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2001年昆仑山口西8.1级地震地表破裂带   总被引:30,自引:8,他引:30  
2001年11月14日昆仑山口西8.1级地震是近50年来在我国大陆发生的震级最大、地表破裂最长的地震事件.地震地表破裂带全长426km,宽数米至数百米,总体走向90°~110°,具有明显的破裂分段特征,自西向东由5条次级破裂段组成.各破裂段又由若干更次级左阶或右阶斜列的破裂组成,具有自相似的分形结构特征.地震破裂带以左旋走滑为主,倾滑量很小.宏观震中区位于库赛湖东北93.0°~93.5°E一带的昆仑山南麓断层谷地内.最大地表同震左旋水平位移6.4m,最大垂直位移为4m.地表水平位移沿地震破裂带走向出现6个峰值,各峰值之间存在相对独立的衰减序列,这表明此地震具有多点破裂特征.  相似文献   
西湖凹陷渐新统一中新统陆盆沉积发育了类型丰富的河道沉积,本文根据陆盆充填机制对盆地演化各阶段的控制作用,从沉积层序、沉积构造、岩性组合特征诸方面探讨了盆地演化过程的河道变迁特点。  相似文献   
Rapid social and economic development results in increased demand for water resources. This can lead to the unsustainable development and exploitation of water resources which in turn causes significant environmental problems. Conventional water resource management approaches, such as supply and demand management strategies, frequently fail to restore regional water balance. This paper introduces the concept of water consumption balance, the balance between actual evapotranspiration (ET) and target ET, and establishes a framework to realize regional water balance. The framework consists of three stages: (1) determination of target ET and actual ET; (2) quantification of the water-saving requirements for the region; and (3) reduction of actual ET by implementing various water saving management strategies. Using this framework, a case study was conducted for Guantao County, China. The SWAT model was utilized to aid in the selection of the best water saving management strategy by comparing the ET of different irrigation methods and crop pattern adjustments. Simulation results revealed that determination of SWAT model parameters using remote sensing ET is feasible and that the model is a valuable tool for ET management. Irrigation was found to have a greater influence on the ET of winter wheat as compared to that of maize, indicating that reduction in winter wheat cultivation is the most effective way to reduce regional ET. However, the effect of water-saving irrigation methods on the reduction of ET was not obvious. This indicates that it would be difficult to achieve regional ET reduction using water-saving irrigation methods only. Furthermore, selecting the best water saving management strategy by relying solely on the amount of reduced ET was insufficient, because it ignored the impact of water conservation measures on the livelihood of the agricultural community. Incorporating these considerations with our findings, we recommend changing the current irrigation method to sprinkler irrigation and replacing 20% of the winter wheat-maize cultivated area with cotton, as the best strategy to achieve water balance in the study area.  相似文献   
A 3D electrical resistivity imaging survey is presented in this paper. The objective was to investigate an underground wastewater system at the University of Malaya, Malaysia. Apparent resistivity data were collected along ten parallel lines using a Wenner-Schlumberger configuration; electrode cables were oriented in the x-direction with 3 m spacing. Roll-along measurements using a line spacing of 3 m were carried out covering a grid of 20 × 10 electrodes. All data sets were merged into a single data file in order to perform a 3D inversion. Two different 3D least squares algorithms, based on the robust inversion method and the smoothness-constrained technique, were used for the inversion of the apparent resistivity data. Both the horizontal and vertical extents of the anomalous zones found by inversion are displayed. The results indicate the superiority of the robust inversion method over the smoothness-constrained technique at this site. The results are in sufficient accordance with previously known information about the investigation area. The results show that 3D electrical resistivity imaging surveys, in combination with an appropriate 3D inversion method, can be highly useful for engineering and archaeological investigations as well as for environmental applications.  相似文献   
The 23 April 1909 earthquake, with epicentre near Benavente (Portugal), was the largest crustal earthquake in the Iberian Peninsula during the twentieth century (M w = 6.0). Due to its importance, several studies were developed soon after its occurrence, in Portugal and in Spain. A perusal of the different studies on the macroseismic field of this earthquake showed some discrepancies, in particular on the abnormal patterns of the isoseismal curves in Spain. Besides, a complete list of intensity data points for the event is unavailable at present. Seismic moment, focal mechanism and other earthquake parameters obtained from the instrumental records have been recently reviewed and recalculated. Revision of the macroseismic field of this earthquake poses a unique opportunity to study macroseismic propagation and local effects in central Iberian Peninsula. For this reasons, a search to collect new macroseismic data for this earthquake has been carried out, and a re-evaluation of the whole set has been performed and it is presented here. Special attention is paid to the observed low attenuation of the macroseismic effects, heterogeneous propagation and the distortion introduced by local amplifications. Results of this study indicate, in general, an overestimation of the intensity degrees previously assigned to this earthquake in Spain; also it illustrates how difficult it is to assign an intensity degree to a large town, where local effects play an important role, and confirms the low attenuation of seismic propagation inside the Iberian Peninsula from west and southwest to east and northeast.  相似文献   
In this paper we describe an example of travertine fissure-ridge development along the trace of a normal fault with metre displacement, located in the eastern margin of the Neogene–Quaternary Siena Basin, in the Terme S. Giovanni area (Rapolano Terme, Italy). This morphotectonic feature, 250 m long, 30 m wide and 10 m high, formed from supersaturated hot waters (39.9°C) flowing from thermal springs aligned along the trace of the normal fault dissecting travertines not older than Late Pleistocene (24 ± 3 ka). A straight, continuous fissure with a maximum width of 20 cm occurs at the top of the ridge, along its crest. Hot fluids flow from cones mainly located at the extremities of the ridge, where travertine is depositing. The travertine fissure-ridge shows an asymmetrical profile since it buries the fault scarp. The difference in height of slopes corresponds to the vertical displacement of the normal fault. Fissuring of the recent travertine deposits along the strike of the crestal fissure, as well as recent hydrothermal circulation, lead us to believe that the Terme S. Giovanni normal fault may be currently active. On the whole, the Terme S. Giovanni fissure ridge can be defined as a travertine fault trace fissure-ridge, adding a helpful example for studying the relationship between faulting and travertine deposition.  相似文献   
The purpose of this investigation was to examine storm surge and wave reduction benefits of different environmental restoration features (marsh restoration and barrier island changes), as well as the impact of future wetland degradation on local surge and wave conditions. Storm surge simulations of two representative hurricanes were performed using the ADCIRC storm surge model with the inclusion of radiation stress gradients from the STWAVE nearshore wave model. Coupled model simulations were made for a number of landscape configurations that involved both restored and degraded wetland features. The impact of barrier island condition on hurricane surge and waves was also evaluated. Effects of landscape features were represented by changes in elevation and frictional resistance. Restoration and degradation of marsh resulted in decreases (for restoration cases) and increases (for degradation cases) in both surge and waves. The magnitude of change was correlated with the magnitude of the horizontal extent and elevation changes in the marsh. In general, the wave change patterns are consistent with the water level changes. Deflation of the Chandeleur Islands (barrier island chain) resulted in slightly increased surge. Results suggest that coastal marsh does have surge and wave reduction potential. Results also indicate that the impact of the landscape features is amplified in areas where there are levee “pockets.” Barrier islands and coastal ridges reduce wave heights, even if in a degraded condition and thus can reduce wave energy in wetland areas, protecting them from erosion.  相似文献   
This paper focuses on characterizing the current status of physical and chemical characteristics of King Talal Dam (KTD) sediments. The quality of sediments was investigated based on several international sediment quality guidelines. The volume of sediment and sedimentation rate in (KTD) was also estimated. Five types of granulometric textural facies were observed for the sediments of KTD reservoir bed, with an average grain size distribution of gravel (1.38%), sand (32.38%), silt (32.35%) and clay (32.38%). The fraction of <63 micron showed that the total mean size was 8.0 micron. Other sediment parameters in KTD were 7.0% for total organic matter (TOM), 7.3 for pH, 35.9% for CaCO3 and 100.5 meq/100 g for cation exchange capacity, with dominant mineralogical constituents of quartz, calcite, dolomite, clay minerals and minor feldspar. The total concentrations of F, Cl, NO2, NO3, PO4 and SO4 in sediment samples were lower inward for KTD. The vast majority of trace metals in sediments were generally within the standard limits recommended for soils. TOM and grain size of sediment are major factors governing the trace metal concentrations. The calculated geoaccumulation index (I geo) and enrichment factor of metals in bottom sediments showed that the metals were in the following order: Cd > Pb > Zn > Co > Cr > Ni > Fe > Cu > Sr > Mn and Cd > Zn > Pb > Co > Cr > Ni > Cu > Sr > Mn, respectively. Based on the sonic survey of KTD reservoir, the annual sedimentation rate was about 0.4061 MCM/year, in which about 18.66% of the reservoir initial storage capacity was lost to sediments and a projected lifespan of about 198 years.  相似文献   
Hematite is one of the most important carriers of remanent magnetization in natural samples. Its strong magnetocrystalline anisotropy makes it difficult to determine one single value for the magnetic anisotropy constant and other magnetic properties. In particular, the anisotropy of hematite within its basal plane is controversial because an assumed triaxial anisotropy compatible with the crystallographic structure has not always been detected. This study presents a comparative analysis of rock magnetic properties, compositional analysis and determination of the magnetic anisotropy constant. Different models with anisotropy constant within the basal plane ranging from 0 to 13 (J m−3) are considered in the evaluation of the factors that control the presence or absence of a triaxial anisotropy. A linear relationship between saturation magnetization (M s ) and coercitivity (B c ) in measurements at increasing temperatures is observed in samples where anisotropy is either uniaxial or biaxial while those with significant triaxial anisotropies have a power–law relationship between M s and B c .  相似文献   
时坚  王晶  刘德深  韩行瑞 《中国岩溶》2006,25(4):330-334
黄河中上游地区,自黄河青铜峡,经内蒙准格尔、山西、陕西两省至河南西部,为我国最重要的以煤炭资源为主的能源基地。随着能源基地的建设和开发,区域岩溶地下水水位连年持续下降,岩溶泉水流量衰减,引起了一系列环境地质问题,如水质恶化、生态退化等。本文从能源基地岩溶泉流量衰减问题入手,研究了能源基地区岩溶泉水流量衰减问题,提出了开展水土保持工作、合理控制地下水的开采、搞好矿坑水的综合利用及污水处理资源化等相应的防治对策。   相似文献   
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