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龚嘉锵  郭凤霞  田琨  刘冰 《气象科学》2014,34(2):206-212
用WRF模式对发生在南京市区的两次雷电过程进行了模拟,提取两次模拟过程在南京范围内的格点数据,分别做雷电潜势预报模型建模和检验两组样品。利用江苏省地闪定位资料作参考,选出49个对雷电单体形成有重要影响并且在两组样品中的平均值比较接近的强对流参数进行建模。利用建模样本对预报因子与变量进行多分类Logistic逐步回归统计分析,确定4个对流参数建立Logistic雷电预报模型,最终利用检验样品对预报模型的预报效果进行了检验。结果表明:WRF模式模拟出的强回波区域的形状和面积与实况的相似度较高,但与实况相比,整体向东北方向偏移。考虑此偏差后,建立的雷电预报模型的准确率达到67.32%,技巧评分达到0.466,具有较好的预报效果。WRF模式高时空分辨率的特点,使得其对雷电发生前的气象要素资料的获取更加精确,因此增加模式模拟的精确度,可进一步地提高利用WRF模式进行雷电预警的效果。  相似文献   
Supercooled water with temperatures below freezing point,was identified from hydrographic data obtained by Chinese and Australian expeditions to Prydz Bay,Antarctica,during the austral summer.The study shows that most supercooled waters occurred at depths of 63-271 m in the region north of the Amery Ice Shelf(AIS) front.The maximum supercooling was 0.16°C below the in-situ freezing point.In temperature and salinity ranges of-2.14--1.96°C and 34.39-34.46,respectively,the water was colder and fresher than peripheral shelf water.The supercooled water had less variability in the vertical profiles compared to shelf water.Based on analysis of their thermohaline features and spatial distribution,as well as the circulation pattern in Prydz Bay,we conclude that these supercooled waters originated from a cavity beneath the AIS and resulted from upwelling just outside of the AIS front.Water emerging from the ice shelf cools to an extremely low temperature(about-2.0°C) by additional cooling from the ice shelf,and becomes buoyant with the addition of melt water from the ice shelf base.When this water flows out of the ice shelf front,its upper boundary is removed,and thus it rises abruptly.Once the temperature of this water reaches below the freezing point,supercooling takes place.In summer,the seasonal pycnocline at-100 m water depth acts as a barrier to upwelling and supercooling.The upwelling of ice shelf outflow water illuminates a unique mid-depth convection of the polar ocean.  相似文献   
近年来,由中国地质调查局油气资源调查中心牵头组织实施的“新能源矿产调查工程”,按照工程总体部署,主要开展了黔西、川南、新疆准南、东北三江等地区煤层气地质调查,松辽盆地西斜坡、柴达木盆地北缘油砂、油页岩地质调查,全国液化、气化等特殊用煤资源潜力调查、综合评价与信息系统建设等工作,获取了大量基础数据,取得了川高参1井、杨煤参1井等一系列突破性成果和重要进展,初步掌握了我国煤层气、油页岩、油砂等非常规油气资源以及特殊用煤资源家底。该工程取得的成果在煤层气等行业领域产生重要影响,提振了煤层气勘探开发信心,推动了科技创新与地质调查深度融合,促进了非常规油气学科的发展。  相似文献   
中国CO2地质埋存条件分析及有关建议   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
化石燃料燃烧产生的温室气体导致全球气候变暖是人类共同面临的重大环境问题.本文提出减排大气CO2含量最为现实和有效的对策是采取CO2地质埋存技术.在总结国际CO2地质埋存研究成果的基础上,全面分析了中国适宜CO2埋存的地质条件和潜在的埋存区域.初步估算,中国CO2地下贮存总容量约为14548×108t.建议近期加强中国CO2埋存地质条件调查和相关重大科技问题的研究.  相似文献   
选取塔里木沙漠公路防护林不同定植年限下3种灌木的根际和非根际土,比较研究了土壤物理、化学、生物因子的根际效应。结果表明:(1)除全氮和全磷外,20种土壤因子在3灌木根际土间差异极显著;(2)根际土的容重、全盐含量、有机质含量、全氮含量、速效氮磷钾含量、微生物代谢活性、脂肪酸含量和DNA片段多样性、微生物生物量碳氮磷和6种酶活性在不同年限林地间的差异极显著;(3)全氮含量、速效氮磷钾含量、微生物代谢活性、DNA片段多样性、微生物量碳和磷、纤维素酶和磷酸酶活性在不同树种与年限的交互效应上差异极显著;(4)微生物生物量碳氮磷的根际效应大小为柽柳 > 沙拐枣 > 梭梭,而不同树种各土壤养分因子和酶活性的根际效应大小并不一致。可见,几种荒漠灌木的定植促进了土壤养分转化,加速了沙漠防护林土壤的发育进程。  相似文献   
The oasis-desert ecotone is a fragile ecological zone that is affected both by oasis and desert conditions. To understand the impact of the differences in wind power, and the influence of wind erosion and deposition on the ecotone, meteorological data and con- temporaneous wind erosion and deposition data were collected on the southern margin of Tarim Basin with serious sand-blown hazards. The wind velocity, average wind velocity, sand drift potential (DP), resultant sand drift potential (RDP), and sand transportation rate decrease significantly and successively across four landscape types with increasing vegetation coverage (VC). Flat surfaces and areas of shifting sandy ground experience intense wind erosion with fast movement of mobile sand dunes; semi-fixed sand areas experience ex- tensive wind deposition but only slight wind erosion; and fixed sand areas experience only slight wind erosion and deposition. Volume of wind erosion on bare newly reclaimed farmland is up to 6.96 times that of bare shifting sandy ground. Wind erosion volume per unit area and VC follow an exponential function relationship in natural conditions, while wind deposition volume per unit area does not conform to any functions which has close relationship with vary topography and arrangement patterns of vegetation besides for VC. The results indicate that the volume of wind erosion has a close correlation with VC, and different types and distribution patterns of topog- raphy and vegetation also profoundly influence the wind deposition volume in the field, and underground water tables in different land- scape types control the plant community distribution. Keywords: wind erosion; wind deposition; oasis-desert ecotone; vegetation coverage (VC); topography; Cele County  相似文献   
在对野外露头和钻孔资料分析基础之上,运用单因素分析多因素综合作图法,对滇东南地区晚二叠世吴家坪早期的岩相古地理进行了系统研究和编图,取得如下主要认识:(1)吴家坪早期研究区西部为康滇古陆,西南部为屏马—越北古陆,沉积相带自南西向北东展布,依次为沼泽—潮上带、潮间带、潮下带和局限浅海;(2)康滇古陆与屏马—越北古陆共同为研究区提供物源;(3)天生桥地区在晚二叠世吴家坪早期沉积厚度较大,构成盆地的沉积中心;(4)盆地中心位于研究区的东北部,水体较深;(5)滇东南地区铝土矿主要分布于潮下带和局限浅海上部,该相带发育的地区应是今后滇东南地区的主要找矿远景区。  相似文献   
不同间距双排尼龙阻沙网防风效应的风洞模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为揭示风速和间距对双排尼龙阻沙网防风效应的影响,开展对2H、5H、10H、15H(H为尼龙网高度)间距尼龙阻沙网在6、9、12 m·s-1风速下的风洞模拟试验,对不同风速、间距下加速率等值线、变化趋势和防风效能进行对比分析。结果表明:①风速和间距对双排尼龙阻沙网加速率极小值出现的相对位置基本无影响,但后排网后极小值小于前排网后,两排尼龙网对风场的影响存在累加效应。②双排尼龙阻沙网防风效应随来流风速增大而明显降低。③2H、5H间距双排尼龙阻沙网防风效应相对较好,5H最优,10H最差该结果与相同间距设置的野外实验相一致。实际应用中尼龙阻沙网的布设应综合考虑风况、布设间距等因素,笔者建议双排尼龙阻沙网布设间距采用5H。  相似文献   
Ground Penetrating Radar(GPR) measurements of sea ice thickness including undeformed ice and ridged ice were carried out in the central north Canadian Archipelago in spring 2010. Results have shown a significant spatial heterogeneity of sea ice thickness across the shelf. The undeformed multi-year fast ice of(2.05±0.09) m thick was investigated southern inshore zone of Borden island located at middle of the observational section,which was the observed maximum thickness in the field work. The less thick sea ice was sampled across a flaw lead with the thicknesses of(1.05±0.11) m for the pack ice and(1.24±0.13) m for the fast ice. At the northernmost spot of the section, the undeformed multi-year pack ice was(1.54±0.22) m thick with a ridged ice of 2.5 to 3 m,comparing to the multi-year fast ice with the thickness of(1.67±0.16) m at the southernmost station in the Prince Gustaf Adolf Sea.  相似文献   
苏北陆区古潮成沙体沉积动力环境及物源   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
苏北陆区古潮成沙体和海域辐射沙洲共同构成了统一的苏北南黄海潮成沙洲体系.在众多钻孔资料和地质雷达探测基础上,重点对苏北陆区古潮成沙体进行了沉积磁组构和重矿物分析,证明古潮成沙体属海退层序,是在南、北两侧三角洲发育过程中,以长江、黄河泥沙为主的沉积物质通过沿岸搬运进入早已存在的辐聚辐散潮流场后经潮流沉积和塑造形成的.早期沉积物质主要来自长江,晚期则主要为长江和黄河的联合供沙.认为苏北古潮成沙体是全新世中后期海陆相互作用的产物.  相似文献   
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