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Summary The time variations of the amplitudes and phases of the semi-annual variation in geomagnetic activity, characterized by the linear planetary index aa, have been analysed for the period 1868–1985. The results provide qualitative confirmation of Murayama's conclusions [13] about the systematic f phase in dependence on the changes in the level of solar activity and give support to Russel-McPherron's mechanism [16] concerning the effect of the predominant polarity of the interplanetary magnetic field. A distinctly expressed variation of the phase differences in the course of the sunspot cycle and of the 22-year cycle, and specific variations related to the sequence of four consecutive cycles have been established, as well as a well-defined 90-year period, all of them as a reflection of analogous variations in solar activity. The variations of the phase differences observed around the equinoxes can be explained by the combined effect of the mechanisms of the axial and equinoctial hypothesis. It is assumed that a displacement of the maxima of the semi-annual variation to dates after the equinoxes will be observed in the ascending parts and a reverse displacement towards the equinoxes and earlier dates in the desccending parts of the following sunspot cycles 22 nad 23.On leave from the Geophysical Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Akad. G. Bonchev Str. bl. 3, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria.  相似文献   
Summary We find no effect of the interplanetary magnetic field(IMF) sector boundary crossing in ozone at altitudes ranging from the middle stratosphere(10 hPa) to the lower mesosphere(0.4 hPa) at middle latitudes(40°–60° N), based on winter data over the period of December 1979–December 1982.
Резюме Мы не нaшлu нuкaко о эффекma nересеченuя секmорноŭ рaнuцы межnлaнеmно о мa нumно о nоля в озоне в облaсmu высоm меж?rt;у сре?rt;неŭ сmрamосфероŭ(10 Пa) u нuжнеŭ мезосфероŭ(0,4 Пa) нa сре?rt;нuх шuроmaх(40°–60° с.ш.), nрuменяя зuмнuе ?rt;aнные зa nерuо?rt; ?rt;екaбрь 1979 – ?rt;екaбрь 1982 .
Summary The tidal deformations of a viscoelastic body are studied using the simple Kelvin-Voigt model. Expressions for the phase lag and amplitude change of the displacement vector are derived. The energy dissipation rate is calculated for the main disturbing bodies and for diurnal and semidiurnal tidal waves.
am nuu ¶rt;auu n ma ua-ma. ¶rt; au ¶rt; ana¶rt;au a u uu anum¶rt; ma u. aumaa m ¶rt;uunauu uu ¶rt; u a a m u nm .
Summary It is recommended that the data from measurements with supraconducting gravity meters be also analysed with regard to verifying the gravitation absorption hypothesis. Based on theoretical data from a3-year period, the spectrum of the assumed effect of shielding the gravitational influence of the Sun by the Earth's body on the value of the acceleration of gravity has been calculated for the tidal station Brussels (Figs 2a–e).
¶rt;aam aauuam ¶rt;a uu n¶rt;uaumau ma mu u nuunm n¶rt;auaumauu. a mmuu ¶rt;a a mmu nu¶rt; u nm n¶rt;naa ma auauaumau ¶rt;mu a m a uu u u mmu ¶rt; nuu mauu (u. 2a–).
Summary The thermo-elastic deformations due to the annual temperature variation are computed. The time variation of these deformations is compared with the variation of the slow deformations observed at the tidal station in Vyhne.
u mnu ¶rt;auu, a¶rt; auau mnam nmu a nnmama. ¶rt; mu ¶rt;au a ¶rt; ¶rt; ¶rt;au, u a nuu mauu ().

Dedicated to RNDr Jan Pícha, CSc on his 70th birthday  相似文献   
Summary The paper is intended as a contribution to the quantitative analysis of travel-time curves of seismic events recorded in the Ostrava-Karviná District (OKD). The input data represent a set of 2621 seismic events, recorded by the local seismological network of 26 mine stations DSLA and a regional diagnostic polygon consisting of five surface Lennartz stations. All the events were processed automatically in the Operational Seismological Centre of the Czechoslovak Army Mine in Karviná and stored in the seismological data base. The results are presented in the form of graphs of arrival times versus distance for the whole OKD, for two mines and one tectonic block.Travel-time curves of direct P and S waves, as well as of reflected and refracted waves are given. The direct P and S waves propagate well practically throughout the whole region studied, but their apparent velocities of propagation are affected by the properties of the rock medium.As a result of the complicated geological conditions, the recorded wave image is quite complicated. Methods of mathematical modelling, using kinematic and dynamic parameters of seismic waves, will have to be applied to identify the separate wave groups uniquely.  相似文献   
Summary The optimization of the method of determining the addition constant of an EDM is discussed. The advantages of the optimization procedure from the point of view of efficiency and improvement of accuracy are reported.
nuuu ¶rt; n¶rt;u a¶rt;¶rt;uu n ¶rt;. u nu n u uu u nu u.
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