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Multiscale finite-volume method for density-driven flow in porous media   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The multiscale finite-volume (MSFV) method has been developed to solve multiphase flow problems on large and highly heterogeneous domains efficiently. It employs an auxiliary coarse grid, together with its dual, to define and solve a coarse-scale pressure problem. A set of basis functions, which are local solutions on dual cells, is used to interpolate the coarse-grid pressure and obtain an approximate fine-scale pressure distribution. However, if flow takes place in presence of gravity (or capillarity), the basis functions are not good interpolators. To treat this case correctly, a correction function is added to the basis function interpolated pressure. This function, which is similar to a supplementary basis function independent of the coarse-scale pressure, allows for a very accurate fine-scale approximation. In the coarse-scale pressure equation, it appears as an additional source term and can be regarded as a local correction to the coarse-scale operator: It modifies the fluxes across the coarse-cell interfaces defined by the basis functions. Given the closure assumption that localizes the pressure problem in a dual cell, the derivation of the local problem that defines the correction function is exact, and no additional hypothesis is needed. Therefore, as in the original MSFV method, the only closure approximation is the localization assumption. The numerical experiments performed for density-driven flow problems (counter-current flow and lock exchange) demonstrate excellent agreement between the MSFV solutions and the corresponding fine-scale reference solutions.  相似文献   
In order to facilitate the understanding of the geological evolution of the Kalahari Craton and its relation to South America, the provenance of the first large-scale cratonic cover sequence of the craton, namely the Ordovician to Carboniferous Cape Supergroup was studied through geochemical analyses of the siliciclastics, and age determinations of detrital zircon. The Cape Supergroup comprises mainly quartz-arenites and a Hirnantian tillite in the basal Table Mountain Group, subgreywackes and mudrocks in the overlying Bokkeveld Group, while siltstones, interbedded shales and quartz-arenites are typical for the Witteberg Group at the top of the Cape Supergroup. Palaeocurrent analyses indicate transport of sediment mainly from northerly directions, off the interior of the Kalahari Craton with subordinate transport from a westerly source in the southwestern part of the basin near Cape Town. Geochemical provenance data suggest mainly sources from passive to active continental margin settings. The reconnaissance study of detrital zircons reveals a major contribution of Mesoproterozoic sources throughout the basin, reflecting the dominance of the Namaqua-Natal Metamorphic Belt, situated immediately north of the preserved strata of Cape Supergroup, as a source with Archaean-aged zircons being extremely rare. We interpret the Namaqua-Natal Metamorphic Belt to have been a large morphological divide at the time of deposition of the Cape Supergroup that prevented input of detrital zircons from the interior early Archaean Kaapvaal cratonic block of the Kalahari Craton. Neoproterozoic and Cambrian zircons are abundant and reflect the basement geology of the outcrops of Cape strata. Exposures close to Cape Town must have received sediment from a cratonic fragment that was situated off the Kalahari Craton to the west and that has subsequently drifted away. This cratonic fragment predominantly supplied Meso- to Neoproterozoic, and Cambrian-aged zircon grains in addition to minor Silurian to Lower Devonian zircons and very rare Archaean (2.5?Ga) and late Palaeoproterozoic (1.8-2.0?Ga) ones. No Siluro-Devonian source has yet been identified on the Kalahari Craton, but there are indications for such a source in southern Patagonia. Palaeozoic successions in eastern Argentina carry a similar detrital zircon population to that found here, including evidence of a Silurian to Lower Devonian magmatic event. The Kalahari and Río de la Plata Cratons were thus in all likelihood in close proximity until at least the Carboniferous.  相似文献   
Aquifer geochemistry was characterized at a field site in the Munshiganj district of Bangladesh where the groundwater is severely contaminated by As. Vertical profiles of aqueous and solid phase parameters were measured in a sandy deep aquifer (depth >150 m) below a thick confining clay (119 to 150 m), a sandy upper aquifer (3.5 to 119 m) above this confining layer, and a surficial clay layer (<3.5 m). In the deep aquifer and near the top of the upper aquifer, aqueous As levels are low (<10 μg/L), but aqueous As approaches a maximum of 640 μg/L at a depth of 30 to 40 m and falls to 58 μg/L near the base (107 m) of the upper aquifer. In contrast, solid phase As concentrations are uniformly low, rarely exceeding 2 μg/g in the two sandy aquifers and never exceeding 10 μg/g in the clay layers. Solid phase As is also similarly distributed among a variety of reservoirs in the deep and upper aquifer, including adsorbed As, As coprecipitated in solids leachable by mild acids and reductants, and As incorporated in silicates and other more recalcitrant phases. One notable difference among depths is that sorbed As loads, considered with respect to solid phase Fe extractable with 1 N HCl, 0.2 M oxalic acid, and a 0.5 M Ti(III)-citrate-EDTA solution, appear to be at capacity at depths where aqueous As is highest; this suggests that sorption limitations may, in part, explain the aqueous As depth profile at this site. Competition for sorption sites by silicate, phosphate, and carbonate oxyanions appear to sustain elevated aqueous As levels in the upper aquifer. Furthermore, geochemical profiles are consistent with the hypothesis that past or ongoing reductive dissolution of Fe(III) oxyhydroxides acts synergistically with competitive sorption to maintain elevated dissolved As levels in the upper aquifer. Microprobe data indicate substantial spatial comapping between As and Fe in both the upper and deep aquifer sediments, and microscopic observations reveal ubiquitous Fe coatings on most solid phases, including quartz, feldspars, and aluminosilicates. Extraction results and XRD analysis of density/magnetic separates suggest that these coatings may comprise predominantly Fe(II) and mixed valence Fe solids, although the presence of Fe(III) oxyhydroxides can not be ruled out. These data suggest As release may continue to be linked to dissolution processes targeting Fe, or Fe-rich, phases in these aquifers.  相似文献   
Supplementary contour lines are placed between regular contour lines to visualize small but important forms that regular contour lines are unable to show. On topographic maps, typical forms are hillcrests, depressions, saddles, terraces, banks, and levees. No automated method for the selection of supplementary contour lines has been described so far. We document cartographic design principles for the selection of supplementary contour lines for topographic maps, and present an automated method for their placement. Results of the automated method are similar to manually placed supplementary contour lines. Our method helps map authors to create contour line maps that more effectively illustrate relevant small details in maps showing terrain elevation or other scalar fields.  相似文献   
Near-annual landscape-scale fires in Indonesia's peatlands have caused severe air pollution, economic losses, and health impacts for millions of Southeast Asia residents. While the extent of fires across the peatland surface has been widely attributed to widespread peatland drainage for plantation agriculture, fires that transition from surface into sub-surface soil-based fires are the source of the most dangerous air pollution. Yet the mechanisms by which this transition occurs have rarely been considered, particularly in diversely managed landscapes. Integrating physical geography methods, including active fire scene evaluations and hydrological monitoring, with qualitative methods such as retrospective fire scene evaluations and semi-structured interviews, this article discusses how and why sub-surface peat fire transition occurs in an intensively altered peatland ecosystem in Indonesia's Central Kalimantan province. We demonstrate that variable water table levels and flammable surface vegetation (fire fuels) are co-produced socio-political and biophysical phenomena that enable the conditions in which surface fire is likely to transition into peat fire and increase landscape vulnerability to ongoing, uncontrollable annual fires. This localized understanding of peat fire transition counters normative causal narratives of tropical fire such as ‘slash-and-burn’, with implications for the management of new fire regimes in inhabited landscapes.  相似文献   
Four phases of cross‐cutting tunnel valleys imaged on 3‐D seismic datasets are mapped within the Middle–Late Pleistocene succession of the central North Sea basin (Witch Ground area). In plan the tunnel valleys form complex anastomosing networks, with tributary valleys joining main valleys at high angles. The valleys have widths ranging from 250 to 2300 m, and base to shoulder relief varying between 30 and 155 m, with irregular long‐axis profiles characteristic of erosion by water driven by glaciostatic pressures. The youngest phase of tunnel valleys are smaller and have a thinner infill than the older generations. The fill of the larger valleys comprises three seismic facies, the lowermost of which has high amplitudes and is discontinuous. The middle facies consists of wedge‐shaped packages of low‐angle dipping reflectors and is overlain by a facies characterised by sub‐horizontal reflectors, which onlap the valley margins. The seismic character, and comparison with lithologies identified in other northwest European Pleistocene tunnel valleys both onshore and offshore, suggests that the lower two seismic facies are most likely sand and gravel‐dominated, while the uppermost facies consists of glaciolacustrine and marine muds. The 3‐D morphology of the valley margins combined with the geometry of the infill packages suggest that episodic discharge of subglacial meltwater was responsible for incising the valleys and depositing at least some of the infill. Proglacial glaciofluvial deposits are inferred to account for some of the fill overlying the subglacial deposits. Glaciolacustrine and marine muds filled remaining valley topography as the ice sheet retreated. The preserved valley margins are shown to be time‐transgressive erosion surfaces that record changes in geometry of the tunnel valley system as it evolved through time, implying that valleys associated with each ice‐sheet advance/retreat cycle were dynamic and probably long‐lived. Within the constraints of the existing stratigraphy the oldest tunnel valleys in the Witch Ground area of the central North Sea are most likely to be Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 12 (Elsterian, ca. 470 ka) in age and the youngest pre‐MIS 5e (last interglacial, ca. 120 ka). If each tunnel valley phase was formed during the retreat of a major ice sheet then four glaciations with ice coverage of the central North Sea are recorded in the pre‐Weichselian, Middle–Late Pleistocene stratigraphy. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Force-directed layout of origin-destination flow maps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper introduces a force-directed layout method for creating origin-destination flow maps. Design principles derived from manual cartography and automated graph drawing to increase readability of flow maps and graph layouts are taken into account. The origin-destination flow maps produced with our algorithm show flows with quadratic Bézier curves that reduce flow-on-flow and flow-on-node overlaps, and avoid sharp or irregular bends in flow lines. A survey of expert cartographers found that flow maps created with our automated method are similar in quality to manually produced flow maps.  相似文献   
SPICES (Spectro-Polarimetric Imaging and Characterization of Exoplanetary Systems) is a five-year M-class mission proposed to ESA Cosmic Vision. Its purpose is to image and characterize long-period extrasolar planets and circumstellar disks in the visible (450?C900 nm) at a spectral resolution of about 40 using both spectroscopy and polarimetry. By 2020/2022, present and near-term instruments will have found several tens of planets that SPICES will be able to observe and study in detail. Equipped with a 1.5 m telescope, SPICES can preferentially access exoplanets located at several AUs (0.5?C10?AU) from nearby stars (<25 pc) with masses ranging from a few Jupiter masses to Super Earths (??2 Earth radii, ??10 M??) as well as circumstellar disks as faint as a few times the zodiacal light in the Solar System.  相似文献   
We demonstrate that the use of long-offset seismic data allows wide-angle reflections and diving waves to be recorded, and that these can be used in conjunction with prestack depth migrations to constrain and to image the base of the basalt flows and the underlying structure in the Faeroe-Shetland Basin. Crustal velocity models are built first by inverting the traveltimes of the recorded reflections and diving waves using ray-tracing methods. Finer details of the velocity structure can then be refined by analysis of the amplitudes and waveforms of the arrivals. We show that prestack depth migration of selected wide-angle arrivals of known origin, such as the base-basalt reflection, using the crustal velocity model, allows us to build a composite image of the structure down to the pre-rift basement. This has the advantage that the wide-angle first-arriving energy must be primary, and not from one of the many multiples or mode-converted phases that plague near-offset seismic data. This allows us to ‘tag’ these primary arrivals with confidence and then to identify the same arrivals on higher-resolution prestack migrations that include data from all offsets. Examples are drawn from the Faeroe-Shetland Basin, with a series of regional maps of the entire area showing the basalt depths and the thickness of the basalt flows and underlying sediment down to the top of the pre-rift basement. The maps show how the basalts thin to the southeast away from their presumed source west of the present Faeroe Islands, and also show the extent to which the structure of the pre-rift basement controls the considerable variations in sediment thickness between the basement and the cap formed by the overlying basalt flows.  相似文献   
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