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选取2014年、2016年5月、2017年1-9月宝昌地震台VP型宽频带垂直摆倾斜仪观测资料,针对观测山洞湿度、雷电、人为因素等干扰,与正常时段光滑、噪声低的正弦固体潮观测曲线进行对比分析,通过对干扰因素进行分析与排除,可提高形变观测资料质量,为准确识别震兆异常提供参考。  相似文献   
基于前人研究成果以及现场的实测结果,采用卓资山露天钼矿微震监测项目产出资料,提取了5类微震事件的波形特征和时频特征。波形特征显示:微地震的振幅、辐射均匀性和频率变化特征表明微地震是由于岩层受到单力偶和剪切力作用破裂而产生;爆破具有P波初动方向向上、S波不易识别的特点,包含“初震段、主震段、尾波段”三段变化形态;小型边坡滑坡波事件属楔体滑坡,是由多个“加速—缓冲—终止”构成,波形是由包络线呈“V”字形的多组脉冲波列组成;机械开采震动事件具有自振能量不变、脉冲幅度相差很大、持续时间间隔不确定的特点;运输车辆波形振幅具有形态“弱—强—弱”、等频率、包络线呈多段纺锤形的特征。时频空间分布可以分为相对独立、界限分明的两类:一类包含微地震、爆破、机械开采、小型边坡滑坡事件,另一类只包含车辆运输事件。  相似文献   
Fifty-eight extratropical transition (ET) cases in the years 2000-2008, including 2,021 observations (at 6-hour intervals), over the western North Pacific are analyzed using the cyclone phase space (CPS) method, in an effort to get the characteristics of the structure evolution and environmental conditions of tropical cyclones (TCs) during ET over this area. Cluster analysis of the CPS dataset shows that strong TCs are more likely to undergo ET. ET begins with the increment of thermal asymmetry in TCs, along with the generation and intensification of an upper-level cold core, and ends with the occurrence of a lower-level cold core. ET lasts an average duration of about 28 hours. Dynamic composite analysis of the environmental field of different clusters shows that, in general, when TCs move northward, they are gradually embedded in the westerlies and gradually transform into extratropical cyclones under the influence of the mid- and higher-latitude baroclinic systems. As for those TCs which complete ET, there is always much greater potential vorticity gradient in the northwest of them and obvious water vapor transport channels in the environment.  相似文献   
应明  余晖  梁旭东  李佳 《气象》2009,35(2):94-100
利用热带气旋年鉴、海温和大气环流再分析资料,分析2007年西北太平洋(包括南海)的风暴级以上热带气旋(简称TC)活动状况及海-气条件.结果表明,相对于气候平均值,2007年西北太平洋TC活动的季节峰期推后了约2个月,源地明显偏北,生成点纬度发生了2次明显跃变,年度TC的总体活动较弱,但个体的强度较强,路径以西北行为主,登陆比例偏大.影响上述TC活动特征的一个重要原因是年内ENSO循环的位相使得上半年的大气环流不利因素居多,而下半年大尺度上升运动、热带辐合带均较强,副高偏北、局地垂直风切变较小和对流层低层较强的扰动活动等条件,也十分有利热带气旋活动.  相似文献   
通过对滦平盆地西瓜园组(上侏罗统-下自垩统)暗色泥岩和油页岩的岩相特征及其中所发现的各种恐龙脚印化石的研究,分析了恐龙脚印化石形成的环境。认为在前扇三角洲或深湖-半深湖环境的暗色泥岩中出现恐龙脚印化石,说明湖平面变化频繁,在枯水期,湖平面下降,前扇三角洲或深湖-半深湖相暗色泥岩暴露出水面,一些恐龙经过此处到低洼处喝水,留下脚印。由此推断中国东部古近纪陆相断陷湖盆中的暗色泥岩所夹的砂砾岩和盐岩并不全是深水重力流成因,暗色泥岩所夹的盐岩也不一定是深水成因;并建立了暗色泥岩中所夹的砂砾岩和盐岩的成因沉积模式。  相似文献   
一次高温天气过程分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用高空和地面观测资料分析了2011年6月7-8日焦作地区高温期间的环流形势特征,并对涡度场和垂直速度场进行了诊断分析.结果表明:高空稳定的西北气流造成的下沉运动是形成此次高温的主要原因,大气的干燥程度也是影响温度升高的原因;高空图上河套地区强盛暖脊,地面上暖低压形势,高空较强的暖平流是本次高温天气出现的有利条件;高空到近地面层深厚的负涡度系统对应的反气旋所伴随的整层持续下沉气流产生的绝热增温和晴空区辐射增温是这次高温天气形成的重要因素.此外气流沿太行山山坡下滑所产生的下沉增温效应对高温的产生起到了增幅作用.  相似文献   
Land surface temperature shaped by urban fractions in megacity region   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The influence of spatial scales on surface fluxes is an interesting but not fully investigated question. This paper presents an analysis on the influence of spatial scales on surface fluxes in the north Tibetan Plateau based on eddy covariance (EC) and large aperture scintillometer (LAS) data at site Nagqu/BJ, combined with the land surface temperature (LST) and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) of moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS). The analysis shows that sensible heat fluxes calculated with LAS data (H_LAS) agree reasonably well with sensible heat fluxes calculated with EC data (H_EC) in the rain and dry seasons. The difference in their footprints due to the wind direction is an important reason for the differences in H_EC and H_LAS. The H_LAS are statistically more consistent with H_EC when their footprints overlap than when their footprints do not. A detailed analysis on H_EC and H_LAS changes with net radiation and wind direction in rain and dry season indicates that the spatial heterogeneity in net radiation created by clouds contributes greatly to the differences in H_EC and H_LAS in short-term variations. A significant relationship between the difference in footprint-weighted averages of LST and difference in H_EC and H_LAS suggests that the spatial heterogeneity in LST at two spatial scales is a reason for the differences in H_EC and H_LAS and that LST has a positive correlation with the differences in H_EC and H_LAS. A significant relationship between the footprint-weighted averages of NDVI and the ratio of sensible heat fluxes at two spatial scales to net radiation (H/Rn) in the rain season supports the analysis that the spatial heterogeneity in canopy at two spatial scales is another reason for differences in H_EC and H_LAS and that canopy has a negative correlation with (H/Rn). An analysis on the influence of the difference in aerodynamic roughness lengths at two spatial scales on sensible heat fluxes shows that the influence is greater in the dry season and smaller in the rain season because the ratio of z0m_LAS to z0m_EC is big in the dry season and is close to 1.0 in the rain season. This study on spatial scales on surface fluxes in the Tibetan Plateau will be helpful in analyzing and understanding its influence on climate.  相似文献   
采用中国气象局2014年6月1日—30日14时加密探空资料,利用华东区域中尺度数值预报业务系统比较同化加密探空观测资料前后模式预报结果的差异。研究表明,同化加密探空资料后,对模式初始时刻不同高度的位势高度、比湿、温度、风速等变量均有一定的影响;对位势高度、温度和风场的影响在高层100—150 h Pa比较显著,而对比湿的影响主要体现在低层700—750 h Pa。同化加密探空资料后模式初始场更接近实况。批量数值试验的统计检验表明,同化加密探空观测资料后对强降水及形势场预报均有不同程度改进,24 h暴雨和大暴雨量级降水的预报技巧分别提高了2.5%和8.1%。  相似文献   
用雷达垂直累积液态含水量资料预测冰雹   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
王炜  贾惠珍 《气象》2002,28(1):47-48
通过对雷达垂直累积液态含水量的资料进行总结、分析,阐述了垂直累积液态含水量的大小和面积与对流性天气的关系。并且利用多元回归的方法,建立了预报方程。  相似文献   
近几年来,随着焦作市城市的快速发展和经济增长,危险化工企业数量不断增加.同时,雷电对危险化工企业造成的损失也逐渐凸显出来.由于危险化工企业自身的特殊性,雷电灾害可能给其带来巨大的经济损失和人员伤亡,甚至会引起社会问题.对危险化工企业开展雷电灾害风险评估工作,可以更加全面地掌握雷电灾害相关数据,为安全、合理、经济地选择雷...  相似文献   
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