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We determined crustal structure along the latitude 30°N through the eastern Tibetan Plateau using a teleseismic receiver function analysis. The data came mostly from seismic stations deployed in eastern Tibet and western Sichuan region from 2004 to 2006. Crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio at each station were estimated by the Hk stacking method. On the profile, the mean crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio were found to be 62.3 km and 1.74 in the Lhasa block, 71.2 km and 1.79 near the Bangong–Nujiang suture, 66.3 km and 1.80 in the Qiangtang block, 59.8 km and 1.81 in the Songpan–Garze block, and 42.9 km and 1.76 in the Yangtze block, respectively. The estimated crustal thicknesses are consistent with predictions based on the topography and the Airy isostasy, except near the Bangong–Nujiang suture and in the Qiangtang block where the crust is 5–10 km thicker than predicted, indicating that the crust may be denser, possibly due to mafic underplating. We also inverted receiver functions for crustal velocity structure along the profile, which reveals a low S-wave velocity zone in the lower crust beneath the eastern Tibetan Plateau, although the extent of the low-velocity zone varies considerably. The low-velocity zone, together with previous results, suggests limited partial melting and localized crustal flow in the lower crust of the eastern Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   
杨攀新  任金卫  陈正位  张俊 《地震》2010,30(3):81-89
利用ETM遥感影像与30 m分辨率的ASTER DEM数据, 构建申扎—定结地堑系北段遥感影像三维数字高程模型, 结合野外地质地貌调查结果, 对地堑系地貌特征进行总体分析。并根据对主要断裂的产状和活动性野外调查与活动断裂展布的遥感解译结果, 认为地堑系由一条东倾的铲式主要断裂和一系列同倾向和反倾向的次级断裂组成的半地堑构造。基于半地堑系模式, 将地堑系简化成书斜式模型, 根据地堑的沉降量和地堑宽度值, 计算地堑系的滑脱面深度在3.6~9.7 km之间, 因此地堑中地震震源深度也多集中于滑脱面附近。最后探讨地堑的形成机制, 表明在印度板块的挤压作用下, 高原上地壳与下地壳发生应力解耦, 上地壳在重力作用下, 向南向东发生滑脱, 形成东倾的半地堑构造。  相似文献   
娄保锋  周正  苏海  卓海华 《湖泊科学》2023,35(3):897-908
本文研究2018—2020年鄱阳湖水质及营养水平关键指标——叶绿素a、总磷、总氮浓度时空特征,采用分位值法与压力-响应关系法等研究氮磷基准和适宜的控制标准。结果表明,2018—2020年鄱阳湖水质以Ⅳ类为主,超标污染物为总磷和总氮。近3年鄱阳湖处于“中偏富”营养水平,叶绿素a浓度均值为7.6μg/L,总磷浓度均值为0.070 mg/L,总氮浓度均值为1.30 mg/L。所有水域在年内皆会出现富营养时段;年内各月份皆有水域处于富营养水平。总磷、总氮浓度枯水期高于丰水期;8月总磷浓度最低,8—9月总氮浓度最低。叶绿素a浓度较高的季节为秋季,尤以9月最高,9月全湖叶绿素a浓度均值和中位值分别为16和12μg/L,皆超中-富营养界限值10μg/L,原因在于9月“五河”退水与仍处汛期的长江干流顶托导致流速减缓。叶绿素a浓度较高的水域为入湖河流尾闾水域、浅水湖湾、碟形湖(如南湖村、金溪咀、南矶山、蚌湖等)。鄱阳湖平均N/P比为52,相对于藻类繁殖需求而言,氮、磷皆处于过量状态,总磷宜作为首要控制因子,总氮控制亦应考虑。鄱阳湖总磷基准范围为0.029~0.054 mg/L,总氮基准范围为0.50~0...  相似文献   
We discuss gravitational radiation from a neutral mass particle within a bound orbit in the background Schwarzschild metric. We compare the power loss of gravitational radiation according to this formalism with the heuristic quadrupole radiation formula as applied to a binary system. There are evidence and compelling reasons to believe that the quadrupole formula is valid even in a fairly strong gravitational field, although its fully consistent analytical derivation is not yet known. In particular, we emphasize that the application of the quadrupole formula to the binary pulsar system PSR 1913+16 as well as other binary pulsars, which are weakly bound by gravity, is well justified.  相似文献   
地质样品经HF—HNO3-HCl-HClO4溶解后,用50g/L碳酸钠溶液浸取分离,采用紫外荧光光谱法直接测定上清液的铀含量。浸取时间选择30min,Fe、Zn、Ca、Co、Ni、Cu和Mn等元素留在残渣中不产生干扰。方法精密度(RSD,n=12)为3.37%~7.06%,检出限为0.009μg/g(进样量100μL)。方法参加区域地球化学考核样品的测试,合格率100%,适用于土壤、水系沉积物、岩石及Fe、Zn、Ca、Co、M、Cu和Mn含量较高的样品中痕量铀的测定。  相似文献   
本文介绍了武汉市规划局在规划执法工作中提出利用3G无线视频监控技术和测绘近景摄影测量技术研制规划执法在线监控平台的思路,并具体介绍了平台研制的内容、实现的功能和应用的效果。实践证明,新技术和新成果的应用创新了规划执法工作方式,提高了执法效率。  相似文献   
Ambiguity resolution dedicated to a single global positioning system (GPS) station can improve the accuracy of precise point positioning. In this process, the estimation accuracy of the narrow-lane fractional-cycle biases (FCBs), which destroy the integer nature of undifferenced ambiguities, is crucial to the ambiguity-fixed positioning accuracy. In this study, we hence propose the improved narrow-lane FCBs derived from an ambiguity-fixed GPS network solution, rather than the original (i.e. previously proposed) FCBs derived from an ambiguity-float network solution. The improved FCBs outperform the original FCBs by ensuring that the resulting ambiguity-fixed daily positions coincide in nature with the state-of-the-art positions generated by the International GNSS Service (IGS). To verify this improvement, 1?year of GPS measurements from about 350 globally distributed stations were processed. We find that the original FCBs differ more from the improved FCBs when fewer stations are involved in the FCB estimation, especially when the number of stations is less than 20. Moreover, when comparing the ambiguity-fixed daily positions with the IGS weekly positions for 248 stations through a Helmert transformation, for the East component, we find that on 359 days of the year the daily RMS of the transformed residuals based on the improved FCBs is smaller by up to 0.8?mm than those based on the original FCBs, and the mean RMS over the year falls evidently from 2.6 to 2.2?mm. Meanwhile, when using the improved rather than the original FCBs, the RMS of the transformed residuals for the East component of 239 stations (i.e. 96.4% of all 248 stations) is clearly reduced by up to 1.6?mm, especially for stations located within a sparse GPS network. Therefore, we suggest that narrow-lane FCBs should be determined with ambiguity-fixed, rather than ambiguity-float, GPS network solutions.  相似文献   
利用2007年探测环境评估数据资料,通过对南昌市气象局所属5个台站的探测环境现状分析发现,随着经济社会的发展、城镇化建设和其他基础设施建设发展步伐的加快,有些台站探测环境遭到破坏,气象探测环境保护面临巨大的压力和挑战.气象部门应从提高自我保护意识、加强气象法律法规宣传、加大部门沟通协作等方面加强探测环境保护工作.  相似文献   
根据地质资料,首先建立庄浪河断裂带、马衔山北缘断裂带空间展布的三维几何模型和分段模型,并把地质方法大致推测或估计的各段滑动速率和滑动方式作为先验初值,通过三维深断裂位错模型对GPS观测站点速度场的最佳拟合,反演获得各断裂段的现今滑动速率。结果表明,马衔山北缘断裂有1.4~3.0mm/a的逆倾滑,且中部断层段有约3mm/a的左旋走滑;庄浪河断裂有0.6~1.2mm/a的逆倾滑,走滑分量不明显。这些滑动速率值均在地质方法的推测范围内,且模型预测的GPS站点速度与实际观测值在整体上取得了较好的吻合。本研究表明,对于庄浪河断裂带、马衔山北缘断裂带这样一些滑动速率相对较低且传统地质调查方法较难实施的断裂,基于GPS观测结果的滑动速率反演是一种有效的补充手段  相似文献   
渤海湾盆地大歧口凹陷断裂系统与陆内拉分断陷   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
大歧口凹陷位于渤海湾盆地中部, 是在中生代构造基础上形成的新生代构造单元, 是我国最具勘探价值的大型富油气凹陷。前人对大歧口凹陷盆地结构、断裂构造、演化特征方面有了较为深入的研究, 但对凹陷内主要断裂的分段活动特征、构造迁移, 以及新生代基底走滑—盖层伸展构造体系的深浅部耦合关系并未进行全面细致的研究, 这在一定程度上限制了对凹陷内断裂活动特征、构造成因机制、断裂拓展演化规律详细的构造分析。本文在精细解释、深入分析地球物理资料的基础上, 开展了详细的构造研究。研究表明, 歧口凹陷充填格局主控断裂为东西走向, 近南北向的沿岸变换带是主变换带; 新生代的构造体系受北东向右行基底走滑断裂和东西向的盖层伸展构造的双重控制, 并形成三级断阶带。基底—盖层断裂的耦合方式主要有两种: 一是在盖层中形成强制性褶皱传递基底走滑, 二是在盖层中形成一系列雁列式正断层。欧亚板块下的地幔物质在印度板块和太平洋板块两大构造系统的共同作用下, 自南向北迁移并上涌, 导致歧口凹陷主要断裂的规模、活动期以及断裂活动由南西向北东迁移、演化。  相似文献   
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