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吴旭君  潘别桐 《现代地质》1992,6(2):217-226
岩体的力学和水力学习性主要取决于其中裂隙的发育程度。一定成因的裂隙具有一定的发育规律,这一规律既具确定性又具随机性。本文详细讨论了表示岩体裂隙发育程度特征参数的量测和分析方法,重点论述了裂隙参数分析在研究岩体渗透习性、岩体中裂隙网络计算机模拟及岩体弹性参数分析等方面的应用。  相似文献   
P-V-T equations of state for the γ phase of Mg2SiO4 have been fitted to unit cell volumes measured under simultaneous high pressure (up 30 GPa) and high temperature (up to 700 K) conditions. The measurements were conducted in an externally heated diamond anvil cell using synchrotron x-ray diffraction. Neon was used as a pressure medium to provide a more hydrostatic pressure environment. The P-V-T data include 300 K-isothermal compression to 30 GPa, 700 K-compression to 25 GPa and some additional data in P-T space in the region 15 to 30 GPa and 300 to 700 K. The isothermal bulk modulus and its pressure derivative, determined from the isothermal compression data, are 182(3) GPa and 4.2(0.3) at T=300 K, and 171(4) GPa and 4.4(0.5) at T=700 K. Fitting all the P-V-T data to a high-temperature Murnaghan equation of state yields: K TO=182(3.0) GPa, K TO=4.0(0.3), ?K T /?T)0=?2.7(0.5)×10?2 GPa/K and (?2 K T /?P?T)0=5.5(5.2)×10?4/K at the ambient condition.  相似文献   
研究2013年1月29日哈萨克斯坦6.1级地震前新疆境内形变资料异常。结果表明:震前乌什水管仪两分量、伸缩仪北南分量、体应变和克孜尔水准、基线存在趋势性转折异常;乌什水管倾斜仪北南分量、体应变、分量式应变与柯坪垂直摆倾斜仪北南分量、拜城地倾斜两分量和库车东风煤矿地倾斜北南分量存在不同程度的中短期异常,趋势异常和中短期异常显著。  相似文献   
克拉美丽气田石炭系火山岩复杂岩性岩电特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
准噶尔盆地东部克拉美丽气田石炭系火山岩岩石类型复杂多样,且同一岩性由于结构、构造和成分的差异,电性特征差异亦较大,岩性识别困难。本文通过对该区14口井取心段岩电关系研究,认为自然伽马、电阻率、密度三种曲线岩性特征响应明显; 电阻率、中子、密度、声波四条曲线对火山岩岩石构造特征响应明显。并编制了岩性和岩石构造测井识别交会图版11张。进而利用电测资料识别出该区11种火山岩岩石类型: 正长斑岩、二长斑岩、玄武岩、粗面岩、英安岩、流纹岩、霏细岩、沉凝灰岩、熔结凝灰岩、火山角砾岩和熔结火山角砾岩; 识别出5种岩石构造类型: 正长斑岩中气孔及块状构造和玄武岩中杏仁、碎裂及块状构造。通过本区12口钻井取心后验,测井识别结果与钻井岩心分析结果吻合良好,可作为地区性火山岩测井岩性、岩石构造识别模式。  相似文献   
Axenic culture of microalgae Chlorella vulgaris ATCC® 13482 and Scenedesmus obliquus FACHB 417 was used for phycoremediation of primary municipal wastewater. The main aim of this study was to measure the effects of normal air and CO2-augmented air on the removal efficacy of nutrients (ammonia N and phosphate P) from municipal wastewater by the two microalgae. Batch experiments were carried out in cylindrical glass bottles of 1 L working volume at 25 °C and cool fluorescent light of 6500 lux maintaining 14/10 h of light/dark cycle with normal air supplied at 0.2 L min?1 per liter of the liquid for both algal strains for the experimental period. In the next set of experiments, the treatment process was enhanced by using 1, 2 and 5% CO2/air (vol./vol.) supply into microalgal cultures. The enrichment of inlet air with CO2 was found to be beneficial. The maximum removal of 76.3 and 76% COD, 94.2 and 92.6% ammonia, and 94.8 and 93.1% phosphate after a period of 10 days was reported for C. vulgaris and S. obliquus, respectively, with 5% CO2/air supply. Comparing the two microalgae, maximum removal rates of ammonia and phosphate by C. vulgaris were 4.12 and 1.75 mg L?1 day?1, respectively, at 5% CO2/air supply. From kinetic study data, it was found that the specific rates of phosphate utilization (q phsophate) by C. vulgaris and S. obliquus at 5% CO2/air supply were 1.98 and 2.11 day?1, respectively. Scale-up estimation of a reactor removing phosphate (the criteria pollutant) from 50 MLD wastewater influent was also done.  相似文献   
钢管脐带缆包含多种螺旋缠绕的功能单元,其在外力载荷下会发生相对运动,而且钢管的刚度较大对扭转平衡有重要影响,因此,相对于普通电缆,钢管脐带缆在扭转平衡设计时更加困难。根据扭转平衡理论公式,采用控制变量法,以第二层铠装钢丝的绞合角度为变量进行扭转平衡设计。首先建立脐带缆缆芯有限元模型,对其施加拉伸载荷,结果显示缆芯出现了扭转,这证明不能将脐带缆缆芯视为一实心圆柱。其次建立不同绞合角度的脐带缆有限元模型,设置各功能单元的材料属性和摩擦系数,分析模型在拉伸载荷下的扭转角度,并将相同拉伸载荷下的扭转角度拟合为直线,从而得到钢管脐带缆在扭转平衡状态时的最优绞合角度。最后,采用试验方法对实物钢管脐带缆进行扭转平衡测试,测试结果显示在拉伸载荷下脐带缆单位长度扭转角度十分微小,这表明缆是扭转平衡的。因此验证了使用的有限元方法在钢管脐带缆扭转平衡设计中的有效性。  相似文献   
Mineral magnetic analysis including thermo-magnetic studies and clay mineralogy on bed load and floodplain sediments from the Godavari river indicate distinct mineral assemblages. The floodplain sediments up to the delta region are characterised by unimodal ferrimagnetic mineralogy marked by the presence of maghemite and single domain magnetites derived from Deccan basalts. On the other hand the bed loads show varied magnetic mineral assemblages depicting greater local mixing from the non-basaltic bedrock province. The temperature dependent magnetic susceptibility and clay mineralogy of the floodplain samples show titanomagnetites (Fe3O4-Fe2TiO4), maghemite (χ LF-Fe2O3) and smectite that are characteristic of the Deccan Volcanic Province (DVP). Presence of this ferrimagnetically dominant unimodal assemblage up to the delta region and probably into the Bay of Bengal off the Godavari river is attributed to extensive chemical weathering of the basalt. The quantitative approach of mineral magnetism, therefore, can be used to study the paleomonsoon variability and its relation to Deccan basalt weathering from the Godavari-Bengal fan system.  相似文献   
潘广灿  张金来 《探矿工程》2005,32(9):20-21,24
结合国家现行勘察与设计规范,分析了岩土工程勘察与设计工作中若干易出现的问题,并提出了一些解决问题的个人看法。  相似文献   
Column measurements of nitric oxide were made using several techniques during the MAP/GLOBUS campaign in France in September 1985. The data sets are nearly co-located and simultaneous, therefore allowing a valid intercomparison of the various measurement methods. The range of altitudes sampled differs from instrument to instrument. This complicates the comparison because the data sets are to some extent complementary. The NO distributions apparently vary significantly from day to day, and possibly over shorter timescales. Changes in dynamics may be responsible for these variations. The results from the instruments which measure in the infrared and the ultraviolet are self-consistent, and show good agreement with photochemical predictions. On 19 September, when the intercomparison was made, the profile measured by the in-situ chemiluminescent instrument differed significantly from the predicted profile, and the measured columns were generally higher.  相似文献   
对"FY-2C"卫星云图部分产品的生成原理及特点作了简要说明;通过对其在局地雷阵雨、对流性强降水及稳定性降水天气过程的分析应用,说明了TBB、云导风、OLR、6小时雨量估计等资料在天气发生前、过程中的分布及移动变化特征;探讨了"FY-2C"云图导出产品在场区天气分析和预报中的应用前景.  相似文献   
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