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Long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas), Risso's dolphins (Grampus griseus), melon-headed whales (Peponocephala electra), Cuvier's beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris), Sowerby's beaked whales (Mesoplodon bidens), northern bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus), sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus), dwarf sperm whales (Kogia sima) and pygmy sperm whales (Kogia breviceps) make up the large community of deep-diving odontocetes occurring off the Bay of Biscay, northeast Atlantic. The ecology of these toothed cetaceans is poorly documented worldwide. The present study described their prey preferences from stomach content analysis and showed resource partitioning within the assemblage. The majority of the species appeared to be mostly teutophageous. Fish was an important food source only for the Sowerby's beaked whale and, to a lesser extent, for the long-finned pilot whale. In terms of foraging habitats inferred from prey composition, either pelagic oceanic or demersal neritic habitats were exploited by toothed whales in the Bay of Biscay, with only the long-finned pilot whale foraging in the two habitats. Finally, with more than 14,000 identified cephalopods from 39 species, the present study highlighted also the poorly known deep-sea cephalopod community off the Bay of Biscay using top predators as biological samplers.  相似文献   
We have measured with an electron microprobe the Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Ti, Mn, and Fe contents of five strongly heated stony cosmic spherules (sCS) from the South Pole water well. We have also measured the isotopic compositions of Si, and when possible of Mg and of Fe in these objects by ion microprobe. Except for iron, the measured elemental compositions are chondritic within a factor of 2. In four samples, the ratio of 57Fe/56Fe exceeds the terrestrial value by 3.5‰ to 48‰. Mass-dependent fractionation of the isotopes of Si ranges from ∼2 to ∼8 ‰/AMU in three samples. Mg is clearly fractionated in only one sample, for which δ25Mg = ∼8 ‰. The extent of mass-dependent fractionation of the isotopes and, by implication, of evaporative loss generally follows a trend Mg < Si < Fe. The trend is similar to that found in laboratory heating experiments of charges with solar composition. Although the observed isotopic inhomogeneities within some samples call into question the strict validity of the Rayleigh equation for the sCS, its approximate application to our new and to previously published results for Mg suggests that evaporative losses of greater than 40 wt.% occur rarely from sCS, and that the precursor grains of the sCS had a CM-carbonaceous-chondrite-like complement of Mg, Si, Ca, and Al. Low Fe contents relative to CM abundances could reflect an unusual precursor composition, or, more probably, losses by processes that did not fractionate isotopes, i.e., ejection of immiscible FeS and FeNi beads from the melt or rapid, complete separation and decomposition of FeS at the surface.  相似文献   
Reference Minerals for the Microanalysis of Light Elements   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The quantitative determination of light element concentrations in geological specimens represents a major analytical challenge as the electron probe is generally not suited to this task. With the development of new in situ analytical techniques, and in particular the increasing use of secondary ion mass spectrometry, the routine determination of Li, Be and B contents has become a realistic goal. However, a major obstacle to the development of this research field is the critical dependence of SIMS on the availability of well characterized, homogeneous reference materials that are closely matched in matrix (composition and structure) to the sample being studied. Here we report the first results from a suite of large, gem crystals which cover a broad spectrum of minerals in which light elements are major constituents. We have characterized these materials using both in situ and wet chemical techniques. The samples described here are intended for distribution to geochemical laboratories active in the study of light elements. Further work is needed before reference values for these materials can be finalized, but the availability of this suite of materials represents a major step toward the routine analysis of the light element contents of geological specimens.  相似文献   
Truly multidimensional methods for hyperbolic equations use flow-based information to determine the computational stencil, as opposed to applying one-dimensional methods dimension by dimension. By doing this, the numerical errors are less correlated with the underlying computational grid. This can be important for reducing bias in flow problems that are inherently unstable at simulation scale, such as in certain porous media problems. In this work, a monotone, multi-D framework for multiphase flow and transport in porous media is developed. A local coupling of the fluxes is introduced through the use of interaction regions, resulting in a compact stencil. A relaxed volume formulation of the coupled hyperbolic–elliptic system is used that allows for nonzero residuals in the pressure equation to be handled robustly. This formulation ensures nonnegative masses and saturations (volume fractions) that sum to one (Acs et al., SPE J 25(4):543–553, 1985). Though the focus of the paper is on immiscible flow, an extension of the methods to a class of more general scalar hyperbolic equations is also presented. Several test problems demonstrate that the truly multi-D schemes reduce biasing due to the computational grid.  相似文献   
Seepage rate and chemical composition of groundwater discharge entering the Neuse River Estuary (NRE) were quantified over an annual cycle from July 2005 through June 2006. Lee type seepage meters were deployed at eight locations within the NRE to quantify the amount of submerged groundwater discharge (SGD) entering the system. Sediment porewater nitrate (NO3 ), ammonium (NH4 +), and phosphate (PO4 −3) were also quantified at each of these locations to determine groundwater chemical composition. Seepage rates for the system ranged from 0.004 to 0.035 m3 m−2 d−1. Both the average and median value for the system-wide SGD were 0.01 m3 m−2d−1. There were no significant differences between upstream and downstream seepage rates or between those at the north and south side of the estuary. Seepage rates varied greatly in time and space. Discharging groundwater was NO3 deplete but highly enriched in NH4 +. Porewater PO4 −3 levels varied but were usually present below Redfield values due to NH4 + enrichment. SGD nutrient loading represented a small part of watershed nitrogen and phosphorus loading, 0.8% and 1.0%, respectively.  相似文献   
High-Al gabbro represents one of the latest phases of magmatism in the 1.43 Ga Laramie anorthosite complex (LAC) in southeastern Wyoming. This lithology, which is mineralogically and geochemically the most primitive in the LAC, forms dikes and small intrusions that cross cut monzonitic and anorthositic rocks. High-Al gabbro is characterized by high Al2O3 (15–19 wt%), REE patterns with positive europium anomalies (Eu/Eu*=1.2–3.8), and the lowest initial 87Sr/86Sr (as low as 0.7033) and highest initial Nd (up to +2) in the LAC. Their Sr and Nd isotopic characteristics indicate a mantle origin followed by crustal assimilation during ascent. Intermediate plagioclase (An50–60) and mafic silicate (Fo54–63) compositions suggest that they are not primary mantle melts and that they differentiated prior to final emplacement. High-Al gabbros of the LAC are similar compositionally to gabbros from several other Proterozoic anorthosite complexes, including rocks from the Harp Lake complex and the Hettasch intrusion in Labrador and the Adirondack Mountains of New York. These gabbros are considered to be parental to their associated anorthositic rocks, a theory that is supported by recent experimental work. We interpret LAC high-Al gabbros to represent mantle-derived melts produced by the differentiation of a basaltic magma in an upper mantle chamber. Continued evolution of this magma eventually resulted in the formation of plagioclase-rich diapirs which ascended to mid-crustal levels and formed the anorthositic rocks of the LAC. Because these gabbros intrude the anorthositic rocks, they do not represent directly the magma from which anorthosite crystallized and instead are younger samples of magma formed by identical processes.  相似文献   
Several observational works have attempted to isolate the effects of galaxy interactions by comparing galaxies in pairs with isolated galaxies. However, different authors have proposed different ways to build these so-called control samples (CS). By using mock galaxy catalogues of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 4 buildup from the Millennium Simulation, we explore how the way of building a CS might introduce biases which could affect the interpretation of results. We make use of the fact that the physics of interactions are not included in the semi-analytic model, to infer that any difference between the mock control and pair samples can be ascribed to selection biases. Thus, we find that galaxies in pairs artificially tend to be older and more bulge dominated, and to have less cold gas and different metallicities than their isolated counterparts. Also because of a biased selection, galaxies in pairs tend to live in higher density environments and in haloes of larger masses. We find that imposing constraints on redshift, stellar masses and local densities diminishes the selection biases by  ≈70 per cent  . Based on these findings, we suggest observers how to build a unique and unbiased CS in order to reveal the effect of galaxy interactions.  相似文献   
Cushion plant dominated peatlands are key ecosystems in tropical alpine regions of the Andes in South America. The cushion plants have formed peat bodies over thousands of years that fill many valley bottoms, and the forage produced by the plants is critical for native and nonnative domesticated mammals. The sources and flow paths of water supporting these peatlands remain largely unknown. Some studies have suggested that glacier meltwater streams support some peatlands, and that the ongoing loss of glaciers and their meltwaters could lead to the loss or diminishment of peatlands. We analysed the hydrologic regime of 10 peatlands in four mountain regions of Bolivia and Peru using groundwater monitoring. Groundwater levels in peatlands were relatively stable and within 20 cm of the ground surface during the rainy season, and many sites had water tables 40–90 cm below the ground surface in the dry season. Topographic and groundwater elevations in the peatlands demonstrated that the water source of all 10 peatlands was hillslope groundwater flowing from lateral moraines, talus, colluvium, or bedrock aquifers into the peatlands. There was little to no input from streams, whether derived from glacier melt or other sources, and glacier melt could not have recharged the hillslope aquifers supporting peatlands. We measured the stable water isotopes in water samples taken during different seasons, distributed throughout the catchments, and the values are consistent with this interpretation. Our findings indicate that peatlands in the study region are recharged by hillslope groundwater discharge rather than stream water and may not be as vulnerable to glacial decline as other studies have indicated. However, both glaciers and peatlands are susceptible to changing thermal and precipitation regimes that could affect the persistence of peatlands.  相似文献   
Recent changes along the margins of the Antarctic Peninsula, such as the collapse of the Wilkins Ice Shelf, have highlighted the effects of climatic warming on the Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet (APIS). However, such changes must be viewed in a long-term (millennial-scale) context if we are to understand their significance for future stability of the Antarctic ice sheets. To address this, we present nine new cosmogenic 10Be exposure ages from sites on NW Alexander Island and Rothschild Island (adjacent to the Wilkins Ice Shelf) that provide constraints on the timing of thinning of the Alexander Island ice cap since the last glacial maximum. All but one of the 10Be ages are in the range 10.2–21.7 ka, showing a general trend of progressive ice-sheet thinning since at least 22 ka until 10 ka. The data also provide a minimum estimate (490 m) for ice-cap thickness on NW Alexander Island at the last glacial maximum. Cosmogenic 3He ages from a rare occurrence of mantle xenoliths on Rothschild Island yield variable ages up to 46 ka, probably reflecting exhumation by periglacial processes.  相似文献   
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