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 Daily maximum rainfall (R1D) was higher in the Jialing River basin, the Taihu Lake area and the mid-lower main stream section of the Yangtze River basin in the 1990s, and there was a good relationship between ECHAM5/MPI-OM model simulation and the observed data about extreme precipitation (R1D). Under the IPCC SRES A2, A1B, and B1 scenarios, R1Ds are all projected to be in increasing trends in the upper Yangtze River basin during 2001-2050, and R1D shows a more significant increasing tendency under the A2 scenario when compared with the A1B scenario before 2020. With respect to the middle and lower Yangtze River basin, an increasing tendency is projected before 2025, and since then the increasing tendency will become insignificant. There might be more floods to the south of the Yangtze River and more droughts to the north in the next decades.  相似文献   
基于自动站观测资料的深圳城市热岛研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
利用103个自动站气温观测资料,对深圳的城市热岛现象进行了研究.分析表明:1)高速的城市化进程造成自动站周边下垫面属性的变化,对气温造成了显著影响,这种影响即使是在仅仅10年内也表现得较为明显.2)由于深圳地处海滨,深圳的近地层气温分布是海陆作用叠加城市热岛效应形成的结果.按照传统定义的深圳城市热岛,其空间分布在不同季...  相似文献   
Magmatism in SE China was dormant during 204–180 Ma, but was reactivated in 180–170 Ma (early J2), and then became more and more intensive towards the end of early Cretaceous. The small-scale early J2 magmatism is the incipience to long-term and large-scale magmatism in this region. A near east-west (EW) trend volcanic belt was distributed across south Hunan, south Jiangxi and southwest Fujian was formed during early J2 time. Along this belt from the inland toward the coast, the lithology of basalts changes from alkali into tholeiite, and the amount of erupted volcanic rocks and the proportions of rhyolites coexisting with the basalts increase. On the basis of geochemical characteristics of these basalts, we infer that the melting degree of source rocks and the extent of fractional crystallization and crustal contamination all increased whereas the depth of mantle source decreased from the inland to the coast, which led to the variations of geological characteristics of the volcanic belt. In early J2, the western spreading Pacific plate began to subduct underneath SE China continental block, reactivating near EW trend deep fault that was originally formed during the Indosinian event. The stress of the western spreading Pacific plate and the extent of asthenosphere upwelling increased from the inland to the coast, which is consistent with the generation and evolution of early J2 basalts.  相似文献   
First of all,using the GPS velocity field from campaign GPS measurements implemented by CMONC( C hina Crustal Movement Observation) a nd TEONC( C hina Tectonic Environment Observation Networks) u p to 2013, w e analyzed the background of regional crustal horizontal movement and deformation before the M S7. 3 Yutian,Xinjiang earthquake on February 12,2014. Then,by comparing this to the vertical movement from leveling measurements,we studied the crustal movement deformation and the state of strain accumulation on the northeastern edge of Qinghai-Tibetan block.Finally,we investigated the possible effects on the earthquake activity of the northeastern edge of Tibet from the M S7. 3 Yutian earthquake. The result indicates that,the M S7. 3Yutian earthquake occurred against the background of strong tectonic movement and intensive intracontinental crustal differential movement on the edges of tectonic blocks in western China,and also that it happened in the period of the strong tectonic stress field in Qinghai-Tibetan block and its edges. The sinistral strike-slip and stress transfer of the Yutian M S7. 3 earthquake may accelerate the rupture of fault segments with high strain accumulation at the northeastern edge of Qinghai-Tibetan block( especially in Qilian Mountain fault zone,and border area of Gansu,Qinghai and Sichuan provinces on the south of western Qinling).  相似文献   
Changes of subaqueous topography in shallow offshore water pose safety risks for embankments,navigation,and ports.This study conducted measurements of subaqueous topography between Datong and Xuliujing in the Yangtze River using a Sea Bat 7125 multi-beam echo sounder,and the channel change from 1998 to 2013 was calculated using historical bathymetry data.The study revealed several important results:(1)the overall pattern of changes through the studied stretch of the river was erosion–deposition–erosion.Erosion with a volume 700×10~6m~3occurred in the upper reach,deposition of about 204×10~6m~3occurred in the middle reach,and erosion of about 602×10~6m~3occurred in the lower reach.(2)Dunes are the most common microtopographic feature,accounting for 64.3%of the Datong to Xuliujing reach,followed by erosional topography and flat river topography,accounting for 27.6%and 6.6%,respectively.(3)Human activities have a direct impact on the development of the microtopography.For instance,the mining of sand formed holes on the surface of dunes with lengths of 20–35 m and depths of 3–5 m.We concluded that the overall trend of erosion(net erosion volume of 468×10~6m~3)occurred in the study area mainly because of the decreased sediment discharge following the closure of the Three Gorges Dam.However,other human activities were also impact factors of topographic change.Use of embankments and channel management reduced channel width,restricted river meandering,and exacerbated the erosion phenomenon.  相似文献   
The tectonic characteristics and research problems of five earthquakes with M≥7.0 on the North China Plain over the last 300 years are addressed in the paper, including the cognition that there were no ground fractures in the 1966 Xingtai earthquake, the question caused by the thrust activity of the seismic fault of the Tangshan Earthquake and the discussion of the seismotectonic environment of the 1830 Cixian earthquake and the 1937 Heze earthquake. The author thinks that the main reason for the problems in research of strong earthquake tectonics in the region is that the status of activity of the main tectonics during the Late Quaternary are unknown. This affects the founding of discrimination criteria for seismotectonics of strong earthquakes on the North China Plain. Discriminating the Holocene active faults from the large number of faults is the most effective method for seismic hazard assessment in the area in future.  相似文献   
We report here the observation result of joint observation of long period tremor signals with broadband seismome-ter,tiltmeter and gravimeter at the HUST(Huazhong University of Science and Technology)station.The observed data were compared and analyzed.Since 2005,the several tens of abnormal tremor signals which are weak,com-plex and duration of 2 to 3 days have been synchronously recorded by the different instruments.The tremor signals have the periodic domain in the range of 3 to 5 minutes,20 to 30 minutes and even more than 1 hour.The observa-tion shows such tremors are a physical existence.The analysis indicates that a part of the tremors caused by the typhoon from the western Pacific Ocean.These tremors have a close relationship with wind velocity of typhoon and distance between the typhoon center and the station.Except these,the cause of others is still unclear.  相似文献   
郑丙辉  曹晶  王坤  储昭升  姜霞 《湖泊科学》2022,34(3):699-710
目前,我国湖泊富营养化及蓝藻水华问题十分突出,国家高度重视湖泊的生态环境保护.自“九五”以来,国家就投入太湖、巢湖、滇池“老三湖”等重污染湖泊的治理,但成本巨大,且历经近30年才初见成效.按照湖泊污染程度,湖泊治理与保护可分为“污染治理型”“防治结合型”“生态保育型”3大类.“老三湖”的治理是典型的“先污染、后治理”的模式,水质较好湖泊主要属于生态保育型湖泊,因此,“老三湖”治理模式不适用于水质较好湖泊的保护.本文系统总结了我国水质较好湖泊优先保护理念的形成和水质较好湖泊专项实施的历程.根据水质较好湖泊的特点,及其生态系统退化与修复的一般过程,提出了水质较好湖泊保护的基本思路.从热力学角度,阐明了氮磷营养盐输入湖泊生态系统中是熵增过程,也是湖泊生态系统退化的根本原因,湖泊氮磷污染负荷源头控制是关键.湖泊流域生态安全格局是确保湖泊生态系统健康的基础,从景观生态学角度,阐明了优化湖泊流域水土资源利用、优化发展模式是减轻湖泊环境压力的重要途径.在浅水湖泊生态系统,以沉水植物占优势的“清水态”和以浮游植物占优势的“浊水态”转换过程不是沿着同一条途径,存在上临界阈值和下临界阈值,水生态修复过程表现出一种迟滞的现象.从湖泊水生态系统稳态转换理论角度,阐明了湖泊生态修复工程应在湖泊生态系统发生退化转变之前实施,才能获得较高的环境效益.通过国家财政专项对81个水质较好湖泊的支持,既能促进湖泊流域经济社会发展,又能确保湖泊水环境质量变好,湖泊水生态系统逐步改善.建议加强不同类型湖泊保护模式的总结,深入对水质较好湖泊生态系统演替理论和保护技术研究,支撑国家系统开展水质较好湖泊保护.  相似文献   
In the first half of winter 2020/21,China has experienced an extremely cold period across both northern and southern regions,with record-breaking low temperatures set in many stations of China.Meanwhile,a moderate La Ni?a event which exceeded both oceanic and atmospheric thresholds began in August 2020 and in a few months developed into its mature phase,just prior to the 2020/21 winter.In this report,the mid?high-latitude large-scale atmospheric circulation anomalies in the Northern Hemisphere,which were forced by the negative phase of Arctic Oscillation,a strengthened Siberian High,an intensified Ural High and a deepened East Asian Trough,are considered to be the direct reason for the frequent cold surges in winter 2020/21.At the same time,the synergistic effect of the warm Arctic and the cold tropical Pacific(La Ni?a)provided an indispensable background,at a hemispheric scale,to intensify the atmospheric circulation anomalies in middle-to-high latitudes.In the end,a most recent La Ni?a prediction is provided and the on-coming evolution of climate is discussed for the remaining part of the 2020/21 winter for the purpose of future decision-making and early warning.  相似文献   
杨江  王平 《地震工程学报》2011,33(4):359-362
CCD技术近年来已发展的非常成熟,应用范围广泛.本文介绍了利用CCD技术实现的高精度水管倾斜仪测量系统,其采用非接触式测量方法降低了测量过程中浮子干扰对测量精度的影响,体积小,安装简单,可用于流动观测中.  相似文献   
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