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集团结构和生态位特征是量化动物群落组织过程的重要指标,鸟类集团结构及其食物资源分割的分析对于理解群落中不同鸟种生态适应性具有重要意义.越冬水鸟集团结构和生态位特征取决于食物资源的丰富度和可获得性.本文通过对升金湖越冬水鸟的觅食生境和觅食行为的观察,对水鸟群落的集团结构进行划分,采用Levins指数和Pianka指数计算...  相似文献   
利用旱涝县次建立历史时期旱涝指数序列的试验*   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
本文利用27万条自然灾害史料记载,整理出我国东部及南部85个地区的受灾县次记录,分析了这些记录的可靠性,建立了这些地区1471—1950年的旱涝指数序列,并以北京地区为例,详细说明了利用旱涝县次建立旱涝指数序列的过程,分析了这种方法的可靠性。  相似文献   
中国中世纪气候异常期温度的多尺度变化特征及区域差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中世纪气候异常期(MCA,约950-1250年)是地球气候变化史上距今最近的长达数百年的典型温暖气候阶段,因此常被作为研究温暖气候及其影响与适应问题的主要历史相似型而备受瞩目。综合利用近年所发表的长度超过千年的中国4个区域(东北、西北、东中、青藏高原)高分辨率气候变化重建结果,结合历史文献的冷暖记载,采用集合经验模态分解的方法,对MCA期间中国温度的年代—多年代—百年尺度波动特征及其区域差异进行了分析。结果显示:从全国总体看,尽管在12世纪中后期存在数十年的相对冷谷,但在百年尺度上,10-13世纪是过去2000年中持续时间最长的显著暖期,且这一温暖期的起讫时间和温暖程度存在区域差异。各个区域温度变化序列的集合经验模态分解表明:在准30年尺度上,950-1130年间中国区域的温度波动位相基本同步;但在其后的1130-1250年,各区温度波动幅度变小,也存在位相差异。在准百年尺度上,各个区域均自10世纪前期起显著转暖,在MCA期间总体温暖背景下,出现2次冷波动;但除西北与东中部在整个MCA期间的百年尺度温度变化基本同步外,东北和青藏高原地区在MCA期间与其他区域存在显著的波动位相差异,且其温暖气候结束时间也较西北与东中部早40~50年。在百年以上尺度的趋势变化上,东北部和东中部2个区域均显示MCA和其后出现的小冰期(LIA)2个阶段温度差别较显著,而西北、青藏高原2个区域则均显示MCA和LIA的阶段温度差别不大。综合各种尺度的波动特征显示:MCA温暖程度在东中部与20世纪相当,在东北部较20世纪略低,在西北和青藏高原则显著低于20世纪。  相似文献   
Hao  Zhixin  Wu  Maowei  Liu  Yang  Zhang  Xuezhen  Zheng  Jingyun 《地理学报(英文版)》2020,30(1):119-130
The Medieval Climate Anomaly(MCA, AD950–1250) is the most recent warm period lasting for several hundred years and is regarded as a reference scenario when studying the impact of and adaptation to global and regional warming. In this study, we investigated the characteristics of temperature variations on decadal–centennial scales during the MCA for four regions(Northeast, Northwest, Central-east, and Tibetan Plateau) in China, based on high-resolution temperature reconstructions and related warm–cold records from historical documents. The ensemble empirical mode decomposition method is used to analyze the time series. The results showed that for China as a whole, the longest warm period during the last 2000 years occurred in the 10 th–13 th centuries, although there were multi-decadal cold intervals in the middle to late 12 th century. However, in the beginning and ending decades, warm peaks and phases on the decadal scale of the MCA for different regions were not consistent with each other. On the inter-decadal scale, regional temperature variations were similar from 950 to 1130; moreover, their amplitudes became smaller, and the phases did not agree well from 1130 to 1250. On the multi-decadal to centennial scale, all four regions began to warm in the early 10 th century and experienced two cold intervals during the MCA. However, the Northwest and Central-east China were in step with each other while the warm periods in the Northeast China and Tibetan Plateau ended about 40-50 years earlier. On the multi-centennial scale, the mean temperature difference between the MCA and Little Ice Age was significant in Northeast and Central-east China but not in the Northwest China and Tibetan Plateau. Compared to the mean temperature of the 20 th century, a comparable warmth in the MCA was found in the Central-east China, but there was a little cooling in Northeast China; meanwhile, there were significantly lower temperatures in Northwest China and Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   
China is distinguished by a prominent monsoonal climate in the east of the country, a continental arid climate in the northwest and a highland cold climate on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Because of the long history of Chinese civilization, there are abundant and well-dated documentary records for climate variation over the whole of the country as well as many natural archives (e.g., tree-rings, ice cores, stalagmites, varved lake sediments and corals) that enable high-resolution paleoclimatic reconstruction. In this paper, we review recent advances in the reconstruction of climate and extreme events over the last 2000 years in China. In the last 10 years, many new reconstructions, based on multi-proxies with wide spatial coverage, have been published in China. These reconstructions enable us to understand the characteristics of climate change across the country as well as the uncertainties of regional reconstructions. Synthesized reconstructed temperature results show that warm intervals over the last 2000 years occurred in AD 1–200, AD 551–760, AD 951–1320, and after AD 1921, and also show that cold intervals were in AD 201–350, AD 441–530, AD 781–950, and AD 1321–1920. Extreme cold winters, seen between 1500 and 1900, were more frequent than those after 1950. The intensity of regional heat waves, in the context of recent global warming, may not in fact exceed natural climate variability seen over the last 2000 years. In the eastern monsoonal region of China, decadal, multi-decadal and centennial oscillations are seen in rainfall variability. While the ensemble mean for drought/flood spatial patterns across all cold periods shows a meridional distribution, there is a tri-pole pattern with respect to droughts south of 25°N, floods between 25° and 30°N, and droughts north of 30°N for all warm periods. Data show that extreme drought events were most frequent in the periods AD 301–400, AD 751–800, AD 1051–1150, AD 1501–1550, and AD 1601–1650, while extreme flood events were frequent in the periods AD 101–150, AD 251–300, AD 951–1000, AD 1701–1750, AD 1801–1850, and AD 1901–1950. Between AD 1551–1600, extreme droughts and flood events occurred frequently. In arid northwest China, climate was characterized by dry conditions in AD 1000–1350, wet conditions in AD 1500–1850, and has tended to be wet over recent decades. On the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, centennial-scale oscillations in precipitation have occurred over the last 1000 years, interrupted by several multi-decadal-scale severe drought events. Of these, the most severe were in the 1480s and 1710s. In southwest China, extreme droughts as severe as those seen in Sichuan and Chongqing in 2006 are known to have occurred during historical times.  相似文献   
中国过去2000年气候变化的评估   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:26  
根据近20年中国在过去2000年气候变化研究领域的主要文献,对中国(特别是中国东部)过去2000年气候变化进行了综合评估。主要结论有:(1)在中国东部,虽然20世纪暖期的温暖程度非常明显,但至目前为止的研究结果显示,其温暖程度和波动幅度可能尚未超过过去两千年曾经出现过的最高水平。(2)中国东部降水同样存在数百年的趋势变化,且存在明显的区域差异,特别是华北与江南的低频变化趋势几乎相反。就东部地区的总体变化趋势而言:280′sAD以前,相对湿润;自280′SAD开始,逐渐变干;而至1230′SAD以后,则维持在一个相对较干的水平上。(3)中国西部的温度变化趋势与东部基本一致,但中世纪暖期与小冰期不如东部明显。(4)中世纪暖期,中国东部的华北地区相对干旱,江南则相对湿润;而在小冰期,华北地区则相对湿润,且整个东部地区的降水变率增大。  相似文献   
太白山土壤种子库储量与物种多样性的垂直格局   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张玲  方精云 《地理学报》2004,59(6):880-888
通过野外植被调查和室内试验,从1 220份土样中,挑选土壤中的种子,进行分类统计,研究秦岭太白山南坡土壤种子库储量与物种多样性沿海拔梯度的变化。研究结果如下:(1) 太白山南坡土壤种子库中的植物种为172种;从总体上看,土壤种子库中的物种丰富度 (S) 随着海拔的上升呈下降趋势。土壤种子库生物多样性特征表现为在2个海拔段发生较明显的变化:一是从低海拔到中等海拔 (1 500~2 500 m),二是从中等海拔到高海拔 (2 500~3 500 m)。在?琢多样性方面,生态优势度在海拔2 500 m处最大;在海拔2 400 m以下 (包含2 400 m) 的样地中,种子库生态优势度大于海拔2 500 m以上 (含2 500 m) 的样地种子库的生态优势度。 H′(Shannon-Wiener指数)与生态优势度的变化趋势相反。(2) 太白山南坡土壤种子库储量最大值出现在海拔2 600 m的样地,为2.24×104 Ind./m2;种子库储量最小值出现在海拔3 500 m的样地,为4.43×102 Ind./m2。储量沿海拔梯度的变化趋势表现为:在海拔2 600 m以下,种子库储量沿海拔的上升呈逐渐增加的趋势;在海拔2 600 m以上,种子库储量沿海拔的上升呈逐渐下降的趋势。(3) 土壤种子库的种子储量与种子密度的变化规律基本一致。而用单位面积土壤中的种子储量来表示种子库的大小特征比用种子密度来表示更为实用和方便,而且采集具有不同性质的土壤研究种子库,考虑到了土壤性质等因素的影响,更能客观反映土壤种子库的特点。  相似文献   
利用雨雪分寸重建福州前汛期雨季起始日期的方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐述清代福州雨雪分寸记录的特点;并利用福州1961-2010年器测降水记录,分析福州3~7月降水特征,提出辨识福州前汛期雨季开始日期的指标。在此基础上,根据清代福州雨雪分寸记录的内容和形式,分类构建利用雨雪分寸辨识福州前汛期雨季起始日期的方法;依据日降雨分寸、降雨日期和强度、时段的降水日期(或时段起止日期)及降水日(次...  相似文献   
古岩溶作用能够形成极具潜力的油气储层。以断控型大气水岩溶储层结构为切入点,在塔里木盆地北缘奥陶系相似露头区调查的基础上,从形态及成因角度明确了4种结构单元,并以塔河油田四区S48单元为例,开展了地下研究。研究表明,主要形成于饱水带的地下河型洞穴规模最大,纵向发育型洞穴与孤立洞厅的差别在于高度直径比是否大于1;三者有多种组合方式,控洞断裂是重要的连接途径,3类洞穴与断裂的匹配数分别达到了2.5、1.9和1.7,洞穴发育与断裂分布有良好的耦合关系;此外,古地貌也在一定程度上控制着岩溶的发育。  相似文献   
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