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用树木年轮重建伊犁南天山北坡西部的降水量序列   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
根据采自伊犁地区南天山北坡11个采点的树木年轮样本,建立了每个采点的3种年表。通过单相关普查发现,标准化树轮年表序列与当年1~5月的降水显著相关。分析表明该时段降水与树木年轮生长呈正相关具有明确的树木生理学意义。利用新源上限(XNAUt)、昭苏上限(ZUt、ZUt 2)和特克斯下限(TLt)4个标准化树轮年表序列可较好地重建该区域在该时段的降水量。经交叉检验,所得重建方程是稳定可靠的,重建的降水序列是可信的。通过分析发现:伊犁地区南天山北坡300年以来1~5月的降水大致经历了6个偏湿阶段和6个偏干阶段;有2.0~2.8年、24.8年、28.3年、33年、99年的变化准周期;在1909年发生由多向少的突变;1740年、1870年发生由少向多的突变,其中又以1870年前后的突变最为明显。  相似文献   
Eclogites from the Kebuerte Valley, Chinese South Tianshan, consist of garnet, omphacite, phengite, paragonite, glaucophane, hornblendic amphibole, epidote, quartz and accessory rutile, titanite, apatite and carbonate minerals with occasional presence of coesite or quartz pseudomorphs after coesite. The eclogites are grouped into two: type I contains porphyroblastic garnet, epidote, paragonite and glaucophane in a matrix dominated by omphacite where the proportion of omphacite and garnet is >50 vol.%; and type II contains porphyroblastic epidote in a matrix consisting mainly of fine‐grained garnet, omphacite and glaucophane where the proportion of omphacite and garnet is <50 vol.%. Garnet in both types of eclogites mostly exhibits core–rim zoning with increasing grossular (Xgr) and pyrope (Xpy) contents, but a few porphyroblastic garnet grains in type I eclogite shows core–mantle zoning with increasing Xpy and a slight decrease in Xgr, and mantle–rim zoning with increases in both Xgr and Xpy. Garnet rims in type I eclogite have higher Xpy than in type II. Petrographic observations and phase equilibria modelling with pseudosections calculated using thermocalc in the NCKMnFMASHO system for three representative samples suggest that the eclogites have experienced four stages of metamorphism: stage I is the pre‐peak temperature prograde heating to the pressure peak (Pmax) which was recognized by the garnet core–mantle zoning with increasing Xpy and decreasing Xgr. The PT conditions at Pmax constrained from garnet mantle or core compositions with minimum Xgr content are 29–30 kbar at 526–540 °C for type I and 28.2 kbar at 518 °C for type II, suggesting an apparent thermal gradient of ~5.5 °C km?1. Stage II is the post‐Pmax decompression and heating to the temperature peak (Tmax), which was modelled from the garnet zoning with increasing Xgr and Xpy contents. The PT conditions at Tmax, defined using the garnet rim compositions with maximum Xpy content and the Si content in phengite, are 24–27 kbar at 590 °C for type I and 22 kbar at 540 °C for type II. Stage III is the post‐Tmax isothermal decompression characterized by the decomposition of lawsonite, which may have resulted in the release of a large amount of fluid bound in the rocks, leading to the formation of epidote, paragonite and glaucophane porphyroblasts. Stage IV is the late retrograde evolution characterized by the overprint of hornblendic amphibole in eclogite and the occurrence of epidote–amphibole facies mineral assemblages in the margins or in the strongly foliated domains of eclogite blocks due to fluid infiltration. The PT estimates obtained from conventional garnet–clinopyroxene–phengite thermobarometry for the Tianshan eclogites are roughly consistent with the P–T conditions of stage II at Tmax, but with large uncertainties in temperature. On the basis of these metamorphic stages or P–T paths, we reinterpreted that the recently reported zircon U–Pb ages for eclogite may date the Tmax stage or the later decompression stage, and the widely distributed (rutile‐bearing) quartz veins in the eclogite terrane may have originated from the lawsonite decomposition during the decompression stage rather than from the transition from blueschist to eclogite as previously proposed.  相似文献   
Zhong, W., Cao, J., Xue, J., Ouyang, J., Wang, H., Tang, X. & Gao, X. 2012 (January): Carbon isotope evidence of last glacial climate variations in the tropical NW Leizhou Peninsula, South China. Boreas, Vol. 41, pp. 102–112. 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2011.00224.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Bulk organic δ13C values of sediment sequences are commonly used to indicate past climatic changes, although the causes and mechanisms leading to the observed organic carbon isotope responses are presently not fully understood. Based on two sedimentary sequences, namely a peat profile and a fluvial and swamp sequence from the tropical NW Leizhou Peninsula in South China, we interpret more negative bulk organic δ13C values to suggest wetter and warmer conditions, implying a stronger East Asian (EA) summer monsoon, and less negative δ13C values to indicate drier and cooler conditions, reflecting a weakening of the EA summer monsoon. A warm and wet period occurred between c. 48.0 and 28.0 cal. ka BP. In the study region, a climate shift occurred at c. 22.0 (or 20.0) cal. ka BP, and the driest and coldest period occurred between c. 19.0 and 16.0 cal. ka BP. After c. 12.0 cal. ka BP, the climate changed towards wetter and warmer conditions. Several possible millennial‐scale dry and cold oscillations characterized possibly by C4 plants, or by more positive organic δ13C values during the period when C3 plants dominated, are cautiously and tentatively interpreted as showing a similarity with Heinrich events and other cold millennial‐scale oscillations evidenced from a Greenland ice core and Chinese stalagmite. We demonstrate that bulk organic δ13C records of sedimentary sequences in the study region have potential for indicating the changes in vegetation composition that were closely associated with climate variation during the last glacial period.  相似文献   
联合国开发计划署和意大利政府最近准备再度资助西藏地热的二期项目,中国地球物理学界对此表示极大的关注。西藏高原的地热现象早就引起中外科学家的注意,最早的文字记载可以追溯到七世纪中叶,但到本世纪70年代初才提到地热发电利用。中国地球物理学界和地质学界对这一转变作出了巨大贡献。他们坚持认为西藏高原上地幔或下地壳内很可能存在局部熔融,这就为浅部的水热活动提供了深源热背景,并意味当地的地热资源具有巨大的动力开发潜力。西藏羊八井地热电站目前的装机容量已经达到16MWe,其北缘和邻近的羊易乡热田又分别钻探到202.2℃和201.8℃的高温;但是当前的西藏地热事业也存在许多隐忧。作者认为这些问题不解决,西藏地热事业便很难得到快速进展。  相似文献   
三维断层生长的自相似问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文使用简捷的数学推导,将Fukao和Furumato(1985)的二维断层自相似结构模型推广到三维情况,相应地解释了前震与主震的能量比、主震与最大余震的震级差、大小地震比值b等地震学统计规律.  相似文献   
一、引言 在地球弓激波前存在着低频磁流体波。这种低频磁流体波是太阳风在地球弓激波上的反射粒子和太阳风粒子之间相互作用产生的。根据人造卫星的观测资料可以得到,在地球弓激波前,Pc3-4脉动频率范围内的低频磁流体波的主频率和行星际磁场强度  相似文献   
过去2.5Ma间宝鸡黄土粒度记录和深海氧同位素曲线的Fourier功率谱分析结果表明:在1.6Ma以上部分,两者的周期性相当一致;但在2.5-1.6Ma时段,两者的周期记录差异很大.深海氧同位素曲线记录的全球大陆冰量变化周期以与地轴倾斜度有关的0.041Ma为主,而黄土粒度曲线记录的内陆风力强度变化周期则以与偏心率有关的0.4Ma和0.1Ma为主.造成这种异同的原因是:在2.5-1.6Ma时段,内陆风力强度变化主要受地球轨道变化驱动,而从1.6Ma前开始,转而主要受全球大陆冰量变化驱动.  相似文献   
本文从地震模型实验入手,讨论和测试了垂直地震剖面法在多个薄层粘合的二维固体模型中地震直达波、反射波的运动规律,及其各向异性现象。利用坐标变换方法,将多层的各向异性介质转换成均匀各向同性介质,从而推导出地震反射波理论时-深方程。通过模型的测定,介绍了各向异性系数的求取及地质剖面的构制方法。比较了各向异性理论及均匀同性理论解释的地质剖面,肯定了各向异性理论在垂直地震剖面法解释中的可靠性。  相似文献   
利用新近获得的子午面磁盔-电流片背景太阳风稳态解,对激波从盔底沿电流片方向往外传播时与磁盔间的相互作用进行了数值模拟研究,重要新结果是:1.磁盔的存在使受扰介质速度跃变中央出现下凹,随着激波传出磁盔区并沿电流片方向传播,速度下凹逐渐减弱以致消失;2.激波将磁盔拉长并把盔顶的环形(垂直赤道面)磁场带到行星际空间,成为行星际磁场南向分量的来源之一;3.5个太阳半径(R⊙)内的磁盔部分将出现精细结构,沿盔外边界形成两条高速带,以及马蹄形密度(亮)环形结构等.这些结果表明,太阳附近高速等离子体与磁盔间存在重要的动力学相互作用过程,对行星际空间的太阳风三维结构有重要影响.  相似文献   
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