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通过对北秦岭造山带变质基底杂岩中变质基性岩的野外地质调查和岩石地球化学特征的研究,表明秦岭岩群中的变质基性岩应为古元古代晚期侵位的基性岩墙,其化学成分相当于大陆裂谷或板内拉斑玄武岩,代表了吕梁事件的产物,形成于元古宙大陆地壳拉张构造背景的早期阶段,是秦岭造山带中元古代大陆裂谷小洋盆并存构造体制演化阶段的早期地质记录。  相似文献   
刘元章  武强  邢立亭  林沛  韩征  雷坤超 《水文》2013,33(6):42-46
通过对北京市平原区600余眼监测井水位动态资料的分析,2012年北京"7·21"特大暴雨后水位有明显响应的监测井仅有34处,约占总数的6%左右,比例较低,同时范围较为集中,且基本全为较浅的潜水井。反映出本次大暴雨对本区地下水位的直接影响总体程度不深。通过对这些监测点的分布规律加以分析,它们主要集中分布在各大河的上游河道沿线区域,地层渗透性较好。并认为发生大面积的漫水,即来水量较大是使得地下水位响应明显的另一重要条件。并对单次降水对水位影响较小的原因进行了分析,认为主要是由于粘土类地层的阻隔、地表人为硬化及地层的沉积压实,尤其是差异性压实,都会影响流场的畅通性,阻碍地下水的垂向入渗及水平方向的补给,从而会导致降水对地下水位的影响程度被大大减弱。  相似文献   
橡胶砂(RSM)垫层减震是一种适用于低层房屋的低成本减震方法,关于场地类别对其减震效应影响的研究尚未开展。采用简化的层间剪切模型模拟减震垫层-上部结构动力相互作用体系,建立了RSM垫层"减震地基"分析模型。针对30%配比的橡胶砂,考虑3种垫层厚度200 mm/300 mm/500 mm、4种基底压力50 kPa~300 kPa,基于对取自于不同场地类别的195条地震波的刚性地基反应谱和RSM垫层"减震地基"反应谱的分析对比,得到以下结论:(1)RSM垫层的减震效应受场地类别的影响,场地卓越周期越短,减震效应越好;(2)RSM垫层厚度越大,减震效应越好,但当垫层厚度达到500 mm时,减震性能鲁棒性变差,且这种鲁棒性的劣化与场地类别无关;(3)各种场地类别地震波作用下,RSM垫层减震效应均随输入地震加速度和基底应力的增大而增加,但随着前者的增加,后者的影响减小。  相似文献   
杭州西湖总磷动态变化预测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
建立了西湖污染物分析和浓度变化的水质对流扩散模型,并利用该模型对西湖水体引水后7d内总磷浓度的变化进行了预测,然后对预测结果作了较为详细的分析。  相似文献   
The aim of this paper was to propose a design guideline for using visco‐elastic dampers for the control of building structures subjected to earthquake loading as well as suspension roof structures subjected to wind loading. The active control algorithm was used to calculate the control forces. Based on the single‐mode approach the control forces were transformed to the forces which visco‐elastic dampers can provide. Application of the method to the design of the building structure with passive damping devices in the bracing system and to the suspension roof with dampers was studied. Through the application of optimal control theory a systematic design procedure to implement dampers in structures is proposed. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Studies on rain-runoff process in the peripheral mountainous area of the Sichuan Basin, which is regarded as a key ecological shelter, will contribute to flood control and environmental protection for the Upper Yangtze River Basin. In two typical catchments--the Fujiang River Catchment and the Wujiang River Catchment, rainfall simulations have been conducted to study the rain-runoff processes of yellow soil and limestone soil in three types of land use--forestland, farmland and grassland. Results showed that (1) within the same rainfall process, overland flow occurs first on farmland, then on grassland, and finally on forestland; (2) soil surface coverage has a great impact on the occurrence and amount of overland flow. The runoff amount can increase 2-4 times after the coverage is removed; (3) the infiltration before the occurrence of overland flow will decrease because of higher gravel contents of soil, but it takes no effect on infiltration once overland flow becomes stable; (4) the runoff coefficient of the limestone soil forestland is greater than that of the yellow soil forest land, but less than that of the farmland; (5) three empirical infiltration models, including Horton' model, Kostiakov' model, and modified Kostiakov' model, were compared by using the observed results under rainfall simulation. The results showed that the Kostiakov' model performed better than both the Horton' model and modified Kostiakov model. According to the results of this research, the Kostiakov's model can be used to simulate rainfall infiltration when water erosion is modeled in the peripheral mountainous area of the Sichuan Basin.  相似文献   
The influence of freezing drizzle on wire icing during freezing fog events   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Both direct and indirect effects of freezing drizzle on ice accretion were analyzed for ten freezing drizzle events during a comprehensive ice thickness, fog, and precipitation observation campaign carried out during the winter of 2008 and 2009 at Enshi Radar Station (3017'N, 10916'E), Hubei Province, China. The growth rate of ice thickness was 0.85 mm h-1 during the freezing drizzle period, while the rate was only 0.4 mm h-1 without sleet and freezing drizzle. The rain intensity, liquid water content (LWC), and diameter of freezing drizzle stayed at low values. The development of microphysical properties of fog was suppressed in the freezing drizzle period. A threshold diameter (Dc) was proposed to estimate the inuence of freezing drizzle on different size ranges of fog droplets. Fog droplets with a diameter less thanDc would be affected slightly by freezing drizzle, while larger fog droplets would be affected signicantly. Dc had a correlation with the average rain intensity, with a correlation coefficient of 0.78. The relationships among the microphysical properties of fog droplets were all positive when the effect of freezing drizzle was weak, while they became poor positive correlations, or even negative correlations during freezing drizzle period. The direct contribution of freezing drizzle to ice thickness was about 14.5%. Considering both the direct and indirect effects, we suggest that freezing drizzle could act as a catalyst causing serious icing conditions.  相似文献   
蔡敏  黄艳  朱宵峰  沈锦栋  金培  吴惠娟 《气象》2009,35(7):95-100
地质灾害成因复杂,其中以气象因素、地质地貌因素引发的地质灾害最为常见.以金华地区为例,通过对金华市地质地貌条件及其对地质灾害点的调查,将全区划分为4个地质灾害隐患风险等级的网格区域.在此基础上利用金华中尺度气象资料,采用BP神经网络模型,建立地质灾害细网格预报模型,对该模型进行模拟和预报试验.结果表明,合理的隐患风险等级分区能使预报模型更符合科学规律,而采用分布较细的中尺度资料作为预报因子能进一步提高预报精度.模型的预报结果达到一定的可信度,为防灾减灾工作提供了科学依据.  相似文献   
川东北地区三叠系发育巨厚的蒸发岩层,并赋存优质的深层富钾卤水.因构造沉积条件的整体差异,川东北富钾卤水的成因机制与富集规律未有详尽研究.以"气钾兼探"为指导思想,综合利用野外露头?岩心?测井等资料,对川东北地区三叠系蒸发岩分布规律以及岩相古地理演化进行分析,明确了膏盐盆在T1j4?5?T2l1期间规模逐渐缩小、向SW逐...  相似文献   
辫状河三角洲是一类常见的沉积体系,也是一类常见的油气储层,其沉积特征、沉积演化过程及内部结构一直受到沉积学研究的关注。为明确辫状河三角洲沉积特征、演化过程及生长演变规律,笔者等通过水槽实验模拟辫状河三角洲在平缓的水下底形上逐步发育的过程,并采用三维激光扫描仪、延时拍照等手段进行精准的沉积地貌监测和定量沉积学分析。研究表明:(1)辫状河三角洲沉积演化过程中,三角洲的规模、水流分散样式、沉积体表面地貌特征及沉积物分布样式存在阶段性差异,可据此将实验辫状河三角洲的演化分为3个阶段。(2)在最初阶段,辫状河携带沉积物直接入“湖”堆积并形成朵状河口坝,入“湖”水流无明显的水道化特征,随着朵状河口坝逐渐堆积露出水面,三角洲平原初步形成,平原上河道开始分流并导致后续河口坝转变为连续的弧形坝分布于先期沉积体周缘,这一阶段三角洲平均半径快速增加;进入第二阶段后,三角洲平均半径增速减缓,供给河道进入三角洲平原后形成1~2条主干分流河道与多条次级分流河道,并在主干河道河口区形成弧形的前缘朵体;到第三阶段,三角洲平原面积已经较大,其平均半径增速进一步降低,平原上分流河道的分叉性更强、宽度更小,不同分流河道规模...  相似文献   
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