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This study on the cytological changes of the body wall ,aspiratory intestine and crissal bursa in Urechis unicincuts by light microscope(LM) and transmission electron microscope(TEM) showed that the difference between the body wall and the natural environment rich in H2S was not obvious,that the wall color of the aspiratory intestine in H2S rich environment changed from normal semitransparency to dark brown.that its epithelia were disassembled and the electron density of its cytoplasm matrix was lower;and that in H2S rich environment many basoplhilic granules occurred in the epithelia of the crissal bursa.Granules with single membrane and myelinefingure were found with TEM.  相似文献   
The advantages of using unmanned underwater vehicles in coastal ocean studies are emphasized. Two types of representative vehicles, remotely operated vehicle (ROV) and autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) from University of South Florida, are discussed. Two individual modular sensor packages designed and tested for these platforms and field measurement results are also presented. The bottom classification and albedo package, BCAP, provides fast and accurate estimates of bottom albedos, along with other parameters such as in-water remote sensing reflectance. The real-time ocean bottom optical topographer, ROBOT, reveals high-resolution 3-dimentional bottom topography for target identification. Field data and results from recent Coastal Benthic Optical Properties field campaign, 1999 and 2000, are presented. Advantages and limitations of these vehicles and applications of modular sensor packages are compared and discussed.  相似文献   
Three types of natural connection between atoll islets are described. Causeway, as an artificial way of connecting islets, makes a connection to be completed in a few months. In this case shore adjustment becomes more vigorous than that in natural conditions, resulting in lagoon shore erosion. A causeway without short bridges or culverts should be built close to the lagoon shore to reduce lagoon shore erosion. A causeway-crossing channel assemblage is the worst type among all of the connection engineering constructions because the crossing channel traps sediment and further transports it out of the channel, resulting in long period coastal erosion. Reforming Nippon Causeway in Tarawa Atoll, Kiribati by simple means will stop sand loss, reduce shore erosion and greatly upgrade its stability.  相似文献   
Pathogenicity of vibrios in fish: An overview   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bacteria of the genus Vibrio are ubiquitously distributed in the marine environment. Due to the rapid expansion of intensive mariculture and the consequent deterioration of culture conditions, more and more Vibrio spp. have been recognized as pathogenic agents in outbreaks of vibriosis, a serious epizootic disease affecting most wild and farmed fish species worldwide, which has become the most important limiting factor for the development of intensive mariculture industry. Attempts have been made to understand the pathogenicity of vibrios in host fish with the ultimate aim of elucidating the best means for disease control. After an extensive literature survey of the recent advances in the field of fish vibriosis, the pathological changes, virulence factors and associated potential pathogenic mechanisms, transmission routes and related environmental factors involved in outbreak of vibriosis, as well as the controlling strategies are reviewed in the present paper.  相似文献   
Multiple indicators of sublethal stress (bioindicators) were used to assess the health and condition of two important estuarine fish species in the Pamlico Sound estuary following extensive flooding from three sequential hurricanes that occurred during early fall 1999. Bioindicators ranging from the biochemical to the reproductive and organism-level were used to assess the health of southern flounder and spot in Pamlico Sound compared to the health of these same species sampled from a relatively unaffected references site in lower Core Sound. Many of the physiological, reproductive, immunological, histopathological, and general condition indices suggested that both species, and particularly spot, in Pamlico Sound were sublethally stressed and in poorer condition than fish sampled from Core Sound. The major environmental stressors causing these sublethal stress responses in Pamlico Sound fish appears to be those related to episodic hypoxic exposure or a combination of effects associated with hypoxic conditions such as alterations in preferred habitat and food availability. Although fish populations in Pamlico Sound do not appear to be severely damaged or impaired at this time, organisms that are sublethally stressed can incur increased vulnerability to additional or future stressors such as modified physicochemical regimes, changes in food and habitat availability, and increases in infectious pathogens. Because of the low flushing rate (~1 yr) of Pamlico Sound, recovery rate may be exceptionally slow, prolonging any adverse effects of altered nutrient regimes (such as hypoxia) on the health and fitness of resident fish populations. Flooding from the 1999 hurricanes may have contributed to the short-term health and condition of finfish species in Pamlico Sound and also influenced longer-term recovery and ecological status of this system. Longer-term manifestation of effects from flooding may be of particular concern as the frequency of hurricanes is expected to increase over the next few years and the accelerated uses of the coastal zone places further stress on estuarine resources.  相似文献   
Several recent studies indicate that the replacement of extant species withPhragmites australis can alter the size of nitrogen (N) pools and fluxes within tidal marshes. Some common effects ofP. australis expansion are increased standing stocks of N, greater differentiation of N concentrations between plant tissues (high N leaves and low N stems), and slower whole-plant decay rates than competing species (e.g.,Spartina, Typha spp.). Some of the greater differences between marsh types involveP. australis effects on extractable and porewater pools of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and N mineralization rates. Brackish and salt marshes show higher concentrations of DIN in porewater beneathSpartina spp. relative toP. australis, but this is not observed in freshwater tidal marshes whenP. australis is compared withTypha spp. or mixed plant assemblages. With few studies of concurrent N fluxes, the net effect ofP. australis on marsh N budgets is difficult to quantify for single sites and even more so between sites. The magnitude and direction of impacts ofP. australis on N cycles appears to be system-specific, driven more by the system and species being invaded than byP. australis itself. WhereP. australis is found to affect N pools and fluxes, we suggest these alterations result from increased biomass (both aboveground and belowground) and increased allocation of that biomass to recalcitrant stems. Because N pools are commonly greater inP. australis than in most other communities (due to plant and litter uptake), one of the most critical questions remaining is “From where is the extra N inP. australis communities coming?” It is important to determine if the source of the new N is imported (e.g., anthropogenic) or internallyproduced (e.g., fixed, remineralized organic matter). In order to estimate net impacts ofP. australis on marsh N budgets, we suggest that further research be focused on the N source that supports high standing stocks of N inP. australis biomass (external input versus internal cycling) and the relative rates of N loss from different marshes (burial versus subsurface flow versus denitrification).  相似文献   
The gradient flux technique, which measures the gas transfer velocity (k), and new observational techniques that probe turbulence in the aqueous surface boundary layers were conducted over a tidal cycle in the Plum Island Sound, Massachusetts. Efforts were aimed at testing new methods in an estuarine system and to determine if turbulence created by tidal velocity can be responsible for the short-term variability ink. Measurements were made during a low wind day, at a site with tidal excursions of 2.7 m and a range in tidal velocity of nearly 1 m s−1. Estimates ofk using the gradient flux technique were made simultaneously with the Controlled Flux Technique (CFT), infrared imagery, and high-resolution turbulence measurements, which measure the surface renewal rate, turbulent scales, and the turbulent dissipation rate, respectively. All measurements were conducted from a small mobile catamaran that minimizes air- and water-side flow distortions. Infrared imagery showed considerable variability in the turbulent scales that affect air-water gas exchange. These measurements were consistent with variation in the surface renewal rate (range 0.02 to 2 s−1), the turbulent dissipation rate (range 10−7 to 10−5 W kg−1), andk (range 2.2 to 12.0 cm hr−1). During this low wind day, all variables were shown to correlate with tidal speed. Taken collectively our results indicate the promise of these methods for determining short-term variability in gas transfer and near surface turbulence in estuaries and demonstrate that turbulent transport associated with tidal velocity is a potentially important factor with respect to gas exchange in coastal systems.  相似文献   
HCl:SO2 mass ratios measured by open path Fourier transform spectroscopy (OP-FTIR) in the volcanic plume at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, are presented for the second phase of dome building between November 1999 and November 2000. HCl:SO2 mass ratios of greater than 1 and HCl emission rates of greater than 400 t day–1 characterise periods of dome building for this volcano. The data suggest that chlorine partitions into a fluid phase as the magma decompresses and exsolves water during ascent. This is substantiated by a correlation between chlorine and water content in the melt (derived from the geochemical analysis of plagioclase melt inclusion and matrix glasses from phase I and II of dome growth). The matrix glass from the November 1999 and March 2000 domes indicate an open system degassing regime with a fluid-melt partition coefficient for chlorine of the order of 250–300. September 1997 glasses have higher chlorine contents and may indicate a switch to closed system degassing prior to explosive activity in September and October 1997. The OP-FTIR HCl time series suggests that HCl emission rate is strongly related to changes in eruption rate and we infer an emission rate of over 13.5 kt day–1 HCl during a period of high extrusion rate in September 2000. A calculation of the HCl emission rate expected for varying extrusion rates from the open-system degassing model suggests a HCl emission rate of the order of 1–4 kt day–1 is indicative of an extrusion rate of between 2 and 8 m3 s–1. Monitoring of HCl at Soufrière Hills Volcano provide a proxy for extrusion rate, with changes in ratio between HCl and SO2 occurring rapidly in the plume. Order of magnitude changes occur in HCl emission rates over the time-scale of hours to days, making these changes easy to detect during the day-to-day monitoring of the volcano. Mean water emission rates are calculated to range from 9–24 kt day–1 during dome building activity, calculated from the predicted mass ratio of H2O:HCl in the fluid at the surface and FTIR-derived HCl emission rates.  相似文献   
Research on scale effect of histogram   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To describe the spatial relationship among the earth objects compactly, in this paper, we raised the concept of histo-variogram based on the analysis of the characteristics of other spatial analyzing methods such as variogram, information entropy. And we also raised a new spatial analysis method of histogram decomposition based on the definition of standing pixel and contour pixel. At the end of this paper, we demonstrated the characteristics of histo-variogram by two experiments, one for spatial analysis, the other for image fusion.  相似文献   
Matrix expression of thermal radiative characteristics for an open complex   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The directionality of thermal radiance of a homogeneous isothermal non-black plane surface is totally decided by its directional emissivity, which depends on the complex dielectric constant and roughness of surface. It can be expressed by This paper proves that it is necessary to express emissivity by a matrix when a target becomes an inhomogeneous non-isothermal open complex with complicated inner geometric structure. The matrix describes the inner radiative interaction among components accurately and also expresses its thermal radiative directionality and structural characteristics completely. Advantages of matrix expression are as follows: first, the physical mechanics of effective emissivity of an open complex is described in a simple and perfect way; second, it becomes easy to understand the principle and method to retrieve components temperature from multi-angle thermal remotely sensed data; and third, the differences of directionalities between an open complex and a homogeneous isothermal non-black plane body are expressed by just using an effective emissivity matrix instead of an emissivity vector. Formula in classic physics is only the special case of matrix expression; therefore, the matrix is a universal unconditional expression to describe the directionality of thermal radiance.  相似文献   
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