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GIS在统计行业中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地理信息系统技术在很多各业获得了成功的应用,但在统计行业中的应用却相对滞后.本文综述了地理信息系统在统计行业中的应用现状、优势及存在的问题,并对统计地理信息系统的解决方案作了简要分析,给出了建立统计GIS的技术方案和统计GIS的总体框架.  相似文献   
Topsoil (0–20 cm) samples were collected from four cultivated wetlands including Northern and Western Fields (about 30-year tillage), and Southern and Western Fields (about 20-year tillage) along the Yilong Lake of China in October, 2005. Total concentrations of As, Cr, Cu, Pb, and Zn were determined using the inductively coupled plasma atomic absorption spectrometry in order to assess contamination status in four sampling plots. Results showed that the average concentrations of these heavy metals in Northern and Western Fields were significantly (P < 0.01) higher than those in reference soils, while they were generally lower in Southern and Eastern Fields. All the mean concentrations of heavy metals were lower, except that the average concentrations of As and Cr in Northern Field slightly exceeded the soil quality guidelines. The contamination indices showed low-contamination levels for As, Cu, Pb, and Zn in Northern and Western Fields, while no contamination levels could be observed in Southern and Eastern Fields. As for Cr, they showed moderate-contamination levels in Northern Field, but low or no contamination levels in other three Fields. The integrated contamination index values indicated Northern and Western Fields were moderately contaminated, while Southern and Eastern Fields were less contaminated. The same contamination sources of these heavy metals were identified in these fields using factor- and cluster analysis.  相似文献   
通过理论分析研究和计算机搜寻得到几种频谱特性优良的高价标定脉冲波形,将其与我国台网广泛使用的阶跃脉冲相比较,可大幅度提高通带短周期段的标定精度,与国外使用的平衡二阶或三阶脉冲比较,具有响主尖波形特征,既可提高通带短周期段标定精度,又不降低通带长周期段精度,此外,具有生成较容易,技术难度适中,便于推广使用等特点。  相似文献   
2008年汶川8.0级地震后,通过自贡及邻近区一系列中小地震的检验,证明自贡青岩洞水温观测点是一个难得的敏感点。自贡青岩洞水温观测值在长宁震群、自贡威远间地震、自贡隆昌间的3至4级震例中均出现了超过年变基础之上的短临趋势异常或短临突跳异常现象,其异常幅度均超过年平均值0.5倍均方差以上,特征明显,对应率高,有利于对地震震中位置和时间的判断。地震映震敏感区主要沿华蓥山断裂带西南段至川滇交界处东侧分布。井孔具有有效监控自贡东部、南部及华蓥山断裂带中南段地区5级以上中强地震及川滇交界处东部沿线地区6.5级以上破坏性地震的监控能力,配合其他观测手段可以提高短临预测预报效能。  相似文献   
JpGraph绘图类库在地震数据展示中的应用   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
天津市地震局在进行地震观测数据可视化发布工作中,采用PHP语言及JpGraph类库实现了前兆类观测数据在WEB页面中的图形化展示,扩展了PHP语言在行业数据发布与展示系统中的应用,本文主要阐述JpGraph类库的应用及在使用中遇到的问题.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONATislowKWCys-rich(aboutonethird)metal-bindingprotein,lackofaromaticaminoacidresidues.AThasbeenfoundinkidneysandliversofmanymammals,andalsoininvertebrates,microorganismsandplants.ThepresenceofanAT-likeproteinhasbeenfoundinanumberofaquaticorganisms,includingtheplaice(Overnelletal.,1977),rock-fish(Olafsonetal.,1974),goldfish(Marafant,1976),andcrabandshrimp(Olafsonetal.,1979).AThasbecomethesubjectofgreatInterestinrecentyearsduetotheirwideexistenceandmetalaffinity.Scientistsha…  相似文献   
李飞龙  杨圣 《新疆地质》2021,(1):112-117
寒武系烃源岩是塔里木盆地北部地区海相油气最为主要的来源,长期以来—对这套烃源岩发育特征研究多停留在全盆地或单一区块分析,给油田资源评价带来了诸多不确定性.利用野外露头和新井钻探取心,在分析寒武纪沉积环境及构造格局基础上,总结北部凹陷寒武系烃源岩的发育及分布特征,对所采样品选取多参数进行评价,然后通过盆地模拟软件模拟寒武...  相似文献   
Brillouin light scattering technique can be successfully used to determine the whole set of elastic and piezoelectric constants of a ZnO single crystal irradiated by different laser energy densities, into a micron range (radiation layer thickness). It is found that the scattering intensity, the linewidth and the Brillouin scattering shift of acoustic phonons are all strongly dependent on laser energy density. Based on the sound propagation equations and these results, the directional dependences of the compressional and shear moduli of the irradiated ZnO sample in the (001) plane are investigated. It is found that under an appropriate laser condition, 248 nm KrF excimer laser irradiation can significantly improve the surface quality and increase the elastic properties of ZnO single crystal. This procedure has potential applications in the fabrication of ZnO-based surface acoustic wave and optic-electronic devices.  相似文献   
With multisatellite radar systems, several additional features are achieved: multistatic observation, interferometry, ground moving target indication (GMTI). In this letter, a new reduced-dimensional method based on joint pixels sum-difference (Sigma-Delta) data for clutter rejection and GMTI is proposed. The reduced-dimensional joint pixels Sigma-Delta data are obtained by the orthogonal projection of the joint pixels data of different synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images generated by a multisatellite radar system. In the sense of statistic expectation, the joint pixels Sigma-Delta data contain the common and different information among SAR images. Then, the objective of clutter cancellation and GMTI can be achieved by adaptive processing. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method even with clutter fluctuation and image coregistration errors  相似文献   
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