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海洋动物体石油烃污染评价标准参考值的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,国内外尚无颁布任何海洋生物石油污染评价标准,为了满足海洋生物石油污染评价的需要,本文采用综合分析与毒理学分析相结合的方法,探讨和提出了海洋动物石油污染评价标准参考值,海洋鱼类、贝类和甲壳类的石油污染评价标准参考值(干重)分别为15、70 和25 m g/kg。  相似文献   
20世纪90年代初东亚夏季风的年代际转型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用1979—2009年JRA-25和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,通过复矢量经验正交方法揭示了东亚地区夏季850 hPa风场变率的优势模态。结果表明:两套再分析资料所揭示的东亚夏季风在20世纪90年代初均发生了年代际转型,与我国夏季降水的年代际转型时间一致。伴随着东亚夏季风的年代际转型,我国北方大部分地区夏季降水减少,尤其是我国东北北部和长江、黄河之间105°E附近区域显著减少,而华南地区和淮河流域降水显著增加。从动力上解释我国夏季降水年代际转型特征,夏季500 hPa高度场两个时段 (1993—2009年和1979—1992年) 的差值分布显示为欧亚大陆北部准纬向遥相关波列,夏季850 hPa风场差值分布表现为贝加尔湖东南侧和日本以南地区存在两个异常反气旋式环流,而我国南方地区和鄂霍次克海附近均为异常气旋式环流。夏季西北太平洋、北印度洋以及部分中高纬度海洋的海温和春季欧亚大陆积雪在20世纪90年代初出现显著变化,春季北极海冰的年代际转型发生在20世纪90年代初,都可能成为东亚夏季风年代际转型的原因。  相似文献   
Wetlands of Northeast Asia and High Asia: an overview   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This review reports background information on wetlands in the Northeast Asia and High Asia areas, including wetland coverage and type, significance for local populations, and threats to their vitality and protection, with particular focus on the relationship of how global change influenced wetlands. Natural wetlands in these areas have been greatly depleted and degraded, largely due to global climate change, drainage and conversion to agriculture and silviculture, hydrologic alterations, exotics invasions, and misguided management policies. Global warming has caused wetland and ice-sheet loss in High Asia and permafrost thawing in tundra wetlands in Northeast Asia, and hence induced enormous reductions in water-storage sources in High Asia and carbon loss in Northeast Asia. This, in the long term, will exacerbate chronic water shortage and positively feed back global warming. Recently, better understanding of the vital role of healthy wetland ecosystems to Asia’s sustainable economic development has led to major efforts in wetland conservation and restoration. Nonetheless, collaborative efforts to restore and protect the wetlands must involve not only the countries of Northeast and High Asia but also international agencies. Research has been productive but the results should be more effectively integrated with policy-making and wetland restoration practices under future climatic scenarios.  相似文献   
吴东浩  贾更华  吴浩云 《湖泊科学》2021,33(5):1364-1375
基于太湖31个站点的逐月监测数据,分析了2007-2019年太湖藻型湖区和草型湖区的叶绿素a变化特征,并分析研究不同环境因子对不同类型湖区叶绿素a的影响.结果表明,近年来太湖不同类型湖区的总磷浓度和叶绿素a浓度变化基本一致,均呈波动上升趋势.不同类型湖区的总磷浓度拐点均为2015年,叶绿素a浓度拐点均为2016年.最低月平均水温、前冬积温、年平均水温、年均风速与藻型湖区和草型湖区叶绿素a浓度均呈显著相关.沉水植物分布面积与草型湖区叶绿素a浓度之间呈显著相关.湖西区年内和年度降雨剧烈变化,湖西区年降雨量与不同类型湖区当年叶绿素a浓度的关系不明显,5日极端降雨量与不同类型湖区下年度叶绿素a浓度均呈显著正相关.太湖蓝藻水华强度在短期内可能仍会处于较高水平,迫切需要高度重视高温时段太湖蓝藻打捞处置工作,保障饮用水安全;同时,要进一步加强湖西区强降雨期间的非点源污染防控措施研究,推动入湖污染通量稳步降低,并探索东西山之间及东茭咀附近水域沉水植物生态修复技术,降低风浪扰动作用,尽快恢复相关重要水域的沉水植物.  相似文献   
了解农村居民对地震常识的掌握情况是做好农村震害防御工作的重要参考.本文研究设计了调查表格,对农村居民地震常识的掌握情况进行了调查.通过甘肃省16个县(区)的现场抽样调查,得到了甘肃省农村居民的地震常识掌握情况,并通过对比研究,分析了造成农村居民地震常识掌握不足以及造成差异的影响因素.基于调查结果,本文针对农村居民地震常识的掌握情况,提出了增强农村居民防震减灾知识,提高其震害防御意识的工作建议.  相似文献   
矿产勘查是一项系统工程,由多种因素构成,要想获得尽可能高的矿产勘查成果,仅依靠先进的成矿理论和找矿方法是不够的,还需注重掌握先进成矿理论与方法的管理人员的作用,在地勘行业调整与改革的现阶段,强调矿产勘查系统中人的决写性因素,认识人在矿产勘查中的地位与作用,提高勘查人员的素质,对调整,稳定发展地勘队伍具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   
新疆乌恰康苏地区位于西昆仑山与西南天山对冲作用形成的盆山耦合带,其构造地貌具有显著的山地-平原分布格局特征.文章以"3S"技术为基础进行构造地貌填图,划分新疆乌恰康苏地区的景观类型,研究构造地貌对该区域景观生态格局的影响.采用垂向山地-平原构造地貌为指标,划分5个景观类;以土地利用类型+植被覆盖为指标,划分6个景观型;...  相似文献   
Deep-sea corals live in the dark cold-water environments, the food of which that provides them with energy and nutrition is a key ecological and biogeochemical problem. Currently, the most common understanding is that their food mainly comes from organic matter produced by and deposited from surface seawater. However, more and more studies have found that they can also obtain food supply through symbiosis with a variety of chemosynthetic autotrophs and heterotrophs. Carbon and nitrogen isotopes have been used to trace and reveal the food sources of deep-sea corals. They also have been successfully used to reconstruct the phytoplankton community structure and the changes of nitrate isotopes in surface seawater in the past, thus providing valuable biogeochemical data for paleoceanographic study. However, due to the widespread existence of symbiosis with chemosynthetic autotrophs, further studies are needed to assess the reliability of organic carbon and nitrogen isotopes of deep-sea corals to reflect changes in the surface seawater. The deep-sea gorgonian coral, like those gorgonian forests recently found in the South China Sea, is relatively new and insufficiently studied in the field of deep-sea corals. Thus, basic biochemical and paleoceanographic researches on the South China Sea deep-water gorgonians will provide profound and novel insights to understanding the cold-water coral system.  相似文献   
<正>1 Introduction Sareke glutenite-type copper deposit is located in the Sarekebayi basin,a sub-basin of southwest margin of the Tuoyun Mesozoic hinterland basin in the northwestern part of the Tarim Basin.The Tuoyun Mesozoic hinterland  相似文献   
为定量研究公路对气温观测的影响,本文使用2014年1—5月在陕西省开展的两组公路观测试验的逐分钟温度、风向、风速等气象资料,对比分析了合阳县国道和渭蒲高速公路在不同季节、不同天空状况以及不同背景风速条件下对周围环境气温观测的影响程度和影响距离。试验结果表明:公路对周围的环境温度有一定的增温影响,合阳国道对环境温度的增温影响至75m,增温效应达0.25~0.4℃。高速公路的增温影响至125m,增温效应达0.2~0.4℃。冬季,两条公路白天增温效应较夜间明显,春季,高速公路夜间增温更明显。晴天、多云天气比阴天、降雨天气增温程度大。公路对气温的增温影响存在风速阈值,当风速小于对应阈值时,增温效应明显。公路上来往车流量对气温有一定的叠加增温影响,合阳国道白天车流量150~350辆,叠加增温效应0.05~0.1℃,蒲渭高速白天车流量2000~3500辆,叠加增温效应0.16℃。  相似文献   
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