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The influence of sunlight and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) on the photochemically mediated cycling of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was investigated in rainwater samples collected in Wilmington, North Carolina USA. Upon exposure to simulated sunlight 14 of 19 authentic rainwater samples exhibited significant decreases in H2O2. The concentration of hydrogen peroxide did not change significantly in organic-free synthetic rainwater spiked with H2O2 in the light or in dark controls suggesting that the loss was not due to direct photolysis or dark mediated reactions. There was a significant correlation between pseudo-first order rate constants of H2O2 decay and initial H2O2 concentrations. There was also a significant correlation between the rate constant and the abundance of DOC suggesting that rainwater organic carbon plays an important role during photolytic decay either via direct reaction or indirectly through production of peroxide reactive species or scavenging of peroxide generating radicals. Several rain samples exhibited an initial increase in H2O2 during the first 2 h of irradiation. These increases were generally small and most likely do not represent a significant input of peroxide in precipitation. The photo-induced destruction of H2O2 is important because it may partly explain the late afternoon decrease of peroxide concentrations observed in earlier field studies and the substantial under saturation (<10%) of this oxidant in rainwater compared with gas phase concentrations.  相似文献   
Seven sequential starter values for solving Kepler’s equation are proposed for fast orbit propagation. The proposed methods have constant complexity (not iterative), do not require pre-computed data, and can be implemented in just a few lines of code. The resulting sequential orbit propagation techniques can be done at different levels of accuracy and speed, depending essentially on the value of orbit eccentricity. Accuracy and algorithmic complexity are evaluated for all the proposed approaches and compared with several existing single-point techniques to solve Kepler’s equation. The new methods obtain improved accuracy at lower computational cost as compared to the best existing methods.  相似文献   
Time Series Data Server (TSDS) is a software package for implementing a server that provides fast super-setting, sub-setting, filtering, and uniform gridding of time series-like data. TSDS was developed to respond quickly to requests for long time spans of data. Data may be served from a fast database, typically created by aggregating granules (e.g., data files) from a remote data source and storing them in a local cache that is optimized for serving time series. The system was designed specifically for time series data, and is optimized for requests where the longest dimension of the requested data structure is time. Scalar, vector, and spectrogram time series types are supported. The user can interact with the server by requesting a time series, a date range, and an optional filter to apply to the data. Available filters include strides, block average/minimum/maximum, exclude, and inequality. Constraint expressions are supported, which allow such operations as a request for data from one time series when a different time series satisfied a specified relationship. TSDS builds upon DAP (Data Access Protocol), NcML (netCDF Mark-up language) and related software libraries. In this work, we describe the current design of this server, as well as planned features and potential implementation strategies.  相似文献   
Climate change in the twenty-first century will strongly affect the processes that define natural and human systems. The Washington Climate Change Impacts Assessment (WACCIA) was intended to identify the nature and effects of climate change on natural and human resources in Washington State over the next century. The assessment focused on eight sectors that were identified as being potentially most climate sensitive: agriculture, energy, salmon, urban stormwater infrastructure, forests, human health, coasts, and water resources. Most of these sectors are sensitive in one way or another to water availability. While water is generally abundant in the state under current climate conditions, its availability is highly variable in space and time, and these variations are expected to change as the climate warms. Here we summarize the results of the WACCIA and identify uncertainties and common mechanisms that relate many of the impacts. We also address cross-sectoral sensitivities, vulnerabilities, and adaptation strategies.  相似文献   
Capacity building has been a much promoted principle of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) since its advent beginning in the 1970’s. Although the concept of capacity building includes human resource development, organizational development and institutional and legal framework development, in practice it has often become focussed on the transfer of technical knowledge and procedures to managers and decision makers. The effect of this is often to emphasise and promote sectoral approaches rather than a holistic one as advocated by ICZM. Experiences gained during the EU Intereg IIIB COREPOINT project led to the development of a training programme that progressively reduced its formal lecture-style content and increased opportunity for discussion and delegate participation. It also produced a more uniform and systematic style and structure to presentations, in particular the case studies illustrating the eight EU ICZM principles of best practice, and embedded the ICZM principles and European perspectives of coastal management within the context of the work environment.This paper reviews methods for practitioner-oriented capacity building, and details the evolution of a training course to sensitise and familiarise coastal practitioners with the principles and practices of ICZM, working from local to national to trans-national scales. The lessons learnt from the ICZM capacity development in COREPOINT are identified and it is suggested that these are relevant and applicable to many other ICZM initiatives.  相似文献   
The Mallery Lake area contains pristine examples of ancient precious metal-bearing low-sulfidation epithermal deposits. The deposits are hosted by rhyolitic flows of the Early Proterozoic Pitz Formation, but are themselves apparently of Middle Proterozoic age. Gold mineralization occurs in stockwork quartz veins that cut the rhyolites, and highest gold grades (up to 24 g/t over 30 cm) occur in the Chalcedonic Stockwork Zone. Quartz veining occurs in two main types: barren A veins, characterized by fine- to coarse-grained comb quartz, with fluorite, calcite, and/or adularia; and mineralized B veins, characterized by banded chalcedonic silica and fine-grained quartz, locally intergrown with fine-grained gold or electrum. A third type of quartz vein (C), which crosscuts B veins at one locality, is characterized by microcrystalline quartz intergrown with fine-grained hematite and rare electrum. Fluid inclusions in the veins occur in two distinct assemblages. Assemblage 1 inclusions represent a moderate temperature (Th=150 to 220 °C), low salinity (~1 eq. wt% NaCl, with trace CO2), locally boiling fluid; this fluid type is found in both A and B veins and is thought to have been responsible for Au-Ag transport and deposition. Assemblage 2 inclusions represent a lower temperature (Th=90 to 150 °C), high salinity calcic brine (23 to 31 wt% CaCl2-NaCl), which occurs as primary inclusions only in the barren A veins. Assemblage 1 and 2 inclusions occur in alternating quartz growth bands in the A-type veins, where they appear to represent alternating fluxes of dilute fluid and local saline groundwater. No workable primary fluid inclusions were observed in the C veins. The A-vein quartz yields '18O values from 8.3 to 14.5‰ (average=10.9ǃ.7‰ [1C], n=30), whereas '18O values for B-vein quartz range from 11.2 to 14.0‰ (average=13.0ǂ.9‰, n=12). Calculated '18OH2O values for the dilute mineralizing fluid from B veins range from -2.6 to 0.2‰ (average=-0.8ǂ.9‰, n=12) and are consistent with a dominantly meteoric origin. No values could be calculated for the brine, however, because all A-vein quartz samples contain mixed fluid inclusion populations. However, the fact that A-vein quartz samples extend to lower '18O values than the B veins suggests that the brine had a lighter isotopic signature relative to the dilute fluid. Hydrogen isotopic ratios of fluid inclusion waters extracted from eleven quartz samples of both vein types range from 'DFI=-56 to -134‰, but show no particular correlation with vein type. In most respects, the mineralogical and fluid characteristics of the Mallery Lake system are comparable to those of Phanerozoic low-sulfidation deposits, and although the presence of high salinity brines is unusual in such deposits, it is not unknown (e.g., Creede, Colorado). In addition, one of the few other examples of well-preserved, Precambrian, low-sulfidation epithermal deposits, from the Central Pilbara tectonic zone, Australia, contains a similarly bimodal fluid assemblage. The significance of these saline brines is not clear, but from this study we infer that they were not directly involved with Au-Ag transport or deposition.  相似文献   
This article addresses the need to better understand the complex interactions between climate, human activities, vegetation responses, and surface ozone so that more informed air‐quality policy recommendations can be made. The impacts of intraseasonal climate variations on ozone levels in Tucson, Arizona from April through September of 1995 to 1998 are determined by relating variations in ozone levels to variations in atmospheric conditions and emissions of ozone's precursor chemicals, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), and by determining month‐specific atmospheric conditions that are conducive to elevated ozone levels. Results show that the transport of ozone and its precursor chemicals within the Tucson area causes the highest ozone levels to be measured at a downwind monitor. The highest ozone levels occur in August, due in part to the presence of the North American monsoon. Atmospheric conditions conducive to elevated ozone concentrations differ substantially between the arid foresummer (May and June) and the core monsoon months ( July and August). Transport of pollution from Phoenix may have a substantial impact on elevated ozone concentrations during April, May, and June, while El Paso/Ciudad Juarez –derived pollution may contribute significantly to elevated ozone concentrations in August and September. Two broad policy implications derive from this work. Regional pollutant transport, both within the U.S. and between the U.S. and Mexico, is a potential issue that needs to be examined more intensively in future studies. In addition, spatiotemporal variations in sensitivities of ozone production require the adoption of both NOx and VOC control measures to reduce ozone levels in the Tucson area.  相似文献   
Seismic velocities have been measured as a function of confining pressure to 8 kbar for crustal xenoliths from the Moses Rock Dike and Mule Ear Diatreme, two kimberlite pipes on the Colorado Plateau. Rock types measured include rhyolite, granite, diorite, metasedimentary schists and gneisses, mafic amphibolites and granulites. Many of our samples have been hydrothermally altered to greenschist facies mineral assemblages during transport to the earth's surface. The velocity of compressional waves measured on altered amphibolites and granulites are too low by 0.1–0.3 km/s for such rock types to be characteristic of deep crustal levels. A direct correlation exists between progressive alteration and the presence of microcracks extending into the xenoliths from the kimberlitic host rock. Velocities of pristine samples are compatible with existing velocity profiles for the Colorado Plateau and we conclude that the crust at depths greater than 15 km has probably not undergone a greenschist facies metamorphic event. The xenolith suite reflects a crustal profile similar to that exposed in the Ivrea-Verbano and Strona-Ceneri zones in northern Italy.  相似文献   
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