于导数的位场边界探测方法进行比较,评价了该方法的应用效果。结果表明,该方法对场源深度的变化不太敏感,它可以更准确地确定场源边界,区分相邻异常源的叠加异常,尤其对密集型组合地质构造的识别有较好的效果,即使是在场源埋深较大情况下,也能突出叠加异常中不太明显的微弱变化的线性异常特征,以及弱异常源的形态特征,可为精细研究局部地质构造提供技术支持。  相似文献   
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