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系统回顾了国内外冰湖溃决灾害风险研究现状,结果显示,以往冰湖溃决灾害风险评估研究过多集中于冰湖溃决致灾诱因、特征,溃决危险性评价和溃决概率预测以及溃决洪峰流量及其演进模拟研究等自然风险方面,而承灾区经济社会系统脆弱性、暴露性和适应性风险研究却较为缺乏。因此,开展冰湖溃决灾害综合风险研究,不仅对冰湖溃决危险性评价意义重大,而且对于下游承灾区防灾减灾和预警体系建立也具有重要的理论参考价值。  相似文献   
Post-earthquake debris flows often break out in groups frequently, which are usually caused by the abundant loose solid materials that produced by earthquake. Slit dams represent a practical and effective kind of countermeasure for controlling the post-earthquake debris flow. Flume experiments were carried out to study the interaction mechanism and the effect of slit dams on the post-earthquake debris flows. The results showed that affected by the slit dams, some certain types of deposits formed on the upstream. The steeper the flume slope, as well as the greater the width and the density of slits, the easier the lateral deposit became “V” shaped. Otherwise, the lateral deposit was more likely to be “–?” shaped. When the flume slopes were 12°, 16° and 20°, the profiles of the deposits would be long-shallow type, short-thick type and short-shallow type, respectively. The slope of the deposition first decreases and then increases with the flume slope increasing within a certain range. The slit dam can trap the coarse sand and discharge the fine sand. The maximum attenuation rate can reach 44.4%. The effect of this capacity gradually weakens as the flume slope is increased. When the width or the density of slits is smaller, the greater the rate of decrease in peak sand discharge and the greater the effect of peak cutting will be. The reduction in the sediment storage rate is likely due to the increase in the width and the density of the slits. With the increase in flume slope, the sediment storage rate first increases, then decreases, which reaches a maximum value when the flume slope is 16°.  相似文献   
The 2000 Yigong landslide was one of the most catastrophic landslides worldwide, resulting in huge casualties and property losses. The dynamic process of the Yigong landslide was very complicated, especially for the initiation and entrainment mechanism during the landslide movement process. The topography, geological condition, traces left by the landslide, and distribution characteristics of the landslide deposits were determined by field investigations, combined with several years of monitoring the temperature and rainfall data in this region. The initiation mechanism of the Yigong landslide is presented. The main reasons for the landslide initiation are as follows: the strength reduction of rock masses (especially for the weak structural surface), the impact from years of freeze-thaw cycles, the superposition of glacier melting and heavy rainfall on the slope, and a slope that was almost at the limit state before the landslide. Laboratory tests and physical modeling experiments were carried out to study the entrainment process of this landslide. Combined with the topographic survey data and theoretical analyses, the entrainment mechanism during the movement process of the Yigong landslide is presented. The old landslide deposits on the lower slope collided with and were scraped by the high-speed debris avalanche, which resulted in the volume amplification of the landslide. The existence of water plays a key role during the landslide initiation and movement processes.  相似文献   
极地海冰的研究及其在气候变化中的作用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
极地海冰作为全球气候系统的一个重要组成部分,通过影响大洋表面的辐射平衡、物质平衡、能量平衡以及大洋温、盐流的形成和循环而影响全球气候变化.从最初研究极地海冰的强度和承载力到目前海/冰/气相互作用全球气候耦合模型的建立,使海冰变化和全球气候变化紧密结合起来.这些研究领域主要有:海冰及其表层雪的物理特性和过程、海冰区域生态特征、海冰区与气候相关的反照率和物质平衡研究以及海冰气候耦合模型等大的领域.模拟显示,21世纪因为全球变暖,南北极海冰都将减少.海冰和全球气候系统其它要素之间的相互作用问题、极地海冰的厚度季节性区域性分布问题、极地海冰边界及范围变化趋势问题、生消关键过程及其影响因素问题、冰间湖的作用以及海气相互作用等将是未来重要的研究方向.  相似文献   
高分一号卫星(GF-1)是中国高分辨率对地观测系统中的重要成员之一,可以提供高空间分辨率的对地观测信息。本文以合肥市为研究范围,根据物候历选择2017年5月下旬和8月上旬的两个时相GF-1影像为研究资料,利用增强型植被指数(EVI)为监测判别指标,并以一季稻成熟期的蓝移现象作为辅助判别条件,构建了种植面积遥感估算模型。结果表明:通过对比验证模型,发现用统计调查数据来验证遥感估算结果的精度为93.2%,用混淆矩阵法来验证的精度和Kappa系数分别为83.7%和0.84。验证精度表明本文构建的遥感估算模型是合理可行的,为安徽省及合肥地区一季稻信息提取和估算提供参考。  相似文献   
以东南极冰盖边缘地带LGB69、冰盖内陆Eagle、冰盖顶点Dome A自动气象站2005—2006年记录的日平均气温为基础,辅以南极大陆边缘中山站2005年的连续气温资料,根据4个站点的海拔、气温、气压和地形,选择最接近气象站观测点的气压层,通过改进的9格点反距离加权内插法,分析NCEP/NCAR再分析气温在该断面的适用性.结果表明:NCEP/NCAR再分析气温与中山站、LGB69站、Eagle站和Dome A站实际观测值之间的相关系数分别高达0.624、0.648、0.744和0.705(p0.001,n≥365),能够反映本地区气温的年变化和季节变化.但与实测值相比,再分析资料具有气温普遍偏高、年温差和标准偏差偏小、春夏季适用性强而秋冬季适用性差等特点.此外,从南极冰盖边缘至内陆,再分析气温误差有增大的趋势.  相似文献   
以青藏高原多年冻土区3种高寒草地植被为研究对象,设置6个样地,并结合附近活动层观测场环境因子数据,定量分析生物量与环境因子的关系.结果表明,各高寒草地地下生物量对总生物量的贡献率最大,而地下生物量在0~10cm集中分布;对于总生物量和地下生物量,各因子影响程度大小次序为:土壤盐分土壤含水量空气温度,而对地上生物量,依次为土壤含水量土壤盐分空气温度;土壤温度同生物量存在负相关关系.同时,伴随多年冻土退化,活动层表层不同深度(10~50cm)土壤温度明显升高,含水量逐渐降低,土壤盐分不断增加,从而使高寒草地植被类型出现由高寒沼泽草甸、高寒草甸至高寒草原的逆向演替过程,群落总盖度及生物量均表现出明显降低的趋势.  相似文献   
张佳文 《探矿工程》2011,38(1):71-76
对地质勘探和矿山斜井跑车事故的种类和原因进行了分析,介绍了国内外斜井防跑车安全装置的研究现状,在对各种防跑车装置进行比较后,对小断面勘探斜井使用防跑车安全装置的前景进行了展望。  相似文献   
离子色谱法是分析有机酸的有效方法之一,而梯度淋洗可一次分离与固定相亲合力差异较大的多种有机酸和无机阴离子,改善离子的色谱峰形,提高分离度和选择性.雪冰是记录有机酸的良好载体,对雪冰中有机酸的研究可认识过去大气中相应化合物含量及其变化,从而恢复过去生态环境和气候变化.利用Dx-600离子色谱仪及外加水梯度洗脱程序对南极雪冰样品中的有机酸离子组分进行了测试和分析,初步探讨雪冰中有机酸离子特征及其对雪冰化学记录的影响.  相似文献   
巧家地处小江断裂带与则木河断裂、五莲峰断裂相交地带, 地质构造复杂, 断裂与地震活动频繁, 崩滑流地质灾害极为发育。通过遥感解译与工程地质分析, 在小江断裂带巧家段东侧识别出一处巨型古滑坡。巧家古滑坡平面形态为筲箕形, 堆积体长5.5 km, 宽9 km, 平均厚度约250 m, 预测体积达到约 10亿m3。古滑坡后缘为典型的圈椅状地貌, 两侧边界多沿基岩地层中的次级断层发育, 并在地表呈阶梯式的台阶状地形。堆积体的岩性主要由二叠系阳新组灰岩组成, 局部存在二叠系峨眉山组玄武岩, 多具碎裂-松散结构。整体上看, 该滑坡体风化强烈, 中前部发育大型纵向冲沟, 暗示形成时代较老。综合分析认为, 巧家古滑坡成因极可能是由于小江断裂带强烈左旋走滑作用下, 导致巧家东侧山地发生持续性的构造抬升, 并在巨大地震活动触发下形成。关于小江断裂带巧家段在未来的大地震活动背景下, 是否可能导致古巨型滑坡复活, 或该区是否还存在发生类似巨型地震滑坡的风险等问题, 显然值得进一步深入研究。  相似文献   
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